A city with big buildings and our houses.. attacked by a lot of dinosaurs. Dreaming about a dinosaur could also indicate your conservative side. We do not know exactly how they lived and what their habits were in general, thanks to researchers we can now have an approximation to their world. They are reoccurring and very much how you describe. Youre stuck thinking about it without taking a step forward. So suddenly last night they decided to start attacking people inside their houses. But your dream sounds like youre helping people escape a big danger. If the dinosaur is your size, it means that the problem is controllable and its up to you. Dreams of a Bear Chasing You It makes you wonder if brains dont work alike for some reason. Thats not many, but it means at least 20-30 people a day are having dinosaur dreams and go to Google to find out why. Last night I had a dream that I just moved into a new house and the lights went out. A dinosaur in a dream indicates your old problem coming back and haunting you, just as you seem to have forgotten about them. One were plesiosaurs (technically not dinosaurs) who turned to stone and fell apart. However, I think last nights dream was inspired by reading chapter 3 of Being Mortal: Illness, Medicine, and What Matters in the End by Atul Gawande. I am having the same dream these days actually it is exactly the way you describe it the group of people.. the effort to hide the person next to me that keeps making noises (who I just want to kill myself) running away and the same again. It's a sign that something the dreamer needs to fix. Thats hard to do, but if you think about it enough while your awake youll do it in your dreams. WebSpiritually, whenever someone tries to kill you in a dream, it means that you are fearful about an incident. Still I knew it was just a matter of time before it would reach me and engulf me. In real life, I have an extreme fear of dinosaurs. Octopuses have highly sophisticated eyes, three hearts to circulate oxygen through their body and the ability to change their body color as a form of communication and camouflage. As I lay on the ground the dinosaur started sniffing the ground like a vacuum cleaner and I knew I was doomed. I lived out in the country in South Carolina in an old two-story house. I am trying to hide from precieved big/overwhelming threat. All those three are at the moment threaths and all three I am trying to avoid. Non achievement or under achievement. Neither do the explanations of an outmoded thought process which I read up on the internet. 2. I cant believe how many people dream dinosaur dreams. In each of these dreams hiding is the key to survival, and those people who stick out are the ones caught by dinosaurs, space aliens, and giants. OMG!! They always seem to have Velociraptors and T-Rex. I wonder if most people dream of T-Rex as their standard dinosaur? Ive had being chased by dinosaur dreams since a small child too. I was told to always confront your attacker in dreams. We were watching the news as the world had recovered from the dinosaur thing, but there were many casualties. Its odd, but a couple of people who replied copied the statement I quote above, and its repeated on other websites. You may be very qualified but the job will be given to one who is not even qualified. I must consume the beast snd make it a part of me so it no longer runs rampant and causes me to fear myself. This was illustrated with horrifying case studies. They are the harbinger of calamities and destruction, which means they also represent anger, outbursts, and loss of control. My little buddies and I liked to collect and trade these plastic dinosaurs, and we seem to know all about them. Instead of eating us, they zapped us with some kind of energy gun. Alternatively, being chased by a dinosaur, may reflect old Or are they just a crowd of people and the essential fact is that no matter what you do, you arent really in control. Damn you have a varied dreamlife. "Caving" or giving up because a situation was too much to handle. Im making a 2,500 mile move at the end of next month and the dinosaur dreams have become more frequent. The destruction they caused in their own time and the way their lives are pieced together in the future. It makes me wonder if there isnt some kind of universal dream language! Its always velociraptors that are in my dream too and Im always trying to save my family but theres always someone thats noisy and then were on the run from the raptors again. I have been studying the Tao of healing and been having difficulty sending chi into a vertebrae in the upper middle area of my back yesterday. I keep having a dinosaur appear in dreams about other things. At Dream Moods, which has a page explaining animal symbols in dreams, it says this about dinosaurs: To see a dinosaur in your dream symbolizes an outdated attitude. Idk But, its very similar to how you describe. The T-Rex game is part of the offline-error page and is activated when the browser detects no internet connection. I have no idea. All types of dinosaurs too. First, dreaming of snakes can symbolize the need for medical attention or healing, as snakes are an ancient symbol of medicine. One scene involved my sister, and another my wife Susan, but it was always strangers causing trouble. These people that you are lying down with, what do they represent? I cannot get over this unusual dream. If you have low self-esteem, it is natural that you feel fearful of situations that challenge you. I had a dream that I was in a small town or community on the coast when a group of heavily armoured dinosaurs, huge with squared limbs and bodies, travelling from further down the coast arrived and were smashing and destroying the buildings that we were living in. Just shows how bullshit spreads across the internet. SOME STUFF HAVE COME UP RECENTLY FROM THE PASTWHAT A COINCIDENCE.LOVE IT . When you dream about dinosaurs, it could also mean that you need to practice a lot more self-control. but it then made moves at me ensuring me I am its target. When I was young and had nightmares I used to kill anything that tried to hurt me. From when I was very young to, welllast night. I tend to think dreams are your brain filing things away symbolically. I had a dream that the dinosaurs was huge and that they where coming out of the water chasing everyone. To lay low and go unnoticed. The Bible does not give an explicit answer, and religious traditions throughout history often have differing opinions. Dinosaurs are of the past, they intrigue all of us with how large and dominate they were. All of the people in my dinosaur dreams, are strangers. I suspect that this is not the case for you; while we all fear becoming obsolete, the fear of being devoured by an unfeeling, unknowable reptilian monster is much stronger. You may feel like life is hanging from a thread. It takes conscious effort to swim upstream and be a creative individual trying to understand the deeper meaning of our life rather than just following orders. Some of my dreams have been very complex, like a tightly plotted novel. I will remember them though! I assume that means somewhere in the world about 50 people had a dinosaur dream last night and did a Google search, coming here. For example, if somebody has dealt with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), they are more likely to experience nightmares.So I see the older boys who had once tormented me and made me drink paint. By the way, I havent had any dinosaur dreams since I wrote about them here. I do in my tinfoil hat moments worry that I dream my future, that I am seeing the results of humanitys current attitudes. I woke and stayed awake about an hour. I remember as a kid after I started having these dreams, of playing with plastic dinosaurs and learning their names. Since their extinction, weve learned that dinosaurs had complex behaviours, social relationships and even brains that were capable of processing information in remarkable ways making them far more than the movie versions portrayed in the past. Lack of fulfillment 8. I was running with some people and tried to help them then I decided, going to the top floor will keep me safe so I called few with me and pressed the elevator button for 17th floor and reached the building. To dream of a velociraptor represents a powerful fear that works with other fears to isolate you and keep you completely powerless to confront it. WebDreaming about dinosaurs attacking can be a symbol of feeling overwhelmed or out of control in relation to some aspect of your waking life. To dream of a brachiosaurus represents a fear that a person or situation is making you insignificant. Very confusing . I would try different ways to save my life but this dinosaur was trying to kill me wi9th all its might. Im not too sure about being attacked really but if thats what it is then yes. I have had one dinosaur dream before, and then one last night. I dont think I ever saw a dinosaur eat someone, but I knew they were in the distance, so the panic to hide was strong. Being chased by dinosaur and try to eat her up. James, thank you so much. Finally I dream of a montage of different types of Trexes. pretty stunned, thank u for sharing! A predator like raptor predicts unexpected support in a difficult situation. what do colors mean in dreams,suggest you will get an quick energy boost in your life. Just tonight I had a dream where I was getting ready for a fight to the death gladiator style match up with a dinosaur. And according to Freud, they may even represent the phallus. T-Rex Tattoo Symbolism In dreams, if you were to see a Tyrannosaurus rex, it might symbolize your fears and be in the image of this carnivorous dinosaur. You may feel like life is hanging from a thread. There were special paths to take when traveling and everything became survival of the common sense and chance. ISBN-13: 978-1577151562. I think I was even in the US at some point at which time the dream had started to include some kind of zombie theme as well. 3. You might have concerns that making changes in your current life would have devastating effects instead of being a change for the better. There is also a reflection on your fears for things learned in the past, which you should review, Lets see the interpretation of your dream. The T rex doesnt seem to notice me if I dont move but I get this really weird feeling that I must kill the Trex and no longer be a victim to its fear but I also get this really weird feeling that the Trex is also me. Sometimes, in order not to fall into this, you decide to delegate your decisions to other people and this is very serious, you can take risks because of this situation. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. Im relieved to find this site and discover that so many other people have chased by dinosaur dreams. It could be a fear of failure, fear of something new, or fear of It also symbolizes the power of your unconscious mind. Dreaming of this type of toy means nostalgia for the times of the childhood past. Not only did they survive for millions of years, but they evolved, radiating into various forms to exploit their environment. Finally Finished War and Peace - But Do I Recommend It? Dreams of a bear attacking can represent a fear of something in your life. It may also reflect a fear that someone will get ahead of you or have more power than you and become impossible to stop. Judy, this essay gets on average about 50 hits a day, sometimes more. Then they all just passed us by and continued up the coast like an army, smashing everything in their path. Alternatively, being chased by a dinosaur, may reflect old issues that are still coming back to haunt you. I guess, that helps And that I need to help myself too. It was still looking for us. I think the current one represents the Republican regime. Your dream may be telling you to pay attention to that person in your waking life. When you dream of attacking someone, it means that your behaviour will have consequences to others. Glad Im not alone! It could also mean that your sense of power and leadership is hurting the people around you. Generally, to dream about being attacked by a dinosaur signifies problems in your waking life. the door was locked. If Its a pity we dont learn this language so we can understand what we really feel . To dream that you are being attacked by an animal is a warning to be careful with those around you. Then I found myself in terrace where I was guiding people how to escape if the dinosaur tries to attack us. Publisher: Digireads.com To dream that you attack someone represents pent-up frustration and anger. They killed me. To dream of But, sometimes they are strangers. This dream may especially be about changing if you see other common dream symbols that suggest changes and transformation. but after I feel soooo good. WebIn the 90s, dinosaurs were very popular thanks to the movie Jurassic Park. I have no professional experience. I mean i still was But I Didnt Look Away. I have had dreams where the raptors were also in the house, but would dissolve into black bones at the front door. Nothing seems obvious, but I dont know you. Or yall are in a situation with no way out. In other dreams, Ive learned to always attack whatever threatens me. For instance, a malicious QR code could be placed in a public place, attracting people to scan it in the hopes of getting a special discount or promotion. My family didnt use the second story, but my three-year-old sister and I would go up there to play, but it was creepy. Required fields are marked *. It annoys me that other people dont know how to deal with them. At Mommy University, we love dinosaurs and are always on the prowl for opportunities that involve these prehistoric creatures. Your maternal or paternal instinct comes to the fore. PS I just had a big change in my working setting: new field , new people, new challenges. We would shut our blinds so that he couldnt see us and as long as we were quiet, he wouldnt try to attack the house. Dreaming about dinosaurs attacking can be a symbol of feeling overwhelmed or out of control in relation to some aspect of your waking life. The Dino was in fact a t-Rex or Godzilla. Monsters could be symbolic of something or someone you fear or a negative aspect of yourself. The last sex dream I had was when I was kid and oddly a virgin, not so much since then unless you count smooching in one which also was the only time I have ever flown in a dream. Really? I fear the fall of the civilization and technology I need to live (I have an ostomy, so without plastics tech I die) and if anything my dreams are nothing more than that fear being the basis for why my dreams are like they are. Unbearable feelings of a positive situation that you don't like witnessing. answers you need. I wonder what that symbolizes. Sickness/Disease 5. When this dream is something that seems normal, it symbolizes that the dreamer has a strong personality. In dreams, your home is going represent you and all aspect of your life. But every time I awake, I tend to go right back to where I left off. Satanic diversion of destiny 7. Wild animals can also represent our instinctual need for protection and safety, in addition to our connection with nature. I woke up but the dream hadnt finished. . You may be tearing people down and belittling them in some way. This dream could also be a sign that you are too self-conscious. This is very favorable at this time to relieve your loneliness. suddenly a rapid moving vivid blue colored lizard crawled out chomping its sharp teeth and following me. So remember how you saw this creature in your dream. We should not forget about the simplest interpretation of what the dinosaur dreams mean. The tenderness you show towards the children is very beautiful. Still it is exciting (which baffles me since I am not the front line grunt type, so going on external rescue missions is generally not my thing, but I am a gamer *shrugs* and the brain likes to play). To dream that you are being chased by a dinosaur, indicates your fears of no longer being needed or useful. In many cultures, dragons are supernatural creatures that are associated with wisdom, power, and strength. Isnt that weird? The problem now is that I am getting these dinosaur dreams more often than usual and they are getting more and more vivid. My dream would immediately go to something soothing after confronting it like seeing fireworks or eating candy. If you happened to see a dream about ancient reptiles in their natural environment, the dreambooks promise an equally amazing sight in reality. Sometimes family. it was the coice of myittles sisters laughter. James, I believe we are given dreams for one of two reasons, to figure out what your subconscious already knows and needs you to know in the conscious world and two, to dream of things in the past, present, or future. I had a dream last night, a dream Ive had at least twice before although when I was much younger in very early high school. Our relationship become sour. I wrote the essay about dinosaur dreams years ago, but in the last year, I get 40-75 hits a day on it. Im not sure I can help you. You feel the need to defend yourself. My sex dreams are becoming more and more rare, and always surprised me when they happen now. I had recurring dreams for years that I was in an occupied society which was hostile to individuality, so I had to remain hidden in order to survive. A fear that is too big to confront or so time consuming that you can't think of anything else. Generally, to dream about being attacked by a dinosaur signifies problems in your waking life. The scope of the problem is proportional to the wounds caused by the large reptile, your mind identifies with that particular problem. Millers dreambook also assumes that your hobbies or lifestyle are not modern and that is why you sometimes feel like you are a dinosaur. Thats a difference of 186 million years! Sometimes you can connect them to a trigger. You feel you are being taken for granted. I will occasionally have other dreams of dinosaurs that arent harmful but helpful. At Jurassic World, they even have a page collecting dinosaur dreams. I have had dinosaurs in my dreams and they arent really pleasant,and those dreams i recollect are mostly well formed and monstrous dinosaurs in a bizzare high tech environment though i still havent got eaten up by them yet.It may be a deep imprint , a primordial and instinct forming memory from our deep Mammalian ancestors to avoid those predatory monsters plus all the works of dino pop culture, i guess them tree shrews were afraid of microraptors etc. To dream that you are being chased by a dinosaur, indicates your fears of no longer being needed or useful. Ultimately, dinosaurs represent an important reminder that life is ever-changing. You have friends you can seek out. However, it is clear from the Bible that the Earth is very old and that humanity has existed for a long time. Ill try. Dreams of a bear attacking can represent a fear of something in your life. There are ones with Big Teeth, other ones I forget but there was one that didnt have eyes but you could tell its sight was true. Additionally, it is important to recognize warning signs and avoid certain animals, especially wild animals, to avoid an attack. The warning signs of nightmares vary from person to person, but some of the most common signs that someone may be suffering from nightmares include difficulty sleeping or staying asleep, fear of going to bed, difficulty concentrating or remembering, frequent awakenings during the night, ruminating thoughts, physical signs such as an increase in heart rate or sweating, and vivid dreams that feel real. They may even represent the phallus out in the future threaths and all aspect of your waking life thanks. Promise an equally amazing sight in reality safety, in addition to our connection nature! A bear attacking can represent a fear that someone will get an quick energy boost in your dream sounds youre! 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