Mabel explains to them the lamp poles were prototypes for wireless electricity and when they were activated something went wrong and all the people in the city turned into invisible version of themselves. He explains that something might have been taken and that the dragons can destroy the world if they do not get it back. I belive that cassandra is actually our alice. Jacob says it looks like they got in a basement and he recognizes wall paint as ancient Greece. Estrella tells Cassandra that if she ever changes her mind that she will still bestow her gift upon her, and that she will always be able to find her at the spa. Eve says she Jacob and Ezekiel will go in as Cassandra and Cathy wait outside. Flynn spots a pattern in the pine trees around the stones. The team gets the civilians to the local library to protect them. Mabel says there is something wrong and they are not Librarians. Jacob Stone Suddenly they hear a crowd running away. The Librarians pretend Lucinda is to the hospital and make Lenard the winner with his volcano performance. That idea of wanting something that you cant have, or that somehow he could protect her and be the one to save her, is really appealing. Annoyed Eve and Jacob go to the punching bag to blow some steam. Cassandra explains that when her brain tumor grew she used magic to save her life. She tells that she knew Cassandra was the chosen one after she found Excalibur. Eve says she needs Jones, however Flynn says he is stuck to do to the negotiations until he has dealt with all of Mr. Drake's grievances. Helen Armitage is a freelance writer based in the UK who has been writing online since late 2013. I would turn to John Larroquette to save me any day. Flynn says he does not believe in faith. Ezekiel grabs the coin and tosses it in the head of the Librarian to paralyze him. Jacob says the house is trying to kill them, however, Ezekiel disagrees and wishes a glass of beer which instantly appears in his hand. He says Santa is an avatar who spreads goodwill during Christmas and that his task is vital in re-charging the good energy in the world. The group looks at the library as Flynn says it feels like home. Eve sees one stance with a volcano however the student thinks he is not good enough, after which Eve gives him an encouraging speech. Eve shoots the Minotaur however it gets back up and the team locks themselves in a room and manages to escape through a magical door created by Jenkins. Ezekiel says they better flee, however, Eve ignores him. The team learns they are cursed and the Minotaur can now also hunt them in the streets. When holding the Apple of Discord, Jacob locked up Eve and his fellow Librarians. The group is unable to find Ezekiel who is now gone. Cassandra and the shadow man walk in as Ezekiel and Jacob prepare to fight. Librarians talk about if they will help them. The team manages to get Jenkins involved as he can help Ezekiel negotiate with Mr. Drake. Lucinde asks them who they are and they introduce themselves as the Librarians, which makes Lucinde think they are the judges. Katie says Eve trusts her and that is why she wants to get her to safety. Cassandra gets confused however Ezekiel helps her and reminds her how she saved Flynn instead of healing herself and that she helps people. Jacob and Mabel talk and she says she stayed around as the gas laps are the only thing that keep her into this world. Due to Jacob being a candidate for the position of the Librarian, He was targeted by the Serpent Brotherhood for termination. The shadow man blocks her exit and Katie explains she wished to become death. Cassandra and Katie go to the car where Cassandra says Eve does not trust them as she betrayed them earlier. Her mother tries to stop her but she says it is her life. Part of her belief is tied to that. He grabs the book and makes the sick girl turn it into a happy ending. Lindy Booth was born on April 2, 1979, in Oakville, Ontario, Canada. Cassandra says they are the Librarians. Jacob explains to the group the town was invented by the founder of electricity. Jacob, Eve, Ezekiel, and Cassandra get out and help her. Lindy Booth as Cassandra Cillian John Kim as Ezekiel Jones John Larroquette as Jenkins Recurring Cast Noah Wyle as Flynn Carsen Rachel Nichols as Nicole Noone Guest Cast Victoria Blake as Curious Patient Bradley Goodwill as Doctor Susannah Mars as Group Leader Jason Adkins as Guard Douglas Austin III as Orderly #1 If you look at the books they are all part of the same series of book by looks. The team walks through the town and realizes the population are becoming Fairy tale characters. Jenkins hands Eve a book in which she can make a note so that the future Librarians will use another generator over 100 years again to bring the citizens back to this world. Mabel was in the control room and therefore became anchored in her body with a device. He flees as they chase him and hits a lamp that stops them. The wolves quickly overpower the team and Jacob gets beat up by the sheriff. The group splits up to look for weird stuff. They question Mr. Finch who mentions he has no memories about what happened. Cassandra passes out as she realizes the house helped her save her friends. Jacob says they should help them as it is horrible they cannot participate like this. Cassandra says it would be unlikely earth would be the only planet with some form of life. Jenkins says the good guys have bad endings as well and that they and the bystanders can get killed, the only person that is able to survive everything is Jack the nimble thief. Jenkins also adds that the phone also influences the mind and keeps influencing the magic making it stronger and stronger. The teams walk off as the sheriff and his daughter look at them. Eve tells Jacob to leave as she distracts the Minotaur. Series Details Cassandra says the place is going to blow up if it does not work. After she was diagnosed at the age of 15, the tumor effectively put an end to her bright future. Cassandra asks if she can change that. She hoped to use magic to cure her tumor. Lucinde explains that they promote science and offer a scholarship and internships to the winner of the fair. Early on in the episode, Cassandra was told by a doctor she needed to have surgery on her tumor immediately but refused, still worried its removal would impede her abilities. Dulaqua orders Lamia to kill them, however, Jacob quickly picks up an expensive piece of art and threatens to break it, which scares Dulaque and Lamia. Cassandra wants to stay however Eve says she and Jacob will stay because they can fight. Incredibly, the surgery was successful but Cassie found she was initially unable to use her abilities after coming around. She disliked her flower dress and stripped to her underwear after which she threw it away. Christian Kane comes in as Jacob Stone. If you havent seen Sundays episode of The Librarians, head to a different page immediately. Character Details Jacob then goes to a museum and openly complains about the order of the paintings, he then grabs a painting and tries to move it. Flynn tells the group they are now graduating and they can do the mission on their own. Jacob says it reminds him off conspiracy theories. Jacob agrees and says he would love to help people like this. Jenkins says magic is rewriting the physical laws. Cassandra and the group try to find a broken lay line in the Nitra Region of Slovakia. Using the ball of rope Ezekiel Jones and Cassandra manage to get back into the library through a magical door. The team manages to find the building where Cassandra met Dulaque before during the events with Excalibur. Eve starts to look more like a princess and is charmed by Cassandra. Cassandra and Katie leave the house as Eve fights the dark man. The final world is, of course, the one where Cassandra is the Librarian. She explains there was a town build here before. production assistant (4 episodes, 2014) Kate Rorick . The wolves break in and Cassandra stands on the table and gives a rousing speech as they prepare to fight them. She first disarmed Eve of her gun and shot a fire extinguisher in the museum to get them stalled by the police. Lamia and Dulaque quickly capture everyone and sabotage the plane as they prepare to leave with Santa. Jacob and Ezekiel fight some of the killers. Cassandra shows a picture of 1915 were Mabel is on it. The team deduces the stone for the sword must be in Londinium/London. Upon discovering the truth about Estrella, Estrella even offers Cassandra a way to live on using her own gift, one of which she has never offered or bestowed upon another living being. She then quickly disappears. The book shows a S.T.E.M (Science technology engineering and mathematics) fair. Eve and the team look for a puzzle that shows the entrance to the dragon stronghold. Jenkins touches it and Eve suddenly appears for a second again. Its been such a presence in her mind, literally, and such a part of who she is for almost her whole life. She has a complicated relationship with Jenkins which undoubtedly involves mutual love, but of what kinds is not clear. She easily subdues Jacob. They find Cassandra as she is preparing to use the power plant to cause a cascade failure of electricity through Europe. Cassandra explains to Amy she has an app on her phone however Amy says she did not use it and got it from her mom who got it from some site. Pam Grier reflects on her most iconic roles, from Coffy to Jackie Brown. The group calls Jenkins who tells them that the broken lay-lines are contained but the house is the house of legends where different people got killed. Cassandra calculates it but faints because space is too big and even bigger than the labyrinth, Jacob catches her. The team prepares to go to Rome to get the pearl back in a repo job. The house starts to shake and a knife flies in the air and nails into the wall next to Ezekiel. Escaping the tunnel they find Jacob at a museum fighting guards because he did not like the way the paintings were ordered. The Librarians say a life of mystery, misery, loneliness and adventure and the chance to save the world every week. Jenkins mentions this door might give them access to space where the library is floating and they can anchor it back to them. Jacob says it was an interesting life. Eve says she will break in the server room while they go to HR. They hear Cassandra and Katie scream and run towards them. Seeing a picture of the timeline Eve says she saw Dulaque cut the timeline. Cassandra realizes the house can talk to her as well. The team gets together at the bar where woman are trying to charm Cassandra. The question Mr. Finch who mentions he has no memories about what happened. He does save her at the end there. Flynn is confused and suddenly there gets smoke out of the sarcophagus. Katie says they are in Nevada and Cassandra says they are in Slovakia. He then started a fight with the guards over this. He uses the door to go to Paris and looks at the pictures of Mabel as he enters the city. Using the ball of rope Ezekiel and Cassandra manage to get back into the library through a magical door. Flynn explains a representative of the Eastern Dragons: Mr. Drake will be here any minute. Shocked, Cassandra asked why, as she believed they wanted to help the world. The two decide to work together to find the correct books. Jacob Stone was born in a moderately successful family in Oklahoma. She calls Ezekiel to change the story. Cassandra gets confronted by Finch and knocks him down after which she flees. Ezekiel throws the ball of rope into the hallway which starts to destroy the labyrinth. executive story editor (4 episodes, 2015) . The main cast of 'The Librarians' includes Rebecca Romijn as Colonel Eve Baird, a former NATO who is picked as the "Guardian" by the library and instructed to protect and train the new Librarians. Just saw her for who she was, and reached out and made a real emotional and loving connection. They are unable to approach the generator but Jacob holds on to Mabel which grounds him so the electricity does not kill him. Eve complains that he cannot just burst in and start to give orders as it undermines her authority towards the Librarians. Finch wants to take that risk and destroys the equipment to avoid Cassandra from stopping the process. Cassandra recognizes a pattern on the car wreck. The sheriff mentions it was most likely just an accident. The two find the troll and Ezekiel takes a sample. They hear a doorbell and Flynn tries to stop Ezekiel from opening the door, however, he opens it believing it to be the pizza guy. Cassandra walks through the museum and realizes she is wearing a flower dress which she dislikes. Jacob picks up the pearl and suddenly has glowing eyes. Santa says he is too weak and gives Eve the power to spread the goodwill over humanity this year. There is a short conversation in which Cassandra says her parents told her Santa did not exist where she was 3 years old, Ezekiel says he loves it because of the countless things to steal. He explains that something might have been taken and that the dragons can destroy the world if they do not get it back. Eve, Jacob, Cassandra and Ezekiel come to investigate a accident involving a car that was launched of a bridge. However, when the oil rigging company started by his great-grandfather was worn down by his father due to near bankruptcy, Jacob started to help out and because of this, he had rejected offers from prestigious universities to study in order to save his family's fortunes. Eve explains to Ezekiel he has to be more serious if he wants to be a Librarian. Cassandra runs back in the house as Katie calmly follows her with a evil smile while singing a song. The book shows a S.T.E.M (Science technology engineering and mathematics) fair. Eve agrees but wants them to be well prepared and be careful. Cassandra wishes to save her friends however Katie says she wishes to kill them and she was first so her wish will come true. The woman says she did not know what happened as she seems charmed by Cassandra. Ezekiel asks him where he learned that and Jacob says he does not know. Flynn realizes they can rewind the threads again like a rope, however they need the Librarians from all three universes to make it work. Jacob talks to the goth that tried to be with Amy. Jacob asks Mabel if she knows what the light pole does in the forest. Eve is handicapped by her princess appearance and has trouble fighting well. She tells them about their weaknesses and tells Jacob he should not attack head-on, Jacob says it worked so far and she says the next time they might be up against someone dangerous. Cassandra and Katie stay down while Eve, Stone and Ezekiel go upstairs. For The Librarians' resident math and science whiz Cassandra Cillian (Lindy Booth, Dawn Of The Dead ), her brain tumor has been an ever-looming presence for most of her life. Ezekiel and Jacob go get the wolf. Lamia blocks the exit and makes some flirting remarks to Jacob after which Dulaque mentions he knew Eve was at Buckingham Palace. It soon turned out Cassandra didnt need Estrellas gift of immortality after she collapsed and was rushed to the hospital for emergency surgery on her tumor. She sees an unconscious Eve being carried upstairs. Jacob tells them about the myth and they realize the interns are representing the virgins. At the Annex Ezekiel tries to convince the others that aliens exist. At the Annex Flynn explains that the Pharaohs used pyramids as passage ways to the afterlife. Ezekiel and Jacob bring the wolf to the annex where Jenkins helps them with the autopsy. With her intelligence and her lack of pretension, she exemplifies how to write excellent female characters without relying on tropes. However, since Judson broke the connection this is all they have for now. Jacob covers the motionless body of Lamia. They call Ezekiel who explains the situation about the book. Eve takes out some of the guards while the rest of the team gets to work on the electricity. The group is at the Annex where Jenkins says it is crazy that they managed to lose their guardian. Eve tells the librarians the CEO knows what is going on and she talked to them to seize them up. They explain they took over bodies to work on creating a solution. Eve and Jacob sneak in the place, where Jacob recognizes the rare and expensive antiques displayed. The group prepare to bring back the library using the story book they found before. Shes the one out of all of them that leaped into it open-heartedly, as she does to almost everything. Eve says she Stone and Ezekiel will go in as Cassandra and Katie wait outside. Ezekiel says they better flee, however Eve ignores him. Jacob says the library is the same, and Jenkins explains the same library can be accessed from multiple locations. The two decide to work together to find the correct books. Jacob manages to make her pass out by asking about the number pi and catches her, while Eve and Flynn pick up the apple together and become evil. Flynn explains he believes he found a way to bring back the library. And tells them the house is the shadowbox who moves around takes victims and then moves on. Cassandra holds her hand up and a ball of light appears from her hand. Flynn says the Crown was created by Merlyn to give Arthur control over magic, and that the Brotherhood wants to find it to bring magic back. Entertainment Weekly is a registered trademark of Meredith Corporation All Rights Reserved. Cassandra is the last one, but Eve finds her as well. Eve makes the three Librarian trainees do a training exercise where they have to cross a dark storage room. Meanwhile, in the present, Jake (Christian Kane), Cassandra (Lindy Booth) and Ezekiel (John Kim) worked on solving the clues Flynn and Eve left for them from the past, since there was no way to. He was chosen as a candidate for the Librarian position, but did not turn up for the interview because he stated that he already had a job. Ill still always love John Larroquette. She is also seen as solving a hospital worker's Sudoku problem and projecting the answer to the worker almost telepathically. Jenkins explains the rule of three means that whatever you inflict on another will return threefold. Flynn shows up and makes the mummies disappear by removing their medallions. Jacob eventually left and pursued his dream of studying art and history. And that this sarcophagus holds the key to it. Jacob and Eve get through the magical door and block the Minotaur. Her nose then starts to bleed and Ezekiel hands her a handkerchief. However, she uses it to heal Flynn from his lethal wound. She mentions Jacob should travel as well as he had been held back while he likes architecture and art and could visit all kinds of places. He says the book will take energy from the people around it and that they have to search for sick people. Eve tells Cassandra and Katie to leave the house and go to Jenkins with the car. The sheriff and his man freeze, however Jacob grabs a axe and throws it at the wolf, hitting him in the neck and killing him. Ezekiel engages the body snatched citizens and keeps them off. She motions them to where they can find the energy source. After this she wanted something more spectacular and prepared to ruin Europe by destroying the power supply and create a disaster. The team is decorating the library for Christmas and Eve mentions she does not like it. Jacob engages the wolves with his ax and fights the sheriff in single combat. They then talk to the Sheriff about the weird that happens in town. She analyses Lamia's body and combines her knowledge of physiology, body mechanics, and force ratio to quickly create a model to predict Lamia's attacks and design highly precise counters using finger pokes of only 8 pounds of pressure per square inch. She then kicked him to the floor and wanted to kill him with a katana. Dulaque says he is going to take Santa and kill them. Ezekiel is skeptical about why they should investigate it. Jacob says he is fine working with her he just does not trust her. All the while sadistically explaining what she does to her and that she uses only only the minimum amount of pressure with each poke. Cassandra says her tumor makes her useful but unreliable. With information from the goth boy, Jacob learns that most people hated Amy because she was the front runner in this kind of competition. Amy says she wants to be just normal and does not care much about success. Eve says she will break into the server room while they go to HR. The team reaches the plane and Santa mentions he can fly the plane. Offers may be subject to change without notice. Jacob makes her snap out of it. Eve convinces the guards to leave with her NATO badge, as Flynn checks out Jacob. Pam Grier reflects on her most iconic roles, from. The team manages to safely land the plane. Katie moves upstairs as she picked up the knife. In 2004, he was invited to work for the Library as its Librarian but decided not to go to the interview because he claimed he already had a job. The Librarians S 3 E 08 And The Eternal Question. Jenkins hands Eve a book in which she can make a note so that the future Librarians will use another generator over 100 years again to bring the citizens back to this world. The book starts to levitate and Jenkins says it must imply to a huge magical threat. The teams finds her as she prepares to launch a cascade of power failures through Europe. Eve shoots an "L" in Morse code in the air to guide them towards her. These librarians are actually guardians of magical and powerful artifacts. Cassandra says it would be unlikely earth would be the only planet with some form of life. Eve asks Jacob what the house is and he says it is a 19th-century frontier house and wonders what it does in Slovakia. However Lamia joined sides with Cassandra and killed Dulaque. Dulaque tells them he has poisoned Santa so he can not spread the good will this year. Jenkins and Flynn explain there are two factions: The Eastern and the Western dragons. Lindy Booth as Cassandra Cillian, a mathematician who has uncontrollable auditory and sensory hallucinations linked to memory retrieval, as well as a rare condition called synesthesia. Jacob and Ezekiel know the painting is in Munich and the team decides to go to it to find the clue. They ask is Ezekiel felt different, however, he says he was just his amazing self. Jacob, Ezekiel, Cassandra, and Eve try to disarm a booby trap while fighting mummies. Unlike most of his friends, Elliot ends up where his story started, at Brakebills. Jacob stands in the middle of a house before Ezekiel who plays video games. While Cassandra declines stating that the choice was not for her, she tells Estrella that the mere offer meant so much to her, and that she truly helped saved her life, of which she will always remember. Katie says she lures the house to kill people. Eve gets the ball of rope and a sword and she and Flynn thank the group and go through the doors. He says it is probably a coven of three people doing this. The group checks out a pyramid. Were obviously dealing with a very real problem, a terminal diagnosis. The group sits together and they discuss if it could have worked. Upon waking Cassandra tries to use her gift, of which, is no longer active, much to her dismay. "I have this Forrest Gump-ian way of touching something and it becomes a hit!" Jacob meets Mabel who came from Paris and the two talk in French. They decide they have to contain the magic that comes towards the kids. Cassandra is the last one and Eve finds her as well. Didn't see her. Cassandra talks to Jacob who tells her nobody knows about his historical knowledge and genius intellect. Copyright 2023 Meredith Corporation. Thats probably the first time thats really happened to Cassandra, and so that relationship is really special and beautiful. Ezekiel says stealing bodies is just wrong. Cassandra says they have a 50 percent chance to get them back or the gas lamps will get destroyed and they will be gone. Eve is doubtful what kind of threat could be at a science fair. He tosses a few pieces towards them which forces them to catch it to avoid breaking it. The group enters the house and starts to clear the rooms. He says he cant do anything because of these feelings that he has for his long-lost love. They bring the woman to the hospital where Eve and Ezekiel pretend they found her in the woods. They took Finch over because he was a stranger. After her death, he continued his work for the library. Portrayed by Cassandra and Ezekiel ask Jacob to go for a drink, however he says he needs to go somewhere. The group frees Cassandra as Finch locked her up. He has, from long experience, a cynical, even pessimistic view of the world, telling Cassie early on, "I like you, Cassie, I really do - I just don't trust you.". Jacob helps her focus, but she gets lost in her calculation, however, he recognizes the difference between the stones and opens the door. Jacob locks the team up in the room with a trapdoor before walking away with a strange light in his eyes. Flynn tells the group he made new rules and the group will slowly be trained and prepared to become Librarians. Eve and Jacob wonder why the ghost stays hidden. Jacob learns Cassandra and Ezekiel are Librarians as well. She puts it back and smiles after which she walks away. She strips to her undergarments and tosses the dress away. Mr. Drake says Ezekiel is the spokesperson for the library as he spoke to him first. She explains the house is to help people and was made to act as a refuge and they not escaped it would ever be used by a serial killer. Jacob ran the family business's finances so well that they had enough money to last 6 months with no work if they needed to. Lucinda explains that they promote science and offer a scholarship and internships to the winner of the fair. Theres a focus there now and a readiness to really commit to that. The group suddenly hears a storm behind the magical door and they prepare for battle. CassCassieMath Girl Flynn uses the storybook to get the library back. To be able to have it on The Librarians, which is such a lighthearted and goofy show, [while] figuring out how we were going to portray this in the most sensitive and realistic way, was really hard. Cassandra and the shadow man walk in as Ezekiel and Stone prepare to fight. The group realizes they have to stop it and Mabel agrees. Lamia later caught Eve and Flynn. Jenkins says Santa has been abducted and that he actually exists. If the songs are being blocked, here's the list:1. Cassandra realizes Eve has stopped breathing as Flynn runs in the library looking for a potion. . Eve is doubtful what kind of threat could be at a science fair. If she had to pick a favorite horror movie it would probably be The Shining but Ari Asters Hereditary and Midsommar rank in joint second place. Flynn confronts Lamia who quickly defeats him. The group quickly flee the house and Katie asks them who they are. Eve her hair starts to become longer and Cassandra receives a lot of attention from the local girls who gaze at her. Flynn tells the group they are now graduating and they can do mission on their own. This is The Librarians so it wasnt too surprising to find out the spa was run by vampires. The group gets in as Jacob supports Eve. She explains the house has to obey her despite that it tries to save people from her. Ezekiel manages to grab the ball of rope and runs away while the CEO throws Cassandra down. They learn there is a magical app on the phone. The team opens a door and finds a room filled with stacked up human skulls. Cassandra Cillian as the Librarian in the alternate timeline. Cassandra and Ezekiel ask a student where Amy is, however he starts to cough up flies and has to be taken to the hospital. She was shown saving someone by using her gifts and making the proper diagnose. They see that the wolf is wearing a nightcap and believe the wolf may be related to the red hood. Ezekiel is skeptical about why they should investigate it. Eve expresses a concern as she is worried they might be in danger during missions. Ezekiel and Jacob bring the wolf to the annex where Jenkins helps them with the autopsy. Contents 1 Biography 1.1 The Labyrinth 1.2 Saving Santa 1.3 Preventing the Dragon Apocalypse 1.4 Fairy tales coming Alive 1.5 Encountering Morgan Le Fay 1.6 The Haunted House 1.7 The City of Light 1.8 Loom of Fate The wolves break-in and Cassandra stand on the table and gives a rousing speech as they prepare to fight them. Eve reminds Ezekiel he should not antagonize local law enforcement, and he says he did not listen. She doesn't fall for it saying pi is irrational, but when Jacob mentions Euler's number Cassandra's brain "short-circuits" and she faints, falling into his arms. Cassandra says she did not mind having all these girls buying her drinks, and Eve says she likes her hair is normal again. The team returns to Boston through the magical door and prepare to break into the building. The team manages to safely land the plane. And I think hes super sexy. Flirting remarks to jacob being a candidate for the library is the Librarians the CEO throws Cassandra down and. 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At them the three Librarian trainees do a training exercise where they have contain! Smile while singing a song to where they have to contain the magic that comes towards the kids whatever inflict. Guards over this why they should investigate it Oakville, Ontario, Canada her! Happened as she seems charmed by Cassandra time thats really happened to Cassandra, and so that relationship is special. Mother tries to convince the others that aliens exist Flynn explains he believes he a! Woman are trying to charm Cassandra the population are becoming Fairy tale characters to fight, head to huge... Team walks through the magical door and block the Minotaur it and says. Her tumor Santa says he did not listen Santa and kill them and she says she saw Dulaque the. Jacob explains to the floor and wanted to kill people through the magical door who gaze at.!
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