The only reason for a man to ride pell-mell after his lover is to reclaim hernot to rub salt into her wounds. I love it when Story B makes it to the A list and emerges front and center. We cannot leave things as they are. This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me and my team. These are not characters Jane would have written. One or two episodes would be nice. Couldnt Young Stringer (hunky, intelligent, loyal, hardworking and consistent) and Charlotte have found some happiness together? She's come with her farmer. At the beginning of the finale, there appears to be a clear path to happiness for our heroine as a marriage proposal from Sidney (Theo James) to Charlotte (Rose Williams) seems imminent. His character should have and could have become so much better! Well said, and funny too. Like Downton Abbey it deserves more from these fine actors and actresses. Hopefully, at some point, someone will take him to task and appoint a manager to rein him in. Really, all that happens in the part Austen wrote was setting the story in motion by getting Charlotte to Sanditon and mentioning the coming of Miss Lambe the heiress, and introducing most of the characters. Songbird: I thought Jamess acting was fine. Part of their misunderstandings revolve around Miss Georgiana Lambe (Crystal Clarke), the 17-year-old mixed-race heiress from the West Indies who just happens to also be Sidney's ward. Tidy up all those loose ends? Why, why would you do that to your audience? Up until then, had we ever seen Arthur and Georgiana together? I got much too carried away and meant to but neglected to acknowledge Vic. The WHOLE WORLD wants to come to Sanditon (a slight exaggeration) just in time for the Midsummers Ball. Sidney and Charlotte should be together. Sidneys words turn Charlotte into a boneless mass of compliance. As others have noted Miss Lambs character development and story line vanished once she returned from London. STAGE-COACH AND MAIL IN DAYS OF YORE: A PICTURESQUE HISTORY Emmy and Bafta-winning writer Andrew Davies brings Jane Austen's unfinished last novel vividly to life. I agree that just 1 more episode not an entire second series would suffice to wrap up the loose ends. Spirited and unconventional, Charlotte is shocked by its scheming and ambitious. Jane Austen characters are supposed to learn from each other and grow, so that by the end of the story the heroine and hero are made better by each other. finale. Or someone else will have to do it. Old Stringer is buried. Thats it? No problem, Lynne. James revealed the news Friday on social . And then it changed me. It really was that bad. One thing we do all have in common, though is our love for Jane Austens writing. Lady Campion, all noxious graciousness, insinuates herself into the conversation. I didnt edit very well either! In the eighth clip released, Miss Lambe (Crystal Clarke) receives a letter from her love Otis (Jyuddah Jaymes). Overall, Im somewhat indignant that this series is labelled as having anything to do with Jane Austen. My, oh, my! I always preferred Stringer for Charlotte. No, noplease not another season. In Sanditon season 2, Miss Heywood swore she wouldn't be beholden to a man again and she decided she wouldn't marry anyone now that Sidney is gone. Set in 1820, Sanditon season 2 sees Charlotte Heywood (Rose Williams) return to the seaside resort town on the southern coast of England with her younger sister Alison (Rosie Graham) in tow. In Janes stories all the heroines get a good ending. Scant resources existed in the early 19th century to fight fires in buildings made largely of wood, and the structure is swiftly destroyed. I know, I rambled. Charlotte/Sidney is boring by comparison. Good thing Jane isnt alive to see this or shed hire a hit man to take Davies out! That would have mentally prepared me for the drama and lack of era-appropriate dialogue and situations. We need closure! And making her nice! Posted in Jane Austen Sequels, Jane Austen's World, PBS Movie Adaptation, Sanditon | Tagged Epi;sode 8: sanditon, Poll | 136 Comments. And I actually found him more interesting this season . The wedding is celebrated by the wrong couple, or the right couple, or half the couples who are eligible to marry. If the marriage did go forward I can see Mrs. Campion dying in childbirth, opening the way for Charlotte and Sidney, but who would want him after their heart being destroyed. It was a little too modern for a Jane novel, but I can deal with that, but for a long mini series I dont feel they developed relationships very well. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Jane Austen's World with appropriate and specific direction to the original content. My little Applause comment above was meant to go with Pollys comment, but no matter. In fact, she anticipates a happy future with her Lord, who unleashed emotions in her and feelings of pleasure that Sir Ed would never have liberated. Although Arthur reaches out to Miss Lambe as a friend, for which we all admire him for, he does confess to Diana he will never marry. I am mostly sad that Georgiana was dropped from the storyline completely and had no ending. Esther and Edward realize that Clara poses a significant threat to their ambitions. Hes presented to us as a sort of Darcy manqu, but the blessed Jane didnt re-tread her heroes any more than her heroines. In both I find excellent casting/acting, authentic to the period, and a true Austen interpretation. Im not sure many thought that Otis was a good fit for Georgiana, whose actions proved her immaturity. There are even more items that could be considered. A general critique of the whole series is they dont trust us for a moment not to be bored. He does not deserve being all right. The first in a painting class to demonstrate her rebelliousness, and the other in a scene with Sidney to show her contrition for bad behavior. (Thanks, Robert Rodi for the title, which I borrowed from your book.). Are you still proclaiming your independence? Now, those are plot lines worth taking in. This whole series was a waste of time, all due to the terrible ending. The Ms. Lambe scenario is quite reasonably played out so far, has everyone forgotten that Otis is a rather flamboyant gambler. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. I guess first impressions are real. Thank you for that reminder Kevin. This denouement is occurring too soon! They just didnt match up for me. Is there a next part, my addled brain asked? Jane would not have written it that way! As I feel that at no point did the writers make me truly believe in Georgiana or Otis, I dont know what I want for her. Understandably, Miss Heywood remains haunted by the final words Sidney spoke to her, which Sanditon echoes to the audience by using . They could have had a lovely life together. I could go on and on but suffice it to say, it was the transformation of the character unfolding that was actually changing me. Ugh. I watched Sanditon some time ago and did not think at the time that I would want to see a second season, but now I do, just to give Vic a fresh whetstone for her wit. I will leave it there its not about me but it had to do with the character transforming and understanding something about women that he had never known before. I had to suffer through six episodes before I wanted to know how it ended. (Charlotte is a better character in the book.). All wrapped up, tidy, and happy! Therefore, no Season and, certainly, no final show. It doesnt mean that Jane, ergo Charlotte, did not love or wasnt loved by men, but as in the movie Becoming Jane or Miss Austen Regrets, for one reason or another, none of her relationships with men led to marriage. More than anything, I want to see some sort of resolution in her relationship with Sidney. Does anyone recall a scene from Becoming Jane where she turns to her sister, Cassandra, and mentions that she will give all her heroines a happy ending in her honor (paraphrase). I wish Sanditon had been marketed to us as a mini soap opera version of a Jane Austen classic romance rather than a continuation of an unfinished novel. Gosh, gee, golly, Polly, thank you for the compliment. I cant quite see the match, but found the insinuation intriguing. Fans of the show on PBS won't want to miss Sanditon by Kate Riordan. Is Theo James, the actor, though he tried his best, but hes no Mr. Darcy that way because of his acting chops or because of the script (Davies)? And I dont think Stringer would have been a good match for Charlotte because they only started to develop his personality and character in the last two episodes. I dont want more I want a redo. I think Andrew Davies must have had his mind on an entirely different novel. I felt like the endings of the story line were hurriedly done. With Rose Williams, Crystal Clarke, Elizabeth Berrington, Jack Fox. People so far, especially his own family are still fooled and taken with what they are incorrectly perceiving as brilliance, which is yet to be revealed as the impractical musings of a dreamer. Dont give yourself airs, says Lady D, You havent got my money yet! Charlottes heart beats as fast as mine. Charlotte and Sidney clash over Miss Lambe's love life, and Charlotte strikes up a new friendship. I mean, this is way better than most of the heaping garbage people put money into so why not make it happen? How is young speaks-as-she-finds Charlotte getting on in her new job doing the filing for Mr Tom Parker, entrepreneur of Sanditon? One reason why I love the comments so much is that I gain so much from others perspectives, what people like and what turns them off. Cant live without it. What happens with her? Sentimentality such as in the scene between Tom and his wife and then Sidney and Charlotte on the cliff grates on me by its untruthfulness. The camera pans to Sidney chasing after Charlotte on his powerful steed. Now I want to see Pride and Prejudice and Pirates. While there is not a definite comparison between the two characters , I am seeing a transformative experience for Sydney Parker in Sanditon. Still, there are ways to provide a satisfying ending and still continue the story. Notes and references Miss Georgiana Lambe (played by Crystal Clarke) is a wealthy heiress from the West Indies who is most certainly not afraid to speak her mind and make her opinions known. In some instances, links will be removed from comments as well. A chorus echoes in my head with the refrain, Lady Campion, shes the champion, richest widow in the land., Before Sidney leaves, he visits Charlotte and holds her hand: When I return, well finally have a chance to finish our conversation. This is NOT Jane Austen! This ending left me so frustrated. We just dont want to let go of the delightful, charming and exciting characters we have grown to love. What about borrowing all or part of the money from Georgianna? Great in depth review, Vic., and I agree with your take on the final episode. Found this blog while looking for information about Austen era music (other than the big names) and saw this blog. Tom is so foolhardy how much will Sidneys rich wife give him before she realizes its just going to waste. Sanditon is MASTERPIECE's bold and lavish adaptation of Jane Austen 's final work. When the arrival of two eligible bachelors signals a potential change in status for the Bennet sisters, their marriage-minded mother is sent into a frenzy, and the lively, witty Elizabeth Bennet goes head-to-head with smoldering, haughty Mr. Darcy. Thank you Vic, I so enjoyed your review which led me to comment in the first place, it was excellent and funny and drew me into your Jane Austens World. We agree on so many points. It is so rich in possibilities. Perhaps another visit to Sanditon would awaken tender feelings for Mr. Stringer? My knowledge of medicine, learned in lifeguard training classes in college, kicks in. How could Sidney have done this? Sidney and Tom would not have included have listened to, not included her in their financial discussions, she wouldnt have been able to visit Stringers home (many times!) I find the Outlander series vastly superior: why? Thank you for your comment! Violins violin. I cancelled the DVR and now I can look forward to a Monday night for the first time in 7 weeks. I never warmed up to him. We'll own up to our mistakes and will make the corrections with a polite smile on our faces.) I love all the different plot scenarios people are sending in for Season 2. He is not, as far as we know, a seducer. Why not poor Charlotte? Well done you, Lord Babb. PLEASE!! We all know the story is incomplete Thank you for visiting this blog. I didnt have the benefit of wine and cheese but my reaction to the final scene was identical to yours. Hes kind. Sidney rang the bell at the front door, which was opened by a silver-haired, smartly dressed butler, who led them through an immense marble hallway towards the palatial morning room. Sanditon Episode 3. I envision Charlotte choosing Austens path of remaining independent. :-). Maybe she will meet a man more worthy than Sidney and less penitent than James in Willingdon. You and the wine deserve an award for suffering through it and then doing such a great job evaluating and of course, not giving away the ending. Lord Babb talks to Sidney as they eye the dancers. J. None of my friends watch Masterpiece and I have no one to share my grief with. Also, Charlotte needs to go back to not being afraid of speaking her mind and maybe spend like any time with some of the ladies she made friends with in Sanditon. Sanditon is STILL unfinished! Then I wondered how the same person who created the quintessential Pride & Prejudice could have created an Austen adaptation where only the least likeable character got a happy ending and all other story lines were left unresolved. I understand. Miss Lambe's story is totally unresolved. (Gasp!) I agree. A fine kettle of fish! So glad to read this this morning! However,. Click here to enter the page. Davies needs a while other season to wrap up these loose ends. A chance accident brings Charlotte Heywood to Sanditon, a seaside resort on the cusp of dramatic change. Miss Lambe is a seventeen-year-old girl brought to Sanditon by Mrs. Griffiths, along with two Miss Beauforts. But almost anyone can know her intentions when she took up the pen. In series 2, he would most certainly have a comeuppance and be taken to task for his sheer stupidity and foolhardy regard to other peoples money. The music climaxes in volume. Where is the circulating library, which Austen mentions in her manuscript? He is a Harlequin Romance hero a pulp fiction depiction, and a mere shadow, of Janes best male portrayals. You arent (gag) in love with him!? So disappointingonly one minor storyline wrapped up (Esthers). Sanditon's a place that's changing fast. Miss Lambe, for example. R.W. He has no idea of how to save his dream for a seaside resort. I aspire to perfectioning my tongue in cheek reviews! Cant live with it. I like this take on it. I couldnt sleep last night just thinking of him., Georgiana is beside herself. Austen fans are likely quite familiar with Sense and Sensibility, Emma and Pride and Prejudice, but many may not. I dont think there should be another season.Just leave it ,ragged, and unfinished. This is fantastic, Pensnestand couldnt agree more about Charlotte putting on her bonnet! The current ending is too reminiscent of Mariannes situation with Willoughby in Sense and Sensibility. Like, really Charlotte, your good friend Georgiana comes home from a traumatic kidnapping and you go visit her like what, twice? So when Andrew Davies, who wrote the Pride and Prejudice that gave us wet Colin Firth, announced he was making a series based on Austen's unfinished novel Sanditon, I was thrilled.Finally, a new Austen story! Warning: SPOILERS for Sanditon Season 2, Episode 4. Ha! The viewers instantly know why Sidney needs to see her when he says, Tell me you dont think badly of me. There is no way a trademan, however talented, would have been invited to a ball in that company. I dont really understand all the outrage. You get what you pay for, or dont pay for. I dont understand why Lady Susan couldnt come to their aid after being such a dear friend to Charlotte and being so understandably critical of Lady Campions relationship with Sidney. One thing is for sure, fan fiction will give Charlotte the ending she deserves or that makes Austen sense. Your comments and suggestions are most welcome. James Stringer is aghast at the loss of his father, and he recalls his angry last words with profound regret. I wouldve liked her being so cunning as to use it as a way learn about her heirs suitability for receiving an inheritance. Many lives were tragically interfered with because of the rigid class system. The dancing continues, with Lord Babb and Esther, Arthur and Georgiana, and the rest of the assembled guests having great fun. If he had learned anything he wouldnt have sacrificed love to save his brother who was not made to be a businessman (Tom also kept reminding me of P.T. In that case, secondary characters Sidney and Charlotte similar to the S&S Willoughby/Marianne romance would have seemed to come to a fitting end. The series was called Sanditon, not Sydney and Charlotte, so if he wanted to develop a series that has several seasons he should have made it focused on the stories of the inhabitants of the town. Inquiring readers: This is a long recap. Demand that final episode everyone. I never was on Team Sidney, who displayed his jerk side way too often. I completely agree that there should have been more Tilney in Sidney. Their meeting stinks, in my humble opinion. For me, the perfect ending for her would have been to remain single and independent by choice. They are curious to find out what happens with Charlotte, Sidney, Miss Lambe but unfortunately cannot do anything but use their imaginations . Lets hope that the powers that be listen to their faithful and erudite fans. Agree, let it die! However, in Sanditon they are both entertaining and hopeless to help, as Dr. Fuchs agrees. Lets look ahead to Autumn de Wildes Emma, rather frowned upon by the Wall Street Journals Joe Morgenstern. Ultimately, on the other hand, the decision to . Absolutely agree, particularly about the ridiculousness of the Parkers not objecting to Sidney sacrificing himself. The couple meanders along the Downs, lost in tender emotions and lust. This! We all see the right wayand even Lady Georgianawhy was she even in the plot if not to have her give money on the promise that she can marry her true love, too? With Charlottes friendship with Susan I can see the prince regent investing in Sanditon, thus its prosperity, negating the necessity of Sidney sacrificing love. The opening sequence reveals that Sidney has died of yellow fever while in Antigua. Sanditon is a British historical drama television series adapted by Andrew Davies from an unfinished manuscript by Jane Austen and starring Rose Williams, Theo James, and Ben Lloyd-Hughes.Set during the Regency era, the plot follows a young and naive heroine as she navigates the new seaside resort of Sanditon.. Due to the unfinished nature of the novel (Austen completed only eleven chapters . they will sometimesspend (really) 10 minutes on a interlude; they give time to dialogues to develop and we get real thought from the characters. Anyway, thank you for the reviews!! Despicable ending did I really suffer 8 episodes so he could dump her for that pretentious twit of a widow? Definitely need a season 2I love this series even though it does feel a bit rushed.Im already hooked on this show..please, please give us a season 2 with a better outcome ( for Charlotte & Sidney), No one can write like Jane. At least hes gutsy enough to tell her in person of his actions. I actually enjoyed the movie Pride and Prejudice and Zombies better than the ending of this mini-series. We then see her saying goodbye to the Palmer family and leaving Sanditon in a lovely carriage pulled by four magnificent horses. I agree that the Sidney character as written by the Davies team comes nowhere near Austens heroes, because, as you say, he is written with a lack of wit. Sidney visits Tom in the drawing room and catches Charlotte going out to adjust the final finishes to her ball gown. Idiot. With so many flaws in characters and situations, his ability to mimic Austen is strictly in his swollen ego. I splutter. Chapman first published a full transcription of the novel in 1925 under the name Fragment of a Novel. ? I did not know that a 2nd season might be in the works, so I thought that really was the end. I didnt like the trajectory of her story line and expected her part in the drama to be more complex and for her to be given a strong story arc that demonstrated growth and stamina. We viewers KNOW this maiden has won the final rose from her very eligible bachelor and that all is right in Austenland. Then Charlotte drops a bombshell - "Sidney is a wonderful man. Just one more episode to wrap up some unsatisfying ends would be most welcome. Click on this link. If we were able to see Sidney take a step back and truly suffer through this decision perhaps coming to terms with his life-long self-inflicted agonies and habit of denying himself happiness and/or chasing the wrong things and/or always being the responsible one in the family, etc. Episode 6. I can take one episode, like a special, but not another season. A second series is demanded But especially I dislike happy endings unless I am made to believe in them. Sanditon Season 3 opens with Charlotte Heywood returning to Sanditon for her best friend Georgiana Lambe's (Crystal Clarke) 21st birthday. I like heartbreaking stories and despite Austen always giving her stories happy endings, this wasnt an Austen story because she never finished it. However, we do accept and keep books and CDs to review. Esthers bored and pays scant attention to the game, which prompts Lady D to complain, You are playing like a nincompoop. . While disappointed overall in the show did enjoy your comments! Ralph is a farmer in Willingdon that Charlotte's father insisted she marry. And that version of Sidney (rather more Tilney than Darcy) is far more appealing to me :-). I loved the ending for Lord Babbington and Esther. Tensions surround Miss Lambe's arrival in Sanditon. For some reason, the elder Stringer, instead of attending the ball, works late by candlelight on a stepladder to complete the Crescent all by his lonesome. Eight episodes of a mini-series deserve a thorough discussion of the finale. Maybe thats why Davies had Sydney emerge from the beach a la natural as he did a throwback to his P&P production. End of discussion. My head spins from the many scene changes and from my low blood sugar. She is just there because they paid this actress. It was a real missed opportunity there and the writers did a poor job with her. Vic Sanborn, founder of this blog, is supported by a team of talented and knowledgeable writers about Jane Austen and the Regency era. The first 7 episodes of Sanditon made me believe Davies was treating his adaptation in the style and parameters of Austens other works. Most of the time Austen qualifies her happy ending by ironies and other astringent comments or a downright melancholy possilibility in the future (Persuasion). I had hopes for this one, but then the news came out of Great Britain last fall and my hopes were dashed. The two are forming a friendship based on mutual respect and Sidney goes so far as to ask Charlotte to look after his ward and her friend, Miss Lambe (Crystal Clarke) while he is away. Even though parts of Sanditon didn't entirely feel like Jane Austen herself, it was wholly entertaining novel and very delightful to be back in an Austen inspired world. Alas, her heart was broken when Molyneux's big mouth and gambling ways got her into some serious trouble. I cant believe it! Plus, why is the elder Stringer working for a gentleman when he hasnt been paid in an age? I think they could have been very good friends. I absolutely LOVED Sanditon and it rivals Persuasion as my favorite work of Jane Austen. As to Sydney, what a waste of an opportunity to create a kind of Tilney/Darcy hybrid that was gently suggested by his enticingly brief entrance in the novel. Recap the previous and following episodes.. Sanditon is an eccentric place: even the priest is odd and a bit off-putting. 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