Once this energy is healed within you, it will be reflected back TO you from your partner (or from the people youre attracting if youre single). Here, women can help men by setting the example of being in their empowered feminine. The second is that youve been through a traumatic experience as a woman and now you want to push that part of you aside. Thus, for many women, this fear and wounded feminine energy have been passed down over the generations, and many women are afraid of being in their full power and strength, of expressing their needs, and inner desires. In thisvideo, you will learn a simple 3-step process to heal your wounded feminine energy. The first step is to relax and be yourself. The feminine has been disrespected, dishonored and dominated by the wounded masculine and the patriarchy. It is essential to be open and vulnerable when speaking. This episode was designed to give you a simple yet powerful overview of the polar energies in men and women and why it's so essential for you to be operating in your healthy feminine if you desire to live a healed, Pleasure is a big part of the process. Feminine (or yin) energy is represented by all that is formless, expansive, and magnetic. Very rarely will you feel like youre ever-present. Anxious daters like this need to release these survival coping skills, so that they are able to connect with men in a real authentic way. When a woman is in tune with the dark feminine, her sexual energy has the potential to engulf and overtake the sexuality of a man completely. The feminine energy is associated with adaptability and flexibility, while the masculine energy is associated with strength and resilience. No woman will have her energies perfectly aligned; the goal is not perfection, the goal is harmony. Do you often feel like youre not good enough? Relationship attraction and sustenance is greatly enhanced, is more romantic, more exciting and long lasting when there is balance of masculine and feminine energies in each partner, as well as, understanding what each may bring to the table from a wounded experience. Or that he usually asks you out at the end of the date, but tonight he didnt. We may also have difficulty being vulnerable or expressing our feelings. The key thing is to embody as many of the divine/healthy feminine traits as possible for both inner and outer peace. They think that The first possibility is that you grew up with a mother or other female role model who had wounded feminine energy. Your body and mind internalize these events so that they can keep you safe in case such an event arises in the future. 428 Likes, 19 Comments - Sam || Bookstagrammer (@smuttybookdealer) on Instagram: BADASS FMC with a murderous feminine rage and a hot sexual energy Why Choose with 3 men in the This is a deep, powerful awakening into our sacred humanity. Doubt her ability to effect change in the world around her. Oh my. 7 Tips On How To Escape This Dating Torture, Your email address will not be published. When its blocked, we may second-guess ourselves and have difficulty knowing what to do next. There is no one way to turn on feminine energy. Inner wounds make women more judgemental. When a woman is in touch with her feminine energy, she can give off an aura of confidence, grace, and sensuality. Assertive in a loving way, not dominating or controlling. It is known by many names such as shakti, yin, and lunar energy, and is often connected symbolically with the moon, Gaia (Mother Earth), and water. For the masculine, sit your ass down and get quiet, practice grounding yourself, breathe deeply from your belly, practice making clear decisions, deepen your eye gaze and figure out your core purpose for being here! Read the 8 signs below if you are carrying wounded masculine energy. You struggle to sit still. Hide, withhold or mask her needs, her strengths, and inner desires for the fear of being rejected. Similarly, when these energies are out of balance in a greater sense on the scale of a whole culture or society, that is when we experience conflict, power struggles, and other symptoms of this energy imbalance. This can often backfire, as many men can misinterpret this as disinterest. Luckily, there are ways to clear this block and get back on track. The confines of your desk do not limit you! Your whole life and relationships change when you embody your feminine energy. Are they present, loving, and caring? From government to business to domestic spheres, masculine ideals such as assertiveness, competitiveness, and a preference for facts over feelings are praised and prioritized. It rules by fear. But what encompasses the Divine Feminine versus the Divine Masculine, and what roles do they play in our inner lives? Women even start to second guess themselves by asking is this really important to me? However, when youre not openly sharing yourself, hes going to pick up on it. Click the link to learn more about my offerings and schedule an exploratory call today! The healthy masculine and the healthy feminine grow together and become united as one. These energies become divine. You have such a deep distrust in the feminine that you fail to bond with other sisters. This is because nature is full of feminine energy. The 7 Signs of Blocked Feminine Energy (Unbalanced Feminine Energy). We all have reasons to feel bad about ourselves, but we do not have the right to. The reason why most guys find it so hard (or impossible) at times is because we often try too hard for people around us to see what kind of person you really ARE- which usually means going against everything natural about ones being. Feminine and masculine energies are the more active, assertive energy associated with the sun. WebThe Wounded Traits of Masculine and Feminine. When someone compliments you struggle to receive it and feel like you immediately need to give something back to them. This energy is associated with qualities like empathy, intuition, and creativity. If the latter is true and youre at least partially aware that youre dating a toxic guy, that indicates that you have blocked feminine energy. Learn The Most Effective Ways To Get Your Ex Back and Stop Them From Staying Away! They do need a small nudge, a green light to let them know that youre interested and engaged. Youll have the attitude of I can do this all on my own.. But what does wounded feminine energy mean? If youre feeling unfulfilled or like something is missing in your life, it may be a sign that your feminine energy is blocked. This is why we as women look down on our own powers and give them to others.Giving away our power to the outside world is what creates the wounds. Divine feminine energy constitutes openness, creativity, love, beauty, sensuality and sexuality. theres not a woman around that doesnt need the template/pro-active experience turned into: clean, healthy and in Lightened support from men who demonstrate/uphold Divine over shadowed masculine..even if these accounts of such the behaven beholden-dont turn into greatest persuit..the gain of friends (for i truly dont have even these men-in my life..and indeed they are truly welcomed-to help me and they practice how-tos). Females are naturally intuitive and in touch with their emotions. Being honest and open is part of your feminine energy, and can be such a great trait to bring into a relationship. Women with wounded feminine energy will blame others or their past for their present condition. Especially on the right side of your body (the masculine side) you will almost feel like youre in a box. In their absence a presence of qualities associated with masculine energy takes form. The wounded feminine has qualities of emotional flooding and volatility, lacking in self responsibility, insecurity, martyrdom, manipulative, clingy, obsessive, critical. But it is because of your distrust in feminine energy. Once you know the causes, you can take action to address them and completely heal your feminine energy. The dark feminine woman is also often wildly seductive and sensual, attracting both men and womens attention a la Robyn Rihanna Fenty. Identify what blocks your feminine energy and embrace that inner goddess youve been hiding! She is confident in her body and with her femininity. A person with imbalanced masculine energy doesnt have much softness in them. If youre experiencing any of the signs above, it may be time to unblock your feminine energy. Have you ever felt like youre on edge? By injecting more feminine power into our individual lives and into our communities, we can (and, in many cases, already are) slowly tipping the scales back toward a healthy balance. When the feminine energy is in balance, there is a natural beauty that arises. No matter our gender identity, we are all a mix of both masculine and feminine energies, and each has a divine purpose toward helping us reach our highest purpose. Are you that strong, independent woman who doesnt need a man to fulfill the difficult tasks? You hold a lot of anger towards your past. There is no problem with beautifying yourself, trying new clothes and doing makeup. Time to find out. But when its blocked, we may feel like were not living up to our potential. She is "magnetic" and "attracts everything she wants" simply by knowing that it is already hers; this allows for the manifestation of her dreams. Design by, A Clear Skin Miracle? Women are the womb owners- they are blessed with creative powers. Pay attention to your thoughts, words, and actions, and identify when its possible to stop, take a breath, and let go a little. For instance, do you think that you shouldnt be wearing dresses? Do you ever notice yourself very frigidity and always need to be doing something? I am going to protect this sacred feminine energy. Work on yourself. Some of the expressions of the wounded feminine are: leaking energy on things/ activities she doesnt want to do. When our feminine energy is flowing freely, were able to go with the flow and be open to new opportunities. You all know those. *. To show your feminine energy, and embrace it, with a man, then you need to be open and honest with him. I'm going to stand up for it. Although we all have both masculine and feminine energy inside of us (and both play an important role in our lives), in our romantic relationships we choose to be either primarily the masculine or feminine energy partner. seeking safety and security outside of herself. In a relationship, its important to balance both masculine and feminine energy. I see many women in wounded feminine energy overcompensate leaning back to avoid looking needy or clingy. Want to know how you can make him fall head over heels in love with you? have you resources? If some of these signs resonate with you and youre ready to shift out of this energy, I offer several different coaching options. He has unhealthy internal feminine who is serious, rigid and controlling, meditation, mindful living, mindfulness, insight timer, What is Human Design & How it Can Support Your Growth, Aligned Marketing for Your Human Design Type, Healing our Internal Masculine and Feminine Energies, Why Meditation Is So Important and How to Get Started Now, Understanding and Healing our Four Bodies (Mind, Body, Spirit, Emotions). I know it can feel unsettling to not know where you stand, if hes going to commit, or what hes thinking about the relationship. You have wounded feminine energy if you overwork without giving yourself time to rest. Believe it or not, this is a sign of wounded feminine energy. You are worthy of love and respect, so believe it. Additionally, things like yoga and meditation can provide an opportunity to be in touch with his emotions and femininity. One of the best ways to unblock your feminine energy is to spend time in nature. When a woman is connected to her feminine power, anything is possible. When our feminine energy is blocked, were actually suppressing it and going through life with our masculine energy. We both know that feminine energy is emotional, empathetic, kind, and compassionate and its all about embracing intuition and creativity. Now that weve covered the basics, its time to recognize signs of wounded feminine energy. These beliefs may be holding you back from fully expressing your feminine energy. Embodying your healthy masculine & feminine, and projecting that out into the world will invite in a man, woman, partner, friendships, and people who have also done their inner work. Fantastic informator,Thank you so much for sharing . Its time to shed this wounded feminine energy and uncover the confident, irresistible woman you already are. Take a good look at your past circumstances and see what caused you to disconnect from your feminine essence. General advice doesnt factor in whats happening deep down (insecurity, doubt, etc.). Wounded feminine energy refers to compromised energy. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This website is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com. Are you constantly looking for external validation? Your email address will not be published. Thisis NOT about blaming yourself for where youre at in your love life if youre familiar with my work, you know that beating yourself up will never help you! Copyright 2023 Meet Fusion | Powered by Meet Fusion. Everyone around you taught you that its better to have masculine traits and how they should be rewarded, contrary to feminine traits that should be silenced. When they speak, they appear to be very aggressive. You can start doing this by first making trivial decisions and then major ones. Similarly to those who are afraid to share their needs, women who exhibit this sign tend to bend their boundaries so as to not upset the situation. But when its blocked, we may feel like our voice is being stifled. weak boundaries around her self-worth, But wounded masculine energy is always planning ahead and focusing on the past. Find out why. Wounded feminine energy refers to compromised energy. This can be done by journaling, meditating, or spending time with loved ones. By balancing these energies, individuals may be better able to weather challenges and maintain a sense of stability and groundedness. Thank you Helena. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. If you have lived most of your life embodying masculine traits and from that energy, you are probably used to your reality being a certain How To Create a Positive Relationship With Your Body, Why a Boss Babe Stage is Often Needed Before Feminine Energy Embodiment, How Your Relationship With Men Change When You Embody Your Feminine Energy, 10 Ways You Change When You Embody Your Feminine Energy, Following the crowd rather than relying on your inner guidance. The second step is to be confident and trust in your worthiness. Youll learn how to connect with your inner wisdom, how to set boundaries, and how to create space for self-care. When your energy is not congruent and you dont know how to effectively move through those feelings of insecurity, its going to get in the way. It has been repressed, suppressed, sequestered, and protected. I'm going to honor it. Masculine When youve decided youre invested, but hes not there yet, the relationship cant progress. In our current society, we are experiencing an imbalance between the masculine and feminine energies; our world (especially the western world) has leaned too far in the direction of the masculine energy, and without enough feminine energy to balance it out, a great deal of the Wounded Masculine is playing out on the world stage, responsible for conflict, violence, and unhealthy competition in many forms. About nurturing healthy and meaningful connections with others. If youre finding it difficult to connect with your emotions, it could be a sign that your feminine energy is blocked. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Hello, and welcome to MeetFusion, my name is Alicia, and Im the owner of this piece of web real estate, where I help people build stronger, lasting relationships. Stop Attracting The Wrong Men So You Can Attract The Right One! Its about our inner feminine and masculine energies. To attract a man and make him fall in love: its important to let go of any negative beliefs about your femininity. Its also about focusing on pleasure and self-care, and saying no to things that you dont have time forso that you dont end up feeling overwhelmed. It rules by fear. Masculine The masculine is the one that shows up and says, no, I am not going to allow you to utilize my feminine in this way. People who have or are in the process of letting go of She has a habit of saying YES to every request, even when she wants to say NO.You can start rebuilding your boundaries by first having a firm NO which can be done by saying NO to at least one request a day. Youll be surprised how much better you feel after getting some fresh air or stretching out those muscles at home. The wounded part usually comes from the darkest parts of ourselves and it leads to pain and misery. When the two are healthy, we are healed from the inside out. WHETHER you are a man or a woman, we all have both masculine and feminine energies. Similarly, men will take over their father or oppressive men surrounding them. by Madeline Charles | May 9, 2022 | Uncategorized | 0 comments. Another way to unblock your feminine energy is to live your truth. The unhealthy masculine feeds the unhealthy feminine and vice versa and we encounter this in our relationships as well. Have you ever experienced blocked feminine energy? The wounded feminine is emotionally imbalanced.She is either too emotional or absolutely out of touch with her emotions.The sad part is that she feels disconnected from her feelings and intuition. Everyone has Masculine and Feminine energy within them. It prevents you from unleashing your true feminine essence, and you find it difficult to embrace femininity in all its glory. And as per my experience, the inner work will never stop. To heal the wounded feminine, the individual should work on the following: Recognize the characteristics of toxic femininity within their personality. This is because our feminine energy is associated with pleasure and sensuality. Theyre also known for their sensitive feminine sides they enjoy being empathized with deeply by others! So, spending time outside can Masculine energy is all about doing, thinking, planning, scheduling and making decisions. Copyright 2023 Beauty | skincare | mental health | feminine journey | femininity |LIVES WITH BALANCE | Powered by Astra WordPress Theme. Inside secret: this was me most of my life. In this podcast Intro episode, I break down the difference between Masculine vs. Feminine Energy. As you probably already know, understanding the difference between masculine and feminine energy is crucial when it comes to having the love and relationship you want. Women with wounded feminine energy have a disease to please people. Some of the causes are: taking on too many responsibilities not begin heard or feeling wanted overworking yourself to keep yourself busy to experience a deeper meaning to life feel uncomfortable with gentle and nurturing other people but if we stopped trying this wayand started listening more carefully insteadthen maybe someday soon these individuals will become drawn towards YOUR powerful presence rather than away from IT?? They are insecure about themselves, which makes them overly critical of others. Privacy Policy | About us |Contact us 2023 Think Aloud, Common reasons behind wounded feminine energy, 2. (Building, doing, planning, strategizing, achieving) which are all great things. But when its blocked, we may bottle up our emotions or have trouble even identifying how were feeling. This action is based in knowing that we are a part of something much larger than ourselves. feminine and masculine energy. Truth is, my feminine energy had been conditioned out of me. Dont take things too seriously, and have fun. You need to notice if your behavior When you start clearing your feminine wounds, women with high vibrations will get attracted into your life. Do you feel guilty when you prioritize your own needs? Moving on and having a new prospect in life is not for them. Right now, the collective human masculine energy is dominating our work, homes, and government. With such a mother as an important figure in your life, developing a healthy feminine side is a major challenge. Societys definition of whats desirable or beautiful is ever-changing and very exclusive. This can lead to a repeating pattern of crash and burn. As we each seek to heal our own inner wounds and traumas and better incorporate a balance of these energies, we can each step more fully into our own power, living lives led with love and spreading that love outward like a healing wave. The fifth step is to be playful and enjoy the journey. To understand how our energy can become blocked, its important first to understand what feminine energy is. The polarity can only be made truly whole by feeling the poles in their wounds and needs. This is a great tool of self-discovery and can be very valuable in our relationships. This is a good indicator for us as to where we still have some healing to do and where we can step into our divine energies and embody them. If you have wounded masculine energy from past traumas, maybe from an abusive father energy, youll struggle to receive and always be over giving and over doing. Dancing Dancing is a powerful practice to help you get out of your head and into your body. It is crucial to pay attention to how you look. Male energy is direct and projects outward with decisive, positive action; it secures, strengthens, and "has a giving nature." You might have been subjected to such biases in society, and that must have caused your feminine energy to erode. Nonetheless, collectively, How Do I Reconnect With My Feminine Energy? By balancing these energies, individuals may be better able to weather challenges and maintain a sense of stability and groundedness. No matter how much we try to ignore it, the reality is that modern society values masculine traits much more than feminine ones. I appreciate you taking the time to read through this and hope that it brought clarity and activated healing! We all have some wounds that lead to unhealthy behaviors in our masculine energy as well as feminine energy regardless of our gender. Meanwhile, the Divine Feminine encompasses intuition, nurturing, healing, gentleness, expression, wisdom, patience, emotions, and flexibility. This is normally adopted through many years of always being in your masculine energy. If youre frustrated with your man going cold, losing interest, or pulling away, then this video is a must-watch: Click Here To Discover What Men Secretly Want, But They Could Never Tell You. WebA man can also get in touch with his feminine side through art forms that provide a space to explore this aspect of identity. Divine Feminine Energy is the true nature of your essence and existencephysically and spiritually. Mens wounded Ego a demon inflicted by the society. Sign up and get the guide sent directly to your email! In the next part, well go through the signs that youre a bit out of balance. We will never share your information. This can be done by practicing yoga, getting a massage, or simply spending time naked. Once we identify these wounded parts and shine some light on them, well be able to nurture healthy relationships, both with ourselves and with others. She exudes beautiful, sensual energy and attracts naturally, He is deeply present and listens without being distracted, He is a guiding force, supportive and encouraging, He has discipline and knows when to be focused, He is a man of his word, honest and accountable, He is of service and does what is in the highest good, She is usually insecure and looks for external validation, She can be critical and her loved ones feel like they can never do anything right, because she always has something to criticize, She is needy in her relationships, she needs to feel loved and asks (begs) for it, She is afraid of loss and is very attached (in an unhealthy, excessive way), She over connects and over shares her emotions and needs, She is desperate for love and always chasing it, She sacrifices herself; she prioritizes others at her expense, She has an unhealthy internal masculine: no boundaries or self control, He is competitive and always wants to win, He is focused on goals and attached to success, He tends to avoid connection and can be cold and distant, He sometimes runs away from love, withdraws, creates separation. 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