So are the affections. Close beside the bottomless pit of our iniquity stands the cross whereon Christ has made recompense for all our faults; and when we set Christ over against the gulf of our sin, we see that he far transcends it. If so, then the sweet things which we shall have to say this morning are thine. Nay, ye say, we have some little gratitude towards earthly relatives. Yes, but Christ died a blasphemer's death, and he died tor blasphemers. The apostle then turns to a third source of comfort, namely, the abiding of the Holy Spirit in and with the Lord's people. I have known what it is to feel as if I could not pray about a certain matter, and yet I have been obliged to groan about it. Those in heaven, have, as it were, stolen there. Oh! When bowing before his throne we can boldly say "Abba Father." 12 So then, brothers, we are debtors, not to the flesh, to live after the flesh. Now, observe, that this conformity to Christ lies in several things. Romans 8:28-30 I. He see the disease, but the name of the medicine is not known to us. If the believer can take anything and everything to God, then he learns to glory in infirmity, and to rejoice in tribulation; but sometimes we are in such confusion of mind that we know not what we should pray for as we ought. All things work together for a Christian's lasting good. You may judge of a man by what he groans after. The Lord in boundless grace has resolved that a company whom no man can number, called here "many brethren," shall be restored to his image, in the particular form in which his Eternal Son displays it. I will make no answer to that accusation but this: "It is Christ that died." He was a man of many trials; he went from one tribulation to another for Christ's sake; he swam through many seas of affliction to serve the church. Say not, "There are giants in the land," ye are strong enough to smite them. Into that matter, however, we will not dive lest we intrude where our knowledge would be drowned by our presumption. And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. If you were half as happy as a groaning saint is, you might be content to groan on for ever. Ah, my hearers, what would you give if you could obtain this confidence? The strifes of barons and kings for mastery might have been thought to be likely to tread out the last spark of British liberty; but they did rather kindle the pile. Curtius puts on his helmet, and his armour, mounts his horse and leaps into the cleft, which is said to have filled at once, because courage, valour, and patriotism, were the best things in Rome. As I have already said, if in time of trouble a man can pray, his burden loses its weight. Is there anything here that can console me? Very dexterously, with infernal malice, he endeavours to condemn the child of God. Unless we are the sons of God the Holy Spirit's indwelling shall not be ours: we are shut out from the intercession of the Holy Ghost, ay, and from the intercession of Jesus too, for he hath said, "I pray not for the world, but for them which thou hast given me.". If man alone call thee, thou art uncalled. God grant to you all to be believers in Christ, now and for ever. I want, my Lord! If in your Bible you turn to 2 Timothy 1:9 , you will read these words "Who hath saved us, and called us with an holy calling." If you have the Spirit of God in your soul, you may rejoice over it as the pledge and token of the fulness of bliss and perfection "which God hath prepared for them that love him.". Let me appeal personally to you in an interrogatory style, for this has weight with it. You must be chastened, you must feel the goad; will you kick against the pricks and so wound yourself more than you would have been by the goad itself? Still, true as it is that we are free agents, yet the Lord is the potter and we are the clay upon the wheel, and it is his work, and not ours, that makes us like to Christ. Camillus had been banished from Rome by false accusations. Would that he would be merciful and pass them by without an atonement! The law of God was a good law, a just and holy law. Now, what is not right towards man is not right towards God. We are predestinated to be conformed to Christ in that respect; the serpent's subtlety and cruelty will assail us also. Has not thine heart ever desired, since there is a God, that he were a little less holy, a little less pure, so that those things which are now great crimes might be regarded as venial offences, as peccadillos? Read Joo 15:7 bible commentary from Spurgeon's Verse Expositions of the Bible by Charles Haddon Spurgeon FREE on May God in mercy put his hand to the helm of the ship, and steer her safely. "What!" All that the Church wants to-day is courage and devotion. "He came unto his own, and his own received him not." They compelled him, however, to go, exacting from him this promise, that if the Romans did not make peace he would come back, and if he came back they would put him to death in the most horrid manner that ever cruelty could invent. and hence he is "a very present help in time of trouble.". Do you not remember that the two sons of Zebedee asked to sit, one on the right hand and the other on the left? Then who should be proud of having paid only a part of his debt, when, after all, he owes a great deal more than he is worth? I utter them not in the spirit of controversy, but the reverse. Glory be unto thee, O God, glory be unto thee; my soul is in heaven, I with the cherubim and seraphim would bow, and sing, and rejoice with them I veil my face in this most joyful moment wiping every tear from my poor eyes, I bid them look upon thy glory in Christ. Whatever happens to him sickness or health, adversity or prosperity, everything is his here below. To us, indeed, the things are scarcely comparable, since we are deeply interested in one, though not in the other. "Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us, for I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life," and so on. If they have called the Master of the house Beelzebub, much more will they call them of his household by some yet more opprobrious title, if they can invent it. A great gulf had opened in the Forum, perhaps caused by an earthquake, and the auspices had said that the chasm could never be filled up, except the most precious thing in Rome could be cast into it. What must be the strength when the whole four are interlaced and intertwisted, and become the support of the believer? Dries he sit upon a throne? He goes into the tent of King Pyrrhus with the intention to put him to death, because he is the enemy of his country; he slays the wrong man; Pyrrhus orders him to be taken captive. He has rendered more of good to men than you ever rendered of evil. How are we to judge between them? Thou Church of God, surely it must survive in thee; for to whom should it more belong to die and sacrifice all, than to those who are the sons of God. "We have not an High Priest that cannot be touched with a feeling of our infirmities." "Who is that? "I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance." But we may be permitted to live on to extreme old age; do you dread it? It reminds me of what I have sometimes heard of the ropes that are used in mining. It is upon Psalms 105:37 ; and, if the Lord will, it will be published next week. Our third and last point is THE SURE SUCCESS OF ALL SUCH PRAYERS. He has written concerning the spirit of bondage, and the spirit of adoption, the infirmities of the flesh, and the helpings of the spirit; the waiting for the redemption of the body, and the groanings which cannot be uttered. Paul is but giving us two sides of the truth, both equally true, the one needful for our warning, the other admirable for our consolation. Well said our poet just now, "It doth not yet appear, how great we must be made.". As to his spirit, sin hath no more dominion over him, and the law hath no further claims against him. In heaven's logic it is true, "if children, then heirs.". Romans 8:37 "The enemy is behind us. As far as I can guess, the main text on which these people build the doctrine of the universal Fatherhood, is that quotation which the apostle Paul took from a heathen poet "As certain also of your own poets have said, For we are also his offspring." The world will begin to throw in the believer's teeth all his former iniquities, when he sets forth with the cry, "Who is he that condemneth?" If according to law we are only heirs-presumptive, whose rights may be superseded, then our great joint heir, so far as he is co-heir with us, is superseded also. There be some men that are born into this world master-spirits, who walk about it as giants, wrapped in mantles of light and glory. Purity, holiness, unselfishness, all the virtues, should glow in us as they shone in him. This will appear in two ways. It is dreamed that this is an age when men do not need to be thundered at; when everybody is become so tender-hearted that there is no need for the sword to be held "in terrorum" over mortals; but that everything is to be conducted now in a new and refined manner; God the Universal Father, and all men universal sons. Here cometh one and he cries, "Thou hast been a blasphemer." When Adam was in the garden the world had its Sabbath: and it shall never have another Sabbath till the Millennium shall dawn, and then when all things have ceased to work, and the kingdoms shall be given up to God, even the Father, then shall the world have her Sabbath, and shall rest; but at present all things do work. The soul is like an eagle, to which the body acts as a chain, which prevents its mounting. Wherefore, be confident, dear brethren, that these spiritual beings, these unseen forces, these strange and mysterious powers which you cannot fully understand, can none of them separate you from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus your Lord. ", This is a subject upon which I delight to speak; for here is all my hope and confidence. ----- "The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God; and if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together." Romans 8:16-17. You feel you must have your Father, or else the gifts of his providence are nothing to you. O, unbelievers you must first be made saints or you cannot feel the Spirit's intercession within you. I have been able again to revise a sermon without assistance. Behold from heaven's mint golden pieces of inestimable value are sent forth, and each one bears the image and superscription of the Son of God. So live, so act, ye sons of God, that the world may say of you, "Yes, these men bring forth the fruits of God; they are like their Father; they honour his name; they are indeed filled with his grace, for their every word is as true as his oath; their every act is sincere and upright; their heart is kind, their spirit is gentle; they are firm but yet they are generous; they are strict in their integrity, but they are loving in their souls; they are men who, like God, are full of love; but like him are severely just. Keep that groan in your ear, for I want you to hear another. You, that were going to thrash mountains, find that molehills cast you down. "We," says the apostle again and he puts his hand upon his poor distressed brethren he looks at his companions in the prisonhouse at Rome; he looks at that humble band of teachers in Rome, in Philippi, in all the different parts of Asia, and he says, "We!" it is forgotten! Evidently we are exotics here. So, you see, beloved, that because we have the "first-fruits of the Spirit," for that very reason, if for no other, we cannot help but groan for that blissful period which is called "the adoption, to wit, the redemption of the body.". He cannot reverse his grace; it cannot be that the throne of condemnation shall be exalted on the ruins of the cross. How will your broken leg work for your good?" They will say, "What! "All things work together." God worketh, and he worketh in you not to sleep, but to will and to do according to his own good pleasure. They feel that they must act, under the circumstances in which they are placed, as they would suppose Jesus would have acted, who is the Son of the ever blessed Father. The zeal of God's house ate him up; so should it consume us also. My friends, there is a cementing power in the grace of God which can scarcely be over estimated. Christ, to the uttermost, has satisfied divine justice; the debt is paid, the hand-writing is nailed to the cross, the receipt is given, and we are debtors to God's justice no longer. London: Passmore & Alabaster, 18, Paternoster Row, and all Booksellers. That passage in the Psalms, "The fool hath said in his heart, there is no God," is wrongly translated. "We have," says the text, not "we hope and trust sometimes we have," nor yet "possibly we may have," but "we have, we know we have, we are sure we have." Moreover, he well knew that our faith would be sternly attacked. "Oh, yes," he says, "I see; there is the cash." He walks streets of gold, but those streets belong to his enemy. May you be holy, harmless, sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation. Nay, he himself is ours. Yet, what liberty was it? Death is terrible to them; the tomb affrights them, they can scarcely understand the possibility of having any confidence this side of the grave. Who is Christ, and who is it with whom he intercedes. Beside that, I suppose that the apostle was persuaded through reasoning with himself from other grand truths. Let us not be backward in doing our work. A mother will say, "It is rebellious children who are breaking my heart." As Paul's exposition in 5:12-21 has shown, "through one . "The meek shall inherit the earth, and delight themselves with the abundance of peace." How shall a celestial spirit be satisfied until it sees celestial things? Because he has remitted all our debt of sin, we are all the more indebted to him in another sense. We believe in Christ, and so we come to be in Christ by our believing; and now we are persuaded that, to as many as receive Christ, to them gives he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name, and therefore all who believe in Jesus are beloved of the Lord, not because of anything good in them, but for Jesus Christ's sake. And now a little capful of wind blows on you and the tears run down your cheeks, and you say, "Lord, let me die; I am no better than my fathers." No priest sat down; he must always stand; for there was always work to be accomplished, always something to be done. Is not the free air we breathe the purchase of their death? Is thy calling of God? Paul points us to the cross in two ways. I think I could indeed plead if I were pleading for myself. Simply because the call of God comes to unworthy sinners. He sees things he had not dreamed of even in the shades of night. The work of the Holy Spirit in the Christian's behalf is described in the first 27 verses of this chapter. My hands have never been stained with the blood of any man." And if an angel could exalt a gnat to equal dignity with himself, yet would not the boon be such-an-one as that which God hath conferred on thee. Baptist pastor Charles Haddon Spurgeon is remembered today as the Prince of Preachers. I believe that, when Christ died, he took all the sins of all his people, past, present, and to come, and when the whole mass was condensed into one bitter cup, he drank it all up. If Christ owed anything to the justice of God by reason of his suretyship engagements, he would not be at God's right hand: but he owes nothing whatever. They never had any seats to sit on. Have not all men, at times, wished that our religion were not true? You will be "a jolly good fellow" while you join them in their folly; but when you give up their ways, their habits, and their society, then they will say that you are melancholy, and no longer fit company for such, "hail fellows, well met", and they will turn away from you. Saved by your works! No suit in law can stand against Christ; it were idle to dream it for a moment He has satisfied God's law, magnified it and made it honorable; he has discharged all the debts which as surety he took upon himself. we may look around and defy all our sins to destroy us. It cannot be that Christ should transform himself at last; but till he can do so, none can condemn. I can look back at the past, and wonder at all the way whereby the Lord hath led me. may God grant that you may turn unto Jesus with full purpose of heart! Let them "rejoice in the Lord alway, and again I say rejoice.". Remember, it is not the one thing alone that is for your good; it is the one thing put with another thing, and that with a third, and that with a fourth, and all these mixed together, that work for your good. To have anything to do with a great man is thought by some persons to be a distinguished mark of honor; to be set down in a will as co-heir with some great prince or noble would be considered indeed a great thing; but what honor is conferred on thee, believer, to be joint heir with the King of kings, the Wonderful, the Counsellor, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace! A CHRISTIAN BROTHER was asked, one day, "To what persuasion do you belong?" He parried the question at first, for he did not think that it was very important for him to answer it. So the high priest takes off his royal robes, and puts on the garments of the minor priest, and goes within the veil, and sprinkles the blood upon the mercy-seat. This he does by arousing our desires. 2. Not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works, and of faith toward God. Now I shall conclude with WHAT OUR STATE OF MIND IS. Oh, what a sweet persuasion is this! says yet another accuser; "but you have sinned with delight. As this is a legal question, and as in matters of wills everything should be proven and sworn to, let us have, concerning our inheritance, the evidence of God: that cannot lie. Is it not a noble thing for a Christian to be able to go where he may, and feel that he cannot meet his accuser; that wherever he may be, whether he walketh within himself in the chambers of conscience, or out of himself amongst his fellow men, or above himself into heaven, or beneath himself into hell, yet is he a justified one, and nothing can be laid to his charge. First, God sent his Son as a sacrificial lamb to absorb the penalty for our sinsto make forgiveness possible. It is one of the ever-blessed exhibitions of the infinite love of God which without any cause in us, has set itself upon us. We may say of the prayers which the Holy Spirit works in us that they are prayers of knowledge. It needs no proof, for since it is written in God's word, we, as Christian men, are bound to bow before it. Do we say that he is love? Cannot we say this morning with thankful hearts, "By the grace of God I am what I am?" So in regard to God. "We know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.". You were very low down, brother; we had to stoop to call to you; the waters of God's waves and billows seemed to have gone over you; you have been down to the depths, and I have been there with you. Blessed be his name. There be others of acute intellect, who, searching into mysteries of science, discover things that have been hidden from the creation of the world; men of keen research, and mighty erudition; and yet of each of these poet, philosopher, metaphysician, and great discoverer it shall be said, "The carnal mind is enmity against God." On this I shall speak very briefly. Paul had been persuaded of this truth by his own experience. Brethren, we can confidently say, then, hearing such a testimony as that, "We know that all things work." "Who is he that condemneth? All the prayers which the Spirit of God inspires in us must succeed, because, first, there is a meaning in them which God reads and approves. They were, therefore, encouraged to take part and lot with Christ, the elder brother, with whom they had become joint heirs; and they were exhorted to suffer with him, that they might afterwards be glorified with him. He that sanctifieth and they that are sanctified are all of one; for which cause he is not ashamed to call them brethren. Perhaps he does not even get so far as that in expressing the mind of the Spirit, but he feels greenings which he cannot utter, he cannot find a door of utterance for his inward grief. And lastly, I see here, an answer to every accusation arising from sin. No; the blood must he taken to the mercy-seat, God will not stoop when he is just; it must be brought to him. Jerusalem, my spirit is come to thee, and unto thy glorious assembly. That prayer which came from heaven will certainly go back to heaven. If he adds anything at all, it is still something about that same Christ "yea rather, that is risen again, who is even at the right hand of God, who also maketh intercession for us. And now we may rest assured, since we can see a sitting Christ in heaven, that the whole atonement is finished, the work is over, he hath made an end of sin. Ask ye why? Those things may be desirable, but they are not the ultimatum of the saints. Yours, in deep sympathy with all the sick and the bereaved. He said within himself, "Does Jesus love me? I, for my part, take only one objection to it, which is that it is perfectly untrue and utterly unfounded, having not the lightest shadow of a pretence of being proved by the Word of God. He will guide you both negatively and positively. The tall archangel before the throne is not called God's Son, he is one of the most favoured of his servants, but not his child. I think he does, and this, then, is our comfort, that, if we have to meet the arch-fiend himself foot to foot in terrible duel, and we may, for men of God have had so to meet him, and he that does battle with the adversary will gain nothing by it but sweat of blood and aching heart, even if he shall win the victory, so that we may well pray, "Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one," still we have this comfort, that even though he may rejoice over us for a moment, and may cast us down, he cannot separate us from the love of Christ; he may open many of our veins, and make us bleed even to utter weakness, but the life-vein he can never touch. Who can condemn? Do you feel the longings, the loves, the confidences of a child? A groan then is a part of prayer which we owe to the Holy Ghost, and the same is true of all the prayer which wells up from the deep fountains of our inner life. II. Now, if I cannot say the first things because of diffidence, though they be true, yet can I say this, that I feel myself to be a sinner, that I loathe my sinnership, that I detest my iniquity, that I feel I deserve the wrath of God on account of my transgressions? He reads the heart itself: "he knoweth,' says the text, "what is the mind of the Spirit." If there be work to do for him in future ages we will be the first to volunteer for service; if there be battles to be fought in times to come with other rebellious races, if there be wanted servants to fly over the vast realms of the infinite to carry Jehovah's messages, who shall fly so swiftly as we shall, when once we feel that in his courts we shall dwell not as mere servants, but as members of the royal family, partakers of the divine nature, nearest to God himself. Upon looking carefully at my Bible again I do not perceive such a statement. Are ye brothers and sisters of the saints, and think ye that ye ought not to love and serve them, even to the washing of their feet? But now to illustrate this call in its effects, we remind you that Abraham is another remarkable instance of effectual calling. Even if we were pure as Adam, we could not have any merit; for I do not think Adam had any desert before his Creator. The world has always been in a crisis, but this seems to use to be a peculiar one. Now that which God reads in the heart and approves of for the word to "know" in this case includes approval as well as the mere act of omniscience what God sees and approves of in the heart must succeed. But while I have thus mentioned some of the different classes to whom we are debtors, I have not yet come to the point on which I desire to press your attention. "Thou hast wrought all our works in us." III. We have that work of the Spirit within our souls which always comes before admittance into glory. Go up; take them. It may have seemed to him, as it does to some of us, to be almost too good to be true, and therefore the Holy Spirit so shed abroad this truth in the apostle's mind that he yielded to it, and said, "I am persuaded." There stands the believer, and looking round on the assembled universe of men and angels, he cries, "Who shall lay anything to my charge?" Consider what thou owest to his immutability. We have not yet the royal robes which become the princes of the blood; we are wearing in this flesh and blood just what we wore as the sons of Adam; but we know that when he shall appear who is the "first born among many brethren," we shall be like him; that is, God will dress us all as he dresses his eldest son "We shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is." 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