Conc. N.B. Trid., Sess. (116), 13. In line with all significant Roman Catholic Church documents, it is colloquially known ad Lumen Gentium (Light of the Nations), the first words in the document. Oec. Incorporated in the Church But, rather, the faithful of Christ are called by God from both these states of life so that they might enjoy this particular gift in the life of the Church and thus each in one's own way, may be of some advantage to the salvific mission of the Church.(3*). Lumen Gentium, Dogmatic Constitution on the Church, November 21, 1964. 9:45): in view of the divine choice, they are . 6, 1: cd. In explicit terms He Himself affirmed the necessity of faith and baptism(124) and thereby affirmed also the necessity of the Church, for through baptism as through a door men enter the Church. 73, a. Trid. Deiparae: PG 97, 1089-1109. 3 et 22: PL 4, 443 B et 461 A. l9S8: AAS S0 (145R ) p. 220: Ia Iegittima sana laicita dello Stato .. (7) Cfr. 42. Pius l II, Const. Indeed Christ, the Son of God, who with the Father and the Spirit is praised as "uniquely holy," (1*) loved the Church as His bride, delivering Himself up for her. (2) Cfr. Encycl. Later. Thus it is evident to everyone, that all the faithful of Christ of whatever rank or status, are called to the fullness of the Christian life and to the perfection of charity;(4*) by this holiness as such a more human manner of living is promoted in this earthly society. Encycl. Strengthened in Holy Communion by the Body of Christ, they then manifest in a concrete way that unity of the people of God which is suitably signified and wondrously brought about by this most august sacrament. 1826 (3059). The Word of the Lord is compared to a seed which is sown in a field;(19) those who hear the Word with faith and become part of the little flock of Christ,(20) have received the Kingdom itself. (11) Cfr. (231) This is a precious gift of divine grace given by the Father to certain souls,(232) whereby they may devote themselves to God alone the more easily, due to an undivided heart. Sources Chret., pp. For even though it sometimes happens that religious do not directly mingle with their contemporaries, yet in a more profound sense these same religious are united with them in the heart of Christ and spiritually cooperate with them. As living stones we here on earth are built into it. Encycl. (284) Likewise she is the Virgin who shall conceive and bear a son, whose name will be called Emmanuel. Pius XII, Litt. His plan was to raise men to a participation of the divine life. Mystici Corporis, 1. c., p. 211: . For we must all "practice the truth in love, and so grow up in all things in Him who is head, Christ. Dei Filius, 3: Denz. 22. (15) Cfr. 66, 8: Hartel 111, 2, p. 733: .. Episcopus in Ecclesia et Ecclesia in Episcopo .. (32) Cfr. Likewise we can say that in some real way they are joined with us in the Holy Spirit, for to them too He gives His gifts and graces whereby He is operative among them with His sanctifying power. Sacrosanctum Concilium, Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, 1963. (96) So likewise the new Israel which while living in this present age goes in search of a future and abiding city (97) is called the Church of Christ. Unlike previous Church councils, this one was not convened in order to combat a heresy in the Church. This very diversity of graces, ministries and works gathers the children of God into one, because "all these things are the work of one and the same Spirit".(195). Besides these already named, there are also laymen, chosen of God and called by the bishop. . 3, ed. Because of this gift of sublime grace she far surpasses all creatures, both in heaven and on earth. 39. Encycl. Umbratilem, 8 iul. onsist., 15 mart. 23: PL 4, 5S3, Hartel, III A, p. 28S. 23, sacr. 1926: AAS 18 (1926) p. 69. They must assist each other to live holier lives even in their daily occupations. (24) Cfr. PL 194, 1863 A. They are the original ministers of confirmation, dispensers of sacred Orders and the moderators of penitential discipline, and they earnestly exhort and instruct their people to carry out with faith and reverence their part in the liturgy and especially in the holy sacrifice of the Mass. Let them follow the example of Christ, who by His obedience even unto death, opened to all men the blessed way of the liberty of the children of God. dogm. The Lord Jesus, the divine Teacher and Model of all perfection, preached holiness of life to each and everyone of His disciples of every condition. And lastly, by the example of their way of life they must be an influence for good to those over whom they preside, refraining from all evil and, as far as they are able with God's help, exchanging evil for good, so that together with the flock committed to their care they may arrive at eternal life.(57*). He remains indeed in the bosom of the Church, but, as it were, only in a "bodily" manner and not "in his heart. etiam Mt. 1. Chapter two of the Dogmatic Constitution on the Church (Lumen Gentium) gives prominence to a scriptural and patristic image of the Church as the People of God. For all their works, prayers and apostolic endeavors, their ordinary married and family life, their daily occupations, their physical and mental relaxation, if carried out in the Spirit, and even the hardships of life, if patiently borneall these become "spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ". For from the tradition, which is expressed especially in liturgical rites and in the practice of both the Church of the East and of the West, it is clear that, by means of the imposition of hands and the words of consecration, the grace of the Holy Spirit is so conferred,(20*) and the sacred character so impressed,(21*) that bishops in an eminent and visible way sustain the roles of Christ Himself as Teacher, Shepherd and High Priest, and that they act in His person. 290-292 et 372 ss. The term laity is here understood to mean all the faithful except those in holy orders and those in the state of religious life specially approved by the Church. Decr. The bonds which bind men to the Church in a visible way are profession of faith, the sacraments, and ecclesiastical government and communion. For besides intimately linking them to His life and His mission, He also gives them a sharing in His priestly function of offering spiritual worship for the glory of God and the salvation of men. (16) Cfr. 20:4. Apost. 184, a. I: Mansi 52, 1213 AC. (2) Cfr. Christ, becoming obedient even unto death and because of this exalted by the Father,(206) entered into the glory of His kingdom. (261) Reckoning therefore that "the sufferings of the present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory to come that will be revealed in us",(262) strong in faith we look for the "blessed hope and the glorious coming of our great God and Saviour, Jesus Christ"(263) "who will refashion the body of our lowliness, conforming it to the body of His glory(264), and who will come "to be glorified in His saints and to be marveled at in all those who have believed"(265). 54. S. Thomas, Summa Theol. Castf Connubii, 31 dec. 1930. (23) Cfr. 2, 665 et 4, 1071); Conc. 32; PL 2, 53. (6) Cfr. That discernment in matters of faith is aroused and sustained by the Spirit of truth. For the discharging of such great duties, the apostles were enriched by Christ with a special outpouring of the Holy Spirit coming upon them,(154) and they passed on this spiritual gift to their helpers by the imposition of hands,(155) and it has been transmitted down to us in Episcopal consecration. S. Ignatius M., ad phes. 2:20. Serm. (227) But, God pours out his love into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, Who has been given to us;(228) thus the first and most necessary gift is love, by which we love God above all things and our neighbor because of God. original document, nor is it a "translation" of Lumen Gentium. The Role of the Blessed Mother in the Economy of Salvation. This edifice has many names to describe it: the house of God (37) in which dwells His family; the household of God in the Spirit;(38) the dwelling place of God among men;(39) and, especially, the holy temple. Priests, prudent cooperators with the Episcopal order,(72*) its aid and instrument, called to serve the people of God, constitute one priesthood (73*) with their bishop although bound by a diversity of duties. Just as Christ carried out the work of redemption in poverty and persecution, so the Church is called to follow the same route that it might communicate the fruits of salvation to men. De quelle consolation, 1. c., p. 789: Dans les batailles decisives, c'est parfois du front que partent les plus heureuses initiatives..Idem Alloc. S. Hilarius Pict., In Mt 23, 6: PL 9, 1047. (94) So it is that that messianic people, although it does not actually include all men, and at times may look like a small flock, is nonetheless a lasting and sure seed of unity, hope and salvation for the whole human race. Chrysostomus, In Io. Satis cognitum, 1. c., p. 713. (21*) Although, however, all the faithful can baptize, the priest alone can complete the building up of the Body in the eucharistic sacrifice. (70) Cfr. 63: PL 16, 1218. Oec. Chrysostomus, In Ps. The evangelical counsels which lead to charity (5*) join their followers to the Church and its mystery in a special way. Such a multiple and miraculous growth augments both the progress of the members of these various religious families themselves and the welfare of the entire Body of Christ. . This He does in such a way that His work could be compared by the holy Fathers with the function which the principle of life, that is, the soul, fulfills in the human body. Eph. Chapter 1. : Denz. "(9*), THE UNIVERSAL CALL TO HOLINESS IN THE CHURCH. Cod. (6*) Among those various ministries which, according to tradition, were exercised in the Church from the earliest times, the chief place belongs to the office of those who, appointed to the episcopate, by a succession running from the beginning,(7*) are passers-on of the apostolic seed. Bishops, as vicars and ambassadors of Christ, govern the particular churches entrusted to them (58*) by their counsel, exhortations, example, and even by their authority and sacred power, which indeed they use only for the edification of their flock in truth and holiness, remembering that he who is greater should become as the lesser and he who is the chief become as the servant. He is before all creatures and in Him all things hold together. Pius XI, Litt. Hom. Still further, some become subject of their own accord to another man, in the matter of perfection for love of God. (237) At that time the human race as well as the entire world, which is intimately related to man and attains to its end through him, will be perfectly reestablished in Christ. Pius XII Litt. Bonaventura, In 4m Sent., d. 45, a. "(23*) On the other hand, let them teach the faithful that our communion with those in heaven, provided that it is understood in the fuller light of faith according to its genuine nature, in no way weakens, but conversely, more thoroughly enriches the latreutic worship we give to God the Father, through Christ, in the Spirit. For all of them shall know Me, from the least of them even to the greatest, saith the Lord. Act. Pius XII, Litt. (9) Epist. 18 There is, first, that people to whom the covenants and promises were made, and from whom Christ was born according to the flesh (cf. 7: Denz. 6-9 (10-13); Symb. Hebr. V. Mary the sign of created hope and solace to the wandering people of God. (186) Becoming from the heart a pattern to the flock,(187) let them so lead and serve their local community that it may worthily be called by that name, by which the one and entire people of God is signed, namely, the Church of God. Pius XII, Alloc. 4. (2) All the elect, before time began, the Father "foreknew and pre- destined to become conformed to the image of His Son, that he should be the firstborn among many brethren". All these things, however, were done by way of preparation and as a figure of that new and perfect covenant, which was to be ratified in Christ, and of that fuller revelation which was to be given through the Word of God Himself made flesh. The Catholic Church, taught by the Holy Spirit, honors her with filial affection and piety as a most beloved mother. The Roman Pontiff, taking account of the Church's welfare, proceeds according to his own discretion in arranging, promoting and approving the exercise of collegial activity. Jn. (37) De iuribus Sedium patriarchalium, cfr. having cooperated by charity that faithful might be born in the Church, who are members of that Head. Primasius, Comm. This is another way to underscore the central importance of the. Through the common sharing of gifts and through the common effort to attain fullness in unity, the whole and each of the parts receive increase. 1828 (3061). Let him do this for the increased holiness of the Church, for the greater glory of the one and undivided Trinity, which in and through Christ is the fount and the source of all holiness. Trong c Ki-t, Gio Hi nh l b tch, ngha l du ch v phng tin hip thng mt thit vi Thin Cha v hp nht mi ngi . I, Sess. And let the bishop regard his priests as his co-workers and as sons and friends, just as Christ called His disciples now not servants but friends. Encycl. (117) It was for this purpose that God sent His Son, whom He appointed heir of all things,(118) that be might be teacher, king and priest of all, the head of the new and universal people of the sons of God. Lumen gentium, the Dogmatic Constitution on the Church, is one of the principal documents of the Second Vatican Council.This dogmatic constitution was promulgated by Pope Paul VI on 21 November 1964, following approval by the assembled bishops by a vote of 2,151 to 5. Encycl. At the end of time it will gloriously achieve completion, when, as is read in the Fathers, all the just, from Adam and "from Abel, the just one, to the last of the elect,"(2*) will be gathered together with the Father in the universal Church. c. Donat. n. 67. 32; PL 2, 52 s.; S. Ignatius M., passim. 25. (92) Its end is the kingdom of God, which has been begun by God Himself on earth, and which is to be further extended until it is brought to perfection by Him at the end of time, when Christ, our life,(93) shall appear, and "creation itself will be delivered from its slavery to corruption into the freedom of the glory of the sons of God". Iur. Apost. 1, 5; S. Clem. The major Marian teaching of Vatican II, Lumen Gentium, chapter 8 does not stand alone.It has to be studied in terms of the counciliar action and documents that preceded and followed it. Cfr. About Lumen Gentium, "a clarification has yet to be made".This is the idea developed by Bishop Schneider, auxiliary bishop of Astana, in a document published on March 4, 2017. Summary and Analysis of Chapter VIll of LUMEN GENTIUM Ch. "(4*), 5. (3*) They likewise exercise that priesthood in receiving the sacraments, in prayer and thanksgiving, in the witness of a holy life, and by self-denial and active charity. S.Augustinus, In lo. F. Streicher) pas I, pp. 187S: Denz. When Jesus, who had suffered the death of the cross for mankind, had risen, He appeared as the one constituted as Lord, Christ and eternal Priest,(24) and He poured out on His disciples the Spirit promised by the Father. (5) Cfr. Ferr.-Flor. Cabasilas, De vita in Christo, lib. 302 (600). S. Cyrillus Hieros., Catech. But the whole process of Vatican II, including this document, did prove to be a catalyst for ecumenical dialogue in many ways. (107) Those of the faithful who are consecrated by Holy Orders are appointed to feed the Church in Christ's name with the word and the grace of God. (12) Cfr. XV, 21 ct 24: ed. Because of the very economy of salvation the faithful should learn how to distinguish carefully between those rights and duties which are theirs as members of the Church, and those which they have as members of human society. Encycl. (56) Also, in the building up of Christ's Body various members and functions have their part to play. (14) The Church, which the Spirit guides in way of all truth(15) and which He unified in communion and in works of ministry, He both equips and directs with hierarchical and charismatic gifts and adorns with His fruits. Funk, l, p. 244. Chapter 1: The Roles of Bishops in Lumen Gentium; pp. (51) In this sacred rite a oneness with Christ's death and resurrection is both symbolized and brought about: "For we were buried with Him by means of Baptism into death"; and if "we have been united with Him in the likeness of His death, we shall be so in the likeness of His resurrection also". (104) Everywhere on earth they must bear witness to Christ and give an answer to those who seek an account of that hope of eternal life which is in them.(105). They also recognize and accept other sacraments within their own Churches or ecclesiastical communities. The Lord called them blessed in His Gospel and they are those whom "the God of all graces, who has called us unto His eternal glory in Christ Jesus, will Himself, after we have suffered a little while, perfect, strengthen and establish".(226). Satis cognitum, 29 iun. (300) And so they turn their eyes to Mary who shines forth to the whole community of the elect as the model of virtues. 33. Thus, as those everywhere who adore in holy activity, the laity consecrate the world itself to God. (12) Cfr. SS. Specifically, we find in Lumen Gentium 25 the following: In matters of faith and morals, the bishops speak in the name of Christ and the faithful are to accept their teaching and adhere to it with a religious assent. Lateranense anni 649, Can. Damascenus, Adv. Dei, XVIII, 51, 2: PL 41, 614. In the old Testament the revelation of the Kingdom is often conveyed by means of metaphors. Officii, De magne tismi abusu, 4 aug. 1856: AAS (1865) pp. Pius XI, Litt. (10*), In virtue of this catholicity each individual part contributes through its special gifts to the good of the other parts and of the whole Church. Ps. Whatever good or truth is found amongst them is looked upon by the Church as a preparation for the Gospel. textus examinis in initio consecrationis episcopalis, et Oratio in fine vissae eiusdem consecrationis, post Te Deum. The Mystery of the Church. Many of them rejoice in the episcopate, celebrate the Holy Eucharist and cultivate devotion toward the Virgin Mother of God. 7 de Hierosolymis: Conc. They bring forth from the treasury of Revelation new things and old,(164) making it bear fruit and vigilantly warding off any errors that threaten their flock. The Sacred Liturgy, 1963 subject of their own accord to another man, in the of... That Head `` ( 9 * ) join their followers to the greatest, saith Lord. Church as a preparation for the Gospel quot ; of Lumen Gentium, Dogmatic Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy 1963. 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