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We serve students in Pre-k through grade 5, hosting all of the Pre-k programs for the OCSD as well as 2 UCP classrooms with a total of around 270 students and 60 staff members. bottom: 0; // Hide menu if click or focus occurs outside of navigation max-width: 145px; } else if (e.keyCode == 40) { //key down background: transparent; if(vidHeight < screenHeight){ top: 1px; width: 33%; }, height: 14px; .cs-fw { $(top_level_nav).next('ul').find('a').attr('tabIndex', -1); background: #264867; /*dark blue*/ } //--> Dropdown funciton .ui-column-one.region { padding: 0; //--> Setup Search } $('#hp-scroller .ui-widget-header').unbind('click').click(function(e){ div.region span.homepage-thumb-region-number { right: 58px; $(window).on('load', function(){ CreativeTemplate.WindowLoad();}); } window.location = $(this).attr('href'); font-size: 18px; margin: 0; }, } #sp-content-outer { } background: #264867; /*dark blue*/ 'playlist': '', background-image: url(/cms/lib/CA01000471/Centricity/Template/10/images/bg-pattern-sm.png); smallMMR(); #sw-content-layout2 #sw-content-container1, -webkit-transition: all 0.3s ease-in-out; $('#' + id).focus().click(); .gb-schoolwires-footer.links { body:before { .sw-mystart-dropdown .sw-dropdown-arrow:before { div.ui-widget.app .ui-widget-header:before { } $(top_level_links).each(function() { #hp-slideshow #hp-gallery-controls .rs-gallery-control.play-pause { ul.sw-channel-dropdown li.sw-channel-more-li a { .headlines .ui-article-thumb .img { width: 50%; } } #hp-content-lower:before { } background: #FFF; }); .H2_Template { } var screenWidth = $('#hp-content-upper .hp.column.one').width(); -webkit-transform: rotate(90deg); var id = $(this).attr('id'); .gb-schoolwires-footer.logo a { vidHeight = vidWidth * ratio; Email Sarah Ludlow at sarahludlow@willardschools.net. padding: 0px; $(this).removeClass("open"); }); $(this).parent('.sw-mystart-nav').find('ul[aria-hidden=false] a').each(function () { width: 100%; text-align: center; } btn.removeClass('inner').focus(); } $('.hp-headline-controls').stop(true, true).slideDown(); div.homepage-thumb-region.region-4 { Willard. } if($("#pw-body").length) this.IsMyViewPage = true; background: none repeat scroll 0 0 transparent; margin-top: 25px; We made it through one of the toughest times in history - the year after a worldwide pandemic. fill:none; .gb-social-item.linked a { .ui-column-two-thirds.region { } display: none; } border: 0px; height: 100%; if($("div.ui-spn > div > p > span").text() == "You have been signed out. #youtube-video-outer { #sw-content-layout4 #sw-content-container2, } #gb-social-media { display: block; La instruccin rigurosa fue nuestro enfoque escolar durante el ao pasado, sin embargo, debido a la pandemia, tuvimos que enfocarnos ante todo en la estabilidad socio-emocional de nuestros estudiantes. .sp.column.one .ui-widget.app .ui-widget-header:after { margin: auto; "backIconFontLetter" : '' + backSVG + '', //LETTER OR NUMBER TO USE FOR THE ICON FONT FOR THE BACK BUTTON "icon5" : ["Student Program/16.png", "Menus", "http://www.schoolnutritionandfitness.com/index.php?sid=2111071947262188", "_self"], // ARRAY ORDER - IMAGE, TEXT, LINK, TARGET -webkit-transition: background 0.3s ease-in-out; } var nextSVG = '', right: 100%; if(c == KeyCodes.down || c == KeyCodes.up || c == KeyCodes.left || c == KeyCodes.right || c == KeyCodes.tab) { $("div.sw-skipnav-outerbar").animate({ padding-bottom: 7px; } $('#sw-mystart-mypasskey a').keydown(function (e) { margin: 10px 0; background: #536C99; bottom: auto; height: 1px; padding-left: 0px; } .gb-mystart-btn:focus, display: block; Willard Model Elementary School is like a family. "youtube" : { } $('.upcoming-column.left h1.ui-article-title', this).each(function(){ SessionTimeout = "0"; #hp-content-lower .ui-widget-detail, } .gb-social-item.twitter a { 2) To pay with a credit card, visit . padding : '0px', } }); "thumbnailHeight" : 53, /* GroupEnd */ Our mission is to inspire our students to strive for and meet the highest levels of academic and personal achievement, while nurturing a respectful, supportive, engaged, curious, and passionate learning community. /* GroupEnd */ top: "0px" /* GroupBegin Subpage */ .ui-widget.app.flexpage .ui-article { } color: #FFF; height: 1px; #gb-header-outer { display: inline-block; #hp-content-outer #hp-scroller div.ui-widget.app div.ui-widget-header.color-White:before, if(!$('#gb-channel-list-outer').hasClass('sticky')) { }); "background-image" : "url('/cms/lib/CA01000471/Centricity/Template/GlobalAssets/images///Faces/default-man.jpg')", }, At Willard Elementary, our primary goal is to help each child realize his/her full academic potential while learning the essential curriculum in a safe and nurturing environment. display: none; ga('BBTracker.send', 'pageview'); We Want To Know What You Think! display: flex; .using-large-mmr-false #hp-slideshow .ui-widget.app { }); .ui-btn-general-primary, .ui-btn-general, .ui-btn-toolbar, .ui-btn-toggle { height: 0; .cs-aic { this.WindowResize(); background: #536C99; background: #536C99; $('#hp-scroll-btn').click(function(e){ @-ms-viewport { $(this).closest('.gb-dropdown').slideUp().parent().find('button').focus(); } cursor: pointer; #sw-content-layout10 #sw-content-container3, #hp-content-outer { var id = $(this).attr('id'); right: 0; height: auto !important; width: 8px; margin-bottom: 10px; "alt" : "", e.preventDefault(); .sp.column.two { padding: 0 40px; z-index: 600; font-size: 24px; e.stopImmediatePropagation(); background: transparent; text-decoration: none; margin: 0px; /* GroupEnd */ e.stopPropagation(); font-family: 'Merriweather'; "text" : "Stem", $(this).addClass("open"); .gb-mystart-search-btn svg { } margin: 0; 19 64816 6020788. } else { /* GroupBegin Homepage */ e.preventDefault(); padding: 0 0 15px; $('#gb-search-outer').prepend($('#sw-mystart-search script'), $('#sw-search-input')); if(!$("html").hasClass("ios")) { Dyrell Cunningham 1961-1969. float: right; transform: rotate(90deg); "thumbnailWidth" : 122, color: #FFF; "link2" : { } width: 23%; e.preventDefault(); e.preventDefault(); $('#hp-scroller .headlines .ui-widget-detail').css({ width: 100%; background: #417206; /*lighter green*/ } }); } margin-right: 5px; // Hide menu if click or focus occurs outside of navigation margin-right: 0; accountHTML += '
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    James Roosevelt Cause Of Death, Articles W