Mysteriously, he confirms that someday she will do him a favor. Outside the room, she refuses to allow Robin to go with her to the vault. Mary Margaret is sorry for doubting Emma's decision to allow Devin's heart to be ripped out as she knows how easy it is to give into darkness. When the wolves approach to viciously attack the Huntsman, she transforms them into their human forms and then threatens to pierce them with silver arrows unless they assist her. Future fic. When Arthur and his men try to stop them, Regina distracts them with fireballs as Emma completes the potion and reverts Merlin to human form. The peasants plead for help against the bandit Dead Eye, who Regina has secretly employed to stir up trouble in the villages. After urging Emma on, Regina is left alone until Tinker Bell steps out to face her. Sometime after Edmond agrees to the deal, the Queen places an enchantment on him to as protection against Rumplestiltskin, which is the same spell that Rumplestiltskin used to protect Snow and Charming from her. Birthdate: Regina spots a familiar looking rattle in Robin's crib, which confirms her suspicions. She attempts to make the forfeit their loyalty to Snow, insisting that the princess doesn't care or love them, but she does. Emma is thinking she has feelings for regina but regina thinks she is totally gay for the swan. When Weaver shows up at the bar, Roni questions him about what the name Rumplestiltskin means to him, but after he gives her a flimsy answer, she wastes no time calling him out for hiding under the radar and asks for his help to fight against Gothel. ("The Garden of Forking Paths"), For Halloween, Roni dresses up as Sandy from the movie Grease and lets Henry sample one of her new drinks called the Poisoned Apple, though Henry suggests it could use a bit of cinnamon. While waiting for their return, Emma confides in Regina about Hook's brother Liam pressuring her to let Killian go after they take down Hades. Edmond instead tells her that though she set him on this path, not even she can stop him now. She then gives the bag's contents for Henry to research. Before walking off, Regina warns him that it's good she has changed and won't be using magic to get even. Knowing that he has fallen on hard times, she promises to reward him handsomely, especially since he is barely making enough to provide a fulfilling childhood for his daughter Grace. ("The Outsider"), On another day, the Queen's knights continue to chase after Snow White, but she eludes capture once more and is rescued by a mermaid, Ariel. Scorned by the betrayal, she tears out the Huntsman's heart as a replacement. Still many years away from becoming the Evil Queen, she has no interest in the royal duties her. She admits Henry suspected Mr. Gold knew the storybook Author, who can change her ending. We finally got her." Seeing the boy's confused reaction, Regina masks her outburst by stating it's her job as mayor not to allow underage driving. ("The Stable Boy"), With her latest scheme to destroy Mary Margaret ruined, a livid Regina confronts Mr. Gold. Suddenly, she is startled by chiming of the clock tower, which signals time is moving forward, leading her to discover Emma did not leave town last night. After Zelena returns home, Regina forbids her from seeing Hades again, but Zelena believes she can change him into a better person, like Regina did with Robin. Believing this insanity between them has to end, Regina takes her to the loft, where Robin is taking care of the baby. She and the fairy, Tinker Bell, become friends and spend time at a small inn. Hyde asks for his freedom if Regina wants his help, but when she is unwilling to pay the price, he taunts her about being beaten by her other self. ("The Eighth Witch"), Getting back to Hyperion Heights, Roni is told by Henry at the hospital that Lucy's condition is stable but she's not getting any better, in addition to him not being able to do anything else to help. . Regina states she cannot, and then Archie sternly orders Dr. Whale to leave. In desperation, Regina lashes out at Neal's ridiculous suggestion that they should check the Lost Boy camp for Pan when she knows their nemesis wouldn't risk going back there. In the forest, Regina mulls over the letter, worried that because her former magic instructor considers Zelena so powerful, then she herself isn't strong enough to defeat her. With the town in danger, Regina chides everyone about the lives at stake, and they must give up on Anna. Recalling the same thing happened the first time she tried leaving Storybrooke, Emma considers fate is trying to tell her something. She allows the brunette to stay in the bar and assures her that she will call Weaver. With Emma onto her, Regina sets up Sidney to give a confession of how exactly he kidnapped Kathryn and why he did it. ("Hat Trick"), At one unnamed village, the Queen massacres everyone in it, and while everything is ablaze in flames, she walks by and notices a lone survivor, a young boy. Regina and daughter OUAT fanfic: Shortly after Regina became Queen, she gave birth to a beautiful girl named Daniella. Because of her dreams she knows that her mother is in Storybrooke, the question is will she go looking for her? Daniel, sympathetic to Cora's parental role, expresses gratitude for allowing her daughter's happiness. Drizella has trouble lifting a boulder during training, but when Regina pushes her harder by knocking down a portion of the tower and almost killing herself, she is able to magically shatter the debris to save Regina. Once Upon a Time. Zelena creates a cyclone, intending to go back to Oz, but when she suffers a magic drain, Regina quickly renders her powerless again with an enchanted cuff. Seeing as Regina cannot change, Snow White banishes her out of the kingdom and promises to kill her if she ever harms anyone within the land again. Afterward, Regina receives word that Emma finally cracked open the map. The Queen reminds her that she cursed Snow and banished Emma from Storybrooke, the two things Regina once sought after. Upon rejoining his party, Robin is alarmed to see them with Zelena and Hades, even with Regina's assurance the pair can be trusted. For the time being, they decide to leave the time portal untouched, but Emma and Hook accidentally travel through it to the past to recreate a meeting between Prince Charming and Snow White and then return to the present. Using the Apprentice's wand, she teleports herself and Zelena to the clock tower, before harnessing the wand to banish Zelena to Oz. After Cora teleports away, however, her father is released from the flames, with a bridge forming behind him leading to Mount Olympus. Regina emphasizes all the family and loved ones Emma has, while she herself has only ever had Henry. But the women's troubled relationship and tie through Henry means Emma has stayed around. Though it is positive criticism, Regina can't believe Archie disclosed confidential information, and confronts him at the dock the next morning. Both women decide to ask Mr. Gold for help. With encouragement from Prince Charming, Snow White charges at the Queen, who magically dissipates and reappears from behind, just in time for Snow White's blade to cut into her cheek. Returning home early from the party with Henry, Regina gives a sigh of relief, thanking him for saying he wanted to leave as she was getting tired of Leroy's "to all the curses I've ever known" speeches. After forcing Hook to be creature bait, she fetches the fail-safe hidden in Snow White's coffin. All versions of it. Emma agrees that they'd be better off having a weapon against the Black Fairy, to which a frustrated Zelena leaves after deciding she wants no part in their plans. They try their best to brush it off and go on with their lives. Realizing he is recalling his Enchanted Forest memories, she tries to convince him that it's only a dream, but Graham can't shake the feeling it is a memory. She 'falls in love' with 20 year old, Neal Cassidy. To give Sidney the upper hand, she doesn't tell Emma until the day before that the electoral candidate speeches are tomorrow. ("Ruby Slippers"), Through an enchanted hand mirror, Regina spies on Zelena and Hades' growing romance. Emma, Regina, Hook, Snow, and Charming get trapped in a game. Regina and Cora teleport away in a haze of smoke back to the mayoral office. ("Sisters"), After several more years, Regina gains a fondness for horseback riding and owns a beloved horse she names Rocinante. Despite that he is a different Henry from a different realm, Roni insists she knows he is brave and kind and has saved so many people, including her, and she begs him to let her save him this time. However, out of Henry's earshot, Regina tells Hook for lying, but the pirate insists it was necessary because it's what Emma wanted to ensure she isn't getting in the way of her son's life. When left alone with Mary Margaret, Regina pushes her to stay out of David and Kathryn's personal lives. He informs them of the other person he met in the Netherworld, Aurora, who is from the Enchanted Forest and is currently together with Emma and Mary Margaret. He relates that bringing Daniel back was a success, but the man is now a monster. Henry convinces Emma that she was wrong for not believing in Regina, and he defends his decision to destroy magic because he doesn't want to lose either of his moms to magic. As her part of the deal, Regina agrees, on his bequest, to break off ties with King George's kingdom. With this, Regina is reassured Emma will have no reason to stay in town. ("Shadow of the Queen"), As the Queen is traveling down a road, she is oblivious to Snow White attempting to kill her by drawing and firing her bow at her. February 1[1] She begins using magic to choke "Belle" until the facade melts off to reveal the Shadow just before it flees. At the clock tower, the heroes discover Mr. Gold has tethered Storybrooke's magic into a piece of the Olympian Crystal, in an effort to wake a cursed Belle. She wakes up in a hut, where Snow White is caring for her. Thank you, lord, for predes, Letter To My Pregnant Daughter . Later, Henry informs Roni and Jacinda about Victoria being arrested for holding a woman captive, with these circumstances freeing Lucy from her Victoria's guardianship. During discussion about infiltrating the castle, David suggests going in from the front and ambushing the soldiers. Pregnant Evil Queen | Regina Mills. Zelena and Emma dated in high school and a bit afterwards until Cora decided enough was enough. Emma came to Storybrooke where they live and decided to stay for a little bit. Sort by: Hot . When distracted by Cora accidentally dropping the dagger, Emma gains the upper hand and threatens to stab Regina. While Henry commences Operation Firebird, Regina, David, and Robin keep him company. Disguising herself as a mouse, Regina sneaks into Rumplestiltskin's cell before reverting to her human form and questioning him about why the curse didn't work. Biographical Information This gives Emma time to enact a barrier in the back room; temporarily shielding Mr. Gold from Cora's grasp. Robin tests out her theory by kissing her, and Regina later confides to Snow that it was like kissing a photograph. Once inside, Regina reacts to what her mother said earlier about getting rid of Mary Margaret's mother. Comfortingly, they share a kiss and hug each other. As Regina turns back to look at the crowd of mourners, Zelena arrives with her daughter. Percival prepares to murder her, but Robin intervenes, getting injured. The mousy woman apologizes and explains she was on her way to bring flowers to John Doe at the hospital, though Regina chides her for wasting money since the man can't tell the difference anyway. Once the advice is heeded, the Queen begins using magic to choke Snow White before Ariel rushes back to stab her in the neck with a fork. After Snow White attacks King George's castle to free Prince Charming, she discovers he is not there and communicates with him through a mirror. Once Upon A Time Fanfiction Emma And Hook Pregnant February 26, 2023 Post a Comment . David and Snow receive a note from the Count of Monte Cristo, a person Regina admits she once hired to kill them. By nightfall, Regina assumes a lookout in a store across the street and waits for David's pick up truck to drop off Anton, Bashful, Doc, Dopey, Leroy, Happy and Walter at the diner. Having a change of heart, Regina retrieves the torn storybook pages, tapes them back together and stores it in her office drawer. Henry firmly says that he doesn't want to become like her, which genuinely hurts Regina as she remembers once saying the same words to her own mother. Motivated by an enemy, Regina decides she'll live to destroy Zelena's life. He jumps in after them, and despite that it appears all three have perished, the Queen senses they are still alive. Once Upon A Time there was a female character named Regina Mills and another female character named Emma Swan. ("It's Not Easy Being Green"), Regina casts a protection spell on the apartment to keep Mary Margaret and her unborn child safe. If not for the original Dark Curse, Regina would be (at least) seventy-nine or eighty years old. Regina uses the wand on her doll, but the magic backfires onto her, knocking her unconscious. Regina, however, doesn't care for the gift. He uses the last and third wish on the lamp to be with her forever. At the doorway of the supposed item, Regina senses light magic coming from it, to which Henry comes clean about what Tinker Bell told him. Despite Zelena's claims about being more powerful than her, Regina forbids her from going. Though Emma claims to know how she feels, Regina begs to differ. ("Shattered Sight"), Though Ingrid's curse is gone, some of her magic remains at the town line, which prevents those who leave Storybrooke from re-entering. It doesn't end well, however, as Rumplestiltskin inevitably believes she must be working for the Evil Queen in a ploy to get rid of his powers and he kicks her out of the castle for good. Henry is 12 years old. Gender: On that day Cora punishes her and locks her in her room, with Cora loudly declaring that she is to stay in her room until she is allowed to leave. Though they corner Arthur in the Round Table room, the group are blindsided by Zelena, who holds Mary Margaret as her hostage to get them to back down. He believes if her love for Daniel was real, she should have stayed away from him since a romance between a peasant and noble never ends happily. While Snow White is trying to rally villagers into fighting alongside her to regain the throne, Regina makes a surprise appearance, sending all the peasants fleeing. In turn, this caused Cora to unwillingly abandon Zelena after birth. From this, Regina is reminded of something Greg said, which is that villains like her don't get happy endings. Regina urges Robin to leave with her, but he cannot, admitting Zelena is pregnant with his child. Kelly then smashes the sign into pieces, which shocks Roni until she sees Kelly pick through the debris to retrieve a circular red stone that is actually the amulet. ("Ill-Boding Patterns"), With Zelena, Regina goes to the loft to tell Emma, Snow, and Henry about the Queen's escape. Since Emma defies her, Regina plants Mary Margaret's jewelry box, containing a heart with Kathryn's DNA on it, near the Toll Bridge. Regina is shocked that the goddess is real, but Ursula assures her that if she ever impersonates her again, she will find out just how real she is. ("Ariel"), At some point, the Queen acquires a poisoned apple, which the Blind Witch later steals from her. From regaining her memories that Hook stole from her, Emma realizes Hook wants to open a portal to the underworld and bring all the previous Dark Ones to Storybrooke. Even so, she presses for the search to continue. In a group discussion, Belle shares knowledge about the flying monkey's origins in the land of Oz, so Regina determines the person in the palace is the Wicked Witch. Regina can only recall her former instructor being pushy and even cruel, but this inspires her to place Emma on a bridge and cut the rope; forcing the latter to use magic by instinct to save herself. At the crashed dirigible, Regina helps collect scraps that Jekyll needs for making a new weapon to defeat Hyde. The couple quickly learn what she means when two Dark Ones corner them and brand their wrists with the mark of Charon. And Regina Mills always gets what she wants. The effects of the spell will force Henry to love her, but for it to work, she must take the heart of her most hated enemyMary Margaret. On Henry's word, Regina and the others agree Felix is dangerous and decide to lock him up. Though Emma is successful, the father, Michael, wants nothing to do with the children. After a failed attempt at talking to Hook, Emma urges Regina to leave the Underworld before Cora's threat becomes real. That night, Henry relates his fears that Pan will somehow break out of the box and harm him again. See "Family" This news prompts her to think about her birth parents, and why they gave her up. ("Only You"), Leaving Henry and Violet to wait in the library, Regina and Emma pinpoint Mr. Gold after seeing a magic storm cloud above the Hotel D'or building. She affirms her love for him before being brought to the scaffold for her execution. ("Heart of Darkness", "The Stable Boy", "Hat Trick"), Based on Mr. Gold's assessment as Mary Margaret's lawyer, her personality can help get the charges dropped, so an interview with District Attorney Albert Spencer is scheduled. Henry, pleased with the idea, agrees they must change her story in the book since she is not the person she once was. Coyly, she states only true love's kiss can help, but only if Lacey herself loves him, too. She shows him page 23, which Isaac recognizes as a page from some experimental writing he did for another book that he never completed. David and Mary Margaret object to letting villains into Storybrooke, but Regina advocates that since she got a second chance, Cruella and Ursula deserve one too. Roni expresses regrets about coming to her for help knowing she had a life in San Francisco, but Kelly decides to put the wedding on hold so she can help Roni. They hurry onto the Jolly Roger in time to place the heart back in Henry as he gasps to life. Under pressure by Regina, Emma reveals she learned the truth about her parents from a dreamcatcher. Regina finds her group in the vault, where they are hiding from a beast that killed Snow in Emma's dream. Snow encourages her not to run from the Queen, and that they can outsmart her by thinking ahead of her. She and Emma have a stake-out in a car, and upon seeing a shadow in the mayoral office, they burst in, but the person disappears in green smoke. Regina decides to hold off on telling Ariel the whereabouts of Eric until after she accomplishes the mission, and stresses the bracelet will only give her legs for twenty-four hours. Regina then conjures a stream of fire and sends it through the mirror, scorching the witch to death. Regina blocks the siblings by teleporting in front of them and then using vine roots to pin them to the ground. ("Heartless"), Seeing Snow's misery over David's current state, Regina almost goes to confront the Queen herself, but Emma convinces her it won't do any good and that she needs to be there for Henry. She is persuaded by Mr. Gold that it's more than likely Cora will be the one coming through and they decide to put a stop to whoever will be using the portal to enter into Storybrooke, regardless if it's Emma and Mary Margaret, so Regina can be the only mother in Henry's life. In her vault, she explains the circumstances to Sidney by showing him the storybook, which has an illustrated "happy ending" image of Robin and Marian. From this, Emma explains how she came to the decision of inviting her to the party because Archie said Regina is doing well in therapy and improving for Henry's sake. Before they execute the plan, she lies to Henry about making preparations for Emma and Mary Margaret's arrival and will do anything in her power to keep them safe. Henry, in Pan's body, admits that he still does need her, and warmly embraces a tearful Regina. Later on, as she heads for her car, Emma gives her a gun for protection. If you are looking for some of the most popular once upon a time fanfiction, youve come to the right post! She tries to give the wand to Emma to allow her to banish the Black Fairy, but Emma divulges that Mr. Gold is actually the Savior meant for the job as it is his destiny to kill his own mother. Joining forces, Regina and Emma's magic deactivates the trigger, but everyone is thrown back by a blast. Zelena feigns ignorance as Marian, but eventually reverts to her true self. Emma was a princess and she loved and hated it. ("The Brothers Jones"), After Henry writes about Snow and David's plan to contact their son Neal in Storybrooke, Regina and the others have little enthusiasm about it, as they were hoping to read Hades' story. After meeting the "wizard", or doctor, Victor, Regina allows him to inspect the quality of Daniel's body, which he finds is in good condition for the operation. Ivy, finally understanding the strength in love and family that Roni tried to convince her of when she was still her magic student, makes mention of returning to the New Enchanted Forest with her sister. Eye color: At the tavern where pixie dust once led her to Robin, she walks in to ask if he is happy with his life, and Robin claims he is because he lives at his own whim without having to answer to anyone. When the person happens to open a chest that unleashes an aggressive plant monster, Regina destroys it with a well-aimed fireball. When news of the affair spreads throughout town, Regina adds to the scandal by secretly spray painting the word "tramp" on Mary Margaret's car. Tiana curiously inquiries if she really has magic, which Regina confirms, allowing Tiana some assurance that they have a chance of defeating Tremaine after all. Snow White offers her insight on the Queen, who is someone in constant pain, but who she believes was once good. On another day, Regina preps for a magic lesson in the Dark One's castle, but Rumplestiltskin asks what is it that she truly wants. She regards the portal warily and wonders how he will return if there are no more beans, to which Henry assures her he will find a way. However, the plan falls apart when Drizella reveals Regina will be casting the curse and then ushers Gothel to show her what she means. Under Regina. From the other side of the door, Emma comforts Regina; promising that she will help her find a happy ending. ("Save Henry"), Ten years later, Regina gifts Henry with a lunchbox. Regina manages to subdue Drizella by holding her throat in a vice grip, and Zelena poofs the curse scroll into her hand before giving it to her sister. Portrayed by: Regina, despite being angered that Hook is alive as Robin remains dead, sets aside her emotions in favor of finding out the cause of the tremor. Born nolan ), also called the savior, is a character on abc's once upon a time and once upon a time in wonderland. Seeing as David's efforts to hit the creatures with ammunition isn't working fast enough, Regina scares off the vast majority by conjuring and throwing fireballs. Although Owen is eager, his father declines, leading Regina to delay them from leaving by having Billy stall the car repairs. ("Siege Perilous"), As Emma enters a catatonic state from the strain of being the Dark One, Regina, Hook and Emma's immediate family are left unsure how to help her. Facilier suggests she can stop pretending to be upset to see him now that her friends are gone and then shows her the necklace which once belonged to her. Her father Henry opposes the killing because it'll make Regina unfavorable in the eyes of her subjects, and he suggests sparing the girl to show mercy. After August is taken by Emma and her parents to the apartment, Regina heads there under the pretense of stealing the door image for the villains. Safe and sound above ground, Regina reunites with Henry, though when Emma tries to check up on him, she pushes her away. With the others, Regina joins them on this expedition. He also reveals Mr. Gold is now trapped inside the box before Emma nicks him. In Regina's large bed. With another scheme in mind, she calls for her carriage so she can get to the wedding. ~WARNING~ This fanfic turns into a fanfic for a certain OUAT ship. The father, Michael, wants nothing to do with the children hug each other the... 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