8. Sorry, it took me so long to post but Ive been getting in at near midnight all week long. Give these recipes from . This mean is even better the next day! I usually only buy pot roast when its marked down and vacuum seal it and freeze it for later. I pay $25 in feed a month, which gives us on average 250 eggs a month. I work in Wyoming once in a while where there arent many and I can find them for $3 /lb. When we make tacos we add a few eggs to the ground meat and you honestly cant tell the difference, then just cook them into the already cooked ground meat and season to taste, it changes the texture a tiny bit but after you add rice and beans to your tacos/burritos, you cant tell anymore at all, this really stretches a meal!. There are a lot of free things out there also to help. What they had to endure for the next 30 years or more I can only imagine. Simple baked potatoes with butter and salt and pepper are filling and cheap. 30. 85. Very similar navy beans, a little bit of ham (or even better a leftover ham bone), some onions, celery, carrots. Little greens, a slice of cucumber, few chopped onions, a small grape tomato, and a few carrot curls. Instead of ordering out for pizza I make my own pizza dough (making 2 doughs and freezing the 2nd for later), make my own pizza sauce and taco sauce. I fry ground beef, use the grease to make a gravy and serve on toast. We eat baked potatoes at least twice a week and have several go-to cheap filling meals. Onions and peanut butter were both cheap and easy to find, so mothers would hull the middle of an onion before stuffing it with peanut butter and baking it until soft. 57. We raise all we can. I dont think those meals are great depression meals anymore. 5. We have a 50 by 50-foot garden and plant what we can and then can it, the beginning costs may be high but you reuse most of it for years. To save money while feeding 11 people we make chicken and noodles using turkey instead of chicken. My dad loved bologna and fried spam. Popcorn, Corn tortillas fried for corn chips. I make lots of Frybread & salads to go with meals. Theres a lot of Hispanic people in my area do the price for oxtail is outrageous. Get clearance on pumpkins or neighbors pumpkins and make bread from them then freeze it. 43. Hi Diana, isnt it wonderful how we remember what our parents did to save money? it tastes awesome with some spices (especially turmeric) and a little salt (sea salt, pink salt) and maybe a few veggies and chicken meat scraps, noodles or rice. Two freezers and over 500 quarts (I stopped counting) we eat a lot of veggies so stir fry is big on the list. I serve them like my mom did, with fried potatoes and cornbread. Potatoes baked in microwave. We now have a shed that is set up strictly for meat processing which has a long counter, freezer, meat slicer etc. We had to stretch every penny to feed our families. I buy the dry beans and cook 2 lbs at a time in the slow cooker. Brown hamburger, onion, and oats together, then drain, add tomatoes with the juice, BBQ sauce, tomato paste, rice, enough water for the rice to cook and cook until the rice is done. Dandelions were often used in meals as well. That saves your own money. We are hunters. Everything I cook is served over either rice or potatoes to stretch it. Grace Mannon Updated: Feb. 21, 2023. broth, to add extra flavor to pasta, rice, or veggies. Honestly, I like it best without chorizo. Roll out and cut into similarly-sized shapes. Clara Cannucciara was a lovely woman who lived throughout the entire Great Depression. The Penny Restaurants of the Great Depression. . A lot has changed on rural America's farms in the 70 years or so since the Great Depression. Ramen noodles 6 pk for $1.00 is a great soup starter. This filling dinner, described as a recipe that "came out of the hard times of the Great Depression," works as an easy way to use up leftovers. Using no special ingredients, this cake is delicious and cheap. Add cheese, apple, hard boiled egg for a more filling salad. Excellent article. 27. A package of noodles that would probably equal about 15 to 20 ramen packages is $1.99 at a nearby store. I still make a lot of beans because they are high in fiber and protein and depending on how you make them, low in fat. I make noodles as a side dish often. 16. Add your frozen mixed veggies and some bean for protein and you have a big pot of soup for $3-4. Im diabetic, so I cant fill up my meals with lots of rice or pasta. You can add meat, or not. Place on an ungreased baking sheet. Invite the family over. Things are getting pricey out there these days and I have done a pretty good job of stocking my pantry with canned goods and dry goods. The turkey we roast the day before also to make stuffing using dried out buns and heals. Milk and eggs are perishable, and unless you lived on a farm, they probably weren't a huge staple in your depression-era kitchen. The water you boiled it in is now a quick broth use for soup). Various kinds of nuts and berries were often foraged for the help feed the family. Shape and fry up). I can almost triple how long something will stretch with rice. We eat what we want most of the time because we shop strategically. 41. My mom had to be inventive to feed all five of us. My mom raised us on very little money. I remember how important putting those stamps in the book was and how exciting to see it fill up. Life is so good! We loved tomato soup but we did have grilled cheese with it and tuna casserole, well everyone had tuna casserole and salmon patties. Ok. THEN, leftover chicken gets turned into a chicken and rice soup! Potatoes are cheap and easy to store, so it's no surprise they showed up on menu home meal plans during the Depression. Its quite a bit cheaper. Said it tasted like eggs so they ate it. Ramen noodle packages are not considered food in my house. THREE meals out of ONE chicken! Lets face it those big servings of meat were never good for us anyway. Kraft Macaroni and Cheese. We also shop Aldis, just be careful and know your prices at other stores. 9. 11. Taco meat over rice. I can get 10 lbs of potatoes for $2-3 at Aldi. It is appreciated. My family hasnt noticed. Here are some recipes that were actually used during the Great Depression. Canned meat wasn't available for many people living in rural areas. Cornbread/Johnny Cakes. Linda, Hi Tiffany, thank you! My mother told us about depression meals she remembered and enjoyed growing up. Nutrition over taste was the golden rule when food got scarce during the Depression, and money was hard to come by. Tomato sandwiches (I never knew this was a depression meal), Biscuits and gravy (sometimes we had sausage in it), Pancakes rolled with butter and sugar inside, Norwegian lefse-my recipe is at the bottom. We ate lots of beans and Mexican rice. We have started trying to go meatless a few days a week. 1 1/2 cups flour. If you have a garden going salad is basically free- lettuce, spinach, cucumbers, peppers, tomatoes. Also, you can use half ground chicken or turkey with hamburger meat in foods that call for somehamburger. 74-year-old Army veteran told me that when he was growing up in the Carolinas they were dirt poor, so his mother in the morning would mix flour into the eggs to make enough to go around. "My large Italian family gathered in the kitchen and tried many ways to prepare Sunday dinner on a tight budget. I have bought a half gallon of OJ there for 50 cents and a FLAT of strawberries with nothing wrong with them for 2$ (0.25 a quart). Such a reminder of my childhood, and my present conditions as well. Ah, soup: the ultimate comfort food. For snacks, because we have grown children that are grazers we eat a ton of popcorn. When you cook meats you often find fat at the bottom of the ban. Fish patties (salmon or tuna, bread crumbs, lemon juice, mustard, onion, egg. I add wheat berries (homemade) to my spaghetti sauce and then cut the meat in 1/2 and no one notices. Linda, cold,snowy day ,minus 1. I love to cook and can make something out of nothing and its almost always pretty damn good. I never pay full price, I dont care if I stand there for 10 minutes with the line piling up, I am determined to find a coupon that works. White Bean and Ham Soup - Beans are super cheap so it makes sense that they were a staple during the Great Depression. I did a little the other day. Potatoes, tomatoes, garlic, onion, and cumin to flavorthem. They didnt sell it in the stores and you had to ask for it. My mom told me her mother-in-law showed her how to make this dish, which became popular during the Depression, on their "get acquainted" visit in 1927. When the bag is full, veggies soup! I can also mash pinto beans for refried beans with Mexican food. Then I dont go back to the store and get caught in oh this is a good deal. Learn to love what you grow. The meat just costs far too much and pasta is filling. Eggs and milk (hormone free) are less. Add in mash pota. My mom made it a lot, so I know it's going to be delicious. You can make a white sauce with water (to save on milk), once you have a white sauce you can add any seasonings to add flavor and then add something lik. These are pretty much the easiest items to grow. I learned how to cook from scratch with what I had. Most of the kids in our classes in school, were from middle income homes, who got to eat well. Our grandmothers knew how to stretch their food budget while feeding the family well. Then I freeze several containers for later meals. We buy food at a scratch and dent store. During the Great Depression food shortages, drought, and poverty meant that people had to get creative with what they ate. My dad was born in 1918 and my mom in 1927, when I was a kid they ate tomato sandwiches, homemade bread, bread torn and put in a glass then added milk. 15. But I think what helps the most is buying in bulk and avoiding the grocery store as much as possible. Today I went to Sams with a friend & picked up some good deals on meat. Saturday well have the stew, Sunday, pasta with meatballs. Sunday's special cookies and a cup of coffee for the adults were among the most popular weekend breakfasts. I can almost see her saying she loves her ham-maise sandwich! Lets share ideas with each other. When we lost our food budget for two months, I turned to boil a whole chicken and shred the meat to use in many meals. I make huge batches and freeze the extra. It saves a lot of money when Im not buying prepackaged food. Oxtail:Its the bone of the tail and very tender meat. 8. I shop early and get a lot of 50% or 30% off items. We just started doing fruit smoothies for afternoon snacksazurestandard.comhas frozen berries cheap. When we butcher goats hogs etc. In the video below we get to see how they're made from a woman who survived the '30s and loved her mother's baked apples. Thanks for being prepared for the unexpected. Blessings to all of you! You can add meat, or not. My sisters and I would let the flour tortillas sit out and get hard. As kids, we asked for this for dinner and could not get it often enough. Three Ingredient Depression Bread. My Mom and Dad grew up during The Great Depression. This article was interesting & a little funny because I didnt know they were depression era menu items. Just the other day, I got $10.00 off a new suit for my 7-year-old because I diligently stood at the register until I found a coupon code she would accept. 2. My parents were born prior to the First World War and came as immigrants for a better life. I try to make from scratch all our snack foods like crackers, granola bars, granola, fruit leather(when I find a great deal on fruit), bagels, bread, yogurt, etc. 1.8 Great Depression Foods - Peanut Butter Stuffed Onions. At times even spices were sometimes hard to come by during the Depression, most cooks usually kept some cinnamon on hand for baking. The the great depression food facts is a question that I am able to answer. This included all my paper goods, so it doesnt represent food only. 60. I would like to see someone (who has the time) to create recipes that are seasonal so that I am not constantly going to the store to find ingredients to make X, right now we should be eating squash, potatoes, dried beans, etc. For us, that means buying beef by the 1/4 or 1/2, ordering from Zaycon Foods, using Bountiful Baskets-Co-op,grinding our own grains, and making yogurt when I remember to, and then remembering to freeze or eat leftovers so we arent throwing food away. Isnt it awesome that we can make recipes our grandparents used to make? White Bean and Ham Soup was a staple in many households during the Great Depression because it allowed meat to be stretched far and leftovers to be used up. Because I needed to! Serve hot over bread, biscuits, or toast. Did this ever bring back memories! I started growing my own vegetables, spices, and fruits (strawberries, raspberries and I will be adding elderberries this year) two years ago and this will be my 3rd year. Several on here we still like today. Sorry, it took me so long to post but Ive been getting in at near midnight all week long. Still pricey but so much better. Rinse the beef, chop it into pieces and add to the white sauce above. Add only 1/2 cup of boiling water, cook, stirring constantly for 5 minutes. Baked Onions and Peanut Butter. Too many are used to fast and easy. I make my own spaghetti sauce with canned tomato sauce and crushed tomatoes and seasonings. 70. No money for luxuries. Continue whisking and add 1/2 gallon of milk. I buy whole chickens and turkeys and cut them up myself, then freeze or can them. I will be 70 soon and I still make bread, life is so good when you cook from scratch! Eat a lot of casseroles because it doesnt require as much meat. 35. We had a large family of 10 people, so each meal had to be extremely cheap, and go a long way. Cow's milk was a 'wonder food'. Reuse, Reuse, Reuse. View Recipe. If you save in all the other ways, then if you have to purchase meat or whatever at the store, you have the money to do it. You can have a cup of soup, or soup for a group quickly. 2 tbsp of sugar. That saves a lot, and it never hurts to ask! Navy Bean Soup. I also do a lot of my shopping at Aldi or the Amish bents and broken store. I make my own spaghetti sauce with canned tomato sauce and crushed tomatoes and seasonings. A couple of weeks ago, I took one of those large cuts and made pozole and Chile Verde and canned them- ended up with 24 pints of pozole and 18 pints of Chile Verde. No money for luxuries. Add rest of milk and water and cook for 5 more minutes. When I shop, I look for bargains. I have got to go check out that website on meatless recipes! When we have leftover veggies of any kind, if it is not enough for another meal, I freeze them, then add to a bag of other frozen veggies. Prices are half and more off. This treat was something that people couldn't help but love . 33. Love it! We used to beg my mom to make rice with milk, cinnamon & sugar. I buy organic veggies but dont peel them when I am low on cash we dont do organic but still dont peel them. At that time, cooks measured ingredients in pinches, dashes and dibs. In a bowl, whisk the cornmeal, salt, and remaining cup of water together. Old, injured or male birds are dinner. I know this sounds crazy, but we all need to rethink what we think a meal is. Meatballs (ground meat, bread crumbs, egg, ground up veggies, leftover cheerios or other low sugar cereal I use 1 part meat, 1 part bread type stuff, 1 part vegetables. For those who think the Spam is too expensive, Check your local Dollar store for Treat It should be right next to the Spam & I cant tell the difference. Freeze for later use fry up when needed. But I think what helps the most is buying in bulk and avoiding, For us, that means buying beef by the 1/4 or 1/2, ordering from Zaycon Foods. We dont eat a lot of meat we eat 3 eggs a day, we have our own chickens. This is great if youre not buying from Zaycon Foods, of course! Talk about a stretch! The idea is how to fill everyone up and save money on the most expensive part meat which we all need more veggies and less meat anyway. 1930s Einkorn Chocolate Cake. Make EVERY meal count. Ive learned how to cook. Beans were used in many Depression-era recipes, and this one also includes ham, carrots, onion, and garlicso you'll get protein, fiber, and veggies from this meal. We also shop Aldis, just be careful and know your prices at other stores. Salad can be made night Your family will think they are living large and you will cut your grocery money down. Ham Cups and Eggs. 74. I pay $25 in feed a month, which gives us on average 250 eggs a month. We all except one sister, all ended up being diabetic. When the bag is full, veggies soup! Linda, Hi Alli, its all about saving money on groceries, right??? Im so happy youve found us. I was just reading one for oatmeal patties. I felt my health was the very best when I ate only vegetables. To stop eating out, we take cheese and crackers or sandwich makings. We have one butchered professionally for all the different cuts and I butcher one or 2 for sausage and make bacon myself. Porridge for breakfast oats go a long way! We buy a hog and a 1/4 beef with our income tax return and stretch it along with the turkey and only buy chicken at .99 a pound. Cream of Potato Soup is a recipe from the Great Depression era that we all still enjoy very much today. 50% off yogurt makes nice frozen treats that we would not have otherwise. Mom was awesome is all I can say. Just freezing fresh foods, chopped, sliced or whatever means never letting it go bad. They say healthier eating equates to less money spent on medical needs, so I am hoping there is truth to that. Tastes ever so good as leftovers too. I am too. We have a 50 by 50-foot garden and plant what we can and then can it, the beginning costs may be high but you reuse most of it for years. Carb heavy foods need to be balanced with proteins or greens and for some of us, they should be consumed less than the other foods. Thank you for your kind remarks. 2 tbsp of cold water. Soups, stews, and chili are cheap, healthy and belly-filling. And honestly, I use turkey bacon because its cheaper! We make it once a month in a huge stock pot. 1 large yellow onion, chopped. I picked up 4 loaves and froze them. Doesnt have to be fancy and expensive. 1.6 Great Depression Foods - Mulligan Stew. Frankly, I never was able to eat those- the spam and bologna and homemade bread sure but the rest have never appealed to me. Hi Linda, I totally agree. We are trying to use our leftovers before they have to be thrown out. I bake most of my bread and found some great no-knead recipes at https://www.artisanbreadinfive.com/. Dr. Battaglino says one of the best foods for mental health is fatty fish, like salmon, sardines, and tuna. 46. She finds amazing deals at some of these different stores. It helps me to repurpose my leftovers into other meals. I remember my mom making salmon cakes. Im glad you and I had moms who taught us how to cook from scratch! My wife and I continue to enjoy this dish today . You'll even find bread, cakes, pies, and custards that are delightful additions to frugal cooking. I freeze everything I can, including bread, milk, pizza dough. We have a half-acre garden and I garden year around. I was just reading one for oatmeal patties. I grew up not poor, but not middle class, either. 18. Cook your own. My daughter is using your article here for a history assignment that she has to complete. Also, lots of peels or ends of veggies can be frozen until you have enough to make a veggie stock with them. 1. You can stock and it will take a little time. I think that I spend too much in search of ingredients. And honestly, I use turkey bacon because its cheaper! 10 Easy Budget Meals Anyone Will Love Every Day. Frugal Depression Era recipes to help you feed your family for less! 55. I thought all those simple meals and sandwiches with just onions or tomatoes was something my family did just because. Learn how to make simple yet delicious dishes while listening to stories from the Great Depression. . Acquiring these are still super frugal! One . He has several books (Seitan and Beyond is my favorite) but a good sampling of his recipes are available free on his site. 13. (every Wednesday is fish, every Friday is pizza! It can be done, but its hard work. Mix to form a batter. Many of your meat recipes I have turned into meatless versions and we enjoy them! So it should come as no surprise that someone figured out how to take a few basic ingredients (cream of chicken soup, onion, butter, etc.) Fish patties (salmon or tuna, bread crumbs, lemon juice, mustard, onion, egg. can be a challenge. A nice piece of cornbread on the side. Bag of beans, rice, onions, tomatoes, sausage. Now, this is a roast chicken you make from scratch, not the store-bought pre-cooked ones (which tend to be small). I buy most meats marked down. (Privacy Policy) *. Another favorite is a piece of toast, fried egg on top and hot milk poured on top. Still do and hate food waste. 34. 4. We always had our own large garden plus another garden down the block. I was just talking to my cousin about this today. I ALWAYS go first to the managers specials at the grocery store. My friend made it yesterday, Im making it for dinner tonight! From Scratch Noodles from Delishably. We were wondering who took the photo and any other information you could provide on the actual photo. 23. Hope this helps! The Dime Meal Eating Cheap in the Great Depression. Buying cheap and using coupons. They are so darn cute at that age! Our parents use to use their green stamp books to save. So how do we serve a good meal and save? She called it Slavic dinner I am not sure if that is its proper name she got the recipe from a family friend (this also freezes for later meals if needed), Hi Pauline, I love your comment about the Slavic dinner! boiling water. Fry up a cheap meal of peppers and eggs to keep you full in stomach and pockets. I still fix this today as a special treat. I buy 1/2 cow and a 1/2 pig from a local farmer the freezer was worth the investment yes its expensive up front but does the math its cheaper the long run and its local fresh and so much cheaper than the store in the long run. I cannot remember the last time we had ground beef. I decided that as I get my Social Security check once a month, Id shop only once a month (excluding fresh veggies and fruit). We process the meat ourselves. Creamed Chipped Beef & Toast - S.O.S. This is good for making mac and cheese, Cream Chipped Beef and even gravy. In the stores, the cosmetic counters normally have samples of things. Jane Ziegelman and Andy Coe, authors of A Square Meal, discuss food trends of the time. With all the comparisons between the current Recession and the Great Depression of the 1930s, it makes sense that we research Great Depression recipes.. Jobs are shaky and income uncertain for many people right now, so making the most of our household grocery . Buy pot roast when its marked down and vacuum seal it and freeze it i almost. Food only knew how to make a gravy and serve on toast ramen noodle packages are not food., to add extra flavor to pasta, rice, onions, a slice of cucumber, few onions. Linda, cold, snowy day, minus 1, onions, a grape. Stock with them need to rethink what we think a meal is leftover chicken turned! 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