Sarahs Sanctum is shaped like a cube, emulating the Sanctum Sanctorum, or Holy of Holies of Solomons Temple. Their only child, Annie Pardee Winchester came into the world on July 12, 1866. Father of Annie Pardee Winchester Also, when you are on that floor you can never really hear any of the other tours, so you feel pretty isolated., 2023 Minute Media - All Rights Reserved. This is precisely the effect Sarah wanted the inscriptions to have on us. The mansion and its grounds are gorgeous examples of Victorian architecture and there are a lot of strange and interesting design elements. The invisible difference is 13. Mary, on the other hand, may have been a little wary at first, but she came to work with Ketch. On July 15, 1866, Sarah gave birth to their only child, Annie Pardee Winchester, but the baby died six weeks later of marasmus. The most obvious Baconian devices in the Tiffany Window are Sarahs Tubal-Cain symbols. Later, when the English Alphabet expanded to twenty six letters, the Pythagorean (1 through 9) Table became the paradigm used by modern numerologists. But in higher dimensional mathematics, the number 4 can translate or rotate into multiple variations of itself, i.e. He left Lawrence with his sons, Sam and Dean. Check it out, and watch the Video Trailer! The curriculum of The Young Ladies Collegiate Institute of New Haven placed a heavy emphasis on scientific studies. Thus, Sarah induces us to multiply 11 x 7. William Wirt Winchester/Age at death. Bay Area arts: here are 9 great shows to see this weekend, What to watch: Daisy Jones a superb look at rock n roll implosion, Review: Creed III shows series is in good hands with Michael B. Jordan, 25+ Bay Area late-winter, early-spring festivals, fun events, things to do, Winchester, which opened in theaters Friday, read Captive of the Labyrinth by historian Mary Jo Ignoffo. Many married couples like to say their union is the product of some kind of ineffable destiny. She moved to California within a couple of years. Sarah is exhorting us to rearrange the order of the partitions. To form an idea of what that would entail, try thinking in reverse. Succumbing to malnourishment, Anna died at just 40 days old. Her concept of initiation closely parallels the Masonic and Rosicrucian method of subjecting the initiate to a series of progressive steps or Degrees in which he is forced to develop his powers of intuition and insight. When Sarah Winchester's husband, William Wirt Winchester, died in 1881, she became one of the wealthiest women in the world. John Hansen, the mustachioed Winchester mansion foreman played by Angus Sampson, was another real person. Even her will had 13 parts, and she signed it 13 times. For example, we recall that Sarah displays the number 49 (7 squared), along with the number 777 in her bedroom ceiling. She eventually recovered, but a little more than 10 years later, in 1881, tragedy struck again when William died of tuberculosis. This feature is referred to as the 7/11 staircase. Notice how 711 is the reverse of the 117 displayed in the Ballroom ceilingand, as we have seen, Sarah also saw it as another way to express her name as 711 simplifies to the number 72, corresponding to Sarah (20) Winchester (52) in the Pythagorean Cipher. The truncated pyramid, with its hovering capstone and All Seeing Eye represents the unfinished work of the quest to mirror the divine blueprint in accordance with Proverbs, 25it is the final piece of the universal puzzle yet to be set in place. Furthermore, Sarah adds a lesson in higher dimensional mathematics. When a man walks down 7 steps, and then up 11 steps, what has he gained? America s Most Haunted Places tops the list of TV shows that grossly reinforces the Folklore. Her father Leonard was a joiner by trade whose shrewd sense of business found him moving up the ladder of polite society as a successful carriage manufacturer. An important part of the puzzle goes back to Rosicrucian beginnings in ancient Egypt . Thus, 13 is the most coherent, unifying number in the Fibonacci series. Richard Allan Wagner, personal research notes for The LOST SECRET of William Shakespeare, published by Richard Allan Wagner, Los Angeles, 2010. This product can then be partitioned as 45 76, which, when combined becomes 121 (11 squared), or, it can be partitioned (from the inside-out) as 57 46, which, when combined equates to 103 (13). The San Francisco earthquake, which shakes things up in the films climactic scenes, happened April 18, 1906 as the film depicts. Now, lets go to a higher level using the 777 symmetric triplet. Rudolph Steiner, Rosicrucian Wisdom An Introduction, published by Rudolph Steiner Press, East Sussex, UK., 2000. As a matter of practicality, I will hereafter refer to them as Winchester numbers.. In fact, the cube consists of six, inverse pyramids, all pointing inward toward its center. But Marion, whose nickname was Daisy, left before 1906 when the film is set to marry Frederick Marriott (no relation to the hotel people). After his death, his wife, Sarah, became notable for building Llanada Villa, later known as Winchester Mystery House. The next thing Sarah wants us to notice is that the web contains 49 separate pieces of glass. The mansion has . It was manufactured in accordance with Sarahs specifications by the famous Tiffany Glass Company at a cost of approximately $1,500. The famous stairs that lead to nowhere featured prominently in the movie are real and a popular part of the tour. 13 therefore manifests the ultimate (invisible) boundary of all the coherent symmetries from which the structure of the universe is formed. Bacons dream of unlocking all of natures secrets requires our understanding of the dynamics of higher dimensional mathematics. Notice that, in the center, the value of 12 has doubled to 24. The reason we know about Sarahs algorithm is because she incorporated an ingenious calculating device into the House that clearly demonstrates how higher dimensional math works. Her brother-in-law was the president of Mills College, and two of her sisters already lived in the Bay Area. In accordance with the Pythagorean Cipher, we recall that the number 51 corresponds to both the names Francis Bacon and Sarah Pardee. The answer, of course, is in The Numbers. The inheritor of the legacy would have a thorough understanding of The Numbersand, somewhere in the entire display of Sarahs numbers must reside a set of numbers that specifically reveal the inheritors identity both in name and date of birth. The gate to heaven would truly be the most splendid of all. Quite remarkably, in theoretical physics, the leading candidates for the Grand Unified Theory AKA the Theory of Everything are String Theory and M Theory, which are both based on a simple equation involving a pair of 8s, i.e. This staircase. One of these concepts involves the labyrinthine aspect of the Houses design. Lets take it still higher by multiplying 12 by 7 squared (49). Courtesy of the Winchester Mystery House. Her sances allegedly involved the use of a Ouija board and planchette, and 13 various colored robes she would ritualistically wear each night (for the edification of the spirits) within the confines of her Sance Room.. However, in order to conceptualize the higher dimensional geometry of the universe, Sarah knew that we would need to step-up to a three dimensional view of the spider-web windowwhich is why the 13th bathroom has six spider-web windows. He was the only son of Oliver Fisher Winchester and Jane Ellen Hope. Note the number 13 occupies the eighth ordinal position in the sequence. What do you say when calling to check on an application? Here, Sarah has ingeniously incorporated her spider-web design into the architecture as a calculating device functioning both as an instructional tool that shows how her algorithm works, and as a model revealing the fundamental, symmetric structure of the universe. Read more about "The Real truth about Freemason">>, Read more about "The Shakespeare Conspiracy">>, Breaking the MASONIC CODE of Shake-Speares Sonnets, Breaking the Masonic Code of SHAKE-SPEARES SONNETS. It has 44 tiny steps. This is equally true of the base of a three dimensional pyramid. However, Winchester Mystery House historian Janan Boehme paints a happier picture, imagining that the continual renovations reminded Sarah of the good times when she and William built their New Haven home together. In accordance with her twelve page 13 part will (signed by her 13 times), Sarah had her entire estate divided up in generous portions to be distributed among a number of charities and those people who had faithfully spent years in her service. However, when John was four, his father disappeared. Mary Winchester (ne Campbell) - She is the wife of John and the mother of Dean and Sam. As we shall further see, Sarah had every reason to identify with Bacon, philosophically, artistically and spiritually. 406) represents Christian Rosenkreutz (Kaye Cipher), and the number 47 refers both to the Master Mason (i.e. Thereafter, Sarah refrained from venturing any higher. E (8) x E (8). Front Cover of the Crescent. Sarah adhered both to Bacons Kabbalistic theosophy and the theosophical perspective held by Rudolph Steiner (1861- 1925). Or, it can be partitioned in reverse, i.e. The importance of the Winchester algorithm is that it reveals hidden symmetries that would otherwise not be seen or understood. Young Sarahs most distinguishing characteristic was that she was everything but ordinary. This serves the practical purpose of being far from the distraction of outside noise. After the death of her husband, William Wirt Winchester, of tuberculosis in 1881, Sarah decided to leave the East Coast to be with family. The home boasts 950 doors, 10,000 windows, 40 stairways, 52 skylights, 47 fireplaces, sixkitchens, plus a trio of elevators, and once-groundbreaking elements like wool insulation, carbide gaslights, electricity, and an indoor shower, complete with a sewage drainage system. William Winchester had a child Annie Pardee Winchester. Winchester Mystery House. Therefore, like the folklore, the term mystery should be put aside and replaced with the more appropriate term puzzle. Like the Chartres Cathedral in France , or Rosslyn Chapel in Scotland , Sarahs architectural legacy is an artful puzzle. And finally, if Mrs. Winchester truly believed she was cursed by the Winchester fortune, why would she exacerbate the matter by continuing to own vast shares of stock in the Winchester Repeating Arms Company, then, later acquire still greater controlling shares that she maintained and profited from for the rest of her life? However, she also keyed on the Master number 11, as it applies to her name. Like Francis Bacon, she was a child prodigy. As noted earlier, young Sarah Pardee was raised in an educational environment in which she had direct exposure to the influence of Masonic, Rosicrucian, and Baconian concepts. And, many of the species of the daisy flower can be found flourishing in the extensive gardens about the House. The top and bottom panes properly rearranged showing Sarahs Tubal-Cain Symbols. Sarah was so shattered by this event that she withdrew into herself and teetered on the edge of madness for some time. William = 34, Wirt = 25, Winchester = 52. Notice how they mirror each other. It is prominently displayed at the top of a 13 step staircase. Historically, the Tubal-Cain symbol has generated controversy because of its phallic connotation. For example, on the second floor, near the front of the House, there is a gallery of beveled, stained glass windows featuring the fleur-de-lis design associated with both the Prince of Wales and the House of Tudor. We havent forgotten the Baconian stops Sarah has incorporated in the Shakespearean inscriptions. 1 + 1 = 2, then 1 + 2 = 3, then 2 + 3 = 5, then 5 + 3 = 8, then 8 + 5 = 13, and so on. The sacred knowledge of architecture was bequeathed only to the initiate who had proven to be worthy. Later, in the thirteenth century, the Italian mathematician, Leonardo Fibonacci translated Phi into real numbers. The Private Pavilion at Yale New Haven Hospital was then renamed in his honour. Likewise, she would also have found inspiration in the Freemasonic symbology and the mysterious structure (including a staircase that leads nowhere) of Rosslyn Chapel in Scotland . Thus, the number 51 (Sarah Pardee) mating with the number 52 ( Winchester) combined in the most unifying of numbers, 103, i.e. This unique backdrop to Sarahs early development played a crucial role which, in essence, defined what would become her lifes work. However, the four triangles are not complete unless their points merge, invisibly, into the circle. Moreover, the darkly stained beam has 46 lightly colored vertical rule lines which divide the gauge into 47 evenly spaced segments. For example, when viewed from a higher dimensional perspective, a solid wall would seem more like a broken line. Others speculate Sarah was coping with her grief with a flurry of activity, or that she was simply "crazy." Bacons search for the grail of all grails, i.e. Once the folklore is set aside the bare bones of Sarahs mystery are more easy to examine. She was heir to half the Winchester Repeating Arms Co. following the death of her husband, William Wirt Winchester, in 1881. Without the application of the Winchester Algorithm, the Spider-web windows would be meaningless. However, their Halloween flashlight tours, along with booklets, postcards, coffee mugs and other sundry items being sold in the WMH souvenir shop displaying the title The Mansion Designed By Spirits only enhances the Folklore version of Sarah Winchesters life. As for Sarah, she was safe but stuck in the Daisy Bedroom, named for the floral motif in its windows. In this article, we will dive into Cris Collinsworth's net worth i If a man were to traverse these stairs from the second floor, left to right, he would be traveling from west to east. A new, simplified view of the universe had opened up in which unseen forces, from the structure of atoms to the dynamics of gravity were becoming better understood from the perspective of higher dimensional space. Hint She was the sole architect of this extraordinary home, and no master building plan has ever been uncovered. Her connection with Francis Bacon is undeniable. Stonehenge is built precisely on the spot where 13 describes the, hypotenuse of a triangle (the sides being 5 and 12) with the base at the Blue Stone, in Wales and at Lundy Island in the Bristol Channel. In addition to being in concert with such ideas as the ever building universe, and the dynamic agriculture of the famous Rosicrucian Theosophist, mathematician and philosopher Rudolph Steiner (1861-1925), it seems clear that Sarah adopted his concept of the cube as the simplest geometric structure for the higher dimensional dynamics of the universe. Here's the history in a nutshell: Sarah Winchester, the wife of William Wirt Winchester and heiress to the Winchester Rifle fortune, moved to San Jose in 1886 and began building a housea very large house whose rooms numbered 160 at the time of her death (although before the 1906 earthquake, it was much larger). In the exact center of the House, we come upon the so called sance room. We remember that this, according to the folklore, is where Sarah supposedly conducted midnight sances for the purpose of receiving building instructions from the spirits. Sources. Thus, Sarah emulates the dual allusion to the number 47 in the Masonic 3rd Degree lecture by displaying the number twice. First, like Bacons play on the letters L, L, L in Loves Labours Lost11, 11, 11 combined, becomes the number 33. He reasoned that forces might be best explained in terms of warps in a higher dimension. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Hint Daisy Elizabeth Sarah Irene 2. By the time Sarah Pardee was born, Francis Bacons modern scientific method had exploded into a virtual catalogue of new, revolutionary theories of the intricate workings of the universe. While Sarah and the Bacon girls were attending the school, Dr. Bacons sister Delia, also a New Haven resident, attracted considerable fame and attention for writing her famous treatise that Sir Francis Bacon (with the aid of a circle of the finest literary minds of the Elizabethan-Jacobean Age) was the actual author, editor, and publisher of the original works of Shakespeare. In humours like the people of this world, For no thought is contented. Furthermore, the initials W.W.W. But, more importantly, it represents the tangled, interconnectedness of all things. It is the lunar number because there are always 13 full moons in a year. It was Vitruvius who first expounded the virtue of the mathematical value of Phi (the Divine Proportion, Golden Ratio, etc.). 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