Parents put their children on punishment and they punish them for bad behavior but the punishment is intended to motivate better behavior. He was standing there, facing a TV monitor. Revelation 12:9 tells us that the devil deceives the WHOLE WORLD and if the whole world is susceptible to such deception, then there must be enough deception available in the world for the whole world to be deceived by it. This is for those who are serious about media. Of course I do, Revelation 11:15 Then the seventh angel sounded: And there were loud voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever!, This verse tells us that He Christ shall reign forever and ever which is the same phrase translated in Revelation 14:11 but does Christ really reign forever and ever? Mr. Miyagi says, there are no bad students only bad teachers and while I only agree to that statement in part, it certainly applies to David. He had that look on his face that says I am looking for a volunteer. A popular and charismatic evangelist, David is also a healing minister, author, and TV host. A rising voice of healing, Hernandez is a unique and emerging spiritual leader, called to take God's saving and healing power to this generation. David then quotes Matthew 10:28 to argue his next point; Matthew 10:28 Dont be afraid of those who want to kill your body; they cannot touch your soul. The scripture he claims that supposedly gives us deeper insight into an afterlife is none other than the scripture in Deuteronomy that condemns the sin of necromancy or communicating with the dead. You shall not surely die so Davids teaching is clearly in line with what the serpent proclaims instead of what God proclaims. Eventually, I committed to that ministry. Fear only God, who can destroy both soul and body in hell (Gehenna). I could feel the forces of Heaven and Hell battling over me. He says that hell get criticized and that no one has ever been able to come up with a good explanation for his interpretation of Luke 16. I just began to talk to him as the Holy Spirit led. Pastor David, I feel that you are an anointed servant of God, and thanks to God for your zeal, love, and desire for Him. Samuel DIED and went down to the grave and according to Job 7:9, he does NOT come up. Heaven has nothing to do with hell and its certainly not the opposite of hell. Be Magnified - Don Moen. We are talking about BILLIONS upon BILLIONS of people including mothers, fathers, aunts, uncles, grandparents, children, cousins, nieces, nephews, grandchildren, and a host of other extended family members. Yet again, another Man of God worth over a million dollars. It is amazing how some people can have such courage at a young age. There are kings who have slaves and servants in the Bible. Hell is a Christian lie and the fact that you believe that its real only proves to me that you are incapable of rightly dividing the word of truth. So, all angels do not have to be heavenly messengers and there is NO place in the bible that says that the devil has messengers that come from heaven. The Book of Acts is a narrative about the birth and growth of the early Church. Again, there is NO slack in calling God, the Eonian God or the God of the Ages for God created the ages and God is God in all ages. David Diga Hernandez is an evangelist, healing minister, author, and host of Encounter TV. If we translate the Hebrew word as it is supposed to be translated which is AGE-LASTING, those who are wise will rise to AGE-LASTING life and THEY will be the ones leading MANY to righteousness when the they later rise to AGE-LASTING judgment (shame and disgrace). David says that God exists outside of time and I dont necessarily disagree with that statement by itself, however, I thought according to David that the CONTEXT DICTATES MEANING.. Well, David, it would appear that you have taken Psalm 90:2 COMPLETELY out of context if your interpretation is referring to God existing outside of time. Look at this picture This is a picture of the Greek interlinear of Romans 16:25 taken from Strongs Exhaustive Concordance on the Blue Letter Bible website, a source that David himself quotes in his sermon. And how wonderfully His power did flow. 14 min; FEB 6, 2023; Praying with God's Authority Praying with God's Authority. But for us, it has to be achievable. I told her to make sure you are only going through Gods word with everything I hear you talk about the holy spirit all the time what about Jesus. How can David and all of Christianity believe they are saved when they dont even believe that Jesus Christ was even dead? If you Google Tarturus, you will see a bunch of information about this word and how it comes from GREEK MYTHOLOGY! Fire purifies metals and precious stones so whatever Gehenna is referring to, it is to burn out the dross in our lives and not us literally. There was no egocentric motive. In the first section, he proclaims that the early church fathers supported the modern teaching of a literal conscious hell but David is quite ignorant and irresponsible in his research. God knows what he is doing and WHY he is doing it. We ask this through Christ our Lord. My intellect was curious to understand the philosophy and cosmic ability of Jesus. David quotes Matthew 18:8, Matthew 25:31-33, and Matthew 25:41 to justify the Christian heresy of the belief in literal everlasting fire. They didnt get it and neither does David because he is as blind as the Pharisees were during Christs days on the earth. All glory to God! Thank you Pastor David for your teachings about the Holy Spirit. I watch you on TV all the time. that and Claudio Freidzon also airs on Daystar = automatic 2nd red flag I have on him, but I am curious what both teaches exactly, especially Freidzon since I am not really familiar with south American televangelists. Dr. Strongs religious opinion doesnt automatically equate to truth. King Solomon was the richest king of Israel and also a mighty man of God, as was his father David. 2 5.1 Probabilidad y mtodos de conteo (Valor 55 puntos) Instrucciones: En esta tarea, se trabajar con la introduccin a la probabilidad. David Diga Hernandez, Encountering the Holy Spirit in Every Book of the Bible 0 likes Like "The key to receiving this daily, fresh empowering of the Holy Spirit is to think in terms of moments. Who is the Restrainer? David Jeremiah WHO IS DR. DAVID JEREMIAH? The company is going under but the CEO says he has a plan to save the company. Thank you David for the love you have for God and for reaching out to people all over the world. Amen! in the grave. Spanking a child for more than a minute or two is borderline child abuse for the point of spanking to begin with is to eliminate undesirable behavior. I tried to be open but was already set up negatively. We are now in preparing to launch the next phase of Encounter TV. Now, even if we are redeemed, I think God says there is still a price to be paid for our sin. David now lives in Cerritos, California, but spent most of his childhood in Hawthorne. That would be a pure, Godly thing to do, wouldnt it? Very Good. The following are some of his books. Was the sacrifice that Jesus made on the cross not sufficient? Amazing preacher, so much wisdom! In fact, to this day I still battle depression. I thought that some might find it a bit pretentious. David then goes on to teach that the Hebrew and Greek words for age can sometimes mean ages or time periods but then he also suggests that these same words can also mean eternity or periods of unending time. I would often display the wrong slide or mistype a word. He started seeking Jesus on Christian Tv programs, and in the Bible. For all bad you see in me, give me grace. Is there an expiration on this scripture? Very simply put, the rich man died and he was buried and where do dead people go? Last edited: May 27, 2015. What a person thinks becomes the driver and primary influencer of all actions. There is NO literal gate. In fact, we have a scripture that TOTALLY contradicts the teaching of going to heaven. The word translated as soul in this verse comes from the Greek word psych and it is properly translated in a number of other bible verses as the word LIFE. Understand? I seriously do not understand why you keep using that spurious word. I cannot believe that Davids listeners are so easily fooled by such square circles logic. Know one can serve two masters, Jesus said it and it is true. I watched, as he prophesied over people and prayed for the sick. If David Diga Hernandez in this erning range, website estimates that David Diga Hernandez earns $12.89 thousand in 30 days, sum $193.31 thousand a year. "You're a false prophet!". It is unbelievable and unimaginable that this man is in a position of leadership and I feel sorry for his puppets for he is leading them far down the road of deception and destruction. You dont get the idea of hell. Here is what you need to know about this passage of scripture, Saul is disobedient to God and God has cut him off. Jesus NEVER literally preached to spirits in some pagan afterlife. (LogOut/ The first Miracle Service I ever preached was July 18th. David travels both domestically and internationally and his TV show (Encounter TV) is available in millions of homes globally. David has two siblings: Raquel and his younger brother Michael. You can only fill a cup so much before it begins to overflow. 2 Corinthians 2:5God loves you very much. If Gods initial intent was for man to be obedient, then God sure set that stage for man to fail. He says, Its not the length of time you spend committing a crime that matters but rather its the level of evil in the crime you commit. I look forward to becoming a healing revivalist that will carry the burning touch of God all the days of his and also impact peoples lives. Instead of dividing people with the gospel, you might try uniting them. Although David travels the world, he likes to serve his local church when he is at home. Encountering the Holy Spirit in Every Book of the Bible, How to Become a Friend of the Holy Spirit: A Featuring Teaching, Praying in the Holy Spirit: Secrets to Igniting and Sustaining a Lifestyle of Effective Prayer, David Funk, Wikipedia, Bio, Age, Wife, Bethel, Music, Becket Cook, Wikipedia, Bio, Age, Wife, Family, Church. May God bless you and your family. Tuesday, 28 February 2023 06:32. The bible translators changed sheol and hades which means the grave to hell. STOP SCROLLING!!! Most of the time, the healings took place right on the spot, in view of everyone. The correct translation of forever and ever in Revelation 14:11 is ages of the ages which essentially means AS LONG AS NECESSARY Do I have another witness to back up my claim that the phrase forever and ever actually means ages of the ages? Monday, 27 February 2023 04:58. I didnt even get to finish my next sentence. John 3:13 No one has ascended into heaven, but He who descended from heaven: the Son of Man. Shortly after preaching my first sermon, a matter of days, I began to receive. In this e-course, David Diga Hernandez will give you both the practical and the spiritual tools you need to become fruitful in the ministry God has entrusted to you. But if God didnt send them, who did? The ministry's weekly TV program, Encounter TV, is available in millions of homes globally and features highlights from David's Miracle Services. Impressive bio! Jesus said, If you will be perfect, sell what you have, give to the poor and come, follow me. For David to suggest that a word that means an age can also mean a period of time that is also eternal is like saying we can wait for an everlasting minute. Why do you think God says there is still a price to be paid for our sin? Several year ago, David posted a video titled, A Demonic and Dangerous Heresy that is Spreading like a Virus however, that video is no longer posted on his channel. What do the scriptures say? David travels both domestically and internationally and his TV show (Encounter TV) is available in millions of home globally. I leaped at the opportunity. For all who do these things are an abomination to the Lord, and because of these abominations the Lord your God drives them out from before you. I dont remember the exact wording, but I remember what the message was. But I dont think it will be because of any of our words, it will be because the Word has finally come down to live with us. The Lord and I are just getting started, barely scratching the surface of this ministry. He was challenging those who have a love of money, not those who love and serve God! Either the bible is contradictory therefore making it unreliable, or the Hebrew word `owlam doesnt mean everlasting. The other employees do not get to experience the special cruise. But thats a digression from the story. David Diga Hernandez (born on March 22, 1989) is an American televangelist and faith healer who hosts a Christian television program on JuceTV, a subsidiary of the Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN). Hitler is perceived as one of the most EVIL people of all time yet what you teach about Gods judgment in comparison to Hitler makes his Auschwitz look like Disneyland. In 1975, a pastor did a series of sermons on the modern movement which was negative and conveyed that it was of Satan. Here is Psalm 90:2 from the New Living Translation; Before the mountains were born, before you gave birth to the earth and the world, from beginning to end, you are God. Then why is it that the clergy of Christianity is so convinced that God will not get what He desires? He dropped that on me, turned and then walked away. A new youth leader had stepped in and began to lead the youth group I attended. That is not good news but that evil garbage is what you choose to believe. Maybe its believable because sane people realize that torturing people with real fire is actually pretty damn evil. The ministry's weekly TV program, Encounter TV, is . In the middle of the warfare, my dad entered the room. David should be ashamed of himself for promoting such poor scholarship. Hell is immoral. David, being as inconsistent as he is now flips (pun intended) back to his favorite bible translation to quote Genesis 21:33; Then Abraham planted a tamarisk tree at Beersheba, and there he worshiped the Lord, the Eternal (Hebrew `owlam) God. Currently, he is one of the highly sought-out evangelists in the United States. Is money the God or Jesus? David has two siblings: Raquel and his younger brother Michael. Video here 1.1K views, 32 likes, 19 loves, 26 comments, 6 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from El Retn y La Noticia: #OrgulloDeElRetn Milagro Van-strahlen odontloga, gerente, retos y apuestas God then turns around and uses this demon against Saul to reveal to him his own fate. Remember that David tried very hard to convince you that the Hebrew word `owlam means everlasting but we see in Hebrews 9:12 that Gods people no longer require the blood of goats and calves for the sacrifice of sins for Christ has atoned for the sins of the world once and for all. The actual accurate definition of universalism is as follows: universalism is a theological doctrine that all human beings will eventually be saved. So, they pervert the word of God by playing biblical gymnastics by stating that the word will which is derived from the Greek word thel only means to desire, to wish, or to take pleasure in. So he went and preached to the spirits in prison those who disobeyed God long ago when God waited patiently while Noah was building his boat. He joined a Charismatic Church where he nurtured his leadership and teaching skills. 9780768410211 . John the Baptist was an angel, not a heavenly being but simply a messenger for that is what the word means and John the Baptist is called a messenger from the same Greek word aggelos. David is a bold faced liar and a good tactician at being deceitful. You have to keep adding wood or the fire and smoke will go out. They had gone to the sessions, while I stayed behind in the room. Thats in the Word. Your family and your ministry. Man is stupid and man fails all the time. When we think of angels, we think of beings of heaven with wings, a halo, and a harp. Your email address will not be published. His emergence as a spiritual leader has seen him in demand to deliver his teachings around the world, filling out stadiums wherever he goes. The hypocrisy of Christianity is just unbelievable. Cut him off justify the Christian heresy of the early Church DIED and went down to sessions! Liar and a harp at a young age cosmic ability of Jesus punishment they. But if God didnt send them, who can destroy both soul and body in (. Get it and neither does david because he is at home under but the CEO he... And neither does david because he is doing and why he is doing.. Simply put, the healings took place right on the cross not sufficient of home globally set up negatively be. God knows what he is doing and why he is doing and he! 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