First, relief theory focuses primarily on the motivational mechanisms of interpersonal needs, positing that humor provides relief of tension. HubPages is a registered trademark of The Arena Platform, Inc. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. A good example of surrealist absurdity can be found in Salvador Dalis painting, The Persistence of Memory in which we see 47 clock faces melting like a rubber pancake. Stieger, S., Formann, A., & Burger, C. (2011). I shall begin, however, with a sketchy review of some of the main theories of humour and the standard objections to them, which usually take the form of providing counter-examples. al. Wilkins, J., & Eisenbraun, A. J. These two terms allow incongruity theory to be worked to account for all of comedy, as will hopefully be made clear by the further examples belowwhich should also hopefully help you get more to grips with this slightly complicated theory! Laughter is also a pleasant sensation and so when we experience the pleasure of incongruity, we- as Schopenhauer puts it- "give ourselves up gladly to the spasmodic convulsions which this apprehension [understanding] excites. We feel good, laughter feels good and so we laugh. IT is refined by adding the play qualification so as to help us know which incongruities are funny ha-ha rather than funny strange.. Legal. Interestingly, those who were higher in humor scores were also found to have increased immune functioning (Bennett et al., 2003). The main issue with IT is that not all incongruities we experience lead to humor. Architectural tradition dictated that such a building be laid out formally and symmetrically along an axis connecting opposite entrances. Askildson, L. (2005). For example, among college students enrolled in language courses, 72% noted that humor enhanced their interest in the subject matter, 82% reported that the instructors use of humor made them more approachable, and 82% indicated that humor created an environment more conducive to learning (Askildson, 2005). Audiences arent sure if theyre supposed to laugh (here an indicator of humor) or not. Perhaps you fancy some jumbo shrimp? 30 - 32 First, one must "get the joke" (humor comprehension), which involves detection of the incongruity of the . The Relief Theory claims the cause of laughter is the release of tension caused by one's fears makes one laugh. Incongruity is something that occurs when things are not in harmony or keeping with the surroundings of other aspects of something. My son used to change the last word of the first line of the famous Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star rhyme. New York: Coward McCann, 1941. Humor has been reported as among the top eight of 24 character strengths and is associated with increased life satisfaction, life engagement, and life pleasure (Samson & Antonelli, 2013). Sense of humor, stable affect, and psychological well-being. Cooper, C. (2008). Before getting into this theory, we need to understand what the word incongruity means. He would giggle with sheer delight. Its philosophy Mike, everybodys wrong. Those words came to me from one of my dissertation advisors. There is something to be said for not taking everything too seriously. The researchers found reductions in anger, anxiety, psychopathology, and depression among participants (Gelkopf, Gonen, Kurs, Melamed, & Bleich, 2006). How is this word play an incongruity? Incongruity can even play a role in physical humor. The role of coping humor in the physical and mental health of older adults. Explaining a joke is like dissecting a frog. The humor in both of these examples relies on incongruous interpretations . They are reviewed along with neurolinguistic approaches, evolutionary theories of humor and a few mixed and partial theories that have been presented. Returning to the above joke, the answer of purple fish is not relevant at all to the question. Often people are encouraged to do so if they want to increase the presence of humor in their lives. Im writing an essay entitled Are Comedians an endangered species? the remains of the . With this definition we can make the connection it has with . For example, when you look at a toilet brush, you view it through the filter of the human mind and view this item as only a toilet brush. Your friend, who exhibited the wit, of course knew this from the beginning. On the association between humor and burnout. How many Etruscans does it take to change a light bulb? One would have expected the store to be run by a black manthats what the sign saysbut the scene intimates that its not. Three traditional theories of laughter and humor are examined, along with the theory that humor evolved from mock-aggressive play in apes. Confusion rarely leads to humor. This joke would have found itself quite at home in some of Lewis Carrolls works. Introduction. Whats an incongruity? Sense of humor as predictor of creativity level in university undergraduates. This is a practical application of the theory. In this chapter well cover the incongruity theory. The incongruity theory of humor suggests that we find fundamentally incompatible concepts or unexpected resolutions . The listener has to figure out how one side can be exactly like the other, and especially so at that. Give yourself a pat on the back! None, they were dead before electricity was invented. This theory is intuitive, as a joke with an expected or obvious punchline is simply not funny. Humor just feels good; it distracts us from our problems and promotes a lighter perspective. The Theories of Humor and Laughter. Philosophy, the journal of The Royal Institute of Philosophy is published by Cambridge University Press quarterly in January, April, July and October. Personally, I find it delightful and love the example and find it more and more humorous each time I experience it. Laughter and mirth, according to relief theory, result from this release of nervous energy. Why does this support the IT? For instance, let's say that you and a friend are in a stranger's bathroom, when you notice said stranger has accidentally left their toilet brush on a shelf instead of in its holder. Positive humor was found to buffer the impact of work stress on mental health, as well as to promote more effective functioning on the job. What are you allergic to? queried a stressed nurse as a gunshot victim was rushed into the ER. But whatever incongruity you focus on, the joke works on frustrating or playing around with expectations. Another issue with IT comes from my continued delight at the parrot joke. (2009). In order for any two people to share a joke, its important that they share a certain conceptual or knowledge base. Request Permissions. When is a coping technique seen as a way to manage, and when is it seen as a defense mechanism? Children also have to realize that they are substituting and are 48 essentially playing around with the structure of the rhyme. Humor styles, peer relationships, and bullying in middle childhood. The next day, it transpires they have broken into the teacher's office and found it out by stealing the information from the test answers, where you simply meant them to Google it. The dominant theory of humor is the Incongruity Theory (Morreall, 2016). You understand it better but the frog dies in the process. The incongruity is to be found in comparing the feeling one has at the end of the joke analysis to death. However, most evidence proposing a link between humor and improved health is anecdotal. Incongruity theory states that a surprise or inconsistency is a necessity for humor . Having the ability to appreciate and comprehend humor is an interesting aspect of human behavior, and the trait is considered an attribute unique to human beings (Nahemow, 1986).Suls (1972) proposed incongruity-resolution theory and suggested that the cognitive processing aspects of a . You're now up to speed with incongruity theory. Hi Heather, thank you for the insight and information. If you laugh at the same parts of movies that youve seen before, then that incongruity cant be unexpected. The presentation of the sign primes us to think the store is owned, not by an Asian man, but a black person of color. So there you have it! That we see areas of the brain involved in higher level cognition and conceptual thought involved in humor behavior supports ITs claim that humor is a conceptually based activity that involve incongruity processing. humor is - first and foremost - a recognition of and response to incongruities.) First, the child has to know the rhyme well enough to more than simply repeat it. Szabo, A., Ainsworth, S. E., & Danks, P. K. (2005). The right side is exactly the same as the left, especially the left. If an incongruity is experienced in a relaxed or playful setting, if the incongruity is not one that should require serious attention, or if there are no pressing concerns at that time, the incongruity will be one experienced as humorous. The aim of this dissertation is to offer a new theory of humor that takes seriously both the universality and power of humor in culture. 2023 The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers on this website. Ghayas, S., & Malik, F. (2013). Incongruity Theories' mechanism of causing laughter then goes to work on you. Additionally, a study addressing the benefits of humor, music, and aerobic exercise on anxiety among women indicated that effect sizes were highest for those in the humor group (Szabo, Ainsworth, & Danks, 2005). Humor as a defense mechanism during the Holocaust. But one way you can look to see if IT works, is to carefully look at your world and find incongruities. Maybe it's a toilet brush, maybe it isn't. (2011, 44) point out the . The most important theory of humor analysis and synthesis is called Incongruity and Incongruity resolution. When we are shown it is inadequate, we feel we can relax our reliance on it. So, it shouldnt be much of a surprise that people have found issues with IT. Theories of laughter and humor originated in ancient times with the view that laughter is an expression of . IT needs cognition, belief, and expectation to work. These moments constitute 'the ludicrous'. This story is based off his life and the comedic events he experienced as a child. The noun work in a way other wordtypes likely wouldnt. Growing up with humor sets children on a more positive pathway. Humor and the mastery of living: Using humor to cope with the daily stresses of growing up. Here we share defense mechanism worksheets as tools for practitioners. You need to know something about it. A sense of humor is associated with increased life satisfaction and a pleasurable and engaged life (Ruch, Proyer, & Weber, 2010). It would do well to do a little more unpacking of terms like incongruity, absurdity, unexpected, and bizarre. Additionally, humor may represent a vital strength during middle childhood by helping kids to gain the support of a peer group and by enhancing self-esteem (Klein & Kuiper, 2006). Gelkopf, M. (2011). Incongruity theory is believed to be the most influential humor theory, with some proposing that incongruity is at the core of all humor (Zhan, 2012, p. 95). We laugh because we are surprised or because something seems to be out of place. Incongruity Theory is based on Aristotle's (and Cicero's and others') view of humor as derived from expectancy violation. Cambridge University Press is committed by its charter to disseminate knowledge as widely as possible across the globe. Not only does humor have the ability to make school more enjoyable, but it is beneficial in various meaningful ways. A comprehensive look at how children are impacted by the experience of humor is described by Hogan (2003), who noted that humor benefits children in terms of enhanced social bonding, stress relief, and pain coping. Joshua, A., Cotroneo, A., & Clarke, S. (2005). . Here the audience is told that the incongruities on offer are objects of humor, not concern. If we couldnt laugh we would all go insane. d) Resolution shows how (within the story world) the incongruity arises. Humor. Here the piece of abstract knowledge applicable to multiple pieces of sensuous knowledge is a word ('fire'), and so here we have an example of wordplay creating folly. The authors note that nurses use humor to deal with specific situations such as daily medical routines, difficult patients/families, and even death. The effect of humor on elder mental and physical health. A sandwich walks into a bar. Proponents of this view include James Beattie, George Campbell, Arthur Schopenhauer, Immanuel Kant, Soren Kierkegaard, and Henri Bergson. Wheres the incongruity? However, from a neutral unshaped perspective, it is simply a brush. The most prominent neurocognitive theory of humor is the incongruity theory , which begins with detection and resolution of conflicting alternatives in the frontal lobes followed by humor appreciation in pleasure/reward areas. When in reality, it is simply a medium-sized tool for brushing. This book assesses the adequacy of the traditional theories of laughter and humor, suggests revised theories, and explores such areas as the aesthetics and ethics of humor, and the relation of amusement to other mental states. Humor in the home and in the classroom: The benefits of laughing while we learn. Release Or Relief Theory, Superiority Theory, Incongruity Theory, Wit, Or Derisive Humor, Other Views. New York: Kluwer, 1984. One such popular incongruity theory is the incongruity-resolution (IR) theory, which is especially useful for computational models due to its mechanical (rather than descriptive) nature. In M. W. Gallagher & S. J. Lopez (Eds.). Gantos uses a variety of humor to make his book more interesting, including schadenfreude, incongruity theory and farce. To do this, we will discuss the ideas of the leading thinker behind this theorya man called Arthur Schopenhaeur (he explains his theory in his work The World as Will and Idea, but you don't have to read that text to understand this article). is an example of 'humor went right. The impact of humor on stress also was investigated in a medical study using humor as a complementary therapy among cancer patients (Bennett, Zeller, Rosenberg, & McCann, 2003). The whole joke is just a chain absurdities, one seemingly more absurd than the next. From a linguistic and communicative perspective, humor involves a mix of verbal and non-verbal forms; a joke, a mirth, or a pun may not sound This was a great help . Ok, that wasnt simple. Inferiority Theory. In another study examining the effectiveness of humor among individuals with mental illness, a humor-based activity involving clowns (i.e., the therapeutic clown approach) was implemented among psychiatric ward inpatients. Incongruity Theory. But not for them. This explains why laughter is caused when people recognize taboo subjectsone typical example is Martin and Ford (2018) describe the three top humor theories. During the humor activity period, patients were reported as having significant decreases in multiple disruptive behaviors including self-injury, fighting, and attempted escapes (Higueras et al., 2006). Incongruity theory is arguably the most complicated comedy theory, but also the most convincing and widely applicable. These three theories have been, in modern research and historically, the main candidates attempting to explain what is necessary for us to find something funny. (2005) in their aptly titled article If We Didnt Use Humor, Wed Cry. Here are a few examples: Whenever I feel the need to exercise, I lie down until it goes away. The initial question is nonsensical. For simplicity, we will call the ways in which we refer to and perceive the world and its contents as abstract knowledge and the world as it simply exists from a non-human perspective sensuous knowledge. There is much more that is funny than can be covered by jokes, but the IT holds that any form of humor is going to have some incongruity thats necessary for us to experience humor or mirth. For example, "hot poet" is funnier than "happy child" and "money and sex" is funnier than "love and sex" [7,8]. Want to know more about defense mechanisms? Martin, R. (1989). It Elucidating the bonds of workplace humor: A relational process model. The incongruity theory is especially powerful in explaining humor across different genres, including accidental humor and humor in nature. Gelkopf, M., Gonen, B., Kurs, R., Melamed, Y., & Bleich, A. The image is made to be jarring, to pair together images that dont work together in any typical fashion. Once again, something funnysomething incongruousmakes clear to us the difference between the world as it really, simply is and how we perceive it. Roughly the general idea is this. Whether you are interested in learning more about the psychology of humor or in finding material that will make you laugh, plenty of books are available. Similarly, MesmerMagnus, Glew, and Viswesvaran (2012) conducted a meta-analysis of 49 studies focusing on the impact of humor in the workplace. MesmerMagnus, J., Glew, D., & Viswesvaran, C. (2012). It fits with current scientific approaches, it conforms and relates to our everyday experience of humor, and its also explanatory. A friend is performing at an open mic night. For example, you could buy five pigs. (2002). This is where we laugh at somebody unintentionally doing something funny, because they don't understand that our abstract ideas can in fact be used to relate to more than one thing in the real world. Higueras, A., Carretero-Dios, H., Muoz, J., Idini, E., Ortiz, A., Rincn, F., Rodrguez del guila, M. (2006) Effects of a humor-centered activity on disruptive behavior in patients in a general hospital psychiatric ward. You need to know English to get the jokes. Making fun of someone else because of their misfortunes. The use of humor in medicine has also been studied from the perspective of healthcare workers. Vaughan, J., Zeigler-Hill, V., & Arnau, R. C. (2014). Peterson and Seligman (2004) propose six virtues and 24 character strengths that fall within each virtue category (a few examples below): Proposed links between humor and positive wellbeing are intuitive; it makes sense that those with a good sense of humor will be in a better position to weather difficult situations, enjoy more cohesive relationships, find humor in all sorts of experiences, and benefit from more positive mental and physical health (Martin, 2019). . An offshoot of the theory states that we laugh when the incongruity is resolved, but this is also insufficient for humor and mostly just pertains to the structure of a certain kind of verbal joke . Trust me, it'll make it simpler in the long run! To recap: wit involves an individual intentionally connecting multiple pieces of sensuous knowledge under the banner of a single piece of abstract knowledge, making us laugh and making them seem smart; whereas folly involves someone unintentionally attaching one piece of abstract knowledge to two pieces of sensuous knowledge, making us laugh and making them seem silly. For example, when you look at a toilet brush, you view it through the filter of the human mind and view this item as only a toilet brush. As this report's scope of research has been set to be with academic theories published between 2016 and 2020, the absence of widely accepted communication theories between those years was quite obvious. Here your friend has unknowingly brought two pieces of sensuous knowledgethe act of doing well and the state of being aflameunder the single piece of abstract knowledge, the term "on fire". Lovorn, M. (2008). They have to understand what the rhyme overall means. Instead, laughter occurs in response to unexpected punchlines or those that go against usual patterns (Wilkins & Eisenbraun, 2009). While there is a paucity of research addressing humor among older people, there is some evidence of its potential to enhance the quality of life within this group. With this collection of information, it is the hope that readers will better understand humor and its many benefits, while maybe even enjoying a few chuckles along the way. High comedy this isnt; its barely qualifies as a joke. Ostrower, C. (2015). The same ad run in a moderately conservative country like India would put the brand in a . Self-esteem instability and humor styles: Does the stability of self-esteem influence how people use humor? The incongruity theory purports to define the formal object of comic amusement, which it locates in certain kinds of incongruity. Coping humor also has been associated with increased social support and self-efficacy among older community-dwelling adults (Marziali, McDonald, & Donahue, 2008). Incongruity theory o An example of the incongruity theory of humor takes place during the waterpark scene in the movie Grown Ups (Dennis Dugan, 2010). Did the punchline fail to add in the number of purple fish needed? Its also one of the reasons that humor doesnt usually cross cultures. Samson, A., & Antonelli, Y. Dark or twisted humor is an acquired taste, as not everyone appreciates the taboo humor others find in disturbing subject matter. White is clear on this, in a humorous, IT 46 supporting way. If I told you a joke where Etruscans were the main actors, you might not find it funny. The BVT specifies how psychological distance plays a central role in determining whether a . If the joke were truly nonsensical, the response wouldnt be humor, it would be confusion. Babies can go from laughing to crying in no time when being tickled [9]. Incongruity Theory Of Humor Examples Derived from the linguist thomas veatch s violation theory which describes various ways for incongruity to be funny bvt attempts to create one global theory to unify all previous theories of humor and. The Incongruity Theory (IT, hereafter) is the dominant theory used in modern research to explain humorous things. These science-based tools will help you move yourself or others through grief in a compassionate way. Two pieces of sensuous knowledgeto have a fan used on you and to have a drink poured over you- are brought under the single piece of abstract knowledge, 'to be cooled down'. The linguistics of humor is more generally concerned with incongruity theories as they describe the cognitive mechanisms that cause humor. According to this theory, people are able to . The concept of defense mechanisms originated in psychoanalytic theory. Incongruity Theory Incongruity theory says that humor arises from the perception of something incongruous; i.e. The barman says Sorry we dont serve food in here.. According to the Benign Violation Theory (BVT), something is perceived as humorous when it hits the "sweet spot," where there is not only a violation, but where the violation is also perceived as benign. There are five different theories that categorize the different reasons why find things humorous. (2003). The effect of mirthful laughter on stress and natural killer cell activity. I encourage you to try it, if only to raise the amount of humor in your life. I'd be very surprised.". Certainly children had laughed and giggled prior to language (laughter is evidenced before language after all and is thus a deeper part of our evolutionary history), but this active playing with language and expectations is a mature form of humor, even if its seen as immature to the more advanced humor connoisseurs we all find ourselves to be. The humor students bring to the classroom is also essential. However, she finds herself overwhelmed with an anxious energy that finally reaches its peak at the clowns funeral, where she is mortified by her inability to stop her pressure valve of nervous laughter. Contemporary Theories of Humor Referring to the Concept of Incongruity Contemporary literature on the subject provides numerous examples of the theory of humor in which the theme of incongruity (conflict, contradiction, incompatibility, paradox) dominates. Research has supported this idea. In the first part, we learn the various theories of humor, and learn that the author favors Incongruity Theory (i.e. If you want to find humor, look for ways that things dont seem to fit together. Humor, stress, and coping strategies. There is no shortage of quotes about humor (and humorous quotes) available online; here are eight terrific examples: If I had no sense of humor, I would long ago have committed suicide. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The results indicated that adaptive humor was linked to higher levels of self-esteem and happiness. This is specifically a wordplay used as a witticism. If you can figure it out, please skip the rest of this paragraph, but there may be more incongruities than you initially think. Whether you find the sly response of the joker in setting up the listener to make a silly owl noise, or the taking advantage of the form of the knock-knock joke to force the listener into the silliness, incongruity is at work here through and through. This is where we laugh with someone intentionally making a joke. Adaptive humor is linked with increased stable positive mood and decreased stable negative mood (Cann & Collette, 2014). Humor in the classroom also is believed to promote social and emotional development among children (Lovorn, 2008), and we share a few ideas in our article Activities to Stimulate Emotional Development. Explaining the absurd is a bitabsurd. As the world is transcending toward the unchartered watersmarked by more pandemics, more economic hardships, and more automation at workDr Lonczak has written a very useful piece of article to spread positivity across domains in places of work and life. Inside of a dog its too dark to read. That is why, although the Incongruity Theory freed humor from the traditional stigma of being anti-social, it has not . Your friend has started out with two pieces of sensuous knowledgea medium brush we use for toilets and a small one we use for teethand intentionally grouped them both under the abstract knowledge of 'toothbrush'. The authors describe this as akin to a hydraulic engine, with laughter serving the function of a steam pipe pressure valve. The humor in a pun is the surprise in discovering the dual meaning, or perhaps embarrassment in having chosen the wrong meaning first. My off-sounding engine does not produce a laugh. The incongruity theory states that humor is perceived at the moment of realization of incongruity between a concept involved in a certain situation and the real objects thought to be in some relation to the concept. Mauriello, M., & McConatha, J. T. (2007). It has long been believed that humor and laughter play an important role in the maintenance of both psychological and physiological health and wellbeing in the face of stress (Lefcourt & Martin, 1986). There are three major families of theories of humor: humor as release, humor as aggression, and humor as incongruity. When people write jokes, or develop humor, they find ways to play with the concepts, but not so much as make the incongruities completely nonsensical. download our three Grief Exercises [PDF] for free, 6 Ways to Explore and Maximize This Strength, Activities to Stimulate Emotional Development, 17 validated resilience tools for practitioners, Wisdom and knowledge Creativity & curiosity. Here are 10 examples: As humor represents an important aspect of positive psychology, here at, we have described several ways in which humor contributes to positive wellbeing. Humorous coping and serious reappraisal: Short-term and longer-term effects. In the historical fiction novel, Dead End in Norvelt, by Jack Gantos, he includes examples of humor to improve his story. Perhaps the best way to demonstrate the bizarre or absurd is with the following joke. . 66 although research in humor have gained insights from philosophy, psychology, anthropology, sociology, biology, and recently, neuroscience. More specifically, the muscular and respiratory processes involved in laugher serve the important role of releasing pent-up nervous energy (Martin & Ford, 2018). The second theory described by Martin and Ford (2018) is the superiority theory, which focuses on interpersonal motivational mechanisms, with humor resulting as a function of self-esteem enhancement. Ganz, F. D., & Jacobs, J. M. (2014). In other words, laughter is a function of anticipating a different outcome than what was expected. 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Here the audience is told that the incongruities on offer are objects humor. A dog its too dark to read coping humor in your life with an expected or punchline... One of the rhyme overall means problems and promotes a lighter perspective by Jack gantos he... So at that humor on elder mental and physical health Cotroneo, A., Eisenbraun. Function of a steam pipe pressure valve S., Formann, A., Cotroneo A.. Insights from philosophy, psychology, anthropology, sociology, biology, and humor originated in psychoanalytic theory,.. Health is anecdotal the taboo humor others find in disturbing subject matter just feels good ; it distracts us our. Traditional stigma of being anti-social, it shouldnt be much of a dog its too to... Different incongruity theory of humor examples why find things humorous of workplace humor: a relational process model Eds... It better but the frog dies in the first part, we need to,. 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