An old line division, the 26th had fought on the Eastern Front from July 1941 to the last days of September 1944, winning many decorations but little rest. It went onto the line on 4 July 1918, in the Second Battle of the Marne. Most of the tanks and assault guns were out of action, there were insufficient machine guns to cover the final protective line, radio communication between the desperate units was practically nonexistent, searchlight rays glancing from the low clouds lighted the path of the attackers, and ammunition was running very low. In midmorning Paul ordered Company C to march north from Munshausen, leaving the cannon company there, and counterattack the Germans in the Company B area. the 109th and 112th Regiments gave ground slowly, but they . against the British and American advance in southwest Holland, and had The heavy barrage and the pyrotechnic display which opened elsewhere on the 28th Division front on 16 December was viewed at first with some detachment by the men at the 112th observation posts. In 1920, the Tyrone unit was redesignated Troop B, 1st Pennsylvania Cavalry and the Bellefonte unit was redesignated Troop L, 1st Pennsylvania Cavalry. The 106th Infantry Division took over position for position. relatively little ground; the 110th was very hard pressed; and German tanks were moving along the main road to Bastogne by way of Marnach. Tank Battalion-some six crippled tanks and five assault guns was gathered The American. The division advance guard from the 15th Parachute Regiment (supposedly on its way to capture Sibret) somehow became confused, wandered away northward, and about 1500 struck the 687th Field Artillery Battalion, whose batteries had displaced to a road angling southeast from the town.20 Battery A met the tanks leading the German column with direct fire, disabled or destroyed them, and briefly slowed the advance toward Wiltz. Then as the attack got moving they were raised to lay heavy counterbattery fire on the 229th Field Artillery Battalion (Lt. Col. John C. Fairchild). between the two assault regiments. Here follows a list of organic Medical Units, assigned to specific Divisions throughout World War 2: Medical Unit. In June 1875, the Logan Guards (Lewistown) were reorganized as Company G (Logan Guards), 5th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment. artillery by this time had displaced to the west and was out of range. Roads and bridges, he reckoned, must be in shape to support the American troops east of the river. Since the American troops east of the Our were deployed in the Ltzkampen-Sevenig area, Krueger determined that his main effort should be made there. Five hundred yards from the Germans, on the far side of a draw, the. Although the left division (the 560th At the same time a tank platoon, shrouded in darkness and with no American tanks left to contest the passage, wound its way into the south end of Clerf. The 2d Battalion Troops of I Company ride a tank into the attack on Schoppen, 15 January 1945. Shortly before dusk On the left of the regimental zone, the 1st Battalion (Lt. Col. Donald Paul) held the intersection of the Skyline Drive and the Dasburg-Bastogne main highway at Marnach, employing Company B and a platoon from the 630th Tank Destroyer Battalion. Colonel Nelson decided to pull back through Huldange since enemy tanks were known to be in Trois Vierges. USA soldiers during the Battle of the Bulge, 1944. Later the Americans in this sector reported that the attackers must have been "awfully green"-as indeed they were. John "Lefty" Zagarella, As Told In Letters, 1941-1945. To compensate for the armored weakness of the battered division, two battalions of armored tank destroyers and an assault gun brigade were given Bayerlein just before the attack to the west began. The 26th Volks Grenadier Division needed Hosinen badly. They heard, and duly reported, heavy artillery to the south, they saw searchlights and flames lighting up the sky, but again in the south. moved toward Sevenig. The 902d, led in person by the division commander, continued toward the west, although briefly delayed in a fight with a few towed antitank guns and armored cars near Eschweiler.18. The 109th and 112th were in like status. Each battalion was responsible for five outposts along the west bank of the Our, but these vantage points were occupied only during daylight hours and then in squad strength. Organized by Pennsylvania in 1878, the division was made up of units that had already earned battle streamers for contributions in conflicts from the American Revolution to the Civil War. The best troops and newest equipment were placed in the division reconnaissance battalion, heavily reinforced, which was slated to join the reconnaissance battalion of the 26th Volks Grenadier Division in spear-heading the advance once the Clerf River had been crossed. Descent to the town and its bridges is made on this side by two winding roads. in the bogs and swamps of southwest Holland, where the 30 British Corps The little group from regimental headquarters which had been deployed on the ridge line at Ouren was less successful. About 1700 he radioed new orders: the 112th Infantry was to fight a stiff delaying action along the line Weiswampach-Trois Vierges, and thence toward Bastogne. XVII SS Corps on 6 December and moved with his staff to Kyllburg, There the American tank platoon from Company B, 707th Tank Battalion, hit into the German flank while attempting to reach Weiler and, it would appear, caused disorganization and confusion. In the center of this thinly held 80-mile front was the 28th Infantry Division broadly stretch across the Bastogne corridor through the Ardennes Forest; a 25 mile frontline. brought in from Austria (the home station for the 2d Panzer Division was Vienna), and new-model Panther tanks, equipped for night fighting with the new infrared sighting apparatus, arrived fresh from assembly plants near Breslau. Colonel Fuller set. The 1st Platoon of Company A, which had returned to Munshausen after the unsuccessful attempt to reach Marnach, moved north meanwhile to help the 2d Platoon. In early planning there had been some question as to whether the Americans in the Schnee Eifel should be left to the Fifth or the Sixth. The 26th Volks Grenadier Division poured more troops into the All of these units were released from federal service in 1945. On the morning of 19 December the headquarters of the 28th Infantry Division transferred from Wiltz to Sibret, southwest of Bastogne. The 78th Infantry Division arrived in England, 26 October 1944, and received further training. Even on the first day of the offensive one of Heilmann's regiments had been lost for several hours. The battalion became an, In 2003 the battalion deployed 350 soldiers to, In October 2003, the battalion re-organized as a, In September, 2005, the battalion deployed to. the code name for the coming offensive. The 112th Infantry Regiment of the US Army dates back to the American Civil war and has since participated in several conflicts, including WWI and WWII. The approach road on the east bank was Letter, 22 August 1864, from Theodore Skinner of Company E, 112th New York Infantry, at Bermuda Hundred, Virginia, to family in New York discussing picket details, an aborted troop movement, and other aspects of military life during the siege of Petersburg, Virginia. At one point, after the fight for Kommerscheidt, the regiment was reduced to 300 men. of 16 December, therefore, the German commander ordered the corps to The units of the 110th Infantry were disposed as follows to face three full German divisions. The 112th Infantry Regiment protected five miles of the northern section, the 109th covered nine miles on the southern end, and the 110th Infantry Regiment was responsible . Certainly the enemy infantry were spreading rapidly through the woods and draws between the American front line and the Our River. In 1951, a rampant lion as found on the arms of Belgium and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg grasping a red cross of the province of Lorraine in France were added to the old coat of arms of the 112th Infantry Regiment. afternoon. One of the most gallant combat actions was that of an intelligence and reconnaissance (I&R) platoon's defense near Lanzerath, Belgium, on the first day of the battle. 1st Battalion held the northern section with Col. Donald Paul's command post at Urspelt: Company A held Heinerscheid. A small tank-infantry team blasted the single 57-mm. The battalion, perhaps 200 strong, arrived in Wiltz about noon and Strickler assumed command of the forces in the town. the leading detachments of the 77th swung to the north, cutting A gap remained in the center of the 1st Battalion line and small groups of the enemy were wandering along the Our River. About 1700 he radioed new orders: the 112th Infantry was to fight a stiff delaying action along the line Weiswampach-Trois Vierges, and thence toward Bastogne. The Americans had taken 186 prisoners and killed or wounded two or three times that number; the losses in the 1130th Regiment were "very high," said the enemy reports. The German infantry would have to fight step by step; the hope of a quick breakthrough had proven illusory. In the late evening of 16 December German artillery began to range into Clerf, apparently covering the advance of patrols from Marnach. At night the strip between the ridge and the river became a no man's land where German and American patrols stalked one another. The unit inflicted 1600 casualties and destroyed eighteen tanks during nine days of continuous action, that was later known as the Battle of the Bulge. On the morning of the 17th German tanks had set the town ablaze, but the few American Shermans had held them at bay. The mission given Luettwitz conformed to his reputation for drive and audacity. It was his intention, however, to move the provisional battalion first, leaving the 3d Battalion to keep the escape exits open while the 44th Engineers acted as rear guard. The responsibility for command here was assumed directly by the VIII Corps. Staff Sgt. It arrived in Clerf with nineteen medium tanks. The unit inflicted 1600 casualties and destroyed eighteen tanks during nine days of continuous action, that was later known as the Battle of the Bulge. The bridges at Clerf and Wilwerwiltz were in German hands (no preparations had been made to destroy them); most of the sixty tanks committed in the central sector were destroyed. He was able to convince the Army Group B commander that a stand should be taken on a number of tactical points which, in Manteuffel's judgment, were essential to success in the forthcoming attack. (Lewistown) and the Bellefonte Fencibles, both organized in 1858. When the 28th Division arrived on the VIII Corps front in mid-November its regiments were in pitiable condition. The next morning Colonel Nelson was able to tell General Cota, "Very good news. Southeast of the town in the Ardennes sector. Then too, some welcome tank support had arrived on the scene. By nightfall the 3d Battalion line on the Sevenig ridge had been Manteuffel likewise opposed the concept proposed by Jodl in which the attack would be carried by two panzer corps advancing in column. Anything even remotely resembling a continuous line across the 9- to 10-mile regimental front was beyond the strength of the 1st and 3d Battalions. This timing might seem to. German field guns, by this time west of the Clerf, opened fire on Wiltz at noon. ), The corps commander was loath to yield ground to the enemy. Battle of the Bulge CD 2 749 Pages - PDF . The 3d Battalion (Maj. Walden F. Woodward), in the regimental center, was hit by the 1130th Regiment of the 560th Volks Grenadier Division. In the West, American, British and . Cota, as it turned out, already had phoned the corps commander and asked permission to bring the 112th back to the high ground west of the river. Division likely to be encountered during the first hours of the attack About dusk the Marnach garrison radioed that half-tracks could be heard moving toward the village. Less than two miles west of Marnach lay the Clerf River and the town of Clerf, the latter the headquarters of the 110th Infantry. 1st Battalion has worked [its] way back." The coat of arms was approved on 2 January 1930. Formed in 1917, the division deployed to France as a part of the . 28th Division commander James E. Wharton was in his first day of command when a German sniper shot him while he was at the 112th Infantry's command post. 113th Infantry Regiment. The 112th Infantry's attack plan for 2 November designated the 1st and 3d Battalions to attack cross country at H plus 3 hours (1200) in a column of battalions, the 1st leading. The orders given the 116th Panzer Division on the night of 16 December to switch to the left were altered on the 17th to start its infantry regiments marching still farther south to the Dasburg bridgehead held by the neighboring corps. The entire action lasted ten minutes. Company C was in "reserve" in Munshausen. August 1944 was a disastrous month for the Third Reich. The 110th Infantry Regiment was hit hard early in the Battle of the Bulge after being bled white in the Hurtgen Forest earlier that autumn. In 1995 the battalion became a mechanized infantry battalion. 109th, 110th, and 112th Infantry Regiments 107th, 108th . For this reason the fight put up by the 112th Infantry on the north flank of the division had little or no effect on the operations of its sister regiment east of Bastogne. In August 1950 the Lewistown unit was mustered into federal service for the Korean War. 1600 casualties and destroyed 18 tanks during nine days of continuous action, which later became known as the "Battle of the Bulge." The Regiment was awarded . These two attacks from west and south had made no headway but were not too costly. On the evening of the 18th Col. Ludwig Heilmann, commander of the 5th Parachute Division, knew that the divisions on his right and left were well ahead of his own. 121st Infantry Regiment. A patrol which had been sent from the 3d Battalion to carry the withdrawal order to the 1st Battalion command post, still holding on at Harspelt, failed to get through. Despite harassing fire from American guns and mortars the Germans moved swiftly. Replacements, mostly from the Navy, were whipped into shape by the "Old 26th," and first-rate equipment replaced that lost in the east. Some of the first Americans to confront Hitler's gamble on the front lines were the men of the 394th Infantry Regiment at Lanzareth Ridge. Kokott's screening regiment, the 78th, had been in the habit of throwing out an outpost line west of the Our from nightfall till dawn. A section of tank destroyers, supporting the forward outpost, was overrun by the more mobile German tanks, but the engineers held their fire for the German infantry on the heels of the panzers and then cut loose, with satisfying results. Thus deployed on the right of the 424th Infantry, the 112th was another piece filling out the fast developing "island defense" of St. Vith. Col. Daniel Strickler, the regimental executive officer, who now had assumed command at Consthum, organized a perimeter defense of the town, set out mines along the approaches, and disposed his three effective tanks and three armored cars to watch for the enemy armor known to be on the road from Holzthum. The northern regiment of the Panzer Lehr Division, the 902d, made better progress. Battered and fatigued by weary, bloody fighting in the Hrtgen Forest, the 28th Division came into the quiet front on the Our during mid-November. When daylight came, the German infantry already were stealing through the draws behind and around the forward platoons, aiming to assemble in the wooded areas to the rear.14. At least fifteen tanks had been disabled or destroyed on the first day and German sources indicate that this figure may have doubled on the 17th. a sweep along the western bank calculated to take the Ouren crossings It was accounted the regimental reserve, having fixed schemes of employment for support of the two battalions in the north by counterattack either northeast or southeast. Middleton had ordered the 44th Engineer Combat Battalion . At nearly every point the American tanks would have to fight their way down the roads to reach the infantry holding the villages. He was born Dec. 12, 1922, in Litchville, N.D., to Ole and Inga (Olson) Fostervold. to cross the XLVII Panzer Corps bridge at Dasburg and commence A few light tanks and self-propelled guns got forward late in the evening, but the bulk of the Panzer Lehr reconnaissance battalion remained backed up at the bridge. The Tyrone unit was reorganized and redesignated Troop M, 3rd Battalion of the 104th Armored Cavalry. Although delayed by inadequate deliveries of POL and the traffic jam on the damaged Dasburg-Marnach road the entire division, including its tank regiment, assembled on the west bank around Heinerscheid during the night of 17-18 December. Two company kitchens were captured and one or two observation posts cut off, but the artillery observer inside Sevenig was able to direct the 229th Field Artillery howitzers onto the Germans in the draw. restored while the commander of the 1130th reported that his This experience, events would show, had borne little fruit. patrol at the stone bridge had evaporated under machine gun fire-and The 77th had been unable to win a quick decision at Hosingen. Robert L. Smith, soldier of the 112th Infantry Regiment tells of his memories of service in the breakout from Normandy to Paris, Belgium, Luxembourg and Germany. His staff, carefully selected and personally devoted to the little general, was probably the best German staff on the Western Front. cannon company gunners quickly bore-sighted their pieces, loaded reduced charge, and with direct fire knocked out four of the panzers. Across the lines General Cota had little reason to expect that the 110th Infantry could continue to delay the German attack at the 28th Division center as it had this first day. In the late afternoon of 15 December General Luettwitz gathered his division commanders in the XLVII Panzer Corps forward headquarters at Ringhuscheid for final instructions and introduction to the new commander of the 2d Panzer Division, Colonel von Lauchert, who had been selected at the last moment by the Fifth Panzer Army leader to replace an incumbent who was not an experienced tanker. Finally Luettwitz was promised two 60-ton bridges-capable of carrying his Panthers-and very considerable support from the Luftwaffe. The lion is in the infantry color and both symbols represent the locale of the regiment's combat in World War II. The 24-man patrol from Company A ran into the German flank at Fishbach, about 1120, and had to withdraw under intense fire. Caught off-guard, American units fought to stem . About 1000, therefore, General Cota ordered Companies A and B of the 707th Tank Battalion to reinforce the 110th Infantry, with the intention of clearing up the deepest enemy penetrations and sweeping the ridge road clear. 517th Parachute Infantry Regiment attached 110th, 431st and 448th AAA AW Battalions 75th Infantry Division . Ouren. The 3d Battalion positions on the German bank were built around captured pillboxes, for here earlier American advances had pierced the first line of the German West Wall. The Battle of the Bulge took place in December 1944, after Adolf Hitler launched a surprise blitzkrieg against Allied Forces in northwest Europe. This road makes a twisted and tortuous descent to the valley floor, finally crossing the river at the southeastern edge of the town and proceeding, through narrow streets until it emerges on the north. The 311th Infantry Regiment was attached to the 8th Division in the Hurtgen Forest, 10 December. Fuller and some of his staff made their escape, hoping to join Company G, which had been released at division headquarters and was supposed to be coming in from the west. There the infantry driving toward the town of Clerf had been stopped short of their objective. The areas selected by the two corps for their main efforts were some six to seven air-line miles apart-an indication of the weight to be thrown against the American 28th Infantry Division. The immediate mission of Krueger's corps, like that of the XLVII Panzer Corps on its left, was to seize crossings at the Our River. The Tyrone unit was mustered into federal service for World War II as Troop B, 104th Mechanized Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron. Early morning reports of considerable German penetration and the threat While tanks dueled in the street like gunmen of the Old West the 3d Battalion made its orderly way out the west side of the town, reorganized, and as night descended marched to Nocher. Kokott's infantry would have to carry the battle through the night. But the German infantry were more vulnerable and their march was delayed for several hours before engineers and self-propelled 88's finally set the riddled chteau afire and forced the Americans to surrender. XLVII Panzer, Corps moved beyond it to the west.3 (Map IV). The ground east of the river was favorable to the defender, who was well entrenched as the result of careful planning and inspection by Nelson and his staff, and whose guns covered the few routes of mechanized advance. During December 1944, the 112th Infantry Regimental Combat Team was holding a 6-1/2-mile long sector which the Germans attacked with nine divisions. A brass plate on the stone has an inscription to the men of the 106th and says, ' Dedicated to the Men of the 106th Infantry Division who fought and died for their country 1944-45 .'. Since the Wiltz bridge had not been destroyed, the American assault gun platoon was ordered back to Erpeldange, covering the northeastern approach to the bridge and the engineer outposts. The German plans had been altered during the day, but of course some given new divisions to spearhead the brief spoiling attack in late October and the 110th Infantry. A German attempt to cut the road between Consthum and Holzthum failed when Capt. For example, by the end of January, 1945, the 47 th Infantry Regiment (which fought in France and Germany) had lost well over 100% of their strength to battle casualties, where men were either killed, wounded . These reinforcements arrived at Reuler in time to take a hand against the Germans pouring past Marnach toward Clerf and its bridges. The battle plans and tactics of the Fifth Panzer Army, more than those of any other German army that took part in the Ardennes counteroffensive, bore the very strong personal imprint of its commander, General Manteuffel. On the eve of commitment the two tank battalions were about full strength, with 27 Mark IV's, 58 Panthers, and 48 armored assault guns in the division tank parks. Three-quarters of an hour later the regimental commander ordered the artillery to displace behind the river; Colonel Fairchild moved the battalion across the river without losing a piece and immediately resumed firing. He was an instructor at the U.S. Army Infantry School (1932-1933) and graduated from the U.S. Army War College in 1936. Service in the Civil War is shown by the cross pate, the badge of the 5th Corps, 3rd Division, in which the organization served in that war. On 11 October 1917 the 16th Pennsylvania Regiment was redesignated as the 112th Infantry Regiment and became part of the 28th Infantry Division. But menaced as they were, the artillery commander could not risk his howitzers further. The tankers had been told that there were no friendly troops on the road and just Outside Holzthum knocked out an antitank gun placed there by Company I. Luettwitz turned the Geilenkirchen sector over to the Both flanks of the regiment, however, were in process of being uncovered by enemy thrusts against the neighboring units-although this effect may not have been immediately apparent. These units were mustered into federal service during the American Civil War. He hoped that the armored debouchment into the bridgehead would commence during the early afternoon. The 3d Battalion (Maj. Harold F. Milton) formed the regimental right, with its companies on both sides of the ridge line. However, these unit designations were short-lived. [3] The regiment plowed through France and Germany, participating in the capture of Paris and the bitter fighting in the Huertgen Forest. The German guns and Werfers had finally opened fire to neutralize or destroy the rearward artillery and reserve positions in the, 112th sector. Two hours later the 112th Infantry acknowledged receipt of these instructions. Reconnaissance Troop reinforced the perimeter. 112th CT : 8th Div : 15 Nov 44-19 Nov 44 : 112th CT : 106th Div : 19 Dec 44-23 Dec 44 : 109th Inf : 9th Armd Div : 20 Dec 44-22 Dec 44 : 109th CT: 10th Armd Div: 22 Dec 44-26 Dec 44: 3d Bn 112th Inf: 82d Abn Div: 23 Dec 44-25 Dec 44: 2d Bn 112th Inf: 75th Div: 28 Dec 44-4 Jan 45: 112th CT: 30th Div: 5 Jan 45-11 Jan 45: 112th Inf: 78th Div : 19 . December the headquarters of the Bulge, 1944, 1922, in the Second Battle of the panzers Germans on... 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