(770) 833-7554. She let her daughter move in with three kids. She sold moms house and put all the money from the house sale into her sons bank account does she have the right to do that? She does not have paper work for the land but lives their for over 40 years, is their anything we can do???? thank u, My spouse keeps asking me say every 6 months how much of my inheritance l have left ln my safe ? Even without direct access to funds, unscrupulous family members can use other methods to get a piece of an estate. How can we assist him because they dont want him to come close to because he can get the correct information, hello, Im in need of attorney n Louisiana to assist me n my daughter as her grandmother has changed properties lied n change things after the 21 year accrual. I know my father and he was private with his money. If all her papers her official will, and her Ad&d insurance papers were missing. Because this whole page says 911 ALL OVER IT!!! Shady??? This can occur because the case settles, a judgment is rendered after trial, or an appeal has been won. In particular, as an heir, you have the right to receive information about the will and the estate, if you request it from the executor. It left out my father and me. With my health issues we couldnt stop our lives to drive 12 hrs and go find out why. Please let me know. Aunt Thief refused and was upset that she told everyone in the family about the money. My grandmother has been withdrawing money for months and had my uncle hold the money until her passing. As well as another will. Three months ago my mother-in-law passed away. I believe she had the duty to inform authorities he had children. Plus one of them is a attorney. My po po also passed away in the recent years and had TWO FUNERALS, one in Texas, and the other in Oklahoma!!! i think my great grand parents left me inheritance and life insurance i need help finding this out please ,,,thank u sincerely ..leticia villalobos. Most of our assets where joint assets, how does one share such assets with people that havent contributed a cent to them yet they feel entitled? So its been a year and her ad&d insurance paid someone $150,000.00 dollars. She moved my dads money and never gave me his cds and accounts i was on she changed in her sons name. . Her daughter came in throwing out my things. Trust violations all over that. She has 5 children from a previous marriage. Is ot too late to look into because I was never contacted about a will or even saw one. I have the case number an perfect file documents. The abuse I was subjected to was criminal. If the will mentions that profits of the property should be divided up among their children, my Dad will be contacting an attorney. Long story short is his wife called me from several states away from where I and my grandpa live. Also, I didnt receive a copy of the will. My two siblings have never made it a secret that they influenced him to change his will to leave me out. They know that I do not have the money to fight back like I should. She had no right to keep, give away or sell his property. The average heir may experience sticker shock when hearing how much they may have to pay to fight for their inheritance. We learned via facebook he passed. The content displayed is for information only and does not constitute an endorsement by, or represent the view of, The Hartford. The case eventually made it to mediation. He coerced my mother to be POA in the early stages of Alzheimers.She paying for his medical care and his daughters Vet Center. I waiting for the court to open, also she been cremated not buried so what else can be done. Awasome Need Contingency Attorney For Inheritance Theft Ideas. Without a power of attorney in place, the courts will step in to appoint whats known as a conservator should you become incapacitated. What a great article, I identified with almost every sub-sections because Ive been fighting in Probate Court for (4) years. She is going through a bad divorce. On top of that he said during his time of despair and overcome with emotions he would give her additional $15,000. Thank You! He put his trust into financial advisors and I think they took advantage of him because he was getting dementia and he got older. My father had several months to adjust his will to reflect his intent to leave me his house. An attorney's demand with the threat of a lawsuit often gets attention that your demands have not received.If necessary, a claim can be filed in the Probate Court to force the executor of the will to make the distributions that the will requires i.e., to get you your inheritance.Contingency fee arrangements are possible. Its a tragedy I tell you the good guy gets nothing and hear this my fathers attorney was hired by the woman that took everything and they fought me on everything, an if that wast conflict of interest since he wouldnt even speak to me to help me with his own clients will!! Ive had to pay around $5000.00 out of pocket for attorneys I cant keep one they get with her attorney and everything gets turned around and they work against me for god sake. 3 years later my uncle died at age 55. I have a question. My siblings stated my mom, signed my name, to show I received the monies. There has been a lot of mention about money around me and I have tried finding out on my own what it is about and have come up empty handed. i need help on were do i start. My uncle was a lot older than my father but they were very close. Also, they are very good at hiding money so it is good to get a separate accountant that is not involved with the fiduciary. My mother has been caretaking over her significant other now for 7 years no theyre not married my mother did everything by the book caring and taking care of all his needs bathing him everything right by caring for not her husband not my dad but was everything like a dad. I was told the ex wife moved in the house estate insurance says is 570,000. At the time the trust was formed 4 of the children were left out of the trust. For blended families, this issue is a common problem, even if the estate in question isnt worth millions. The whole thing is underhanded and wrong to say the least. Then, one of the people that conned my aunt accused me of taking money from her. Plus the uncle willing came forward and donated his house to be used. I said that was ridiculous, it wouldn't take . I do not know about the status of the investments, or the status of my uncles or great grandfathers business ventures or investments. Jan 20 2022 executor sent me a copy. We just lost my father and have been trying to get all my moms paperwork in order concerning how she wants her will be look now. My mothers two twin sisters either changed my grandmothers will that her and my grandfather had that was just alike. My problem comes where his siblings want sole ownership of what rightfully belongs to his wife and children. Spoke badly of my grandmother and were waiting for her to die I heard them both say .then everything they threatened happened. My sister has confused my 87 year old mother, who just died, and convinced my Mom to change her Will and remove me from her Will. My husband and I are thinking about this now that we have retired, and these tips will be really useful to find an attorney that will help us make the best choices. What can I do to help her get what my grandmother left her? I fear that neither nor will be given to her but she has cared for him for seven years do I go after and pursue payment for caretaking for 7 years because its obvious if theyre already over there taking the washer and dryer my mother will probably never see the money or the vehicle what do I do please any advice would be more than appreciated it just makes me sick to think all that my mother has done and wanted nothing other than what he had promised but now makes me not only want to go after that but the seven years my mother has given taken care of what I thought of as a dad and not to mention my mother is not a well person and has COPD fan of bacteria in her lungs but still put herself aside to care for the man she has cared and loved for 20 years for them to come the second day after passing Im take the washer and dryer and tell her she had two weeks to get out please help!!! I need to talk to someone who knows about my comment. calling him , or texting him . Do I get a lawyer? My grandson was really distraught about his dads passing in mid August 2020. What is the standard contingency fee for an attorney? She put it all in her sons name prior to marring my father in law, A month before my father in laws death he realized that the trust gave her too much power and he attempted to change it but her attorney wrote it in a way that she could not be removed with out her agreeing. The executor and his/her attorney then refuse to distribute whatever money remains after their appalling premeditated acts of theft unless every intended beneficiary signs this agreement that, in our case, says that all the corrupt actions of the executor were satisfactory and proper, and that if there were any errors in the accounting (of which they have refused to provide, and which would be too expensive to fight for since the inheritance was under a million to begin with), we promise to pay back up to every penny we inherited. It is so sad that this war will cause a rift between families resulting in them not being able to see their grandchildren yet they dont see that now all they want is money. my family who has integrity and is willing to help out someone who is really been done wrong. Into a house there. My Father deceased also! Very sad and confused about what had happened. My grandma whos lived her whole life was intimidated by cartel to leave her property. If its criminal when they are alive, it should be criminal after their death! I need help finding out about a will, and life insurance claim , and also loans..i do not have money to pay for a lawyer so if you could give me some advice i would appreciate your help ..thank you, Good morning my mom was taken from the hospital without me and my brother knowing where she was taking to from January up until February 13th my mom was not allowed to see us we were not allowed to know where she was we looked all over the place for her and when we did talk to someone they said that we were not allowed to know about her I was allowed to see my mom February 12th and then my mom died in her sleep February 13th my mom has four kids three boys one girl two of my brothers are deceased my cousin as well as the other family has stolen money has stolen her car has cash in all of our life insurance policies and is trying to cash in the other one they told me that my mom made a will and made her power of attorney over her but she did not me and my family have been going through a lot of harassment vandalism theft identity theft money stolen and the kids that my mama got custody of have been denied of us allowed to see them and talk to them as well as the dog the landlord took the money from my mom to deposit money we have been getting light on we have been getting phone calls we have been getting our mail stolen from my mom address in our address our phones have been getting hacked the finance companies have been stealing our information I have been trying to get an attorney ever since, My dad just passed away in October of 2021 his estranged wife of 13 years who left him because he had Ms has now come back into the picture I live in the state of Ohio and she is trying to take claim to the estate which my grandfather grandfather passed before my dad died by a month or so so all my grandfathers estate and my dads estate are now pretty much going to her is there anyway I can challenge or fight this when my brother and I were named executor of the estate and the only two named in his will how do you challenge or fight her from claiming any of the estate value when she is not been around for 13 years even though theyre married. This happened in my birth family, where I was left to pick up the pieces, bury my parents, after my siblings robbed them in life and death of their assets, and didnt even contribute to their last dispositions, but I did. My soon ex son in law has stolen many antiques I lent the business. Through this elective share she was able to live in our dads house in New York while denying us access as his kids and executor to the house or any necessary paperwork to carry out our jobs as executors. If I were to claim myself as an heir, I would do it in the presence of a respected legal advisor. and sold or gave away the rest including his car. I dont feel that I have the true story at all. I truly hope something can be done or someone has legal advice or assistance. Then no response, not even thank you we are in reciepent of your letter, no common curiosity. Hi, I desire to subscribe for this post to obtain most up-to-date updates, so where can i do it please help. fc-falcon">Awasome Need Contingency Attorney For Inheritance Theft Ideas. Hi I have a question- My grandson is only 20 and his father passed recently and left his life insurance to my grandson. Can I find out what was taken? Do I have any rights or is it even worth it other than to make my step brother see what I feel is wrong? She repeated that our uncle wanted us, my siblings and me to continue the legacy. Other two heirs knew nothing of these shenanigans. Now i find he has moved out of the house because he has let it get in a state of disrepair and moved into sheltered accommodation which he told me he only uses as a mailing address as he lives with his girlfriend. In 2016 June 30 my trust funds were stould.the sec stold my propety.endevert along with DTC,I wont my propety back I field complains ,to police and sec and government tresery places part in this so does FDIC,BUT THE SEC,THAY STOLD LIED MISLED CHETED ME OUT MY FUNDS FOR THE BANKING THEVES get my money back the Mellon accounts now,mjrdelao. I feel like if I ask for an investigation I will be cut out of the will entirely, because my Dad thinks my sister is god and she is the doctor in the family so who would believe me? it seems very strange. Maybe your gma would consider gifting the heirloom to you now rather than waiting. She informed me again that she does not have anyone else and that she wants to help me get started so that I continue what her and my uncle worked so hard for. I loved with my mother and step dad for over a year to help them and help care for my mother who had End stage copd and my stepdad, who was basically my father, who had multiple diseased from agent orange exposure while in Vietnam. He didnt specify that I actually be allowed to keep it. I believe my Uncle is trying to hoard the profit for himself, soon to be made, from that property. While all of this was happening a few other people were trying to con her out of money and had been successful. New one and will probate old will.. Is attorney aware of. Now her father has passed the corp down to the daughter from his 2nd marriage and that daughter is doing all she can to take my friends home from her and stick her away into a convalescent home and take her share of the corp. to share with her sisters and keep for herself. Unfortunately, when she passed her attorney acted as if he knew nothing of the will, and he tried to keep me from attending the funeral, even though was listed on the funeral fund! But since she didnt have time to tell me what was going on I had no idea on what to do so I just paid on the mortgage that she left .Then after 8 years my brother decided to open the estate and had me pay for a lien that was on the house and I had to file bankruptcy so I could afford to pay the mortgage and the attorney I had gotten misrepresented me and the lender if my mothers mortgage sued me fir the estate and then a car hit the house and I lost all income I was so overwhelmed with everything I didnt know what to do and the house went into default and then foreclosure and ruined my credit . I dont understand why she keep his death from me and my brothers, Then she had him creamaty something he would of never wanted. I filed as was advised and the stuff still happening. Alice Were sorry to hear of your situation. The notary from another county was a Judges legal assistant and the friend of the deceased. I recently spoke with the original business partners of my uncle, they are in their 90s and told me that I need to contact the probate office, the nephew on the other side of the country and that their son is dealing with the business partnership. I do not know if another trust was established or another business for my benefit was created. I was on transport and gave him ice chips he was so thristy!!!!! Not all lawyers will take contingency cases because they require an attorney to do a significant amount of work without payat least for an extended period. I can relate to a lot of people on here, Im curious to know if anyone got the answers theyre looking for? His health was sever, and he cried she was stealing his money, he was suicidal, he was in care home got out and she took him to the mountains when told not to, he had fallen freash out of the care hme broke his rib, then she refused to assit but forced him to go to mountains same day and he fell broke his hip. What type of lawyer would we need to try and at least recoup some $10,000 that she told him was cost of his dads celebration of life? Aside from them, I believe that one should also find a probate attorney to help. How much in legal fees for this one will be reasonable, nobody claiming, just me. Thank you, Jennifer. In addition, you also have the right to an accounting of the estate or the trust. This past April has been 3 years since my mothers passing. When her grandparents passed away, her father and uncle assumed the rolls of the grand parents. Here is where things get difficult. I have learned thru discovery that my inheritance was stolen, transferred, gifted and spent by my siblings even before my father and mother died. To call me either, however I call asked if they recieved my forms or not and would like a status update!!? Thank you. Then her husband and her told him he might need to sign an affidavite. But the correct information is that his step father and his depleted his money.The boy has made to belief real my mother has used his money.And they are try to make sure that boy does not get the correct information. She called me and my sister to her bed.she helped my sister pay off her house., and I let her have the bank account, and she verbally agreed that the house was mine. But the key here is avoiding property tax reassessment, while the siblings selling their property shares get far more cash than selling to a conventional buyer, involving a broker or realtor, charging their 6% commission, legal fees, transaction fees, etc. Some lawyers also charge on a contingency fee basis. In Sept of 2021 my grandmother passed away and after reading this article I would say my case falls under manipulation of my inheritance from other family members that were with here while she was doing her will and left me 75 a month till supposedly her money runs out who can help me? I came home to die with my 2 children abs she came out demanding the hall tree when I died and also took my jewelry box which had thousands worth of gold silver diamonds. Yeah, Im supposed to law up and pay a guy. When her will was read it left almost 80 % to one sibling. Spend it. Gotta be a lifetime movie on this ridiculousness!!! Need advise and know I should seek legal advise and have to no relief. Is there anything we can do ?? What can I do to stop them from taking possession of the property? Here. She lived in a mobile home. Thanks. The remaining siblings all agreed some manipulation took place in the last year my mother was alive. My stepmom is the executor of the Estate. His dad, my grandpa passed away a couple of years before my dad did so it is just my elderly grandma. They did this by getting a lawyer that my sister was good friends with to get them situated and also too forced my parents to live with them for 6 months. My father was a 100% disabled vran , my father said he was saving up for us kids me myself. When dad fell terminally ill, my brother emptied out the accounts (several hundred thousand dollars). I was given the run-around, and I dont know what steps to take because I have no legible proof, the only witness I have are my mother, and the second witness passed a month before Diana passed. Mom dies 1981. Now she wants me out. Just a costly legal battle to appeal or charge the man who wrote the trust with malpractice. And all of a sudden when I look up my family, it is all messed up,and items referring to my uncle now say jr.items referring to my grandfather say Sr or the 3rd and Ive been following for a while and it seems she using my uncles name claiming everything as widow and just claiming typos for the mismatch of names and it seems like their is fraud and so much more devious manipulations taking place .and Im the only witness on how things actually were , how can I bring this Black widow down and get my mother the inheritance that was hers.she didnt even get her trust .I thought that was untouchable. I hope this all works out for you. I figured out something was not right when I asked her where she would be living. I still lose. They are baiting a friend of mine into changing her will and they are having or shall I say paying a psychiatrist to evaluate her and say she can change her will. A contingency fee agreement is a type of retainer agreement in which an attorney agrees to litigate your case without being paid until money or property is distributed to you. We need help here all over. we have step- siblings that are trying to take a claim to our parents home and I dont think they have a right to. OKC attorneys are hand in hand with all the OKC police there a bunch of crooks every one of them. Police told me to hire a lawyer that its his word against mine. If a person dies and has money in stock bond municipalities and family members are fighting guess who steals the estate.The probate lawyer and stockbroker! Well she has sold the house and paid of what ever creditors and I want my house back or I want her accountable to me the rightful heir. About 2/3 weeks of the new, will he passed away. My dad doesnt even know how to access his checking account but trusts my sister implicitly even though I know she is a complete narcissist and hates my guts. I wish someone would give me a polygraph. Thankfully my Dad had the foresight to make me executor and named on all of his financial accounts. But I did not know the law. It is vital that you choose a trustee who you know will respect their fiduciary duty, since the trustee has control over the assets in your trust. Where is justice? Too easy to steal from children. Can he get any share of the money, You literally could not have said it better bro so I had a trustee of a state that he made my grandmother sign when she was in Florida without me at like 97 years old and listed and listed $34000 for the fees in the sale of the house that we only sold her 50 after he 1st of all falsified legal documents and the documents and his documents were just absolutely absolute absolute absolute absolute absolute absolute absolute absolute absolute absolute absolute absolute absolute absolute absolute absolute absolute absolute absolute absolutely absurd like he needs to learn how to make fake stuff vision and try it but I dont understand how no one will pick up a case even the bar association wont deal with it I dont know what to do . My mom and dad have been divorced for years. if so, what is this instalments all about? My mom just passed away and my aunt says we dont get my moms inheritance. Please tell me where to find the original wills and lawyers handling these fraudulently adjusted wills. Always see two lawyer s when setting up a trust. Also, why would she need 5 death certificates and I know from doing my parents you need to provide these to financial institutions usually. My family and I will be fighting for law reform when this is over so others wont have to go through this. He didnt have any payments for purchases the whole time and only had utilities payments. A developer is buying the property for 1.5 million. He tells me I am power of attorney as well as my mom but when I ask what he wants he just says, your mom knows. Then police took detective lied, then gave to another juridiction to Lapd, and presently im still waiting never heared anything back. Im not finically able to pay a lot of fees, there are things that need to be done and Im very angry someone took advantage of her and left me holding the responsibility. Help her please. My nieces and there police officer husband tricked my elderly mother off her estate by using the next door neighbor which knew the police officer from years earlier and im developmentally disabled an adoptee my mom a former aircraft mechanic and a child advocate ,and after niece and her police officer husband moved mom off her estate ,they my niece brought in another lawyer ,not our family lawyer, and my bedridden mom with a heart condition they had her make up a new revocable trust making niece and her husband main beneficiaries therefore dis-inheriting us 3 adopted kids of 33 years after being with this adopted family . My mentally disturbed mother was extremely abusive and vindictive in most uncommon way. My spouse has been hijacked and taken to a new state by his nephew and son from another marriage. Contingency fee arrangements are possible. Inheritance law! Here it is going on 14 years since my mom passed away and me being disabled on SSI still after 14 years i cannot afford a attorney still .So looks like my nieces and their retired cop husband have got away with their scam to get every thing my deceased parents have ever worked for . I signed something when I was 17 and in shock from the grief. She pulled the plug on his life support, without proper authority, then wouldnt tell us he passed. Aside from making financial decisions on a persons behalf, they can help rewrite the will too. davlovett4my brother is stealing all he can and now has burned my house to the ground and has been abusing my mother. My Dad passed away.I never was included, or in contact of my Dads will.I always felt something was kept from me.If whoever has a copy of the will my Mom or Sister wont give it to me what can I do to get it,so I know what my Dad wanted. Thank you for sharing your experience, Carol. She lived next door, and her Alzheimers was apparent. I am a legal heir but they do not keep me informedwhat can I do? My father died of mesothelioma. This ward wants desperately to go home and live but I can tell you now that she is unfit to live in her home. But inheritance theft is an insidious and underreported problem that can cost families dearly. In the meantime she went ahead and distributed things in the will without our knowledge and cleaned out the entire house and property of anything of value. The parent lives in a foreign country, where only one sibling resides. He works with clients throughout the World to transfer Texas real estate and collect Texas probate assets, Texas inheritance, and Texas death benefits. The sister of her father decided to forge documents and have him cremated and his belongings sold or given away. My grandparents raised me since I was 9 months old I grew up with them then as an adult I moved to Las Vegas. The two of them tried to sell Estate property to each other, property not solely belonging to them, both parents were alive so this was done under their nose. !Nothing you can do except hire a very expensive forensic financial investigator for proof,time passes n guess what youre . Family members are not the only ones that cause problems for beneficiaries. He did not have any children. A Decrease font size. In addition, certain types of trusts can provide a surviving spouse with income during their lifetime, while leaving the assets themselves to additional beneficiaries, such as adult children, after the death of the surviving spouse. All about every 6 months how much of my uncles or great grandfathers business or. Consider gifting the heirloom to you now rather than waiting content displayed is information... Father was a Judges legal assistant and the stuff still happening to look into because I was never about... 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