Platoon Leaders are their heads who motivate and inspire them to complete a mission. Well-versed in materials management and inventory reconciliation. The support operations duties include the following: Ensure accurate, timely tactical reports are sent to the FSC CP. Russell J. Baker is the FSC observer, coach, trainer for the Timberwolf maneuver training team at JMRC in Hohenfels, Germany. When the 1SG receives the CFS from the operator, he sends the logistic task order to the CRT for action. By failing to train their companies in basic troop leading procedures (TLPs), FSC commanders are stunting the growth of their subordinate leaders, introducing unnecessary stress and confusion, and risking mission failure for the entire maneuver task force. To provide quick turnaround of maintenance problems, each maneuver company has a field maintenance team from the supporting FSC dedicated to support them. Class I is provided by the food service section. The stock control section will: Maintain a current listing for all on-hand commodities. The MCS checks the status of the maintenance and service/recovery section and the remaining CRTs to support the mission. Coordinates critical parts status with division/FSB support operations officer. They should have the resources to successfully support our warfighters in any logistics position or in any company. He coordinates the platoon's maintenance and logistical requirements and handles the personal needs of individual soldiers. Here are a few tweaks that could improve the score of this resume: quartermaster officer- maintenance platoon leader. If a vehicle is non-mission capable (NMC) for organizational level maintenance, the ULLS-G operator enters that information into the ULLS-G computer. | Army Organic Industrial Base Modernization Implementation Plan, Fusion Directorates open their doors in time for Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month, U.S. Army Hosts DoD Warrior Games at ESPN Wide World of Sports, Army announcement on Fort Hood leadership, Army announces its service component command for U.S. Space Command. They are physically fit and can perform under physical and mental pressures. (2) Prioritize the maintenance workload to support the commander's mission based on priorities received from the support operations section's readiness division. Platoon leaders plan and execute force sustainment logistics operations and supervise the technical and tactical training of Soldiers to ensure their effectiveness on the battlefield or in the shop . Maintenance advances such as the multi-capable mechanic, advances in diagnostics and prognostics maintenance capabilities, and the introduction of the forward repair system (FRS) enhances the FSC maintenance platoon's capabilities. The FSC maintenance platoon coordinates backup and pass-back maintenance requirements with the FSC support operations. It does not have to be a regurgitation of the battalion's planning SOP; it should be an easy-to-read description of the company planning process presented as a chapter in the company's tactical SOP (TACSOP). The result of good PMCS is a properly completed equipment inspection and maintenance forms. When the MCS receives a LTO from the FSC support operations section, it forwards the LTO to the appropriate section (another CRT, maintenance and service section, or recovery section) via FBCB2. Once it is determined that the crew cannot repair or recover the vehicle or equipment, the platoon contacts the executive officer or 1SG. Supervised the work of 48transportation personnel. 6-54. Serves as the unit's point of contact for automated readiness reporting and mileage reporting issues. The headquarters section maintains situational awareness of BN/TF operations. Emphasis is placed on troubleshooting, diagnosing malfunctions and fixing the equipment by component replacement. Recommends allocation of maintenance assets in coordination with company commanders and UMOs. Leader's Guide; Major General Windsor "Shane" Buzza . The maintenance control supervisor is the best-qualified noncommissioned officer in the platoon, selected on the basis of leadership skills as well as technical ability. The S&T platoon leader of the FSC takes over the responsibilities previously held by the support platoon leader in the maneuver units. Minimized damage and repair costs through careful management and preventative maintenance. The second week focuses on warrior tasks and battle drills such as the virtual convoy trainer, radio operations, troop leading procedures in operations planning, evaluation and evacuation of a casualty, and other tasks. If an FSC commander feels confident in his unit's ability to rapidly produce mission orders, it is highly recommended that he request an external evaluation by either the battalion operations officer or brigade support battalion executive officer. 6-53. Functional Training. 6-43. Sample planning timelines and key events that must happen within that time line should also be included. This resulted in the convoy missing its specified departure time. Doctrine tells us that commanders at all levels drive the operations process. The FSC maintenance platoon also coordinates backup and pass-back maintenance requirements through the FSC support operation officer to the FSB. Start with easy victories; train squad and section leaders to conduct TLPs at their levels first. He has a bachelor's degree from the College of William and Mary. Transportation Logistics Coordinator knowledgeable about logistics analysis, scheduling and inventory management. A recovery team is dispatched to perform recovery operations at the breakdown site or from an intermediate coordinated location within the area of operation. Besides operator maintenance, selected Soldiers are trained to perform limited maintenance on damaged weapons and battle damage assessment and repair. The MCS uses three management tools: SAMS, ULLS-G, and FBCB2. The MCS forwards the LTO to the recovery section NCOIC. The platoon leader, platoon sergeant, and squad leaders must understand maintenance for every piece of equipment in the platoon. Armed with knowledge about the upcoming mission, NCOs are able to initiate movement and prepare Soldiers and equipment. The commander is responsible for everything the FSC does or fails to do. The message is sent simultaneously to the 1SG for action and to the FSC support operations section for information. With the introduction of GCSS-Army, maintenance functionality will be consolidated in the maintenance module. She holds a bachelor's degree in chemistry from the United States Military Academy. This section is also responsible for providing organizational services on the equipment organic to the FSC and the maneuver battalion HHC, and assists the CRTs in completing the services for the maneuver companies. 6-29. Platoon leaders ensure vehicles (if equipped) crews and equipment operators perform PMCS. Monitors activities within BN/TF for compliance with the BN/TF service support annex. This WARNORD should consist of key information to allow subordinates to begin their own planning and preparation. He must be able to issue instructions to his subordinate leaders in the form of clear, accurate combat orders and then he must ensure that the orders are executed. Human Services Counseling Executive Leadership. They assign tasks, plan patrol routes, organize and position the soldiers under their command. This section provides food service and food preparation for the BN/TF and organic personnel. First Lieutenant (1LT) 7-76. The supply sergeant's specific responsibilities include the following: Control the company cargo truck, resupplies the water trailer, and supervise the supply clerk/armorer. As a maneuver commander task organizes the force, all or part of a CRT goes with the company teams in order to maintain habitual support. This section also provides Class II, III(P), IV, VII, and IX DS to the maneuver BN/TF units. Enforces the maintenance of up-to-date technical publications for use by maintenance personnel. Then build on those successes until company-level operations run smoothly. Wingit quietly asks himself, "What went wrong?". QM BOLC has instruction on all QM functions and concludes with an end-of-course capstone exercise in which each lieutenant acts as a platoon leader for a forward support company in a decisive action training environment. Figure 6-1 shows a doctrinal template on how to deploy the FSC to support their maneuver BN/TF. He is the principal assistant to the maintenance control officer in matters pertaining to the field maintenance mission of the organization. SPO personnel provide technical supervision of the FSC's CSS mission for the BN/TF. Serves as the Headquarters Platoon Sergeant in a non-divisional direct support maintenance company forward deployed in support of Operation Enduring Freedom; responsible for the accountability, welfare, physical fitness, administrative actions and counselings of 52 Soldiers; provides leadership, mentorship and training to all Soldiers in the Gathered, logged and monitored all shipping data. Process and disseminate information on enemy and friendly NBC capabilities and activities, including attacks. As an option, the armorer may serve as the driver of the 1SG's vehicle to make him more accessible for weapons repair and maintenance in forward areas. Coordinates supplemental transportation in support of the BN/TF. The platoon sergeant forwards an electronic version or gives a hard copy of the forms to the executive officer or 1SG, who reviews and verifies problems and deficiencies and requests parts needed for maintenance and repairs. Coordinate, monitor, and supervise decontamination operations. If the part is not available or has a long order ship time, the vehicle is recovered to the BSC or EAD as appropriate. Assist the commander in developing and implementing the company team NBC training program. Updated the database with changes in carrier status. The company commander is the single CSS operator for the conduct of all CSS operations, less medical, in support of the BN/TF. The flow of reporting and repairing equipment includes the following: 7-69. 6-2. TF S1/S4 for common tactical picture and supported unit/echelon CSS situational awareness. Managing, and when necessary, conducting cross training for mechanics in the FSC. PLATOON LEADER 1-48. 6-32. The MCS performs all TAMMS and dispatching operations and tracks scheduled services using ULLS-G for the maneuver battalion and the FSC. He did not even attempt to talk through the convoy's actions on contact. 6-46. 6-3. He must be proficient in the tactical employment of the company and its assigned and attached CSS elements. Meet the winners of the 2023 Armys Best Medic Competition, Command Sgt. The S&T platoon HQ manages the distribution of supplies and food service coming from or passing through the FSC in support of a mechanized infantry or armor BN/TF. At a minimum, commanders should use the training and evaluation outlines called Prepare an OPORD at the Company, Platoon, or Squad Level (071-326-5626) and Conduct Troop Leading Procedures (71-CO-5100) in order to ensure subordinate units are conducting mission planning to standard. FSCs training at JMRC are generally observed to be weak at executing TLPs. (3) Ensure that maintenance records are recorded and reported as required by AR 750-1. Prepared documents for shipment claims submissions. Steven Nowlin, Allise Berry, Jake Thomas, and Olivia Halsne prepare to take needed information to maintenance and tactical operations center elements during the Second Lt. Aaron Jones shows 2nd Lt. Michael Parker where his forward support company will be located at the start of the final exercise for the Quartermaster Basic Officer Leader Course on Dec. 13, 2016, at Fort Lee, Virginia. Good platoon leaders must enforce Army standards for readiness and cleanliness consistently and equitably to maintain discipline and respect and hold troops accountable. Once the lieutenants finish BOLD tactics, they continue with common core lessons on written communications, cultural awareness, and other officership topics. Assists in the planning, scheduling, and publishing of the scheduled service plan for all assigned equipment per the applicable technical manual/lubrication order. Prioritized order security, accuracy and on-time pickup and delivery. The CRT responds to the LTO with one of the acknowledgment messages. The unit SOP should detail when maintenance is performed, to what standards, and who inspects it. Gathered, logged and monitored all shipping data. The graphics that are expected to be present on everyone's maps should be described in the SOP. They would then collectively begin to generate a plan that could both meet the commander's intent and accomplish the mission. He is a graduate of the QM Basic Course and the Logistics Captains Career Course. The FSC maintenance platoon's priorities are determined by the MCO in coordination with the maneuver BN/TF chain of command. Coordinates aerial resupply for critical items. Ensure all eligible soldiers take APFT, HT/WT, and weapons QUAL6. The FSC provides field maintenance and all classes of supply, less medical, to its supported BN/TF. 6-56. 6-45. Figure 6-1. These forms (DA Form 2404 or DA Form 5988-E) are the primary means through which the platoon and squads obtain maintenance support or repair parts. "Well, that takes care of the warning order," Capt. Alan M. Strange is a BOLC instructor at ALU at Fort Lee, Virginia. asks Capt. This adds more stress to an already challenging environment. Wingit sips on his morning coffee at the battalion's field trains command post (FTCP). Establishes and monitors Bn/TF LOGSITREP/ LOGSTAT/ LOGSPOT reports IAW SOP. Get the mentorship and answers you need from others with your experience. The 1SG's specific duties include the following: Plan and supervise the company defense effort before, during, and after the battle. The MCS inputs this information into ULLS-G. As the task force is task organized, CRTs with associated ULLS-G boxes move with supported units in order to maintain habitual support to the company. 6-25. Coordinates for personnel with special MOSs to support slice units equipment, e.g., combat engineers, ADA, and FA. The point here is to enforce the now standardized company planning process and templates and to ensure every leader is completely comfortable with them. ALU instructors have deliberately focused on revamping BOLD tactics to mirror the National Training Center's (NTC's) decisive action training environment scenarios that employ the field trains and combat trains concepts. Connect with current and former Maintenance Platoon Leaders on RallyPoint. The maintenance platoon provides command and control and reinforcing maintenance to the CRTs. Assist in preparation the company OPORD for the commander and the concept of support for the BN/TF OPORD. In turn, the CFS and LTO are entered into SAMS (for DS level jobs) and ULLS-G (for organizational level jobs) as appropriate. These duties require the commander to understand the capabilities of the company's soldiers and equipment and to know how to employ them to best tactical and CSS advantage. Planning for continuity of maintenance support during periods of movement. MAINTENANCE. Leaders from five different branches, both officers and senior non-commissioned officers have weighed in. If the unit or is unable to perform the recovery mission, it reports the need for recovery to the company. The appropriate section responds to the LTO with one of the acknowledgment messages. Monitors maintenance activities at customer UMCPs and maintenance company MCP. It is task organized with the maintenance control section, the maintenance and service section, and the recovery section. 6-4. This CTCP is located in the FSC forward location, usually in the center of the FSC forward, for force protection purposes and to act as the command and control of the assets placed there, as well as, to facilitate cooperation, planning, and interface with the BN/TF staff. Coordinating maintenance and service section and combat repair teams requirements for the use of the recovery section assets. Distribution platoon leaders struggle to manage their time as they react to ever-changing requirements. 6-49. Requests and coordinates if required. The maintenance platoon leader listens carefully but fails to write anything down. Executing maintenance priorities as established by the BN/TF and FSB commander. They lack the tactical intuition necessary to solve complex problems while operating in field trains, combat trains, or tactical convoy operations. Sustainment courses in the institutional domain focus more on staff work and number-crunching instead of training techniques at the company level and below. The FSC headquarters section, monitoring radios that had not been updated with the new communications security fill, sits listening to radio silence as the FTCP's entry control point attempts to report enemy movement to the front. Develops subordinate leaders through an active professional development program, emphasizing coaching, counseling, and mentoring. However, if unable to perform the mission, the NCOIC redirects the message back to the MCS. It also maintains FM communications capability with both the BN/TF command and logistics nets and capability to link to FBCB2 devices. According to its chairman, the Basic Officer Leader Department (BOLD) trains about 1,900 lieutenants every year. It focuses on preparing junior officers for their first assignments. The addition of two former NTC observer-coach/trainers to BOLD has significantly enhanced the instructors' ability to synchronize training with what lieutenants will encounter at the combat training centers. The XO is the principle assistant to the company commander. The operator conducts initial maintenance, repair, and recovery actions on site. The goal of field maintenance is to repair and return equipment to the Soldier. The best way to ensure a common standard in the planning process is to create and use standard operating procedures (SOP). The orders group technique allows the commander to focus his time and effort on understanding the company's role in the overall fight. 6-36. Provides management oversight and technical guidance on the establishment of unit stockages of combat spares IAW applicable supply regulations. Forecasts and monitors the workload for all equipment by type. 6-7. Managing the maintenance platoon stockage of combat spares. The company executive officer should be tracking where in the planning process the company is for all of its upcoming missions. members. Plans and executes contingency operations as required. The maintenance platoon, using unit level logistics system-ground (ULLS-G), performs all TAMMS functions, dispatching, and scheduled service operations for the maneuver BN/TF and FSC. Deliver issued assets (LOGPAC) and pickup retrogrades(turn-ins to maintenance and/or for disposal). Knowing the status of equipment undergoing repairs. Watch the following video as a historical example of the importance of weapon and equipment maintenance. 6-16. Tracks available assets through subordinate companies, the FSB support operations, Bn/TF S4, and other customers. Second, once back in the operational domain, FSC commanders complain about not having enough time to train their formations. Determining platoon equipment operators licensing requirements. The MCO serves as the task force maintenance officer for the maneuver BN/TF and FSC using SAMS-1 and FBCB2. Monitor company team activities and/or the tactical situation; anticipate and report logistical requirements using FBCB2; and coordinate and monitor the status of the company's logistics requests. The FSC company commander is responsible to the FSB commander for the discipline, combat readiness, and training of the FSC, direct support to the supported BN/TF, and for the maintenance of FSC equipment. The platoon employs self-recovery and like-vehicle recovery techniques. Of the nearly 80 missions that this particular FSC executed during the rotation, only a handful began with a solid execution of the planning process through the use of TLPs. Coordinates retrograde of equipment and supplies with the FSB support operations officer or FSB movements NCO. In conjunction with the commander, establish and maintain the foundation for company discipline. The CRTs provide field maintenance and battle damage assessment and repair (BDAR) to the maneuver companies. But a poorly planned operation is doomed from the start. The FSC depends upon the following: HDC, FSB for personnel administration support. Monitoring the status of equipment under-going repairs and determining status of Class IX repair parts required to complete the repair. Appropriate elements of the division or corps for legal, combat health support, finance, personnel, and administrative support. The course caps off its functional training by testing students in a comprehensive field exercise called Operation Overland. Assigning daily workload to maintenance and service section and the recovery section. Field maintenance is on-system maintenance, and mainly involves preventive maintenance and replacement of defective parts. Fuel requires a twice a day delivery, all other supplies are daily or as required by METT-TC. Assist the commander in preparations for follow-on missions. Maintenance and the early identification of problems prevent equipment down-time and the reduction of combat effectiveness. The UMCP is under the control and is workloaded by the MCS. The maneuver company 1SG reinitiates the platform's CFS up to the FSC support operations section. It also consists of an introduction to petroleum and water delivery, aerial delivery, mortuary affairs, subsistence, and shower and laundry services. The commander must also know the capabilities and limitations of the company's personnel and equipment in performing the CSS mission as well as those of CSS elements attached to him. He plans, conducts, coordinates, and/or supervises NBC defense training with the 1SG and covers such areas as decontamination procedures and use and maintenance of NBC-related equipment. All maneuver company ULLS-G boxes are collocated with the maintenance control section; and the MCS supervises the ULLS-G operators. Of individual soldiers IV, VII, and squad leaders must enforce Army standards for readiness and consistently!, combat trains, combat health support, finance, personnel, and IX DS to the company.... The recovery section assets trained to perform the mission equipment under-going repairs and determining status of Class repair! And handles the personal needs of individual soldiers and service section and the of! 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