As a result, in order for us as a pure spirit being to overcome a wicked spirit we must understand and know, that they are able to see us in our true form. Please dont misunderstand what I am about to say.. You command it to leave in the name of Jesus and STAND your ground. Go see him at Bethel Atlanta in Tyrone, Georgia. Also, note 1 John 5:4- Jesus is born of God, thats why He is an overcomer and if we are also born of God, well be overcomers too! It does work. An over-active nervous system is the reason why your body becomes flooded with adrenaline during times of fear and you behave so aggressively at times. Its like the enemy coming around saying your sins arent forgiven. Deliverance Prayer . As long as satan can keep you crippled in fear, the plans and purposes that God has for you will be thwarted. This deliverance prayer will empower every believer whom the devil has caged with the addition of alcoholism and drunkenness to break-free. You sound exactly like what i went thru for years until God revealed and gave me understanding of all the things you already have in Christ, but you dont realize it. Please.. please pray for me. I would be denying what God did for me. do pray that God and Jesus and the holy angels and holy ghost and holy spriti will come down from sky heaven come in side of our house take out the devil Saten take out all bad evil devil bad evil bad evil bad words evil bad minds thinking bad stuff things bad evil bad break ing up marriage s and evil bad drugs and evil bad evil bad break ing up family relationship in family relationship and evil bad drinking beer party s and evil bad devil Saten betweens mother and fother s and daughter s and sons and bother s and sisters and for God and Jesus and holy angels two take out the devil Saten out of the house were the devil Saten were the devil Saten never ever ever ever come back into the house pray for God Jesus angel holy ghost and holy spriti will do come over down from sky heaven come over inside of my brother Willam Billys zeman home come into my brother wife body come inside of We should stand against it, because it is an enemy that seeks to hinder us and keep us from our God-given purpose. The spirit of fear can come in through a variety of ways. I am praying to get to the root of all of my pain but sometimes I tell myself that I will never get well because its been this way for so long. Is Bipolar and ot Schizophrenia a spirit or demon as well or a gift? It will not come in five minutes. This will not be easy at first but paying off the first bill will jumpstart your confidence and create a positive mindset as you see progress being made. Help me to receive Your love Knowingly or unknowingly, many who practice yoga, occult practices like: witchcraft, fortune telling, new age, acupuncture, and other . But he is with you if you call on him. Dont stop but press in. I wont allow it to keep just sitting there after i pray or after i quote the Word of God. The Lord is your deliverer. I dont want to lose my son nor to the streets because the devil is always trying . Glen Rex, Religion cannot save, only a personal relationship with Jesus can. Not in an hour, a day or next month, but NOW. Youre in for a fight, Sarah, its a hard fight, but you are guaranteed victory. God says there IS a Way out! Sometimes the best place i have been in is when i have been completely weak and unable to save myself, and i sit down and say God i cannot save me, i have no strength left, i cannot do this, i need you to take over. Knowing the truth of what he says in his word by the power of the Holy Spirit sets us free. I believe God and not your symptoms. Thanks so much. Learn more about our team of Christian counselors. Do you have any pets? The signs that are being mentioned are things like casting out demons, healing of the sick, and even drinking things deadly and not being affected. I realized that God has been revealing His presence to me daily and in very personal ways, but I was doubting it. The whole downstairs was hit by storm surge and we need electricity and are having to wait for downstairs to be rebuilt. 5) Pray again and ask God to deliver you from the spirit of anxiety. I need prayer that the Lord will either show him that he put us together or that he will remove this love from my heart and send me the husband that he has for me. Even today, Im still prone to attacks, but I can see the Spirit of Depression coming and I do what I need to fend it off. Brandon, FL 33511, Copyright 2022 Above & Beyond Christian Counseling - All Rights Reserved. If this works, tell others how to be free. Be careful brothers & sisters in the Lord. Are all workers of miracles? Tell me what is troubling you to keep your mind in such despair. Therefore stand up and recognise who you are. heart has been broken, I want to invite you to pray the You focus on the opposite provision, and the negative becomes displaced by the provision that God gives you. -Graham Cooke. So stop whimpering. Hes not angry at you, but at the enemy who has ensnared you. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. We keep praying for God to give us power over it, but his word says he has already given it to us. Help her heal Lord MindBodySoul. I know that we are in the last days perhaps even the last hours and Satan is working overtime to confuse and block our ability to hear from God. And the lie tries its hardest by making you believe its not leaving. You would say oh YES they are by Jesus Christ. I certainly appreciate this site. The shield of faith to block off the enemy darts tossed at you. I come before You to lay my panic and anxiety at Your feet. I have been experiencing this too and I hope you read this to let the pain youre feeling out. It has been a godly relationship. Breaking The Spirit Of Rejection. Brandon, FL 33511, Above & Beyond Christian Counseling I loved the part about being in a fight that you know you are going to win. I really appreciate your comment. In scripture, the Lord said "Fear Not" 365 times. But even if you don't, I know I don't have to be a slave to my fear. I bind and take authority over the strongmen of rejection and rebellion and separate them in the name of Jesus. I struggled and struggled for years trying to fix it but didnt know how. Patty, you have been through a lot! It was so overwhelming to me . If you are born again and IN Christ and not walking in sin, theres no reason that He would withhold from you. Jesus said this must happen to you to be saved. Click open the article, then please share this everywhere! (And given us the Spirit of a Sound Mind). I believe Gods Word. Please hang in there, your life is worth living and has great purpose. I am so weakened, exhausted, severely depressed and feel no joy or excitement. Can u pray for me and tell me how to stand on God word for Fear,etc. I would add that I am 77 years old, but with a young wife and a son of 14. You will not get through this alone! Help me stand strong in you. Gods perfect love will drive it out. He says he gave it to you. Download file | Play in new window | Duration: 22:52 | Recorded on March 13, 2022. Matthew 12:32. I call this entity to go in Jesus name. Seek out other Christ followers. I pray and pray. We are more than what we believe we are. Lashawn, I am praying for your precious daughter, and for you. When you do that, you reject the condemnation for the temptation that you faced. Hi Maria, I hope you have been doing better. Not hoping for it to show up,,,,because he says you already HAVE it. Remember the verse, My Power is made Perfect in your Weakness, for when i am weak, then i am strong. I am not going to keep asking Him to deliver me because He says He already did when Christ died and rose and gave you a Spirit of Power. I felt a little over a year ago that he had brought the Man he desired me to have into my life. Praying for you. Try Him. and to walk in the liberty that You purchased for me I ask that you help me get through all of the doubts and fears when I feel as if I am being crushed. Have communion at your home. I pray you will allow the Holy Spirit to make you sensitive to these things. It means to turn your life around, and stop doing what you know is wrong called repentance. And rivers in the desert. (Isa 43:18-19 NKJV), Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by your name; You are Mine. You could simply email a church with your struggles and the pastor may come to your home if you are unable to make it out. Praying for you. I daily beg God to take it away. When youre at your wits end, its time for you to stop striving and let him take over. Encourage your daughter to listen to Christian worship music. Many people are unaware that the occult is a gateway to demonic attack. Thank you so much for writing about this! We know this because of the following verses. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), FEARLESS in 21 DAYS! I cancel all the devil's assignments against me, my family, and my household in Jesus name. They contacted me , give very vague responses, ask me to call an international phone number, and now ive been receiving scam emails from the same country they reside in, informing me i will be inheriting large sums of money, and another deceptive email on an enormous business venture. In the Lord I believe he can move mountains by faith I believed for my mom and I have Hope & faith to get my son back that I know . Little by little you will begin to feel the weight of your financial burden being lifted and you will see the light at the end of the tunnel. If you are living with anxiety, that has become your expectation. I can really relate with this. He loss a friend in 2016 a cousin his grandmother in 2017 then his uncle my brother was murdered in 2018 and since the. Its assignment is to destroy you, which is enough to make you angry. The blessing is right around the corner 11. I needed this I have been through the exact same things you described in your article. Desmond? Implement praise and worship in your schedule. At the name of Jesus every knee shall bow of things in heaven, on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that He is LORD (MASTER), He HAS delivered us from the POWER of darkness and translated us into the kingdom of his Son. I bind and cast out the spirits of rejection, fear of . Depression is caused by some sort of fear, guilt, condemnation, shame. Its very similar to a diabetic. No matter what issues I am dealing with; no matter how big the problems or situations, I'm laying them all at Your feet today. I totally agree Annas. If he is telling you to take your life but I want you to know god loves you and has a greater plan for you to be able to help others going through the same battle you are going through now. I know medicine does not help! The Lord will give you enormous revelation showing you he is not unfaithful, not rejecting you, not a sluggard just watching you suffer. I dont usually write anything in the comment section. Remember though, that God is not only fighting on your behalf, but he is also strengthening You for the battle. Dont wander around in the wilderness for 10 more years. I was a believer that felt like it was a spirit that needed to be cast out. Rachel began to cry out to God, asking Him to show her that what was happening was real, and that she would leave the service changed and set free. To not giving up. So, when we read it from that perspective we see that Paul is actually saying that when the church comes together does everyone functioning as an apostle? Lord Jesus, the stresses in my life often reach a dangerous proportionor so it seems. Your peace that surpasses all understanding; Your peace that leads me through the storms of life. I am a survivor of legalism. Please release me from these anxious thoughts and help me see Your gifts. Thank You for Your peace and comfort that is filling my heart and mind right now. I went thru depression for 30 years and the Lord delivered me instantly. God wants you to know, to fully understand what hes given you. Its about KNOWING WHO HE IS AND HOW FAITHFUL HE IS TO HIS PROMISED WITH YOU. My name is Habib from Ghana and Ive been battling depression for almost 5 years now and I need your prayers. How many emotional spirits are there in humans? Demons are spirit beings: The demon's primary objective is to rob, kill, and destroy causing loss of peace and harmony. Learn our proven and effective 5-Step process. And then suddenly it left, the chest pain stopped and the anxiety was completely gone. From the Spirit of procrastination, We implore Thee, Deliver us O Lord. I DO NOT BELIEVE YOUR SYMPTOMS. Hope this helps others in using gods rich word over your lives this morning Ive been living under opression extreme anxiety and felt I could not go on then holy spirt gave me this today dont be afraid of the feelings of fear the lord has spoken do not be afraid I. PS: Learn to recognise if this spirit tries to torment you again and go through the same process. Sharleen, Hello! To the pit now in Jesus name spirit of epilepsy!! Hello Heidi. If you like, you can call this Ministry of Profetic Prayer Clinic. I mailed it off and received a check in the mail out of nowhere a day later. Satanic worms in my body, come out and die, in the name of Jesus. He is your God, says he will take care of your needs, is your deliverer, and savior. And, Im done listening to him and am ready to fully armour up! Through the sorrow and pain. He is angered by your captivity. When we focus on how far we have to go, instead of how far we have come, we can easily be discouraged. Ask Him persistently until He removes it. Follow the instructions and become the warrior you were born to be. She and her husband came to the service that night. I am lifting you up in prayer, as well. You see, Paul is saying that when we come together some should speak in tongues and others should interpret (1 Corinthians 14:27), some should prophesy and others should judge that prophecy (1 Corinthians 14:29), some should heal the sick and others should discern spirits. YOU will have fought, and YOU will have won, and YOU will be stronger than ever before. Heavenly Father, You know that these thoughts are overwhelming me. As you would not tolerate nasty people in this world who attack you, do not tolerate this thing either. You must break the cycle. He said i will NEVER fail you nor forsake you. Thats how God works in His people. If you have not been saved yet, call on the name of JESUS who is alive from the dead. The Spirit of Depression is not to be trifled with. When deliverance takes place and the spirit(s) leave a person they will always try to get back in after a period of time and if we continue in sin they will return stronger with other spirits. Some days anxiety stalks me like a deceitful predator, and the temptation to worry draws me in. I ask for direction and insight into decisions but receive no personal instruction. It would have been had I not believed that the Lord had put us together. But my favorite is If not, put your whole lifeintothe hands of Jesus. The spirit of anxiety is under the control of the Leviathan spirit. Its YOU who has power over the depression. Ask him to fill you with the Holy Spirit, which is the power of God. As you attune yourself into what your own spirit is picking up, and what the Holy Spirit is revealing, your mind will take over the thinking process and decide what you need to do. I believe my prayers for healing have been answered by providing the antidepressants my body needs. Sanctification is a life-long process. A Word of Caution for those posting their email address and phone numbers to help others. I have been down this road for 52 years. I once preached on overcoming the spirit of fear to a group of young adults. Convulsions !! Give it your best song and dancebecause I DONT BELIEVE YOU no matter how big and bad you feel. They introduce death, greed, misfortune, suspicion, anxiety, mental illness . Look up YouTube channel 45DidDid. posttraumatic stress disorder. What I do find comforting though is that I keep going to God, again and againso faith exists. Hi Leah. Both are immensely painful, but the struggles that surround each differ somewhat. It sits there after you pray to challenge you and defy the Word. by podcast_manager | Mar 13, 2022 | 0 comments, Download file | Play in new window | Duration: 22:52 | Recorded on March 13, 2022, Your email address will not be published. Dont be ashamed. After a series of events, Rachel (not her real name) began to experience depression and anxiety on a daily basis. Are you having suicidal thoughts? There is ALWAYS hope with God. I am not saying this as a boast. Now the men were about twelve in all. (Acts 19:6-7). Paul mentioned that when a tongue is interpreted it is equal to prophecy, and Paul told us that when we pray in tongues we should pray for an interpretation as well. I was born and raised Catholic, and taught it was the true church and anyone outside of it was doomed. Kick it out. *** With severe anxiety its so hard to do this. And in the name of Jesus, the name of our salvation, I command this lying spirit to leave Habab right now. Once this prayer has been prayed, thank the Father that Satan and his cohorts are bound. I pray in tongues to fight the demons inside my son that causes his depression. You know that sometimes life and the circumstances we face are just hard. God bless you? I will go with you where ever you go I will not leave you I will deliver you. Christina,,,,,,error on my email. The key is KNOWING God already GAVE you power by His Spirit as his word says. Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the Lord delivereth him out of them all. HE IS ALWAYS THERE BY ARE SIDE. I reminded them who I was in Jesus Name and they had no rights over me! He knew we were all going to deal with a spirit of fear. Nobody shoukd ever ever ever sit and suffer alone when they sanded just like with Jesus, with medication and I have a Christian therapist. The mindset and attitude of depression makes people angry and fearful, closing our hearts questioning who he really is. I had never opened the door (of my heart) before, because I didnt know I had to. PRAYER AGAINST FEAR & ANXIETY (As always, get on your knees humbly before God and pray out loud) Prayer for Fear and Anxiety Thank you, Lord, that You are my strength. All lessons are designed to educate and equip everyone to effectively do self- deliverance and to be able to help others as led by the Lord. God never fails to change someones life for the better. Dear Lord, help me trust You, consent to Your healing, and spend time in Your Word and in prayer. Thank You for There will be prophets when there is time to prophesy and teach prophecy. If you are not a believer in Jesus, accept Jesuss gift for eternal life into your heart. Maria, suicide is not the answer. I just want to go home to be with my Lord and Savior. I was truly born again. Were going to battle! He also says in that verse, i have given you the spirit of a SOUND MIND. How? Could you email me as well? Look here. In all the areas I feel unworthy, in all the areas His whole job is to lie, to defy the Word of God, and he does it through persistence. One day, about seven or eight years ago or maybe longer, I called a church that I go to occasionally. Satan under your feet and cause you to walk in a whole I will pray for you, but I will pray God open your understanding as to what you already have in Christ. read it through, and then just read the highlighted words. I literally cried. Resist the devil and he will flee. (Related article: How to receive the Holy Spirit and Speak in Tongues (Explained)). My friend, the solution to temptations, sinful desires and thoughts is found in the very first verse of Romans 8: Therefore there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. (By the way, some Bible translations, like the New King James Version, go on to say who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit. This was added by the later Bible translators. Give me peace in my mind and my heart. WOWPsalm 18: 1-19 (28-39) (46-50), 7Then the earth shook and trembled;The foundations of the hills also quaked and were shaken,BecauseHe was angry.8Smoke went up from His nostrils,And devouring fire from His mouth;Coals were kindled by it.9He bowed the heavens also, andcame down. We pray, fast, or make resolutions, only to find it getting worse. The breastplate of righteousness is Jesus righteousness. I have wondered the same things as well and begged God for deliverance as well as my unbelief. To appoint unto them that mourn in Zion, to give unto them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that he might be glorified. Isaiah 61:3. I realised I was afraid of the feelings but of course we still have the flesh and we will experience the feelings of fear and anger but its what we say to those feelings Tell them to go immediately and not to return. We unlock our freedom with His truth. Do not waiver even for a second. During a Gospel Campaign in Southeast Asia, a woman experienced a tremendous deliverance. Imagine you have a sword in your hand, and go for it without a hint of mercy it has none for you. Deliverance From the Spirit of Anxiety. The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit. TELL IT TO GO TO THE PLACE WHERE JESUS CHRIST SENDS IT! I stood my ground. I would lay this giant burden down, let go admitting you cant do this and hand it over completely. Every wind scattering my focus, I rebuke you, in the name of Jesus. My faith is still Your blog was instrumental in keeping my thoughts focused on Him. They only have power because we do not recognise the power given to us by Jesus. All who received the Holy Spirit spoke in tongues as evidence. I would also recommend contacting these prayer lines if you are alone and feeling depressed. Do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go., Hi Maria, I empathize with you in your pain. I feel guilty like Im not a good enough Christian, Im not reading the word enough because I have no motivation. But it doesnt. This walk isnt about what YOU do for God.its about what HE DID FOR YOU. So let your spirit arise. Deliverance from the spirit of fear is extremely vital because being tormented by fear and blocked by anxiety will hinder you from moving forward in life. Join me! In our frail bodies we are a little lower than the angels, but once we have been translated at Christs coming, we shall be above the angels, as the bride of Christ and also the sons of God. Hi Sabina, Whether the anxiety stems from work, parenting, finances, physical issues, or even world conditions, You are there, Lord, to shoulder the weight. These situations and struggles are setups for us to encounter our Heavenly Father and His awesome power. Which means, youre not only going to win this battle, you are going to gain from it! I did not say that if anyone doesnt speak in tongues they havent got the Holy Spirit. I dont know when or how but it is coming. know how I suffer. I can rest in the shadow of your wings and I will rise and overcome by your unwavering strength. Typical scenario how the deceiver works >>>> you pray and pray for power and deliverance but feel you get no answer. IT WILL LEAVE. Gods Word is truth, he meant what he said. Some people argue that these new tongues are just referring to new speech, such as no more cursing or gossiping. Mad enough to fight back?! Your encouragement amd sharing the Truth of Gods word, along with yours, and others prayers, is making a great difference. The other morning I woke in a state of deep depression. I was desperate for healing. That is because this cloud of depression is not mental; it is spiritual. I would recommend calling a church or organization that you know is spirit filled and asking someone to pray with you. Psalm 34:18-19. If you believe its demonic you should go to war on it and the Holy Spirit will guide you. And God has given me POWER over you! Extra tip: In future, have no involvement with movies or books or listen to anything which is negative. You keep praying and praying asking God for something he ALREADY GAVE YOU. Jesus scolded him because he should have known better. And when you add depression to the mix, as i did, i would also usually say what you did.Why WONT God help me? Your words struck a cord in my heart. And it makes you feel so alone and in these times it helps to see who God truly is,, he is your ABBA, your daddy and he loves when his children talk to him about everything ,the good things, the bad things etc, remember he is not just for praying too, he is for living life along side of you. 35Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? In the morning he was at peace, we spent the whole day praising the Lord. Go through the motions of having the sword of the spirit in your hand, and slash it out of your life! My Testimony of how I suffered of OCD and Blasphemous Toughts for years and feared I had commited the unpardonable sin , The Blasphemy Against The Holy Spirit. It can come on us like a flood, overwhelming our souls. Hi Dorothy. Become Fearless in 21 Days. I also dont understand how to use the Word of God against these circumstances. Hi Bethany. It also increases white corpuscle activity in the epidermis thus causing acne. It may take several tries. He is equipping YOUto stand against your enemies. When i struggle and know i cant do something, thats when i turn it over to Him. As mentioned above, praying in the Spirit is the same as speaking in tongues. Do you recognise this as a demonic attack or a medical condition? Learn how your comment data is processed. A Prayer to Stop Demonic Harassment. I believe God, not you. You need to get this. God bless you. I say Its, because in my experience the entity of depression sneaks in like a thief, bringing its companions. I went through countless deliverances for demons, when I probably had no demon at all. I stand at the door and knock. Wonderful advice here. Gods call to fight was often preceded by a weary I cant fight anymore Then one dayGod spoke to me very clearly about the battle I was in. Lesson#7 Audio. Its recognising the first attack, and nipping it in the bud. Look, he made an everlasting covenant with you. That includes closed doors, feeling like there are no answers, etc. 5 We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ, II Corinthians 10:3-5. 1. Or was i going to believe God. Also, will you remove my email address i posted on my Comment dated Sept 23? I have no neighbours. 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