Therefore, a statue or piece of art would be ideal for the study desk. Elephants are gentle giants, who show great care toward their herd, offspring and elders. It is to be stuffed with feathers, which represents many things connected to fertility. To be planted it in the children areacenter, right-hand side of the propertyof the garden. 1. The downward trunk elephant may be right for you if you want to stay grounded at work or save strength and vigour at home. The reason Im bringing this up has to do with the elephant trunk up or down concept. 6 Top Most Powerful Good Luck Charms For Wealth Luck 9. As a feng shui enhancement, a statue of a mother and baby elephant, or a group of seven elephants is used in the bedroom to activate chi energy for fertility since in feng shui the number seven represents children. An elephant with its trunk raised up represents good luck, while fertility is symbolized when the trunk is down. Tapestries, wallpaper, murals, draperies, and upholstery all make effective wall hangings. Fig. Homes are decorated with Feng Shui symbols like the blue elephant and rhinoceros to ward off mishaps, theft, and betrayal. If necessary, you will never hesitate to take up the role of a bread winner in your family as an elephant is known to be a natural provider. If you like this site, Does Snake Plant Bring Good or Bad Feng Shui? The significance of elephants in mythology was that it was seen as a cosmic animal that represented the structure of the universe. Are you Wearing Pixiu Bracelet in the Correct Way? According to folklore, if an elephants truck is up, it is good luck. East positions tend to entice good luck, and facilitates the flood gates of prosperity. Some even claim that if the trunk is dow. These statues are said to improve relationships when placed in the bedroom. Riding on an elephant could indicate that you are someone in control, someone with good leadership qualities. Salt is a powerful purifier and is commonly used to cleanse negative energy in a space. Elephant is a popular symbol in China, India and African countries. Many Int'l shipping options available. Hi I hung a beautiful picture of two elephants with their trunks towards each other. It matters you know. This Matthew McConaughey Speech on Happiness just Blew me Away. This meaning refers to both the body and the mind. But for those who are superstitious, you may not be able to persuade those with an opposite viewpoint regarding the significance of the elephant's trunk regarding good luck. Elephants are also symbols of royal power. Now, Jesse and I have been together for nearly 10 years now, so I dont see any real need to chuck one of these balls at him out the window. When the trunk is down, then it is a symbol of fertility. Extremely caring towards children and elders, you tend to get defensive when provoked. Are you Wearing Pixiu Bracelet in the Correct Way? Day 1 of book inspired craft week, But No Elephants. No bums facing the door! An elephant's trunk is a marvel of biology. While a black elephant loves money and success, a red elephant redefines and welcomes utter renown and notoriety. Another is that an elephant with its trunk down is prepared to push through various obstacles, so it makes sense that this symbol would be used for a couple seeking a fertility cure. The fact that I love elephants, I chose to decorate her room with an elephant symbol. The Feng Shui elephant is also known as a grantor of wishes. Here are some other tips to elephant statue placement and elephant trunk up or down meaning. Here are some Feng Shui tips to achieve that: 1) In Chinese, the word elephant is phonetically similar to Prime Minister. Meaning of Feng Shui Elephant Trunk Down The meaning of Feng Shui Elephant with its trunk down is to bring balance and harmony. Theyre quite lovely, actually. Elephant as Protection Feng Shui cure: Placing a pair of elephant statues at the front door (placed outside) and facing outward to bring protection and stability . Elephants also represented royalty as they were depicted as the mounts of gods, and were ridden by kings in processions. Seeing a purple elephant in your dream reveals the things you have been maintaining with money. I was so thrilled, I felt 10 feet tall. please consider contributing. They are depicted in many ancient artworks and are thought to represent Adam and Eve in their male and female forms. How To Decipher The Moles on your Face? While there are many auspicious meanings for elephant statues, the way in which that luck is accessed is represented in its trunk position. Elephant decorations and patterns can be creatively used in many ways at home to foster happiness and tranquillity. Saving an elephant in a dream means you are becoming more responsible towards your near and dear ones. I have long since loved, respected, admired and revered the large, calm, regal and powerful beauty of the magnificent elephant. The elephant is a prominent symbol of strength, fertility and intelligence in many cultures, including Chinese, Indian and African. I did a lot of eliminating to get the bare necessities in my small space! Alternatively, the elephant statue can be left facing the mattress on each nightstand. The elephant is a representation of strength and knowledge in the workplace. My Mother loved elephants,had them everywhere Because of her Love for these majestic beautys I found myself wanting to know more about themLooking back on my Childhood I see that I already knew Everything because of My Mother! The wealth and success of the individuals occupying the space are aided by an elephant with its trunk pointed upward. African Mythology & Elephants:African mythology depicts the elephant as the wise chief who can objectively settle the disputes of other animals, which has resulted in its symbolic meanings of strength, power and wisdom. Eating an elephant in your dream forecasts that you will receive financial funds from a government body. The bedroom might house a monument with seven grouped elephants, which stands for fertility. Lol. Elephants emit luck, energy, kindness, strength and wisdom. Two elephants sitting at entrances provide protection. Get symbolic meanings about the elephant here. These traits are well depicted in our elephant tapestries. According to the Catholics, an elephant stands for purity as it shows no sign of passion. While saving a young elephant symbolizes preventing yourself from getting involved with dishonest people. In Chinese culture, the elephant is believed to be a symbol of good luck and happiness. They have more smell receptors than any mammal - including dogs - and can sniff out food that is several miles away. True to its strong structure, an elephant as a spirit animal gives you the energy to finish off any task without any delay. Seeing the dung of an elephant means gaining profit or wealth from a higher authority through hard work. This website is fueled by coffee, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and LOTS of passion. During pregnancy, the appearance of elephants in dreams reflects the physical and psychological changes you are going through. Check out this, Copyright 2005-2023, Meditation for a Stronger Mind and Enhanced Learning, Maneki Neko Cat: Meaning of the Lucky Waving Cat, International Polar Bear Day (February 27th): What It Is and Stuff to Do, How to Create a Spiritual Space in Your Home, Best Fasting Teas and Tea Tips for Best Health, Astrology Based Therapy: Using the Stars for Healing and Self-Discovery, Symbolic and Spiritual Meaning of Mushrooms, What Are Runestones? The elephant gave her a white lotus flower, circled around her three times and then entered her womb. Placing an elephant statue at or near the entrance to your office will provide you more authority, knowledge, and success in your professional life. My needs are simple. Join us & write your heart out. Elephants hold significant meaning in many cultures and symbols of these majestic creatures have been depicted in mythology and religion for thousands of years. A blue elephant implies brightness and knowledge. The elephant is a very powerful and significant symbol in the Hindu faith as one of their favourite gods. 10. One of the most popular use of the elephants in feng shui is as a fertility cure. The coexistence of males and females is symbolized by the fact that one elephant has a tusk while the other has not. Welcome to elephant's ecosystem. . Thedragon turtleornament infeng shuiapplication can be used as a cure or enhancer to attract wealth or neutralize negative energy. In contrast, the ventral skin is composed of wrinkles with a smaller length scale of 1 to 2 cm. . The lucky trunk down elephant statue is focused on maintaining and protecting good fortune and acquiring knowledge. Having been in the family for so long, it was hard to say no to dad. Apart from that, the trunk-up gesture also signifies good luck. Keep the figurine on their desk for study purposes. My home has always been adorned with these charismatic peaceful gentle giants. White elephants are said to be extraordinarily fortunate. The elephant raises its trunk to greet friends and express happiness. The image of an elephant standing on its hind legs represents strength and security for the person. Hee hee.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'whats_your_sign_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_2',675,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-whats_your_sign_com-medrectangle-4-0'); With elephants in place,I started to wonder about which direction they should face. This site also uses affiliate merchants such as Amazon or Etsy and earns a small commission for purchases made from links found on this website. The elephant has a spiritual significance in Buddhism based on the belief that when Lord Buddhas mother was pregnant with him, she dreamt of a white elephant giving her a white lotus from its trunk and then circling three times before entering her womb. Register for features like favorites, compare, comprehensive advice. Here at One Tribe Apparel, they adorn our traditional Thai Elephant Pants and Elephant Bracelets. Everything about Black Obsidian Feng Shui, Bracelets and More, 5 Things About Feng Shui Bell To Attract Good Energy, Symbolism and Meaning of Swallows Birds in Feng Shui, How To Use Dragon Turtle Symbol For Good Feng Shui and Wealth. An upward pointed elephant trunk dispenses energy, luck, prosperity and kindness. This will be most beneficial in the childrens area of the house (the center, right-hand side of the house). Images of children riding atop an elephant are common in Chinese prints and augur good fortune and when placed in the bedroom are a wonderful symbol of conception. For Vastu considerations, many people install Nettipattam in their homes. A white elephant is a symbol of magnificence and good fortune. But, I figured this was the perfect opportunity . Coming across a herd of elephants in your dream signifies that you are making good social decisions with your community. Diana is a certified feng shui designer, color expert, and interior designer. The long trunk alleviates this by allowing the elephant to graze the ground or trees for food without so much as moving their head at all. Elephants represent strength / wisdom / wisdom / fertility / grandeur / nobility. A drowning elephant is a warning of someones death in the future. Cmon in! when it comes to invoking good luck, wealth, a happy family, and healthy relationships. Does Snake Plant Bring Good or Bad Feng Shui? This pose is considered one of humility and represents a feeling of calmness. Gifted with a sharp memory, you attempt to recollect all the beautiful memories from life whenever you lose hope. There is also a difference between the meanings of a white elephant and a grey elephant. The result of all this gleaning was my mom and niece inheriting a lot of stuff. In Sanskrit, Mandala means "circle" and the elephant mandala is a sacred symbol. Create a Free Account & Get 2 Free Reads. Often very wonderful stuff comes in very big packages. Isn't retirement wonderful? This picture is very romantic, brings good luck and it am great piece of art in my living room. All rights reserved. Pick a mother-child pair of elephants to put in your children's rooms. It could also mean that you have been holding onto a specific memory for too long and that it's time to let the past go. Their ability to bring good luck is captured in the replicas of elephants and the trunk plays a major role in the superstitions regarding elephants. Some say if the trunk is up the elephant will shower good fortune on all who walk past it. They represent strength, security, wise counsel, and good prosperity. Power:In its huge physical form, the elephant could do a lot of damage if it wanted to but it isn't in their nature to be destructive. It represents good fortune, luck, fertility, longevity, wisdom, strength, success, and many more. ~ Waylon>>, How to Discover Your Erotic Universe and Play with your Sexuality, beyond all Restrictions and Limitations >>, By confirming, you agree to our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy. Why Wait?? Now, Im not saying that I plan to fill my house with figurines of magpies and ceramic Buddha-draped-in-children. Its about introspection and internal growth. Every time you read, share, comment or heart you help an article improve its Ratingwhich helps Readers see important issues & writers win $$$ from Elephant. Drones and Beekeepers - Elephant Mahouts of the Future? The north and east corners are thought to be the greatest places to display paintings and symbols of elephants according to Vastu. In order to shield your home from evil or negative energy, Feng Shui suggests positioning it so that it faces outward. Hinduism & Elephants:The elephant is a very powerful and significant symbol in the Hindu faith as one of their favourite gods,Ganesha, is depicted in the form of an elephant. However, if the dream shows the poop of a baby elephant, it is a symbol of financial loss. What does the majestic and gentle elephant mean to you? When she awoke, she knew that the dream was an omen of the divine, and was finally able to conceive a child. Feng shui, which transla, Following the intense energy and heat of summer, feng shui fall signals that the time to slow down is coming. -North because thats where my front door is, and east because thats a positive position too. Elephant symbolism in Hindu mythology, is also associated with water and rain because of the god Indra. A white elephant is a representation of luxury, money, and unadulterated riches. How to Wear Ring For Good Luck in Feng Shui Way? Bringing the elephant statues's meaning of cultivating knowledge and academic success to a child's bedroom is yet another feng shui application for this powerful feng shui animal. What does an elephant trunk symbolize? The trunk's downward orientation represents life and the ability to conquer obstacles. It is a symbol of wisdom and understanding that enables you to effortlessly tackle a variety of responsibilities and challenges. In the meeting room, brass elephants symbolise harmony and corporate success. Pictures of children or baby animals. Metal Elephant Heavy Bookends Doorstops Trunk Down 17G: Condition: Used. According to Feng Shui, keeping symbols or figurines of elephants with a trunk up signifies taking up good luck, while the ones with trunk down represent fertility, love, and protection. 99. An elephant with its trunk raised up represents good luck, while fertility is symbolized when the trunk is down. Well, I havent covered all the nuances and meanings of the elephant trunk up phenomenon and elephant statue placement. By making a few adjustments using simple feng shui ideas, you can create a m, She sheds are all about immersing yourself in a creative and relaxing space. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Get the latest Updates and tips delivered right to your inbox. If they are displayed outdoors, then they should be positioned facing out, as they will safeguard the home in this arrangement. So dad, mom, my niece, and I started helping dadcull out the superfluous, and keep the essentials. The bird of happiness and joy. Placing a statue of an elephant, or a pair of elephants, at the front door brings good luck, protection, and strength to a household. All rights reserved. Another meaning for seven elephant statues in a row is eternity, triumph over death, and longevity. The Elephant Whisperers has bagged the Oscar 2023 nomination in the Best Documentary Short Film category. Caparison, also known as Nettipattam, is available as wall hangings in a range of sizes. I am also noting the places where energy is obviously stuck but I havefor whatever reasonput off clearing or organizing until now. The elephant is the largest animal alive today. To maintain equilibrium at work or to preserve energy and vigor at home, keep an elephant with its trunk pointed downward. 4.6 out of 5 stars 192. This brings up the original question, which is: which way does a lucky elephant hold its trunk? A feng shui elephant is an auspicious symbol if you know how to place it in your home. Where to Place Good Luck Elephant Statues in Feng Shui. Dreaming of a baby/little elephant may indicate a minute problem in your life that could get bigger in the future if ignored. The eyes of an elephant in a dream reflect your narrow-mindedness. Dreaming of an elephant spraying water is a hint that you are becoming complacent about yourself, not willing to learn a new skill. We all know there are always a number of variables at work in any given situation, and conception is an especially complex one. All rights reserved. First task for dads move: Tackle the kitchen. How to Wear Ring For Good Luck in Feng Shui Way? You can also place a pair of elephants with the trunk down on your nightstands flanking both you and your spouse. The Mumbai home of the 'Greek God of India,' Hrithik Roshan, is a nautical paradise. A dream about an elephant swimming in water discloses your ability to control your emotions in different circumstances. The Bestiaries, which contain information and stories about almost every animal thought to exist (even imaginary ones), suggest that there are many symbolic meanings to the elephant. Lets just say these elephants have some pretty frosty bums when the a/c kicks on. The elephants' protective spirit makes it a popular choice for children's rooms. White elephants are believed to be a symbol of purity, divinity and a calm mind, while grey elephants symbolize an untrained and agitated mind, which tends to wander off from the path toward enlightenment. Add a figurine, statue, or real turtle to your decor or landscaping for luck, longevity, and, Best Places for Lucky Bamboo in Your Home for Feng Shui, Want a simple way to attract a positive vibe to your home? But when an environment doesnt follow the key principles of feng shui, energy stalls. If you dream that you are an elephant, it means that you need to start expressing yourself and your opinionsmore. The entire pantheon of gods is thought to be represented by the Kumilas (doms) and their placement in a caparison. googletag.enableServices(); If you wish to advance in your career, display an elephant figurine on your desk. Pomegranates also symbolize happiness in the family, as well as good luck for ones descendants. Scientific research is also being carried out to further optimize the treatments. Placed within the home, a real silver elephant brings good fortune. Others believe the trunk down will bring good luck. In the biblical Apocrypha, elephants have been considered as engines of battle. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. To get blessings and compassion, place an elephant with its trunk pointing upward. This brings good, strong yang energy into the bedroom. A proud elephant perched on a stack of coins is a symbol of strength, knowledge, and riches that also aids in shielding the home and its occupants from negative forces and energies. An elephant with its trunk down can be a symbol of good luck. Elephant sculptures and figurines holding crystal balls will aid in restoring balance and harmony in the life of every member of the family. The lucky trunk up elephant means good luck and benevolence is flowing outward. A green/jade elephant marks a change of place for your career growth. The Mumbai home of the 'Greek God of India,' Hrithik Roshan, is a nautical para, Introduction Another myth holds that an elephant's trunk pointed downwards saves energy and luck. The elephant is very slow to anger and is, therefore, a calming, stable and patient symbol. To bring compassion and to shower good fortune plae the upward trunk elephant around you. Some humans are just mean. The act of two elephants crossing trunks signifies closeness and camaraderie. Even individuals who are only marginally superstitious, such as passionate collectors, place a lot of importance on the trunk. 3 2 More answers below Elephants with trunks down have a bad rap for rotten luck. Free shipping for many products! Tapestries, wall art, figurines and jewellery featuring elephants is very popular. An elephant playing with you points to your lively nature. These seven elephants represent happiness, wisdom, caution, majesty, unbreakable strength, endurance, and intelligence. Trams are typically lighter and shorter in length than mainline and rapid transit trains. Each season and its weather is an essential element of feng shui philosophies. As in, for creating children. I dont plan to surprise Jesse with a wall full of framed photos of baby animals, hung tight as a mosaic (or like my pre-pubescent bedroom wall of New Kids On The Block photos). It also helps to keep the people in its environment young at heart. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Elephant offers 2 articles/week for free. The interior design business is growing at a dizzying rate as a result of technological advancements. This symbolizes responsibility, determination and loyalty. I have always been mesmerized by these beautiful giants. Visit The Elephant Story's profile on Pinterest. as I said, I had precious little room for anything, much less knick-knacks. googletag.pubads().enableSingleRequest(); Figuring out the elephant's trunk and ears has always kind of intimidated me and caused the elephant to be pushed further and further down the list. Heres a pic of these two elephant statue placement: It wasthe only free space in my tiny home I could find. Place a statue in your child's bedroom, on their desk or wherever they do homework. Feng shui translates to the words wind and water, so it's no surprise that weather is a. 2023 LoveToKnow Media. 8 Good Luck Crystals in Feng Shui to Bring Success, Crystals are great good luck enhancers for many feng shui applications. Taking to Instagram, Priyanka shared a picture on her stories and wrote . I recently notice that I see an elephant everyday, no matter where I go. So in this article, we will cover another famous symbol: the Feng Shui Elephant. When all is in harmony, chi flows like a river. To dream of a rampaging or stomping elephant indicates your passions are going out of control. (It is very important to never sit him on the floor.). The head of an elephant is an indication that you are getting bogged down due to certain adversities. Shooting an elephant reveals your tendency to speak behind peoples back. Bad luck. And I find something else. Feng Shui recommends placing the figure in the form of wallpaper or toys to help people focus more and grasp things better. When she awoke, she knew that the dream was an omen of the divine, and was finally able to conceive a child. In Asia, elephants are revered as they also represent the divine, so there are many ceremonies where offerings are made to elephants. It can act as the grantor of wishes and as the protector of the household. She would then throw down a red ball and the man who caught it would become her husband. While there are many auspicious meanings for elephant statues, the way in which that luck is accessed is represented in its trunk position. Login to retrieve your previously saved properties and more, By continuing, you agree to Timesproperty Terms & Conditions, Privacy Policy, Confused with all the unwanted Information about House Buying! Elephant statue placement facing the door is like a big Howdy! the path to financial and professional success. According to Vastu, you should hang an elephant artwork in the bedroom to strengthen your relationship with your spouse. Elephant symbolism was also indicative of chastity as the animals showed no indications of passion. Manage Settings The elephant has been depicted in the stone carvings of Angkor. Three elephants kinda emphasize that idea. I went to visit the elephants, and a small elder elephant raised its trunk and trumpeted me with greetings. Or is it just an old wifes tale with nothing to back it up (no offense mom). | "Elephant Journal" & "Walk the Talk Show" are registered trademarks of Waylon H. Lewis, Enterprises. 2) For businessmen, display a pair of Elephants in a distinguished spot on your desk in your office, facing outwards. An elephant with its trunk raised up represents good luck, while fertility is symbolized when the trunk is down. Since Thailand is a Buddhist country, its royal navy flag carries the symbol of a white elephant. I was coming home and looked up at the clouds, and there was an Elephant Head and Trunk. Predominate superstitions in Western cultures indicate that the trunk of an ornamental . On the contrary, being chased by an elephant suggests that you are trying to avoid a situation or person. In its huge physical form, the elephant could do a lot of damage if it wanted to but it isn't in their nature to be destructive. To get the desired result, choose artwork with an elephant subject. The lucky trunk up elephant means good luck and benevolence is flowing outward. Because the pomegranate is full of juicy seeds, it symbolizes fertility in feng shui and it is used as afeng shui fertilitycure. Elephant symbolism also represents sensitivity, wisdom, stability, loyalty, intelligence, peace, reliability and determination, which are all seen in the animal's nature when observed in the wild. 2. Feng shui consultants often advise newlywed couples in China to display art with pomegranates to attract good luck and many healthy children. Talk about having to cull out the flotsam and jetsam!! Search our Amsterdam, North Holland Surrogacy, In Vitro (IVF) and Infertility Treatments database and connect with the best Fertility Clinics Avoid placing a Feng Shui Elephant around locations like a bathroom or a kitchen. If you fly economy, but have priority boarding because of your frequent . Deciphering Meaning of Eyelid Twitching Superstition 4. Some people believe the trunks up bring good luck. 6 Top Most Powerful Good Luck Charms For Wealth Luck, 10. Elephants exude luck, vigour, goodness, bravery, and wisdom. It will go well hung on the wall next to the children and baby goats. An Elephant statue with trunk down can also represent the trunk scooping up water to provide it to an elephant's mouth, which is symbolic of generosity. To display paintings and symbols of these two elephant statue placement facing the mattress on each nightstand goats... Vastu considerations, many people install Nettipattam in their homes and LOTS passion... Their placement in a cookie you know how to Wear Ring for good luck and is. Show great care toward their herd, offspring and elders, you attempt to recollect all the memories! Or to preserve energy and vigor at home very popular saying that I love elephants, I chose decorate! 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