Date of Solomons reign is c 970B.C. We have not broken your covenant of our own accord, they replied to their Prophet, but we had been compelled to bring with us some jewels of the Egyptians; then we melted these with fire, and that man, Al-Samerie, made up out of this a golden calf that mooinghe said to us that this was the god of Moses! for example, entry registration to Israel and other countries in Europe. An eclipse event noted in the KTU 1.78 dates year 12 of Akhenaten to 1375 BCE, which in turn, dates his 1st year to 1386 BCE, a date weve already established as the year of the Exodus. These families were expelled along the northern route out of the country, and settled in Judea. The total time for Israelites and Judahites in Egypt was 430 years if the 10 years of Joseph in Avaris is added to the total, that is 1640-1210 BC. The evidence mention in this article is presented in Where Moses Stood- a book which details and reveals cast iron evidence for the Exodus and the work of Moses. 12th century readers (or hearers) would not likely be aware of Avaris for instance. Jerusalem would be rebuilt, so too the Temple of Solomon, and a Messiah would reign of the line of David, and house of Judah. Adults with imaginary friends are dangerous. It still boggles my mind that BAR continues to ignore David Rohls New Chronology and Immanuel Velikovskys Revised Chronology, both of which present near iron-clad evidence that the problem is not the biblical dates for the Exodus, but academias faulty reckoning of Egyptian chronology. 2. And saying that Israelites were working on construction projects at Pi Ramses only adds to my distress. view, be dated to the third quarter of the fourteenth century B.C. Where are the Soviet records? I can only give you my own opinion on the matter, which is that Pharaoh did not drown with his army. Consider that the pivotal experience of the United States is a civil war about deliverance from slavery with the leader of the abolitionists named Abraham. But after killing an Egyptian, he fled from Egypt to the land of Midian, where, 40 years later, God spoke to him at the burning bush and sent him back to Egypt to deliver the Israelites from slavery. How maths (v.simple) will help: from Adam to the Restoration of Temple in 164B.C by Maccabi=4000 years/ One Great Year (for Greeks)= all the sum of lives (of persons)and periods (also in Egypt, 400years). lol. The semites in that picture were arrested for aiding foreign invaders. he had his chariot made ready and took his army with him" to pursue the Israelites. "This is important to recognize," said Winger, "because this matters when we understand the 'causal nature' of what . Finally, the very first reference to Israel appears on the Victory Stela of Pharaoh Merneptah, one of Ramses sons. The Exodus account in the Bible mentions Israels fear of Philistines in returning to Canaan. Although The Bible confidently dates the Israelite Exodus from Egypt at around 1440 BCE, there are . That is exactly what appears to have happened. Biblical Archaeology has yet to come to its literary history senses, and is filled with such political correctness nonsense of rear end kissing atheism, that it has no clue as to what the historical facts are or how to again and again come to a same right conclusion. This is a 1211 B.C., some 239 years later. And every planting, is definitely a new year, to every ancient culture. You can count whichever way you want, still wont provide evidence of 2 million Jews wandering the desert without a traceit just wont. Is this a little weekend outing, an extended vacation, or a . A history of being slaves is likely to bear elements of truth. Pharaoh of the Exodus: Rameses III. The names mentioned does not support a 12th century exodus any more than a 12th century recount of the events. Please be respectful of copyright. nishigandha wad education; dylan michael edmonds This is nonsense. Moses did not accept the heavy task without debate, however. Meaning (M): God knows our weaknessand He knows what is best for us. Minneapolis, MN. Amenhotep II would have been a Pharaoh in the 18th Dynasty of Egypt. It is well worth seeing what he presents. What should archeologist and historians say 3000 years from now? When they were almost at the east coast of the Red Sea, the Egyptian army, under the command of the Pharaoh himself, appeared at their heels. Facts are archeological evidences plus what can be derived off from the interpretation called Bible stories; Bible itslef is not the textbook of a history! If Amenhotep II was the exodus-pharaoh, his firstborn son had to die without the chance to rule, which the historical record should confirm. Go and kill and take and occupy. I can accept that much of ancient history is discussed on the basis of minimal or occasional documentation, limited concrete evidence, and just the merest of anything. Normally, it is only tales of glory and victory that are preserved in narratives from one generation to the next. My own understanding is that Jesus is not the Messiah, it was another, much earlier individual, Zerubbabel, as mentioned in the books of Haggai and Zechariah. Reference: Breathless with excitement, all who came there saw with their own eyes the Egyptian magicians casting onto the ground some sticks and ropes, and, as they all, including Moses and Aaron, were bewitched, the magicians tools appeared to them as if they were moving like snakes. No archeological evidence of this Exodus exist in Soviet or Israels archeological sites. Archaeological discoveries have verified that parts of the biblical Exodus are historically accurate, but archaeology cant tell us everything. This was a borrowing from the Exodus of the Hyksos and Israelites from Avaris pursued by King Ahmose and the problems at the Sea of Reeds about 1540 BC.. Her successor from 1342 to 1333 B.C. Osiris is known as the deity of Heliopolis. In reality, the early Olympiads, which contained 4 years of 10 months each, first started when Ahaz reigned in his first year in Jerusalem, in 741 B.C. God never brought to Jerusalem, all the kings of the earth, client kings of the Persian Empire, to attack the city. In my equinox year chronology Solomon is around 850 BC, then assuming that 40 years is a generation which is around 25 years: Doesnt matter, theres still no evidence of 2 million people wandering the dessertzero! ), which points to Amenhotep III and Akhenaten. Because it was during the reign of Merneptah, circa same date, that the title was adopted. It certainly is exciting when the archaeological record matches with the biblical accountas with the examples described here. The identity of Pharaoh in the Moses story has been much debated, but many scholars are inclined to accept that Exodus has King Ramses II in mind. Yet if you go with Israel Finkelsteins anlaysis, top Israeli archaeologist, the Hebrews really emerged by a socio-religious fusion from the Canaanites. Your intellectual dishonesty does no one any favours. There were only 13 high priests ruling in all that time. He was then a Persian appointed governor of the province of Yehud (Judah). The explanations presented here are very detailed and obviously done by spending much time piecing things together and using their calculators. On my Philosopy, i thought the Bible made us understand that Pharoah gave out his chariote and soldiers or Army to go after the israelites (Exodus 14:1ff). For God would then appear and destroy the kings of the earth and establish Jerusalem as the worlds capital and the silver and gold tribute of the client kings would flow into the Temple treasury at Jerusalem, not Persepolis, the Persian Treasury and Capital. after all you were there! Bringing us to 2104/5 BCE as the date the Torah presents as the entire world being covered in water to the level of Mt Ararat. Did a miraculous crossing of the Red Sea happen followed by God eventually giving them the 10 Commandments, etc on their way to Israel? This agrees with the archaeological dating of David based on the end of the Philistine pottery period in 950 B.C.E. I suspect two invasions were recast as one event, the exodus. No? There was NO reconciliation EVER. The article examines Egyptian texts, artifacts and archaeological sites, which demonstrate that the Bible recounts accurate memories from the 13th century B.C.E. As ancient Egyptian rulers, pharaohs were both the heads of state and the religious leaders of their people. Occams razor, the motivation for cmposing these stories is all too clear. When the angel of death saw this offering, he would "pass over" the house and spare the child, and go on to the next. We already know factually that significant populations of semites were residing in Egypt at more or less the right time. There is evidence in Egyptian Records of Semetic labour during the reign of Merneptah II(1229B.C.) Maybemaybe not. But of course! (2448 from Creation), while according to the secular calendar it would . This arrogant mindset guaranteed a clash between Pharaoh and Moses. Now 1031 1032 B.C. This was followed, again, by a 480-year gap between the entry into the Promised Land by Joshua, and the Temple of Solomons dedication. 2:23 and 4:18 state that the Pharaoh who oppressed Israel is dead, and there is a new pharaoh when Moses returns to Egypt, which means the Pharaoh of Ex. Egyptologists do NOT acknowledge the exodus as a real event. January-February of 1063 B.C. Hear what he says, said the Pharaoh, turning to his viziers. Following the 10th plague, Pharaoh allowed Moses and Aaron to lead the children of Israel out of Egypt. but we can not say more than that if it probably took place between the middle of the 16th and the 13th Century B C. As regards the crossing of the Red Sea it is a mistranslation of Sea of Reeds as Red Sea from Bible commentaries. Moses and the Exodus - "Let My People Go". FREE ebook: Israel: An Archaeological Journey. She is thus dismissed in the major discussion even though she is providing the most direct archaeological dating for the Exodus. With the above in mind, I firmly believe end-times prophecy of revelations (mysteries and signs) in the heavens above and the earth beneath will bear witness to the integrity of Gods truth. This supports a 13th-century Exodus during the Ramesside Period because it is only during the Ramesside Period that the place names Pi-Ramesse, Pi-Atum and (Pa-)Tjuf (Red Sea or Reed Sea) are all in use. The Exodus happened in one way or another, and our lawsand our entire purpose for beingare based on it. Therefore, if there was an exodus the Israelites did not have a reliable date for it. Europeans do not publish statistics either. Isis, says Clement of Alexandria, in Miscellanies 1.21. will be deified in what we may reckon as somewhere near 1271 B.C. 40 years in that context means a generation. Slavery in Egypt was a byproduct of not having a prison system to house criminals and POWs. What would happen if groups of Egyptianized Caananites had a sudden or even catastrophic migration of some kind or another back to an ancestral homeland? From time immemorial there had been a highway between Africa and Asia along which Moses took the Israelites the same highway that Napoleon almost drowned with his horse when he reached its end at the gulf !!! So an entire religion is based on a dude saving a large village from Egypt??? If Amenhotep II was the Pharaoh of the Exodus according to the above correlations, and he died at that time, then we should identify him as Amenhotep IIA and connect him with the Elephantine and Amada stelae of Year 3. This was a 12 year quest and worth a look if you want a visual of what has been written here. Towards the end of the story Osarseph changes his name to Moses. Probably the best evidence for the Exodus at this time is the fact that when Akhenaten came to power he immediately forsook the Egyptian gods and the Egyptian capital of Thebes and he went and built his own capital in the desert, a completely new city with temples dedicated to the sun god Aten. The question Did the Exodus happen then becomes When did the Exodus happen? This is another heated question. Much of their army had just been destroyed. He is the Lord of the East and the West and what is in between. WE DO have MANY communications found sent back & forth between Canaanite chiefs & Kings of Egypt. The Simeonites to Hormah, the Judahites to Hebron and the Reubenites and Gadites with Moses to the Trans-Jordan.. The Exodus story was written almost 1,000 years after it happened. Especially if it was a volcanic disaster. If the Hebrews reached Egypt immediately the Hyksos gained power in Egypt, I.e. However, while this evidence certainly adds weight to the historical accuracy of elements of the biblical account, it cant be used to prove that every detail of the Exodus story in the Bible is true. During that time, the Egyptians returned to their policy of killing the newborn Israeli males and enslaving the females. The Calendars were set up, to count time; and, specifically, to recognize the days for the beginnings of the religious festivals, which all have their origin in the cycle of planting, growth, harvest, and dormancy. Exodus: Fact or fiction? Robert wrote: Evidence for the Exodus needs to include ALL potential dates. I can agree on that point. 'daughter of Pharaoh') in the story of the finding of Moses in the biblical Book of Exodus is an important, albeit minor, figure in Abrahamic religions.Though some variations of her story exist, the general consensus among Jews, Christians, and Muslims is that she is the adoptive mother of the prophet Moses. Yet we are culturally, thru ritual , traditions and ideologies, still in 5778.. (or 2018) .. Photo: Maryl Levine. 21 They said to Moses and Aaron, "May the Lord . to 46 B.C., the average Macedonian / Greek year appears to have become tabulated on average of 375 days long: being 360 days 1 year, then 390 the next. the younger brother of Caleb, of the tribe of Judah, who, having slain the king of Mesopotamia, ruled over the people 40 years in succession.. (He ruled from the late 14th century through the early 13th century B.C.E.) Who created it? This Bible History Daily feature was originally published on April 10, 2016. Evidence for the Exodus needs to include all potential dates. In three years, December would be starting in July. The book of Exodus does say that " w hen the king of Egypt was told that the people had fled . Heres why each season begins twice. Of course, Akhenaten and his monotheism has often been independently linked to Moses. It also casts a light of importance on the double reckoning as well, because to Eratosthenes, the descent of the Heraclidae is a major calculable event in Greek history. One example of using the Patristic reckoning of Greek history is found in the dating of Homer, the author of many Greek myths and false deities. So this era of 46-539 B.C. When Moses completed the appointed time of his Lord, he said to his brother Aaron be my successor in command of my folk; conciliate between them, and do not follow the way of the corrupters, and then departed for the promised appointment. Answer (1 of 23): Re your query: According to Exodus 2, Moses' mother gave him back to Pharoah's daughter. what happened in the end of submergence; madden 23 franchise deep dive; Sign Up. One day, Moses entered during a hot summer noon into the town, whose citizens were compelled, because of the fierce heat of the day, to retreat to their houses earlier than usual. Haggai has God saying that he has chosen Zerubbabel to be his signet ring, an earlier Davidic King had been called Gods Signet Ring, Jeconiah. And using Josephus with a new understanding that he applies this same 10 month calendar prior to Cyrus I, and knowing how to properly date the Bible by taking its annual reckonings literally, we will see the Bible reckon the actual Exodus date as 1551 B.C., vetted by Josephus and by the Greeks as cited by Early Christian Church writers. This brings into Egypt the language of Aram, which is later characterized as Syriac-Babylonian. Amenhotep III is the Pharaoh who wouldnt let the Israelites go free. . It is likely that a Semitic-speaking population lived in the region long enough that their name eventually supplanted the original. These specific place names recorded in the biblical text demonstrate that the memory of the biblical authors for these traditions predates Egypts Third Intermediate Period. I agree with Richard, via hyperbole, and gross exaggeration, Gods mighty deeds are presented in such a way as to wow the listeners/readers of the text. My take is a 15th century (albeit late 15th, not mid) exodus is still not ruled out. There are two major views for the date of the exodus; the early date of 1446 BC and the late date of around 1225 BC. But I think it is clear that something happened and these bits of information point to it . Read Where Moses Stood for the true facts. Bats and agaves make tequila possibleand theyre both at risk, The new year once started in Marchhere's why, Jimmy Carter on the greatest challenges of the 21st century, This ancient Greek warship ruled the Mediterranean, 3 ways Jimmy Carter changed the world for the better, The meaning of the cross of ashes on Ash Wednesday, This disease often goes under-diagnosedunless youre white, The groundbreaking promise of cellular housekeeping. [] The Exodus: Fact or Fiction? The article explains: The storyline of the Exodus, of a people fleeing from a humiliating slavery, suggests elements that are historically credible. 1375 1358 B.C., calls for Egypt to deliver the Philistine Lords from their apiru or habiru oppressors. They discovered that Egyptian records noted a tribal group called the PLST, part of the Sea Peoples invasion of Canaan and Egypt in the reign of Rameses 3rd circa 1174 BC. is the 4th year of Solomons reign making both King Solomon, and his father David, as of an older date than modern Intellectuals will lead you to believe. The Bible says the pharaoh of the Exodus would have ruled for less than 40 years. There was NO confrontation with Pharaoh ( He was already dead),.There was no death of the first born of Egypt. symbolizing that the earth is fit to inhabit after the giant flood has . When Solomons rule is dated per archaeology from 910-870 CE, Shishaks invasion in 871 BCE, year 39 of Solomon, year 5 of Rehoboam, matches radiocarbon-14 dating from Rehov dating Shishaks invasion the very same year in 871 BCE. Ramses II also built a second city dedicated to his personal patron, Atum, called Per Atum. Yet you must make the same number of clay blocks." 19 The Hebrew men who made the people work knew that they were in trouble because they were told, "You must make the same number of clay blocks each day." 20 When they came from Pharaoh, they met Moses and Aaron who were waiting for them. The Five pastoral Judahite tribes lived at Goshen in Egypt from about 1630 to 1210.BC [4] In order to connect the revelation in v. 19 with the death of Pharaoh recorded in 2:23, the LXX repeats the information here again (Exod 4:19, LXX): After those many days, the King of Egypt died. The Greek calendar years of 592 times our inter-calculatory fraction of the pre-Cyrus I Greek Calendar of 10 months and 305 days is about 480.05 or rounded off, 480 years. 1) Patriarchal age would become to the 14th century, the Tell-el-Amarna age (the hypothesis by Cyrus Gordon). Chronological Correlations with Exodus. History reveals Zerubbabel never was crowned the Messiah or King, despite his accomplishing the Messianic task of restoring Gods Temple. He boasts of defeating them. What is that thing in your right hand, Moses? Allah asked. The river was not less kind with the baby than his mother, though it moored the sarcophagus at the very shores where the Pharaohs palace stood. The Hyksos were also related to the Anakims (Numbers 13:33) or Nephilims. A third piece of evidence for the Exodus is the Onomasticon Amenope. Clement: 1182 1142 B.C. It could well be that the scribes of the 600s and 500s BC pulled together some of what happened centuries before and wrote about it, reflecting the events and lessons of their own time as well. Bozrah is Buseirah Edoms capital, and it is no earlier than the 7th century BC. It was only the Army and chariote of pharoah that sank in to the red sea which is know as Dead sea. However, unlike the Israelite models that were usually constructed of stone, the Theban house was made of wattle and daub. Your assertions have no place in reality, drugged up desert monks wrote the gospels based on earlier traditions and borrowed heavily from other Middle East myths. A fictionor fact is a false dilemma. The English name of the book derives from the Septuagint (Greek) use of "exodus" to designate the deliverance of the Israelites from Egyptian bondage and their safe passage through the Sea of Reeds (traditionally . According to rabbinic tradition, Daniel and other Jewish princes were castrated by orders of the king Babylonian , with the aim of discouraging leaders and frustrating the feeling of independence among . The days from the end of Dec. to the beginning of March, were not assigned to any month at all. Was Ahmoses I recast as Moses? Time passed and she did give birth to a male baby, and news came that the tyrants spies were searching in the nearby precincts. Many years passed before Allah ordered Moses to lead the Children of Israel out of Egypt. The narrative has been worked over a number of times which cast doubt on the authenticity of the texts. When his cup became full, God removed him permanently. Although there is much debate, most people settle into two camps: They argue for either a 15th-century B.C.E. When Moses came to Our appointment and his Lord Allah spoke to him, Moses asked his Lord saying my Lord, allow me to see You, but Allah said you cannot see me; but look at the mountain if it will remain in its stability, then you will be able to see me. Imagine the fear and agony of coming face to face with extermination. In the same time, the Pharaoh had previously sent to the provinces of Egypt for a mobilization against the Israeli people, and vast crowds of Egyptian soldiers were gathered and equipped in the capital city. Seeing himself confronted with a man deaf to argument, the Messenger decided to show the Pharaoh and his courtiers the Signs Allah had given him: he cast his wooden stick onto the ground, and it turned into a grand snake; and put his hand into his garments pocket, and drew it back to appear to the onlookers of a white color. What the Israelites built. In 1391 B.C., Horus, the son of Osiris and Isis was upon the throne. Verse 22 of that same chapter makes a previous statement once again: "Pharaoh's heart became hard.". Nothing much was evident in Israel, where these highly educated, energetic immigrants were resented by local Jews. We are caught up, said the followers of Moses to him as they saw the vanguard of the pursuers, but Moses, who had had an abiding faith in Allah, did not turn a hair: Nay, my Lord will guide me. At this very moment Allah ordered Moses to strike with his stick at the sea, which was miraculously parted into two parts: each part was like a momentous mountain. Between the two parts of the divided sea was a dry road through which Moses and the Children of Israel removed safely to the other side. Amenhotep III ruled less than 40 years, Rameses II ruled 62 years. By that time Pharaoh Thutmose III had died and his son Amenhotep II assumed the throne. It certainly does not, you cant invent fiction then use said fiction as proof, [] O Exdo: Fato ou Fico? Since Egyptians were paid to work on building sites during Nile river flood, it is unlikely unpaid slaves would have been employed or even needed. Josephus uses the reckoning of the familiar Greek calendar (of his Roman audiences) to state that Solomon built the Temple 592 years after the Hebrew Exodus, before switching gears and reverting to the Jewish calendar of reckoning again. After all, they were free labor and they were . When he was up and about again, he said Exalted You! Required fields are marked *. This has in no way eliminated an Eleventh Century Exodus; as Abraham Malamat suggested in BAR: Let My People Go and Go and Go. Curators are realizing that returning looted artifacts isnt closing museumsits opening new doors. It is apparently part of Exodus 10:5-6. The Pharaohs of the Exodus. Pharaoh again stubbornly persisted in disobedience. At last, when the interview was held, in the presence of the Pharaohs viziers, Moses imparted to the monarch the purpose of that meeting: Truth will not be found by silencing dissent. ; some archeological data can maybe refer to an earlier time. The people were denied exit visas, lost relatives, jobs, etc., ect. of the Israelites into Palestine to c. 1400 B.C. You doubters can call it hogwash if you like. Complete fabrication seems highly unlikely as a whole cloth fiction serves no historical function in culture. These three place names appear together in Egyptian texts only from the Ramesside Period. 4. In Isaiah 52:4, we find the Jewish history that those who oppressed the Jews in Egypt before the Exodus were not Egyptian at all: they were Syrian or Assyrian. A clue to the timing of the Exodus which appears to be overlooked is Iron was in use when the Israelites killed King Og This was a LEISURELY JOURNEY with women, children, sheep, goats and cattle. [actual Jabin, king of Canaan] O my mothers son, answered the courteous Prophet Aaron, absolving himself from what Moses had thought, do not pull me by head and beard! The Jewish Historian, Flavius Josephus, circa 70 AD, wrote a paraphrased history of the Jewish People using the Bible. The Pharaoh was dazed by these, and he had soon the inspiration to command a consultation with his viziers, who, thinking that Moses was a magician, advised their king to sent messengers of him throughout the width and breadth of the land to call for the most skilful magicians. I also believe that the historical writings and books of the Bible, (e.g., the books of Kings and Chronicles), are historical, essential, and highly accurate but, not necessarily divinely inspired, (in the sense of infallibility.) He didnt stand anywhere, just like Harry Potter hasnt stood anywhere. This same victory is recorded in Judges 13:1, which the biblical record of successions tells us, is 331 years AFTER THE EXODUS. Judges 4:3 [Jabin for ] 20 years mightily oppressed the children of Israel. The numbers of the Children of Israel were far smaller than is generally believed, because the word eleph only came to mean 1000 in classical Greek times. Thus, the Tell Amarna tablets become a type of formula for prayers or requests to the fabricated deities Apollo (Horus) and Diana (Acenchres), for deliverance from the Jews, and the One True Faith in GOD, the GOD of Israel. Of note, is that the British archaeologist, Dame Kenyon, noted that the last wall of ancient Jericho had been destroyed circa 1550 BC and attributed the citys fall to Ahmose I (Ahmoses I) and his Egyptian army that pursued after the Hyksos and conquered Canaan. Has not Allah promised you the good promise, he addressed his people in a rage, does the promise appear to be attained, or do you want that your Lords wrath comes down upon you by breaking my covenant? An ember and a piece of fruit were introduced to the child Moses, in an examination of his awareness, and fortunately he picked up the ember and put it to his tongue. , Judges 12:13-14 And after him Abdon judged Israel8 years., Clement: Then Eglom of Ephraim, 8 years And that is exactly what happened. After Amesis, Egypt was ruled by Pharaoh Pamaitic iii. We may therefore conclude that our earlier date is probably not later than the early part of the 15th century B.C. His life story represents an epic of miracles from the very outset: to the deep humiliation of the tyrant Pharaoh, who was taking all precautions to prevent the rising of the savior of the then-enslaved nation of Israel, Allah predestined that Moses would be born during the year in which the Pharaoh was killing all the newborn males of his Jewish subjects, and, moreover, predestined that the baby would be brought up within the Pharaohs court itself. was Rathotis (a.k.a., Tutankhamen). The notion that the Land had rest, may imply the East Bank lands of 2 1/2 tribes enjoyed the Shabbat, as did any lands the Hebrews immediately conquered. Unless subsequent scribes had decided to change the words. Unfortunately, this is a tenuous interpretation forced by the circumstance of all the other years of the chronology add up and correspond. Translation work is ongoing, developing and refining itself as more historical context, colloquialisms, and ancient writings are unearthed or otherwise brought to light. Unlike the pharaoh who knew Joseph, the pharaoh of Moses is cruel and vindictive. Aaron was absolved of the sin, and it became clear that it was Al-Samerie who was responsible for the aberration. Even to this day the exact place where Pharaoh's dead body was found afloat on the surface of the sea is known. We KNOW for example the pyramids at GIZA were centuries old in 2104/5 BCE. When one reads any text and it reads like a primitive fable because the details are implausible and irrational it should be a hint. But The Washington Post reported that Schlapp is also braving external and internal strife, "including the exodus of more than half of its staff since 2021, according to the current and former . Unauthorized use is prohibited. Your comments here beg the basic question: Was Jesus the Son of God who was crucified, died and buried and was resurrected to life to pay the sin debt (past, present, future) for all who believe in Him and who will be given eternal life with the triune God in the new Heaven on the new Earth?
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