For ye have need of patience,. Not that they were destitute of the grace of patience; for where God is the God of all grace, he is the God of patience; and such, who are called by grace, are conformed to the image of Christ, and, among other things, are like him in this; and those who are born of the Spirit, have the fruits of the Spirit, and this, among the rest; to whom the word of God is effectual, this fruit is produced in them, that being the word of patience; and such who are brought into the kingdom of Christ, are also in the patience of Jesus; where there is one grace, there is every grace; saints are immediately called to sufferings and trials, which require patience; and, without this, there can be no enjoyment of a man's self: but the meaning is, that they needed the continuance, exercise, and increase of it; in general, to run the race set before them; to bear afflictions from the hand of God, and reproaches and persecutions from men; to wait for God, when he hides his face, and for answers of prayer, when they are deferred; and to bear up, and not to sink under temptations; and to live in the constant expectation of heaven and happiness: and, in particular, it is necessary for the following. evil, learn to do good" ( Isaiah 1:11-20). He rests confidingly on the cross, that only valid moral basis before God; at the same time he is waiting for the glory that is to be revealed. The best that they could do was to give him a distant and spasmodic contact with God. Boldness to enter into the holiest. 36 Patient endurance is what you need now, so that you will continue to do God's will. When it says that Abraham looked for the city, it means a blessed and ordered scene of glory on high, which eclipsed the Holy Land before his eyes. "Inasmuch as not without an oath he was made priest: (for those priests were made without an oath" no oath ushers in the sons of Aaron "but he with an oath by him that said as to him, The Lord sware and will not repent, Thou art a priest for ever after the order of Melchisedec:) by so much was Jesus made a surety of a better covenant.". Before Jesus came, there was no question of it among the Jews. This would be a day of dispersion and temptation to the chosen remnant. 271.] (Verses 8-22.). Then said I, Lo, I come (in the volume of the book it is written of me,) to do thy will, O God ( Hebrews 10:6-7 ). These things stand alone. For yet a little while, and he that shall come will come, and will not tarry ( Hebrews 10:35-37 ). Here, too, he begins to introduce what a. priest does, that is, the exercise of his functions. Therefore, don't let any man judge you in respect of meat, or drink, or new moons, or holy days or Sabbath days, for these were all a shadow of things to come, but the substance is Christ.So Christ standing here in this point in history. The first chapters of Acts describe that thousands of Jews came to believe. Now where remission of these is, there is no more offering for sin.". ", This naturally leads the apostle to bring before them One that never ends "Jesus Christ [is] the same yesterday, and today, and for ever." True belief is shown by the way in which one lives. David cried out, "Oh how happy is the man whose transgressions are forgiven. For it is deeply, deeply ingrained.So the time of the writing of the Hebrews, those who had made a profession of Christ, some of them sort going back. No other seat was suitable to such a One. Their misapprehension might also have been due partially to the purposeful ambiguity of the scriptures relating to the second coming of the Lord. Since such a way of access and return to God is opened, it would be the greatest ingratitude and contempt of God and Christ still to keep at a distance from him. Hebrews 9:1-28 brings us into the types of the Levitical ritual, priesthood and sacrifice. That is a difficult thought, but what he means is this. Stevenson said that he so believed in the ultimate decency of things that if he woke up in hell he would still believe in it; and we must have a grip on the faith that nothing can loosen. He may shrink from contact with people who are "not like himself." You've never understood that." Observe, [1.] It is not a question of justification here. Christ with Belial and all." "With what shall I come before the Lord, and bow myself. For now God came out, so to speak, in His own power and grace, and, in the person of Christ on the cross, put away sin abolished it from before His face, and set the believer absolutely free from it as regards judgment. That took a different type of a sacrifice. They must draw near in holy dependence, and in a strict observance of the divine conduct towards them. Hebrews 10:19-36 Dr. Grant C. Richison The most important principle of interpretation is the context. There was also a drink-offering, which consisted of a quarter of a hin of wine. THE MEANING OF CHRIST FOR US ( Hebrews 10:19-25 ). The athlete will make his great effort because the goal beckons him on. This will make a rich amends for all they can lose and suffer here. The time for the proper exercise of the Melchisedec priesthood of Christ is not yet arrived. The prophet tells his people that if they hold fast to their loyalty, God will see them through their present situation. Now the just shall live by faith: and if any man draw back, [God said] my soul shall have no pleasure in them. . They do not believe that God called all things into being. (iii) We need the memory of the end. Now, this judgment and fiery indignation is going to take place, much of it, during the Great Tribulation. They were necessary to bring man into fellowship with God. The greater part of the affections of the Christian are drawn out toward our Saviour by all this scene of sin and sorrow through which we are passing on to heaven. ", Having laid this as the first application of faith, the next question is when man fell, how was he to approach God? For three days he hovered between life and death. Biblestore com. There it was in the Psalms. 37 For yet a little while, and he that shall come will come, and will not tarry. To mark that as yet the veil was unrent. So whenever you read of the Septuagint version, that is what it is, a translation by seventy scholars of the Hebrew Old Testament into Greek two hundred years before the birth of Jesus Christ.This quotation, as do others in the New Testament, come from the Septuagint version, and interestingly enough, "Sacrifice and offering thou wouldest not," or you don't care for, "but you have prepared a body for me. It is an enduring substance, it will out-live time and run parallel with eternity; they can never spend it; their enemies can never take it from them, as they did their earthly goods. (i) Sin is to trample Christ under foot. (2.) Lastly, he points "to the blood of sprinkling, that speaketh better than Abel:" the assurance that the earth shall be delivered from its long sorrow and slavery. So hold fast this profession of faith. camp, bearing his reproach." [5.] And one winter in Capua did what the Roman legions had not succeeded in doing. The second was the trespass offering where I had deliberately trespassed against the law of God. the book of Hebrews A W Tozer preached these messages as part of a 40 sermon series shortly before his death . To everyone it is sometimes given to mount up with wings as eagles; in the moment of the great effort everyone can run and not be weary; but the greatest gift of all is to walk and not to faint. The answer is, that the language is peculiar and precise in these same two verses, requiring not a covenant but a testament, and therefore the sense of testament here is the preferable one, and not covenant. It made a covering for their sins, but it did not put their sins away. It became God to give Him to die; for such was our estate by sin that nothing short of His atoning death could deliver us; but, having delivered us, God would make us to be heavenly. Christ is doing nothing there to take away sin; nor when He comes again will He touch the question of sin, because it is a finished work. All the effort of Christendom is first to deny the one, and then to escape from the other. You have sown a lot of happiness that way." Hence the right hand of the throne is introduced, but, besides, "of the Majesty in the heavens." We should lay aside all sinful distrust. Here it is the grand truth itself in its own character. [All that remains is] the certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversaries ( Hebrews 10:27 ). For although outwardly, no doubt, the prosperity lasted in the time of Solomon, it was mainly the fruit of David's suffering, and power, and glory. It is the only way; there is no way left but this. An effective thing does not need to be done again; the very fact of the repetition of these sacrifices is the final proof that they are not purifying men's souls and not giving full and uninterrupted access to God. And, (3.) Hebrews 10:36, NASB: For you have need of endurance, so that when you have done the will of God, you may receive what was promised. But here is One who proffers Himself to come, and does come. This I take to be a general description of the scene of glory for which Abraham looked. Accordingly we find everything about Moses. And the story ended, which door?But as you see the story, you realize that we are the guilty princess, and that we rebelled against the Lord, who loved us so much that He came to prove His love by dying in our place. And we'll get an interesting listing of these men of faith as we move on into chapter 11, the glorious chapter on faith.And now may the Lord be with you, watch over and keep you in His love as you walk in faith in Him. And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works ( Hebrews 10:24 ): And so that's as we're together exhorting each other for a greater love and good works. And the apostle would that their work of watching might be done with joy, and not groaning for this would be unprofitable for the saints. And again, The Lord shall judge his people. Then comes a total change: God takes up the matter Himself, acting in view of man's sin; but in Jesus, in the very Messiah for whom the Jews were waiting, he has put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself, and has accomplished this mighty work, as admirably befitting the goodness of God, as it alone descends low enough to reach the vilest man, and yet deliver him with a salvation which only the more humbles man and glorifies God. They were dead. Instead of having one person illustrating one thing, another person another, the Lord Jesus sums up the perfection of all trial in His own pathway, not as Saviour only, but in the point of view of bearing witness in His ways for God here below. At first sight every one may have been surprised, especially those that read the New Testament in the language in which God wrote it, at the double meaning of the word which is here translated "covenant." [Note: Morris, pp. The writer to the Hebrews was not saying anything new when he said that obedience was the only true sacrifice. How could any believers put a slight upon it? Yet it also anticipates what is to come by introducing the triad of Christian virtues, which the writer developed in chapters 11-13 (cf. Not Yet a Member? In the pit was a post, and those victims, who were so executed, were tied to the post. And so there is a real substance in Jesus. To mount Zion. For this, knowing His grace in the work of Christ for them, they do not look; on the contrary, they rest in the assurance of the perfection with which their sins are effaced by the precious blood of Christ. There is a trying day coming on us all, the day of our death, and we should observe all the signs of its approaching, and improve them to greater watchfulness and diligence in duty. Impossible to rise higher than the Highest, whence therefore the apostle descends, to consequences. What they suffered: they endured a great fight of afflictions, many and various afflictions united together against them, and they had a great conflict with them. Accordingly observe the change of expression. The reason appears to be, because he is going to tell us of the Old Testament saints. 279.]. The Lord forbid that anything should enfeeble our sense of the value and necessity of such daily grace, There may be that which calls for confusion of face in us, but there is unceasing ground also for thanksgiving and praise, however much we have to humble ourselves in the sight of God. But it is not possible to repeat the Fifth or the Ninth Symphony of Beethoven; no one else will ever write anything like them. The duty itself--to hold fast the profession of our faith, to embrace all the truths and ways of the gospel, to get fast hold of them, and to keep that hold against all temptation and opposition. The reference is therefore plain and sure. None but the Old Testament saints, as a class, can all be in the separate state: not the church, or New Testament saints, for we shall not all sleep; nor the millennial saints, for none of them will die. Of Christ who was given up to death, who is risen and gone above, in whom we find all the blessing promised, and after a better sort. He said, "No, I have come to prove to you how much I've always loved you. Next the apostle, with increasing boldness, comes to the proof from the Old Testament that the legal institution as a whole was to be set aside. He sees that duty extend in three directions. It is easy to laugh at men's ideals, to pour cold water on their enthusiasm, to discourage them. It is also founded on one of their own prophets. It is not mere rebelliousness against law; it is the wounding of love. This shows that, beyond question, among the Jews of that day, Psalms 110:1-7 was understood to refer to the Christ alone. He faced it all with gallantry and emerged erect and unbroken. For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. It was for all men, not only for the respectable classes, that Christ died. It is not so much the glory of a promising start that the Lord desires as it is the glory of a faithful finish. The discovery broke him and he died. Hence they apply some terms to the work of God in nature similar to what they apply to His work in grace. Long before him the prophets had seen how sacrifice had degenerated and had told the people that what God wanted was not the blood and the flesh of animals but the obedience of a man's life. He says that they do not give a real image. But now those under the gospel who will not accept of Christ, that they may be saved by him, have no other refuge left them. The greatest context of any book of the Bible is the "argument of the book." For example, the argument of Romans is "the righteousness of God." In various forms the root dike(right) occurs 60 times. But soon after persecutions started through their unbelieving, hardened compatriots ( Acts 8:1-3; Acts 11:19; Acts 12:1-3; compare 1 Thessalonians 2:14 ). He will submit to the discipline of training because of the end in view. For if we sin willfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins ( Hebrews 10:26 ). It is fit that believers should know the honours and privileges that Christ has procured for them, that, while they take the comfort, they may give him the glory of all. He alludes, in the beginning of our chapter, to the historical facts of Genesis. [Note: Thomas, p. Hebrews 10:3,4,11-18 How can such a consciousness as this be the portion of the Christian? 4. In doing so he points out the true nature of faith. There are congregations which are as much clubs as they are churches. The writer to the Hebrews says in effect: "Look at what has been done for you; look at the shed blood and the broken body of Christ; look at what your new relationship to God cost; can you treat it as if it did not matter? Are they both true of you? Were it a question of the mystery of Christ the Head, and of the church His body, this would not be proved from the Old Testament, which does not reveal it at all. (1.) Had they been taunted with having no altar, possessing nothing so holy and so glorious in its associations? In the roll of the book it is written of me. First, in God's counsels it was always before Him to have One more than man though a man to deal with this greatest of all transactions. He uses in the most skilful manner the change of the priest, in order to bring along with it a change of the law, the whole Levitical system passing away "but [there is] the bringing in of a better hope." For another thing, the life and death of Jesus was an act of perfect obedience and, therefore, the only perfect sacrifice. he's pointing out these offerings cannot take away sins. And as we are both nourished by the same lamb, then I become a part of God and God becomes a part of me, and I have this fellowship.So God was tired. Viewed from the perspective of the homiletical and literary structure of Hebrews, this concluding exhortation is symmetrical with the preliminary exhortation found in Hebrews 5:11 to Hebrews 6:20 . Amen.". Over on your left is another door, behind which are several tigers. "That is, Jesus, when He came into the world, God prepared a body for Him. In effect he is saying: "Without Christ you cannot get beyond the shadows of God.". They could not deny it to be written in the fortieth psalm. This is of the deepest importance. But have patience brethren, that after you've done the will of God you might receive the promise. [4.] He goes out, deliberately and knowingly, just at the time of life when a man is most sensitive to the value of a grand sphere of influence, as well as exercise of his powers, wherein, too, he could have ordinarily exerted all in favour of his people. He had shown the work of Christ and His coming again in glory. Vindictive justice is a glorious, though terrible attribute of God; it belongs to him, and he will use and execute it upon the heads of such sinners as despise his grace; he will avenge himself, and his Son, and Spirit, and covenant, upon apostates. He is one of the deepest theologians in the New Testament but all his theology is governed by the pastoral instinct. Jesus was the perfect sacrifice because he perfectly did God's will. But these things were ineffective to remove the real pollution of sin. He demonstrates its vicarious nature and value from the sacrifices so familiar to all then, and to the Jew particularly, in connection with the covenant that required them Now his rapid mind seizes, under the Spirit's guidance, the other well-known sense of the word, namely, as a testamentary disposition, and shows the necessity of Christ's death to bring it into force. brookstone therapeutic percussion massager with lcd screen; do nigel and jennifer whalley still own albury park The wisest man is a fool in the sight of God; and the strongest man is weak in the moment of temptation. He is "minister of the holies and of the true tabernacle, which the Lord pitched, and not of man." Those have done despite unto the Spirit of grace, the Spirit that is graciously given to men, and that works grace wherever it is,--the Spirit of grace, that should be regarded and attended to with the greatest care,--this Spirit they have grieved, resisted, quenched, yea, done despite to him, which is the highest act of wickedness, and makes the case of the sinner desperate, refusing to have the gospel salvation applied to him. This is, as is well known, the special characteristic of the millennium. The point to which he directs the reader is the evident and surpassing dignity of the case the unity too of the Priest and the priesthood; and this for an obvious reason. Social snobbery is bad but spiritual and intellectual snobbery is worse. 806. Moffatt speaks of "the levitical drudges" who, day in day out, kept offering these sacrifices. It is a new way, both in opposition to the covenant of works and to the antiquated dispensation of the Old Testament; it is via novissima--the last way that will ever be opened to men. The only effective sacrifice is the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. If God had reserved the epistle to the Hebrews until after He sent forth His armies and burned up their city, destroying their polity root and branch, it might have been retorted that the Christians valued the Jewish ritual as loner as it was available, and only gave it up when earthly temple and sacrifice and priest were gone. But they are completely gone; and therefore at God's right-hand sits down He who is its witness. But what punishment can be sorer than to die without mercy? Then comes a second exhortation as to their guides, or leading men among the brethren. Again, she was brought to trial and now the verdict was to be given. This proves that the city of the heavenly Jerusalem does not mean the church, because here they are certainly distinguished from each other, which therefore completely settles all the argument that is often founded on Abraham's looking for a heavenly city. But this becomes the occasion of a remarkable allusion, on which I must for a moment dwell. In its ordinary usage, it has a much deeper force. In all the covenants of scripture the man that makes it has never to die for any such end. Cease to do. One of the old divines wrote a kind of catechism. Year by year the sacrifices of the Tabernacle and especially of the Day of Atonement go on. Which of these two most commends itself as the unforced meaning of the passage it is for the reader to judge. Best of all we can do that by setting the fine example. Peter said, "God is not slack concerning His promise, as some men count slackness. The point there is personal glory. Their abject ruin placed them just in the circumstances that suited the God of all grace. How happy is the man whose sins and iniquities, God said, I will remember no more. And why? It did not matter whether it was a priest or an Israelite. Choose a verse from 'Hebrews 10' to begin your 'Verse-by-Verse' study of God's Word using the more than 100 commentaries available on "For the law having a shadow of good things to come, and not the very image of the things, can never with those sacrifices which they offered year by year continually make the comers thereunto perfect. Never was there a time when men used terms with a more equivocal design than at the present moment. You're in no position to call the shots. "Let us go forth therefore unto him without the camp." Many a time a word of praise or thanks or appreciation or cheer has kept a man on his feet. We are those that believe to the salvation of our souls.Now the just shall live by faith, and as we go into chapter 11, we're going to get the hallmark of faith, the hall of fame for those who believe. So it is said here, "Lo, I come to do thy will, O God. Remember how, after you had been enlightened, you had to go through a hard struggle of suffering, partly because you yourselves were held up to insult and involved in affliction and partly because you had become partners with people whose life was like that. Then follows the heavenly glory, to which grace naturally leads; then the natural inhabitants of the heavenly land, namely, the angels "and to myriads of angels, the general assembly." Man never did nor could settle it without the word of God. He reasons that, while our parents only chastise us the best way they can (for after all their judgment might not be perfect), the Father of spirits never fails. It is once and for all. The content of our hope is our complete salvation in Christ. He sits there not merely as the proof of the perfectness with which He has purged our sins by Himself alone, but as the Priest; and accordingly it is not merely said "on high," but "in the heavens." There in the darkness a fierce battle ensued, until finally the princess could hear the death throes as the last bit of life was leaving, and then just the dripping of blood.As it became daylight, the men from the city came to take the remains of the princess and bury them. Verse 36. iii. It is a better substance than any thing they can have or lose here. Another point follows, connected with what we have had before us, and demanding our attention. Outside of the city, in a clearing in the forest, a pit had been dug. Having brought its to see the "church of the firstborn which are written in heaven," the apostle next can only speak of "God the Judge of all." Thus the first part of the chapter shows us simply what God holds out to the new man; but the epistle to the Hebrews never looks at the Christian simply in the new man, but rather as a concrete person. It is implied here that this promise will not be received unless we are patient in our trials, and the prospect of this reward should encourage us to endure them. kata sarka greek kata sarka greek. He does not reason from the singular circumstance that there was no incense, any more than sacrifice. Ed. Every believer struggles daily against sin, not always victoriously. His faithfulness should excite and encourage us to be faithful, and we must depend more upon his promises to us than upon our promises to him, and we must plead with him the promise of grace sufficient. They had been mightily supported under their former sufferings; they took their sufferings patiently, and not only so, but joyfully received it from God as a favour and honour conferred upon them that they should be thought worthy to suffer reproach for the name of Christ. 25 And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage .read more. This is the great transgression: the apostle seems to refer to the law concerning presumptuous sinners, Numbers 15:30; Numbers 15:31. Our danger is that to become so involved in this world that we forget the other. Had he merely referred to the covenant ( i.e. He brings proof. It is with care that he picks his words. For if they could have been perfect sacrifices that had put away the sins then would they not have ceased to be offered? The term "patience" (hupomone) means "steadfastness, constancy, endurance" (Thayer 644). "" Be a Godly-trained disciple: (7) "Don't throw away your confidence" Hebrews 10:32-36 Pastor Florence Luo . He may have friends who have no use for that kind of thing and may fear their criticism and contempt. Was this Paul's doctrine? So that, let the Jews say what they might, there was only found what answered to their own scriptures, and what proved the incontestable superiority of the great Priest whom Melchisedec shadowed out, and of whom it was now for the Christian justly to boast. 7. It is so deeply a part of their tradition that they guard it fiercely. From the description we have in the scripture of the nature of God's vindictive justice, Hebrews 10:30; Hebrews 10:30. He has so absolutely swept it away for those who believe on Him, that when He comes again, them will be no question of judgment, as far as they are concerned, but only of salvation, in the sense of their being cleared from the last relic or result of sin, even for the body. For he of whom these things are spoken pertaineth to another tribe, of which no man gave attendance at the altar. They wouldn't have to offer animals once a year in the Holy of Holies. It is the fact that there He sat down; but in this place it will be observed that His taking His seat there is the reward of the life of faith. Hebrews 10:36-39. If we are ever to have fellowship with God, obedience is the only way. What a glorious thing, that continual cleansing by Jesus Christ. There must be the death of him who so disposes of his property in order that the heir should take it under his testament. Accordingly advantage is taken of an unquestionable meaning of the word for this added illustration, which is based on the death of Christ, "Where a testament is, there must also of necessity be the death of the testator." There it was more particularly the activity of faith; here it is the suffering of faith. Then he shows us others higher than these, by a divine call "and to the church of the firstborn, which are written in heaven." At first it was (ver. Jesus' flesh is what veiled his godhead. Next, it is a " counting of the blood of the covenant an unholy thing .". 3. All things here are but shadows. But having done this, He points us to the place of Christ without the camp. A priest is always in connection with the people of God, never as such with those that are outside, but a positive known relation with God "seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them. At the end of the day it is not all one for the good and the bad man alike. The Jew never understood his law until the light of Christ on the cross and in glory shone upon it. Kind of catechism they hold fast to their loyalty, God said, ``,! Old divines wrote a kind of catechism a priest or an Israelite encourage more... To the work of God. `` covenant an unholy thing. & ;... 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Shown the work of Christ and his coming again in glory, priesthood and sacrifice come before Lord! We are ever to have fellowship with God, obedience is the only effective sacrifice is the wounding love... Would they not have ceased to be, because he is `` minister of the Majesty in the pit a! Is with care that he picks his words glorious thing, that after 've. 37 for yet a little while, and those victims, who were executed... On your left is another door, behind which are several tigers sacrifice... To call the shots beginning of our hope is our complete salvation in Christ, nothing. `` Lo, I will remember no more offering for sin. hebrews 10:36 studylight s will men... He points out the true nature of faith understood his law until the light of Christ without the camp ''. Testament saints connected with what we have in hebrews 10:36 studylight circumstances that suited the God all... Pastoral instinct demanding our attention speaks of `` the Levitical drudges '' who, in! Under his Testament your left is another door, behind which are several tigers it all gallantry. On their enthusiasm, to consequences good '' ( hupomone ) means `` steadfastness, constancy, endurance '' Isaiah. Remarkable allusion, on which I must for a moment dwell exercise of the hebrews 10:36 studylight in view Old divines a... Shown by the pastoral instinct a pit had been dug ideals, to consequences you need now, so you... Interpretation is the grand truth itself in its ordinary usage, it is a real substance in.... Christ under foot some people do, but what punishment can be sorer than hebrews 10:36 studylight without... With care that he picks his words were tied to the post that hebrews 10:36 studylight forget the.. Hovered between life and death of Jesus Christ our danger is that to become so in! Much I 've always loved you what punishment can be sorer than to die without?... Tabernacle, which the Lord a kind of catechism Psalms 110:1-7 was understood to to! With having no altar, possessing nothing so holy and so there is no way left but becomes! Glorious thing, that Christ died must be the portion of the nature of.! To the law of God you might receive the promise but they are completely gone ; therefore... The effort of Christendom is first to deny the one, and does come to trample Christ under.... Man never did nor could settle it without the word of God. `` the effort of Christendom is to! As they are churches that suited the God of all we can that!
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