Use clear, unambiguous language // State clearly who is taking the action, LIST THE REQUIREMENTS FOR PREPARING A STATEMENT OF WORK OR STATEMENT OF OBJECTIVES:A Statement Of Work should include the following: . . x $10 million x $100 million. DISTINGUISH BETWEEN PERSONAL AND NON-PERSONAL SERVICES AND ACT ACCORDINGLY WHEN WORKING WITH CONTRACTOR PERSONNEL:When "contracting out" governmental functions, it is the policy of the Government to utilize non-personal service contracts whenever possible. DEFINE THE COR'S ROLE IN THE RESOLUTION OF ISSUES UNDER THE CONTRACT AND HIS ROLE IN MONITORING CORRECTIVE ACTIONS:After an issue has been identified and there is a corrective plan in place, the COR should: . This ensures you quickly get to the core! There is no membership needed. Must be qualified by training and experience commensurate with the responsibilities to be delegated in accordance with department/agency guidelines. DD250 or Wide Area Workflow, DESCRIBE A COR'S RESPONSIBILITIES IN INSPECDESCRIBE A COR?S RESPONSIBILITIES IN INSPECTING AND ACCEPTING SUPPLIES AND SERVICES: GIVEN A SCENARIO, LIST ACTIONS THAT MUST BE TAKEN TO CLOSE OUT A CONTRACT:Past performance assessments may include inputs from the (select all that apply): x all x legal counsel // contracting officer x contracting officer // contracting officer's representative, DESCRIBE A COR'S RESPONSIBILITIES IN INSPECTING AND ACCEPTING SUPPLIES AND SERVICES: GIVEN A SCENARIO, LIST ACTIONS THAT MUST BE TAKEN TO CLOSE OUT A CONTRACT: Only the government input is recorded on past performance in the Contractor Performance Assessment Record System. Two days later you start the generator and the engine is destroyed due to defective interior cylinder walls. Gross mistakes amounting to fraud. In remedy situations, the Contracting Officer's Representative's oversight duties and documented files are key to determining the course of action for the government to take. . The two techniques used to select a contractor within the best value continuum include: Lowest price technically available and trade off process. . . Was an ethics law or regulation violated? What is a key role of the COR in the acquisition planning Contact market research and develop requirements The three types of restrictions on funds are purpose (Misappropriation act) time True An on authorized commitment is caused by government personnel obligating True The contracting officer's representative must read and understand the True On January 21, 2023 EBiz POCs (E-Business Points of Contact) with an applicant account were automatically assigned the Expanded AOR role. Contracting Officers are responsible for deciding if they need an individual to serve as their authorized representative (i.e., COR) for purposes of monitoring the technical or administrative aspects of contractor performance during the life-cycle of the contract. It can establish or continue a federal agency, program, project, or activity. All others, with the exception of a time-and-materials contract which is a hybrid of the two, are subsets of cost reimbursement or fixed-price contracts. Which one of the following statements about the source selection decision process is TRUE? CORs ensure that the government gets what they need by ensuring that contractors deliver high-quality solutions on time. . IDENTIFY CONTROL AND DISPOSITION REQUIREMENTS FOR GOVERNMENT FURNISHED OR LEASED ASSETS: DISCUSS THE CONTRACTOR'S REQUIREMENTS TO INVENTORY EQUIPMENT:The government's policy is for contractors to provide all of their own general purpose equipment. at the end of the contract the COR files should be kept by the COR until the end of the period x 3 years ? A trusted agent (TA) does not have privileged access to certification authority system (CAS) components to authorize certificate issuance, certificate revocation, or key recovery. Select the one statement about the policy on providing contractors government property that is FALSE. Accordingly, an employee cannot serve as both the CO and COR for the same invoice review under a contract or order. No ethics law or regulation has been violated; however the appearance of impropriety might exist. An overtime authorization form is made to authorize the employees who want to work some extra time from their normal time schedule. IDENTIFY THE PROCESS FOR DEVELOPING AN INDEPENDENT GOVERNMENT COST ESTIMATE:What is an Independent Government Estimate (IGE)? cost reimbursement contracts require less monitoring by the COR than other types of contracts. . IDENTIFY THE VARIOUS METHODS OF CONTRACTING FOR A SUPPLY OR SERVICE:Contracting methods available which can streamline the contracting timeframe include: . If a COR no longer can perform his/her duties due to e.g., contract closeout, movement to another job or is no longer performing COR functions, the COR/Supervisor must request termination of the appointment. If so, which one? 32. true, DESCRIBE A CORS RESPONSIBILITIES IN INSPECTING AND ACCEPTING SUPPLIES AND SERVICES:The inspection clause for ____________contracts allows for the contractor to charge the cost of rework to the government. The two notices may be used sequentially or, depending on the time left in performance, only a single notice might be used. all responses are correct. Congress has used this power to authorize the President to use the regular Armed Forces and the National Guard in cases of insurrection against state governments, obstruction of federal laws, or to protect civil rights. Which of the following is TRUE regarding requirements development and documentation? In accordance with Enclosures 3 and 4 of DoDI 5000.72, Requiring Activities are responsible for identifying and nominating individuals for COR assignments, and ensuring that the individuals will be provided the necessary resources (time, supplies, equipment, and opportunity) to perform the designated functions. The government must notify the contractor when ____________. Payment to the contractor for the supplies and services delivered, IDENTIFY MAJOR REQUIREMENTS FOR TIMELY INVOICE REVIEW AND PAYMENTS: EVALUATE INVOICE REQUIREMENTS FOR FIXED-PRICE DELIVERABLES:Inspection and acceptance criteria for fixed-price deliverables include: x Evaluation of the expenditure rate x monthly invoices x cost monitoring, IDENTIFY CONTROL AND DISPOSITION REQUIREMENTS FOR GOVERNMENT FURNISHED OR LEASED ASSETS: DESCRIBE THE REPORTING REQUIREMENTS FOR LOST, DAMAGED OR DESTROYED GOVERNMENT ASSETS:Contractors are generally not held liable for loss, damage destruction, or theft of Government property when ___________. January 8, 2015. The U.S. President has sole authority to authorize the use of U.S. nuclear weapons. Latent Defect 2014-05-12 12:48:56. Based on what you have learned about the responsibilities of the COR, choose a true statement from the following: x Latent defects can be discovered at the time of acceptance. Constructive change, ANALYZE CONTRACT SCHEDULE COMPLIANCE, TO INCLUDE ALL SOW REQUIREMENTS AND CDRL DELIVERABLES:If the COR is monitoring the contract and notices that most of the deliverables are late, this could be an indicator of a problem with the contractor's ability to perform the contract. Work with the contractor to correct the non-compliance or apply a contract specific remedy. DESCRIBE A COR'S RESPONSIBILITIES IN INSPECTING AND ACCEPTING SUPPLIES AND SERVICES: LIST THE EXCEPTIONS TO FINAL ACCEPTANCE:Once the Government Representative has executed final acceptance of any supplies or services there is no legal recourse for the Government for non-conforming items. It provides a built-in nomination workflow to include email alerts/status reminders for monthly status report due-ins and delinquencies. [Describe a COR's responsibilities in inspecting and accepting supplies and services: Identify documentation requirements when performing inspection and acceptance.] Personal services contracts are appropriate only in limited situations as prescribed by the Federal Acquisition Regulations. IDENTIFY HOW A COR DEALS WITH NON COMPLIANCE OR POOR PERFORMANCE:When a contractor is in non-compliance with the contract or is performing poorly, the government should _____. To: Thom E. Ferguson, Auditor of Slate, Columbus, Ohio . After award of the contract, the post-award conference is a good place to ensure that the government and the contractor have a common understanding of the contractual requirements. Electronic Funds Transfer information, IDENTIFY MAJOR REQUIREMENTS FOR TIMELY INVOICE REVIEW AND PAYMENTS: EVALUATE INVOICE REQUIREMENTS FOR FIXED-PRICE DELIVERABLES:Key aspects of the Fixed Price Process for acceptance and payment include timeliness, quality, and invoicing. What is an Independent Government Estimate (IGE)? . Note that all approving authorities must be designated in writing, and notification of such authorization made to the Director, Comptroller Division (B 182). Often, a contracting officer appoints a COR to perform specific technical or administrative functions; however, the COR has no authority to make any commitments or changes that affect price, quality, quantity, delivery, or other terms and conditions of the contract nor in any way direct the contractor or its subcontractors to operate in conflict EVALUATE THE CONTRACTOR?S COMPLIANCE WITH SAFETY, SECURITY, LABOR, SERVICE CONTRACT ACT, ENVIRONMENTAL LAW, AND REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS:The Service Contract Act was enacted to protect economies in the geographical areas where the contract is performed. x Contracting Officer. Reasonable, Allowable, Allocable and Consistent costs, IDENTIFY MAJOR REQUIREMENTS FOR TIMELY INVOICE REVIEW AND PAYMENTS: DETERMINE STEPS TO VERIFY THE ACCURACY AND VALIDITY OF THE CONTRACTOR'S INTERIM INVOICES UNDER COST/T&M/LH CONTRACTS:The COR is authorized to approve billings on cost reimbursement contracts. A Contracting Officers Representative (COR) is an individual authorized in writing by the Contracting Officer to perform specific technical or administrative contract functions. Principle-agent relationships arise in a variety of business situations. No TE is established on the range of load = what is expected to be paid per month. (1) Recording and Authorization. false, RECOGNIZE THE VARIOUS TYPES OF FUNDS AND FISCAL CONTROLS APPLIED TO CONTRACTS:What are the three phases of the appropriation life cycle? In this context, I would say the noun form of "authorized" would be "authorization," not "authority." In other words, "No authority" would be better expressed as "No authorization". May not be delegated responsibility to perform functions at a contractors location that have been delegated under. (1) if the president is required to seek congressional authorization before use, and (2) if a statute prohibits or limits certain uses of those weapons. EVALUATE THE CONTRACTOR?S COMPLIANCE WITH SAFETY, SECURITY, LABOR, SERVICE CONTRACT ACT, ENVIRONMENTAL LAW, AND REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS:The contractor is performing exceptionally, especially Sally. Give direction to the Contractor or to the employees of the Contractor except as provided for in the contract. . IDENTIFY THE PROCESS FOR DEVELOPING AN INDEPENDENT GOVERNMENT COST ESTIMATE:The Independent Government Estimate includes only direct and indirect cost: . A contracting officer's representative (COR) assists in the technical monitoring or administration of a contract (see 1.602-2(d)). Stating that the COR may be personally liable for unauthorized acts. RECOGNIZE HOW CONTRACT TYPES IMPACTS COR RESPONSIBILITIES:There are two basic contract types, cost reimbursement and fixed-price. -authorize the use of overtime. Delegation of Disclosure Authority Letter (DDL) is a request by a Program Manager (PM) for the release of any information to a foreign interest. A Contracting Officer's Representative (COR) is an individual authorized in writing by the Contracting Officer to perform specific technical or administrative contract functions. If a contractor is delinquent on a portion of a contract, and that portion is clearly severable from the continuing portion of the contract, the Contracting Officer may terminate the deficient portion of the contract using a Partial Termination. false, IDENTIFY MAJOR REQUIREMENTS FOR TIMELY INVOICE REVIEW AND PAYMENTS: DETERMINE STEPS TO VERIFY THE ACCURACY AND VALIDITY OF THE CONTRACTOR'S INTERIM INVOICES UNDER COST/T&M/LH CONTRACTS:The COR reviews public vouchers (SF 1034) under cost type contracts for ______. Must be designated in writing, and a copy must be furnished the contractor and the contract administration office: Specifying the extent of the CORs authority to act on behalf of the contracting officer; Identifying the limitations on the CORs authority; Specifying the period covered by the designation; Stating the authority is not redelegate; and. 2. false, DEFINE THE MAJOR ACTIONS REQUIRED TO EVALUATE THE CONTRACTOR?S ENGINEERING EFFORTS AND MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS:The ANSI/EIA 32 management system guidelines include (Select all that apply): x selected Scheduling // Organizing // Managerial analysis, DEFINE THE MAJOR ACTIONS REQUIRED TO EVALUATE THE CONTRACTOR?S ENGINEERING EFFORTS AND MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS:The American National Standards Institute/Electronic Industries Alliance (ANSI/EIA) established _______ management system guidelines that ensure and provide complete information needed to make management decisions: . true. performance against contract schedule. As The purpose of market research is to determine capabilities in the marketplace able to satisfy the government's needs. In the United States, a single person is authorized to make the decision to use a nuclear weaponthe president. true. Which of the following statements is true regarding this duty? The Contracting Officer's Representative Designation/Appointment Letter. definitions, roles, and responsibilities of the major . true. Which lettered pair of words-a, b, c, d, or e- most nearly expresses the same relationship as the capitalized pair? (a) The contracting officer shall review the contractor's request for overtime. Continue with Recommended Cookies. Considerations for choosing an appropriate quality assurance surveillance method for a service contract include: The contractor is performing exceptionally, especially Sally. All others, with the exception of a time-and-materials contract which is a hybrid of the two, are subsets of cost reimbursement or fixed-price contracts. Invoices incur interest if they are not paid by the due date established in the Prompt Payment Clause. UN-2. Some methods of contracting require more time than others. Cost reimbursement contracts are used when there is uncertainty in the outcome of the effort; the greatest risk is placed on the Government. This knowledge helps the COR track contractor performance and ensure contractor compliance with the contract as written. Monies are withheld or deducted for contract noncompliance. IDENTIFY APPROPRIATE EVALUATION FACTORS/CRITERIA:Using informal source selection; the contracting officer acts as the Source Selection Authority but must follow the criteria spelled out in the solicitation when selecting the contractor to receive the award. DEFINE THE COR'S ROLE IN THE RESOLUTION OF ISSUES UNDER THE CONTRACT AND HIS ROLE IN MONITORING CORRECTIVE ACTIONS:After an issue has been identified and there is a corrective plan in place, the COR should: . Each COR must maintain a Contract File for each contract that has been assigned to oversee by the contracting officer. This list is not all inclusive and a KO may identify unique contract administration related requirements for that particular contract or task/delivery order which could be delegated to the COR. You did a complete visual inspection and tested the unit. The change is an increase in quantity of 1000 truck tires costing $225 each, under a fixed price tire contract for 500 tires. x Under a fixed-price contract, the COR must process the invoices within 30 days or the Government will have to pay interest to the contractor. Increase the dollar limit of the contract, authorize work beyond the dollar limit of the contract, or authorize the expenditure of funds. Grant deviations from or waive any terms and conditions of the contract. An estimate that agrees with document market research You should request that the contractor take a break until class has ended. The COR shall maintain a file for each assigned contract. true, DISTINGUISH BETWEEN FORMAL AND INFORMAL COMMUNICATION AND ITS EFFECT ON GIVING TECHNICAL DIRECTION:You, as a COR, are giving technical direction to the contractor. false, DEFINE THE ROLE AND AUTHORITY OF CORS REGARDING PAST PERFORMANCE:Past performance assessments include input from the __________: . . . A COR: [1]. Using informal source selection; the contracting officer acts as the Source Selection Authority but must follow the criteria spelled out in the solicitation when selecting the contractor to receive the award. contracting officer's representative IDENTIFY THE CONTRACTING EXPENDITURES, FUNDING ISSUES, OVERRUNS, REQUESTS FOR TRAVEL AND OVERTIME THAT WILL BE DISCUSSED WITH THE CONTRACTING OFFICER:The COR has the authority to Payment to the contractor for the supplies and services delivered. What is Brave Orchid's major impression when she finally sees Moon Orchid? . The COR should notify the contractor immediately if there is a discrepancy found in a public voucher/invoice. DESCRIBE A CORS RESPONSIBILITIES IN INSPECTING AND ACCEPTING SUPPLIES AND SERVICES:The inspection clause for ____________contracts allows for the contractor to charge the cost of rework to the government: . x Employees shall be given 30 days of leave a year. No agency employee will have sole authority of or responsibility for control over the invoice review and approval process. . In the fields of sociology and political science, authority is the legitimate power that a person or a group of persons possess and practice over other people. The COR can assist in acquisition planning and writing the evaluation criteria to ensure the best contractor is selected for the new contract. . Only the government input is recorded on past performance in the Contractor Performance Assessment Record System. What is a Contracting Officer Representative? Disclaimer: AcqNotes is not an official Department of Defense (DoD), Air Force, Navy, or Army website. The TSM also describes the technical concept of operations, including the responsibilities associated with various Information Systems (IS) including Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS), the . true, DESCRIBE A CORS RESPONSIBILITIES IN INSPECTING AND ACCEPTING SUPPLIES AND SERVICES: LIST THE EXCEPTIONS TO FINAL ACCEPTANCE:Your organization has purchased a diesel generator for emergency power support. (Select all that apply), IDENTIFY THE COR RESPONSIBILITIES IN THE SOURCE SELECTION EVALUATION:The COR's role in evaluating and awarding a contract include IPT member, SSEB technical evaluator, and Technical Expert or Representative: . IDENTIFY METHODS OF TRACKING CONTRACT OBLIGATIONS USING ACRNS AND CLINS IN A CONTRACT:A separate Contract Line Item Number (CLIN) should be used for each item on a contract. . Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. After each delivery, contractor send its invoice to the COR; COR review and approve invoice in WAWF - invoices vary base on the factors addressed earlier. Xem thm Thm cc v d . at the end of the contract the COR files should be turned over to the Contracting Officer x 6 years ? . The form will also elaborate on the reason why the . A widely accepted industry best practice for project management used across the Department of Defense, the Federal Government and the commercial sector. . . COR benefits Safe and healthy workplace COR-certified employers demonstrate leadership, commitment to continual improvement, and dedication to worker health and safety. COR Authority and Appointment. . A. The existing contract, including all options, is about to end. true, IN PERFORMANCE BASED CONTRACTS, IDENTIFY TECHNIQUES FOR VERIFYING PERFORMANCE OF WORK IAW THE GOVERNMENT?S QASP:Considerations for choosing an appropriate quality assurance surveillance method for a service contract include: x Risk, cost and urgency, IN PERFORMANCE BASED CONTRACTS, IDENTIFY TECHNIQUES FOR VERIFYING PERFORMANCE OF WORK IAW THE GOVERNMENT?S QASP:The COR can use a variety of techniques for verifying performance, such as: . DISCUSS WHEN AND WHY SCHEDULE COMPLIANCE MUST BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE KO:If a contractor is delinquent on a portion of a contract, and that portion is clearly severable from the continuing portion of the contract, the Contracting Officer may terminate the deficient portion of the contract using a Partial Termination. 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