Health Gap. (b) State three social consequences of high rate of unemployment in Nigeria. 13. 5. Orderliness is an important life skill for a child because it enables the child to take note of everything going on around them with a constant zeal to keep everything in order. Youll truly feel proud about the condition of your home. Why not infuse some orderliness and structure into it as well? See more. Towards Net Zero. Orderliness is about habits, and these are very simple ways to help your child learn about good habits. Of course, youll experience times that require you to be flexible, but can you depend on your internal structure and orderliness to help you get through anything? Think of the structure of your life as much like the base of a building. Learn more. a) Highlight three features of the rule of law (iii) Obeying traffic regulations or rules when driving. What is orderliness in your own words? The Virtue stands ready, on call to be practiced. Try it and see. (ii) Reputation: the reputation of every public servant is at state. He checked all his figures again in order that the report might be as accurate as possible. Peaceful electioneering campaign or other forms of political participation. true Persons with antisocial personality disorder are capable of behaving in engaging and friendly ways. Being faithful to ones partner (wife/husband). The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". It will be helpful for her to assume that her colleagues in Brazil will conceptualize time the same way she does. Queuing culture: Queuing is an important way to maintain orderliness in the society. Powered by Sidmach Technologies (Nigeria) Limited. 600=400 14th Elementz Science Research Conference . . We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. 4. Orderliness discourages you from over-spending. What are the effect of orderliness in the society? Avoiding erection of buildings close to highways/roads. 18. (i) Decorum in habits, relations, actions, programmes at the bus stop. They know what to do and right time to do it. How can you show orderliness in your work? a) HIV/AIDS is an infection that attacks and destroys the immune system in human body and makes the infected person to develop the incurable Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) that makes the carrier open to opportunistic infections. (b) Six ways of exhibiting orderliness in the society: (i) Decorum in habits, relations, actions, programmes at the bus stop. (ii) Queuing Culture by obeying rules that promotes orderliness like queuing at the ATM points. By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. With organization, youll have more time to spend on your appearance plus youll be able to find your accessories, such as belts, jewelry, and make-up quickly. adj. (b) Highlight six advantages of constituted authority. (iv) One who is an illiterate is not qualified to run for elective office. (v) Tolerance of oppositions i.e,tolerating opposing views, religions and social critics. (ii) Queuing Culture by obeying rules that promotes orderliness like queuing at the ATM points. (iv) Mediation: the government can set up special panel to mediate between communities in conflict. society definition: 1. a large group of people who live together in an organized way, making decisions about how to do. It is the act by which things are arranged in a proper, neat and systematic way. How do you promote orderliness? (b) Give five reasons for political apathy. It is the act by which things are arranged in a proper, neat and systematic way Orderliness entails people taking time to become aware of everything going on in their environment and in their lives which they choose to handle in an orderly manner. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Obeying traffic rules and regulation: It is important for every road users to obey the traffic rules and regulation while driving and there is need for proper understanding proper understanding of the traffic rules and regulation. Freud believed the phallic stage begins when children are about three and continues until they are six. (b)State six functions of government in Nigeria. Colossians 2:5 For though I be absent in the flesh, yet am I with you in the spirit, rejoicing and beholding your order, and the steadfastness of your faith in Christ. Cleanliness and Orderliness: (v) Tolerance of oppositions i.e,tolerating opposing views, religions and social critics. /rdrlins/ [uncountable] the quality of being arranged or organized in a neat, careful and logical way synonym tidiness. Use of disposable sharp objects e.g. We are also more able to work collaboratively to share tools and space with others. 7. Use of screened blood during transfusion. Orderliness is a quality that is characterized by a persons interest in keeping their surroundings and themselves well organized, and is associated with other qualities such as cleanliness and diligence, and the desire for order and symmetry. You can use the website search button to filter out the subject of interest to you. Lost Index. (i) Lies and deceits(ii) Stealing(iii) Secrecy/Withdrawal(iv) Gambling(v) Disobedience to authority(vi) Audacity(vii) Unethical and impulsive behaviours, (i) Crime: Increase in criminal activities. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Which of the following database operations does not require a Data Manipulation Language? (iii) National or state schemes like NYSC. Theres something comforting about performing repeating tasks on automatic, without thinking. (v) Transparency: Accountability makes the public servant transparent and avoid issues of fraud or fraudulent practices. (b) List six visible behaviour of drug addicts. When he goes to work, his role is that of a . (ii) Queuing Culture by obeying rules that promotes orderliness like queuing at the ATM points. Another good example is imbibing the Queuing Culture. A thing or place can be orderly, like a desk, refrigerator, or a hospital, and so can a person, particularly if they are very calm and well-behaved. Besides, the public servant is holding the post he is entrusted with in trust on behalf of the public and so he is accountable to them. Creating public awareness through workshops/seminars. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Orderliness entails people taking time to become aware of everything going on in their environment and in their lives which they choose to handle in an orderly manner. Some of the points candidates were expected to provide in b includes; Copyright 2021. a) Law and Order is a condition in which the existing rules, regulations, norms and related legal codes are recognized and observed for the sustenance of peace, orderliness and security of lives and property in society. To be orderly, decent and organized in the society, we must exhibit the following attributes: Listening skills, driving skills, decision making skill, communication skills, queuing culture, respect for constituted authorities and decorum. Design a site like this with Therapists are Standing By to Treat Your Depression, Anxiety or Other Mental Health Needs Explore Your Options Today Ad 3. Order will give peace to your heart and dignity to your composure (Forge, #806). Some ways that our students have been practicing orderliness in the classroom are: Keeping uniforms in order by tucking in shirts Keeping lockers and desks in order so that they can easily find everything Respecting the moments when they need to be quiet, so that they can hear and follow instructions (especially during lessons and in line) It is the condition where things follow laid down procedures or are properly arranged. National Integration 6. Recognize how orderliness can make your life better: 1. (iv) it will increase gangsterism (cultism). (b)Highlight six roles of individuals in maintaining traffic regulations. The Next Giant Leap. Ways people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) are discriminated against are: (i) Termination of appointment: the appointment of people with HIV/AIDS may be unjustly terminated. Structure equals more time to take part in activities that soothe your soul. 6. 5) They purge clutter on a semi-daily basis. How do you promote orderliness? Children . why account ability should be the watchword of public servants. Peaceful or orderly conduct in public protests/demonstrations. The standards rated "very good" were: Guests' requests and concerns are given prompt and proper attention; Staffs exhibit warm and pleasant disposition in dealing with guests; Tact and diplomacy are observed when dealing with complaints and difficult situations; Customer feedback and concerns are logged down and discussed for corrective . 7. Best of BBC Future. It even better to vacuum or wipe down the sofa and other furnishings frequently. Inadequate religious and moral education. (vi) It ensures and provides economic stability in its territory. Floss Your Teeth Daily: In addition to brushing your teeth, floss your teeth once a day for optimal oral hygiene. What is BBC Future? For a better experience please change your browser to CHROME, FIREFOX, OPERA or Internet Explorer. Orderliness can be defined as the art of doing things in a peaceful orderly manner. (a) in what five ways can citizens demonstrate political apathy. Plot 11, 7Up Estate, Off IBEDC Office Ashimolowo, Mowe, Ogun State. Recognize how orderliness can make your life better: 1. I am an advocate for evaluating health risks and improving outcomes through health promotion and innovation. What are the least used letters in Wordle? Orderliness train the mind to accept social value. Orderliness is associated with other qualities such as cleanliness and diligenceand the desire for order and symmetry, and is generally considered to be a desirable quality. True. 15 b)State six functions of government in Nigeria. Which Is More Stable Thiophene Or Pyridine. (a) Definition of orderliness 5.There is increase in the speed of executing the assigned duty or work when orderliness reigns. How does orderliness make your life better? Make a personal commitment to nonviolence. Contribution to the formation of youth movements. interpellation (parliament) a parliamentary procedure of demanding that a government official explain some act or policy. What experience do you need to become a teacher? Orderliness entails people taking time to become aware of everything going on in their environment and in their lives which they choose to handle in an orderly manner. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. b) Reasons for the formation of cult groups. Take Care of Your Nails: Cleaning and trimming your nails reduces your risk of hangnails and infected nail beds. (a) Definition of Orderliness;Orderliness is the quality or habit of appreciating and systematic way with the aim of achieving set goals. It's a beautiful, clean and orderly city. Home | About | Contact | Copyright | Privacy | Cookie Policy | Terms & Conditions | Sitemap. Reasons why accountability should be the watchword of public servants; (i) Trust: this is very important to a public servant because it makes the public to trust them and vote for them in subseol.fent election or appointment. 6. This applies not only to the objects we own and use - toys, tools, furniture, etc. Free from disorder; neat or well-arranged: an orderly room. Provision of social amenities/infrastructures. settings.no_comment_msg : 'There are no comments' }}. Forming road safety clubs in schools, colleges and associations. Courtesy 3. (b) Reasons why stigmatization of people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) should be discouraged are: (i) It makes people living with HIV/AIDS feel rejected, unwanted and useless, whereas this is not. It can be measured by the duration and quality of the social interactions they have on a regular basis, both in person and online. Phallic stage. (iii) It manages social conflicts and ensure orderliness through the prevention, settling and intermediary functions. (iii) Obeying traffic regulations or rules when driving. The ways are: 1. V, =20km/hr This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. It promotes effective function of societal institutions. What are the Skills used inresolving inter-communal conflicts? Within a consumer society, individuals are able to make and remake their lives in specific ways such as creating a certain image with clothing, eating at certain restaurants and choosing to use certain shops to purchase items. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. The performance of most of the candidates who answered it was good as they understood demands of the question. When everything has its place, you dont have to spend time searching for things. How can you show orderliness everyday? In this society, leaders encourage group loyalty even if individual goals suffer. You have confidence of what to do next. 895 30151 Green Plain, Lake Mariela, RI 98141, Hobby: LARPing, role-playing games, Slacklining, Reading, Inline skating, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Dance. Orderliness is an important life skill for a child because it enables the child to take note of everything going on around them with a constant zeal to keep everything in order. the orderliness of a student's campus lifestyle. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Decorum: Decorum is simply the to as requirement of correct behavior in polite society. Something that is orderly is neat or arranged in a neat way. Through orderliness, social values are appreciated. If cleanliness is next to godliness, according to a new study, additionally, orderliness is next to academic success. False. Encouraging voluntary testing for HIV/AIDS. What are the effect of orderliness in the society? (iv) Listening skills and politeness in the public. Whichever the case, it will be less stress on you to entertain friends and family. Yes! (a)List the three tiers of government in Nigeria. Another way is to cultivate the habit of listening to and obeying given instructions. This issue is complex: are you proud because youre structured or orderly because youre proud of yourself? Question 1 (a) Definition of orderliness (b) Ways of exhibiting orderliness in the society Observation This was a popular question. (iii) Obeying traffic regulations or rules when driving. (b) Six ways of exhibiting orderliness in the society: (i) Decorum in habits, relations, actions, programmes at the bus stop. An orderly library makes it easy to find the books you want. According to the dataset, taking a specific behaviour, say taking showers, as an example, if the starting times of taking showers of student A always fall into the range [21:00, 21:30] while student B may take a shower at any time, we could say student A has a higher orderliness than student B for In today's society, there is a high level of indiscipline, as seen by the level of corruption that exists. (iv) Listening skills and politeness in the public. For example, citizens work collaboratively with the government and judicial system to establish laws and social expectations that reward good behaviors and punish bad behaviors. 2. 1 How can we bring orderliness in our society? Life Community Services Society May 2016 - Sep 2018 2 years 5 months. Individual should imbibe the value of contentment. (ii) Queuing Culture by obeying rules that promotes orderliness like queuing at the ATM points. meaning of constituted authority: Constituted Authority refers different forms of leadership established for the smooth and proper running of a society. In what five ways can individuals exhibit orderliness in the society? Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Provision of job opportunities/employment. Prevalence. Orderliness in society is best guaranteed when all citizens? Tacit support of academic staff of schools and colleges. Making bad or wrong decisions will disorganize our life and destroy our future. (ii) Queuing Culture by obeying rules that promotes orderliness like queuing at the ATM points. a)Define traffic regulations;Traffic regulationcan bedefinedas the rules andregulationswhich guide the behavior or action of road users. Avoiding commercial activities by the road side. Throughout every year of high school, I was balancing 2-4 jobs, 3-4 clubs, 2-3 sports, National Honors Society membership and VP leadership . a condition of regular or proper arrangement. (b) Six ways of exhibiting orderliness in the society: (i) Decorum in habits, relations, actions, programmes at the bus stop. Highlight five skills for resolving inter-communal conflicts. What is an example of maintaining social order? CLICK HERE to download the complete Document: DOWNLOAD HERE, SUB-TOPIC 2: EXAMPLES OF ORDERLINESS IN THE SOCIETY. This will enable road users to be careful and considerate while on the road in order not to endanger ones life and that of other road users. ; 12 a)What is cultism?12 b)Highlight six reasons for the formation of cult groups. b)joining queuesfollowing due processtolerance peaceful co-existenceobeying traffic regulations.obedience to constituted authorities.avoidance of nepotism/favoritism etc. (b) Six ways of exhibiting orderliness in the society: (i) Decorum in habits, relations, actions, programmes at the bus stop. A file organization that has reference which identifies a record in relation to other records is called? This applies not only to the objects we own and use toys, tools, furniture, etc. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. People will look up to you because you present a motivating picture of what life can look like whenever one applies structure to his life. Respect your body. (b) Six ways of exhibiting orderliness in the society: (i) Decorum in habits, relations, actions, programmes at the bus stop. avoidance of nepotism/favoritism etc. It will be deleted. Future Planet. (iii) Obeying traffic regulations or rules when driving. Keep these attributes top-of-mind when conducting business, and you will soon be known . (ii) Queuing Culture by obeying rules that promotes orderliness like queuing at the ATM points. How can we bring orderliness in our society? 10. b)Highlight four effects of law and order on Nigerians, 10. c)Highlight four achievements of Nigerian nationalist before independence. My name is Jessry and I am currently in my fourth year as an Honours Bachelor of Health Sciences Student, specializing in Population and Public Health. Ibedc office Ashimolowo, Mowe, Ogun State teeth, floss your teeth, floss your teeth floss! 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