Does it do any harm? It stops you from being the person you want to be It ends your ability to be happy Terms in this set (37) What is it that the earliest cuniefrom laws all have in common? 1. La pregunta por el Ser es propia de la filosofa. Universalize this! Act Utilitarianism: We should only eat animals if it stating truths. *All beliefs have to be true simultaneously Something is desirable if people desire it the value principle and the consequentialist theory, A person will aim for his or her own happiness, knowledge comes from observation Kantianism and Social Contract theory focus on the individual decision makers while Utilitarian theories focus on all affected parties. For one, what counts as pleasure is extremely subjective. Prescriptivism (40%) 11. a. 3.Rule Utilitarianism 4.Social Contract Theory 'correct' or 'incorrect'. Others, e.g. a. Moral Judgements only motivate people who have a desire to be moral. Moral Philosophy Quiz Here 's another fun one (via Dr Freeride ): The list below is modified by your input. You are able to help some people. meat does not use anyone solely as a means to an This cookie is associated with Amazon Web Services and is used for managing sticky sessions across production servers. A what argument is a valid argument with true premises? Error theory cannot account for moral progress (against ET). Empirical facts: Vegan diets are healthy & it's very hard to produce meat painlessly for animals. Stoics (45%) 11. when the obligation is 'weak', failing to do what is obligated of you is still a makes more people more happy than not. Browse Philosophy. ***What is the case, prescribe the values that people SHOULD hold *Look deeper, *What it means for something to be morally right is that it's commanded by god Share practice link. Ability to distinguish between what is right and almost right, German word Weltanshaunng/ belief system/ way of looking at the world/ basic assumptions, Study of world culture from a Christian perspective, Latin for before the crisis, the Fall or war, Voice of man, autonomy, the people opposed to the voice of God, Study of history from a providential worldview/ Applies God's wisdom and principles and applies them to the present and the future, -Find our identity Nihilism claims there are no values at all. Killing in the act of self defense is an example where Id be willing to say it was ok to kill another human being. Which theory is a consequentialist theory? The Open Question Argument (moral non naturalism) (G E Moore) (against moral naturalism). Would any moral obligation provide the kidney be greater if this person were a cousin rather than a non-relative? Because it gives a convincing account of how we use moral language and how to explain moral disagreement. PLEASURE(natural)= GOOD(moral) and PAIN(natural)=BAD(moral). Value theory. Only the total amount of utility counts. Judgments based on considerations of how other people are to be treated, and how others interests are to weigh against their own. There is growing evidence of 2022 I, of course, never feel bad\underline{\text{bad}}bad about receiving candy. You give the poisoned drink as a gift anyway. Those actions which we are not responsible for because we are compelled to perform them (psychologically or physically) or because we are ignorant of what we are doing (but only if we are not responsible for our ignorance). Rational choices are free and St. Augustine (37%)19. Treat everyone equally, 1. Ought functions as a command or an imperative, so you are commanding others or yourself to act in certain ways. We have other quizzes matching your interest. If the modifier is incorrect, write the correct form of the modifier above it. No more than an emotional reaction. But do they act for reasons? has exceptions: E.g. A maxim which cannot be universalised into a universal law without contradicting itself eg make false promises to get you way, because in a world where everybody did this, promising would be impossible. Quiz: Are You A Lion, A Tiger, Or A Bear. Above each underlined word, write DO for direct object, 10 for indirect object, PN for predicate nominative, or PA for predicate adjective. Spinoza (53%)15. Ockham (50%) 17. 'Act only on that maxim which you can, at the same time, will to be a universal law.' Say nothing; your job is to be supportive and participate in your friend's happiness. Kant (60%) 6. By ENG335. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The person who's bringing this charge has a lowly view of what a human is. are similarities between some of the scenarios. It could do this if If a word should not be divided, write do not divide. Bentham takes it as a self evident fact that humans are governed by the pursuit of pleasure and the avoidance of pain. (If your comment is too long, first try breaking it into two parts.). Jeremy Bentham (61%) 4. 1) All duties take the form of imperatives (commands) It is merely attitudes or opinions. You have every reason to believe that no harm will come to your property. treat people as an end in themselves never only as a means to an end. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. Lesson 1: Introduction to the Liberal Arts Tradition (Preview Content), Lesson 2: Intro to the Paradigm for the Liberal Arts Tradition (Preview Content), Lesson 3: Introduction to the PGMAPT Paradigm, Lesson 13: Philosophy and Natural Philosophy, Lesson 17: Culture, Calling, and Curriculum, Supplement: Revised Edition Overview with Dr. Kevin Clark. It contains a blank and is followed by four answer choices. False Distinguishing between good and evil is not a concern of moral philosophy True An ethical theory need only be clear to be appropriately characterized as a good ethical theory. *If it's valid we should be able to PROVE it's valid. are false but ordinary people think that some And if theres legitimately no other option than I think utilitarianism of the needs of the many win out. Kantianism: Yes, by the two Categorical Imperatives. Aristotle: Nicomachean Ethics. 'lie', 'respect', 'courageous' have both meanings. Jeremy Bentham (100%) 2. tender plant that needs to be taken care of. Emotivism cannot account for moral progress (criticism of emotivism). It is free! to do. (It is possible to tell the truth excessively and this is Proving an opinion to be correct and Persuading someone to accept your proof, describes the values that people actually hold An unconditional command which applies to everyone regardless of their chosen ends eg don't steal. Bentham's Psychological Hedonism as a form of Moral Naturalism. Finish Editing. Are you morally responsible for the blindness of the drinker? *Relationship between conduct and character, *What does it mean to be a person of character (or a good person)? we will fear being caught and punished. 31 Cards - 1 Decks - 1 Learner . It seems like it must be such a burning question whether there is any moral truth, and I just can't decide. propaganda in a just war may be necessary to deceive the enemy or maintain morale at home. *If yes, Socrates (and Dr. Daniels) is (are) right, *A theory about morality that is still used today Spinoza (45%) 9. Moral Philosophy Quiz 1. There are at least five major ones a person can follow. also a vice (e.g. The activities on this web site have been completed 3072309 times. Therefore lying is wrong. cruel), but that doesn't mean that you should lie Thomas Hobbes, so far your readers (including yourself) are collectivelyAquinas 75%Kant 72%John Stuart Mill69.2%Jeremy Bentham 66.8%Aristotle 63.6%St Augustine 58.2%Spinoza 56.2%Jean-Paul Sartre53.4%Plato 53%Ayn Rand 50.4%Prescriptivism 48.4%Ockham 43.8%Stoics 39.6%Epicureans 39.6%Nel Noddings 39.4%David Hume 34.2%Nietzsche 32.4%Cynics 31.4%Thomas Hobbes 27.4%, Hey- no wonder I tend to like your philosophy! This cookie is installed by Google Analytics. without contradiction - so it is morally acceptable. immobilize them by tying them up or, if really necessary, hurting them in a non-lethal way. Be culturally neutral 2) Moral judgements are motivating eg 'killing is wrong' motivates us not to kill. Each person may claim an adequate number of basic rights and liberties as long as everyone else has a claim to the same rights and liberties. Moral judgements are not beliefs (against moral realism+cognitivism) (against moral naturalism). HOWEVER, he is also anti realist because it claims that all moral judgements are false ie errors, because there is in fact no moral reality for them to refer to. Prep for a quiz or learn for fun! d. originally. Moral Philosophy DRAFT. There is no strong If the modifier is correct, write C above it. There is a conflict between what is good for the individual and what is good for humanity (against VE). These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. Youre feeling a bit guilty. characters in dramas/games. There are three theories that try to explain the moral principles that are expected from someone in a given situation and how human language can be judged. You should respond with what you think is the morally right thing to do, which may not be the same as what you would actually do. where a potential murderer's intended victim is)' to be a universal law. C) Thus, a good person will act well and choose wisely because they possess a virtuous character, and will express their character in the way they live. The view that an act is right if it produces the greatest happiness for the greatest number. This cookie is used for storing the navigation and click stream data. Byron Almen, Dorothy Payne, Stefan Kostka, John Lund, Paul S. Vickery, P. Scott Corbett, Todd Pfannestiel, Volker Janssen, Eric Hinderaker, James A. Henretta, Rebecca Edwards, Robert O. Self, The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses. How does Prescriptivism avoid the problems faced by Emotivism? Analyze concepts, examine the hidden presuppositions of moral opinions and theories, offer criticism and constructive accounts of the moral phenomena in question, and criticize strategies that are used to justify beliefs, policies, and actions. Stealing is wrong because the thief takes something that they do not deserve to have (so even the thief isn't made truly happy). Jean-Paul Sartre (62%) 5. As for the "burning question", I think what really matters here is not necessarily the question of truth per se, but more the question of ideality. A character trait which enables a person to live well as a human being eg courage. In each WHAT IS CLUELESSNESS? An attribute which enables something to perform it's function well eg a virtue of a knife is sharpness. Nel Noddings (25%) 16. It could be good if it taught a moral lesson in drama or was a release for dangerous emotions (e.g. ***Philosophers. You are required to send a person a gift, and you have bought a bottle of drink to send to them. Stringman, if you've recently been thinking about these issues yourself, you might be interested in my old posts on Moral Diversity and Skepticism, McNaughton vs. Non-Cognitivism, and Consistency and Utilitarianism, which grew out of that course. The systematic use of critical reasoning to try to find answers to fundamental questions about reality, morality, and knowledge is called _____. Which of the following commonly motivates people to be skeptical about morality? Thomas Hobbes (13%) 19. How to be a virtuous person? Test. people as they deserve. *Relationship between conduct and character, *The study of correct reasoning Nel Noddings (23%) 16. Mackie's Argument from Queerness (against realism). Rule Utilitarianism: We should follow those rules The highest score, 100, represents the closest philosophical match to your reponses. False. Mankind is under the governance of two soverign masters: pleasure and pain. Self-Quizzes. Simulated killing would only be immoral if it makes *Does it exist? The principle of utility is a combination of what? When you have answered all the questions, you will be presented with an analysis The principle or guiding intention behind an action. DOES THIS THREATEN THE ABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIALISM TO MAKE VERDICTS ABOUT OUR MORAL OBLIGATIONS. Ayn Rand (52%) 6. When considering whether it is morally justified to help does the actual number of people involved make any difference? According to Natural Law Theory when God created us he gave us what? This particularly attacks the first formulation. This quiz is incomplete! It does not store any personal data. Learn. (criticism of emotivism). The Principle of Utility The view that an act is right if it produces the greatest happiness for the greatest number. Your own philosophy might match one of them, or take bits from two or more. Jean-Paul Sartre (64%) 7. Youll also get a sense of the topics that contemporary philosophers are working on and clarify your views about the world in a simple, jargon-free way. They are just an expression of an emotion. To determine when a moral rule is appropriate Kant proposed two Categorical Imperative (Kant) 1. The function x tells us what kind of thing x is. This is a conflict between the virtues of justice and kindness. mistake about our moral language. Contradiction in conception: It is not possible for 'Steal x' to be a universal law because if everyone stole all the time, private property would cease to exist and then stealing it would be impossible (as stealing is defined as taking other people's private property). You cannot do both, and there is no way to save everyone. However, you discover it is poison and if consumed will cause blindness in the drinker. They may come from scientific experiment, God, culture, laws, intuition etc. Ockham (7%) Although to be honest, I'm still pretty undecided about meta-ethics, which seems strange to me. because saying nothing is also an option). True b. The propositions that help prove your argument are called what? Prescriptivism (58%) 5. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. Saying 'You look fantastic!' b. Each persons happiness is good to all persons, Mill's quote on higher and lower pleasures, 'it is better to be a human dissatisfied than a pig satisfied, better to be a Socrates dissatisfied than a fool satisfied. informed. By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. 3) The value of a good will is independent of consequences. Stealing shows an excess of desire for property (greed?). c. cleverly Act Utilitarianism: We should steal if it will cause more happiness/preference satisfaction for more people than any other action. If it is use incorrectly, write a new correct sentence. morality is categorical and is based on reason You were up late last night helping a friend who was very depressed. Match. All of our actions are motivated by pleasure, therefore we ought to maximise happiness. Quiz Lesson 1: Introduction to the Liberal Arts Tradition, Quiz Lesson 2: Intro to the Paradigm for the Liberal Arts Tradition, Quiz Lesson 3: Introduction to the PGMAPT Paradigm, Berninis Aeneas, Anchises, and Ascanius, Quiz Lesson 6: Music and Musical Education, Quiz Lesson 13: Philosophy and Natural Philosophy, End of Course Test: The Liberal Arts Tradition, 2022 Those actions which we are responsible for because we choose them ie they are not forced. And yet, most people don't want to. But, Naturalism jumps from an 'Is' to an 'Ought'. Kant (81%)4. If naturalism was true, 'Is pleasure the good?' 63% average accuracy. Argues that moral properties eg good can be reduced to natural properties. See More by this Creator. Empirical fact: Stealing usually causes more harm dignity/respect, which requires allowing them Aristotle (100%)2. Im pretty happy with it even when I read the questions differently it just promoted Ockham and Kant a little but overall not much differenceand Nietzsche and Ayn Rand down the bottom group (athough I have some sympathy for Hume) and JB and JSM up the top. Do you know what your views on classic philosophical questions are? Secondly, the HC is time consuming and complicating, which makes it difficult to apply consistently. 1. b. knowledgeably *But what about the virtuous man?? Justice demands that the stolen goods be returned to their owner or compensation paid and the thief be punished proportionately (to re-balance the wrong). Are animals rational? Give it a shot and see if you are angelic or borderline evil. They are associated with positions in society that everyone has a fair and equal opportunity to assume Thomas Hobbes (78%) 5. Moral judgements are universal and you cannot make exceptions for yourself. *Mills (Utilitarianism), Can rationalize and decide whether their actions are moral or not, Cannot decide whether their actions are morally right or wrong, the love of wisdom (the "mother" of science), Who said "The lover longs for that the lover lacks", Spurced science Cynics (0%). There are at least five major ones a person can follow. Rule Utilitarianism: Yes, because rules are broken. Animals can want things, but only humans can will them. Flashcards. Therefore, moral statements are meaningless. no time in the activity will your responses to the moral dilemmas be judged to be evidence that it has this effect on most people. A rule is right to the extent that it increases the total happiness of the affected parties This desire to be moral seems to be widespread among humans (innate or learned). Kant (93%) 3. Take this test to see which moral philosophy you follow the most closely. Each virtue of character is the mid-point between two vices, a vice of excess and a vice of deficiency. Emotive meaning is connected to use: the purpose is not to state facts, but to influence other people's behaviour. Jean-Paul Sartre (68%)10. There can be conflicts between virtues (against VE). A person with a virtuous character has the right emotional response to any situation. Come from facts and commonly held values It may depend on who takes part and how the simulated killing is understood - cartoon violence vs glorifying realistic violence. Higher pleasures of the mind are worth more and lower pleasures of the body are worth less. Religious Studies. Act Utilitarianism: Depends on the situation. Kantianism and Social Contract are based on "doing the right thing" Browse through all study tools. This is an amazing ethical theories quiz with questions and answers. Learn. St. Augustine (36%) 12. When the moral obligation d. eulogy. 1. that unaided _____________ can create a Roman empire but cannot sustain it, that a _____________ to God is reflected in the culture and society of the nation as a whole, How the ____________ throughout the ages has served her Lord Jesus Christ, To gain a perspective removed from my own time which helps us ___________ the faults and false philosophies of the culture around us, That ______________ does not repeat itself only as much as "there is nothing new under the sun" for man has not changed, That history does not repeat itself only as much as "there is nothing new _____________" for man has not changed, That there are heroes, not _________________, To learn from the ___________________ of our forefathers just as the Israelites were to learn from the monuments made to God and from the Feast of the Passover. You can see a killing, but you cannot experience of the act (so it is not a matter of fact) and it is not a contradiction to deny that killing is wrong (so it is not a relation of ideas). . Anti- Realism descends into nihilism (against Anti Realism; ET, P, E). The person with phronesis can make the right decision in any situation. Think you can pass the quiz? Characteristic activity. VE has no decision making procedure for dealing with difficult cases. However, once a rule is established, Rule Utilitarianism requires strict adherence to it. According to Natural Law Theory what do we need to use to find our "end" in life? Prep for a quiz or learn for fun! To play this quiz, please finish editing it. Each person desires their own happiness. No one type of pleasure is better than another so it is measured based on intensity, duration, certainty, remoteness, richness ad purity. Be based on logical reasoning ***What ought to be the case. They produce hypothetical imperatives eg IF you want to pass the exam, revise. View Quiz. You live in a country where the police are generally trustworthy. use moral language (against ET). The capacity to make choices on the basis of reasons. It also stores the information regarding which server cluster is serving the visitor. Tell your best friend; sure the day will be ruined, but better a day ruined than an entire life. What is your moral philosophy? Moral judgements are prescriptions which guide you to act. Morality Play. E.g. But closed questions can only receive one answer because the answer is true by definition - i.e. Aquinas (81%) 4. ***(our rational faculty is finite while His is infinite) Are you morally obliged to reveal their identity to an appropriate authority so that they are dealt with justly? Moral terms are SIMPLE PROPERTIES. A rational study of the rules of conduct known as morals that describe how people should behave. Act only from moral rules that you can at the same time universalize. are false but ordinary people think that some Problems with using the Hedonic Calculus (against util). We should assess situations on the basis of whether the acts we are considering are compatible with moral rules which increase utility in the LONG RUN. good=express approval) which on average create the greatest good for the Hume's Fork (against moral realism) (against moral naturalism). not be the same as what you would actually do. We won't flourish/be happy by stealing - e.g. 4) So, only a good will is intrinsically valuable. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Ethics/Moral Philosophy involves systematizing, defending, and recommending concepts of right and wrong behavior. To reach eudaimonia, you must abide by many virtues, but sometimes these clash. another benthamite!It must be the Remuera connection that does it to us (although I have no idea why). The results are scored on a curve. The Utilitarian theories are oriented towards the "consequences " of actions Match. :-) (though I'm kind of horrified at #5.)1. Doesn't matter/Dislike all answer choices. 2) Some duties apply only to those who will relevant ends. 9 months ago. *The mother science These virtues aim at the good. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". E.g. Prioritize your choice above: Low Priority High Priority 15. The world is a machine *Thought to be tied to culture/individual, Greeks v. Massagetae (Cremation v. Embodiment (eating the body at death)), Both believed the spirit could be released IF they followed the funeral practices of their cultures driving law where 2 people stop at a stop sign at the same time and person on right goes first. Plato (58%) 10. This cookie is installed by Google Analytics. (For instance, a sophisticated non-cognitivist might still allow that some moral attitudes are better -- more coherent -- than others, even if they don't consider those attitudes to be truth-apt. Second form of the categorical imperative: Always Please allow a few minutes for this process to complete. No one is really killed in simulated killing in drama or games, so it is not vicious (bad) in itself. Which course of action are you morally obliged to follow? -We will take action. A consequentialist theory is one that is based on what? You pass someone in the street who is in severe need and you are able to help them at little cost to yourself. _____________ (Tenaciously), a. persistently Looking at your answers, we have analyzed that you are a person with morals and some instances but not always. A conditional command which only applies to those who will the end. This cookie is used by the website's WordPress theme. That ____________ brings events to pass as he works out the salvation of his children. Quiz & Worksheet - Stoicism and Roman Moral Philosophy Quiz; Course; Try it risk-free for 30 days Instructions: Choose an answer and hit 'next'. According to Kant, pure moral philosophy is partly empirical. If all attempts at moral argument are simply disguised emotion then: 1) Emotivism seems to leave no place for reasoning in moral disputes and 2) What counts as a successful argument for the emotivist is simply one that is effective, not one that is rationally compelling. Play. In this activity you will be presented with 19 different moral scenarios. They are not expressing a proposition that can be true or false. David Hume (55%) 11. c. Metaethics. So, we should live so we experience the most amount of pleasure with the least amount of pain. Rule Utilitarianism: We should follow those rules Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Questions: 18 | Attempts: 25391 | Last updated: Mar 22, 2022 Sample Question This is a quiz that reveals how moral you are as a person. 0. Social Contract Theory: Yes, we are obligated to follow the law. Statements about morality are neither analytic (as they can be denied) nor can they be verified empirically. You will find there There are at least five major ones a person can follow. Factors in the rise of modern medical ethics. The supreme principle of morality. They're saying is that the only thing that makes a person happy is what makes a "beast" happy. Moral terms are indefinable (naturalistic fallacy) (moral non naturalism) (G E Moore) (against moral naturalism). Aristotle: Animals are not rational, so cannot reach You know that someone has been seriously injured as a result of criminal activity undertaken by him. Emotion Do more empathic people make different moral judgments? Hume says it is an IRRATIONAL INFLUENCE as facts are true or false, whereas moral judgements are just expressions of emotions. a. Me (although it depends quite a bit on how I read the questions and answers) 1. c. a social contract. The Greatest Happiness Principle is applied to moral rules, Thomas Hobbes (1603-1679) and Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778) Moral Philosophy Quiz. Test. Development of Christian Thought - St Augustine, Philosophy - Self , Death And The Afterlife. But it's an open question. 1/10 Why is being dead a bad thing? Multiple-Choice Questions. Someone you have never met needs a kidney transplant. If there were no moral truths, then there would be no moral progress. Lo absoluto es la realidad ltima de las cosas, pues es aquello que no depende o est condicionado por nada para ser. Morality as a system of hypothetical imperatives (Philippa Foot) (against Kant). Are you sure you want to delete this comment? Stealing is never the mean: So it is a vice - wrong. Every argument must have one, and only one what? Anything could me morally justifiable if it leads to pleasure for the majority eg torture. More philosophy views history in the light of this great truth. What is good or bad Are you the type of person who will trick someone into falling by a banana peel or will you warn them before they slip? is 'strong', this means not doing what is obligated of you is a serious wrongdoing; Form of imperatives ( Philippa Foot ) ( against moral naturalism bentham it. 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